Kawerau Presbyterian Church -
- The Church Hall was broken into in 1992 and items stolen.
St John's Presbyterian Church, Opotiki -
- Board of Managers
minutes prior to 1943 missing.
An insurance claim was lodged c.1958-59 for £600 pounds
to cover the loss of the Church organ. There is no mention of damage to the Church building.
Rangitaiki Presbyterian Church -
- No Communion rolls prior
to 1936.
Rotorua Presbyterian Church -
- The manse burnt down on
the 13 July 1907. It is unknow if any records were specifically lost at this time.
- Session minutes c.1894 to 1906 missing; no Communion rolls prior
to 1904 (all noted missing in 1954).
St Peter's Presbyterian Church, Tauranga -
- Board of Managers
minutes 1886 to 1911 and Sept 1949 to Feb 1952
missing; Baptism rolls prior to 1917 may be incomplete; Marriage
registers c.1878 to Nov 1882 missing; (all noted missing
in 1984). No Communion roll 1908 to 1934.
St. Stephen's Co-Operating Parish, Reporoa -
- The Church was almost totally destroyed by fire c.1970's - 80's.
Wairakei Presbyterian Church -
- The Wairakei Church Hall, having been opened on the 21st Dec 1933, was completely
destroyed by fire (apparently by a neighbouring bush fire) in 1946.
Whakatane Presbyterian Church -
- The Church Hall suffered
smoke and ceiling damage due to a stove being installed too close to the wall, c.1954-55.