Spring 2016

Click to download the spring edition of Spanz magazine. We look forward to General Assembly 2016 business and the Hope Conference, and we profile a Presbyterian making a difference who will speak at GA on his work. We discover how a church is helping neighbours in need, and find out how a minister gained the trust of prisoners and ex-prisoners. We learn how the South Island drought is affecting a church and its community. We share how a minister has a regular date with his community, and how another church has hatched a supper event that brings their community together. We celebrate the recipients of scholarships for Presbyterian Maori students, a student who raises money for charity by using her musical gifts, and Presbyterian school students who built transitional homes in Fiji. We find out how PYM Connect embraced the families of youth workers in July. We meet the six graduating KCML interns. Plus many more stories from throughout our Church.