Issue 138: 12/22/11

1. Church Employment Relations advice
2. Parish Statistics
3. Assembly office closure

Issue 137: 10/20/11

1. General Assembly Financial statements to 30/6/11

Issue 136: 9/27/11

1. Update Mileage reimbursement form
2. Update Church Property and local authority rates

Issue 135: 8/24/11

1. 2011/12 Insurance Premiums
2. Charities Commissions and Parish accounts
3. Church property and local authority rates

Issue 134: 7/28/11

1. 2011/12 General Assembly operating budget
2. Motor Vehicle reimbursement rates
3. Parish insurance premiums for 2011/12
4. Parish health and safety training

Issue 133: 6/17/11

1. Insurance Premium increase
2. 2011/12 Assembly Assessment
3. CSC Buying Group update
4. Mobilcard

Issue 132: 5/24/11

1. Stipend Increase from 1 July
2. Valuation of parish land and building
3. Parish accounting for earthquake claims
4. Treasurers manual

Issue 131: 4/11/11

1. CSC Buying Group offer
2. 2011 Statistics

Issue 130: 3/11/11

1. Christchurch Earthquake response
2. PCANZ half-year financial performance summary
3. FSD Parish Payroll offer

Issue 129: 2/25/11

1. ESCT on Beneficiary Fund Parish contributions
2. Recording of Parish Property Assets
3. Property valuations for insurance purposes
4. Treasurers support available