Register of New Zealand
Presbyterian Church
Ministers, Deaconesses & Missionaries from 1840
Mabon to Matheson
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MABON, Rev John C.F.
Methodist Church
Taita Union WnP 1.2.1976
Taita Union WnP 1.2.1991
Woodville Union 1.2.1994
MACANN, Rev Geoffrey (Geoff) Tasman Worsfold L.Th.(Melb), L.T.C.L.
born 17 September 1928
Theological College, 1949-1952
Valley Road, Auckland (Baptist), 1952-1955
Masterton Baptist Church, 1955-1960
Sunshine, Dunedin Baptist, 1960-1964
Hastings Baptist, 1964-1972
Avondale Baptist, Auckland, 1972-1978
He had special interest in music; had men's choir at Hastings; children's choir at Avondale; completed LTCL (piano) partly to give better understanding of Church music
Involved in religious broadcasting in most of time in Baptist Church.
Visit to Baptist Convention USA (6 weeks)
Resigned from Avondale Baptist Church and became member at St Davids Presbyterian Church, Auckland, 1978
Spent 11 years in secular employment.
St Davids Auckland, Honorary Assistant, Auckland Presbytery, June 1990
Minister Emeritus, December 1991
died 29 October 2019
MACAULAY, Rev Dr Martin John B.E. (Hons)., B.Th. (Hons)., BCNZDip.
born Otematata, South Island, New Zealand
wife Dr Susan (Sue) Margaret Macaulay married 7 November 1987 medical doctor
Bachelor of Education 1984 Canterbury University; Diploma 1991 Bible College of New Zealand; Bachelor of Theology (Honours) 1992 Australian College of Theology
Licensed Woodlands, Southland Presbytery, 17 December 1995 then —
Ordained Stated Supply, Woodlands Southland, Southland Presbytery, 17 December 1995
St. Paul’s, Katikati, Bay of Plenty Presbytery, 13 February 1997
Inducted East Taieri, Dunedin Presbytery, 8 May 2008
Doctorate, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California
Study Leave, Westminster College, Cambridge University, England, April to June 2016
Other recognised minister Presbytery Central – Nukuhau Tapu, 10 January 2023
MACHLE, Mrs see Mawson, Jean
b 9.5.1912
She was student at Home Science School Dunedin, was accepted for training as a
Deaconess at the Presbyterian Women’s Training Institute to commence 1939
PWTI Dunedin 1939-41
Turakina Maori Girls College 25.10.1941; Ord Deaconess 6.4.1943
Theological Hall 1948
Congregational Deaconess Musselburgh Dunedin DnP 1.6.1956 to 1953
PSSA Dunedin City Deaconess 1.9.1953
Died 25.8.1953 suddenly, in office.
MACKIE, Rev Gordon Stuart B.A.,B.D.,M.Th.
born 11 December 1936, Hornby
wife: Aynsley Helen nee Dunn married 30 January 1965
Served an apprenticeship in aircraft radio engineering with the National Airways Corporation, being their top apprentice upon completion of his course in 1957.
With a growing interest in overseas mission work and Youth for Christ in Christchurch together with the impact of the regular Keswick Conventions at Motukaraka and Pounawea with their message of personal commitment to Jesus Christ led him to decide to train for the Ministry.
Attended Bible College Auckland, 1960-61
Studied at Canterbury University then Otago University.
Theological Hall 1966-68
Ordained Tuatapere Southland Presbytery 20 February 1969 — resigned 19 January 1976
Theological Hall for post-graduate studies in 1976 to study for his Master of Theology
Bible College Auckland, appointed to staff 1 January 1977 — died while still a member of staff.
“An effective pastor, preacher and teacher, a man of humour and warmth.
Gordon’s deep interest in the reformed faith which nurtured him, and in conservative evangelical mission and devotion found expression in quiet and unobtrusive leadership in the Westminster Fellowship Executive (1977-1990) and in the Sudan Interior Mission Council (latterly the SIM International Council) from 1978-1991.” (From Obit)
Died 20 November 1991
MACKIE, Rev James
b 27.8.1855; w Jessie J. b 15.4.1861 m 15.4.1888
Licensed by the Kilmarnock Presbytery of the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland 1882
Ordained by the Berwick on Tweed Presbytery of the UP Church Nov 1884
To New Zealand :
Ind Whangarei NP 18.5.1892
Southbridge ChP 31.1.1895 (one record indicates 8 Jan 1895)
Alexandra & Clyde COP 29.11.1899 - resigned 21.8.1906
Mahurangi (Warkworth NSP) supply 1907 for a few months
Matamata WkP 1908
Helensville AP 1909
Bulls WgP 4.5.1910 - resigned 31.3.1915
Ngaruawahia WkP 1915
Motu 1917
Kihikihi WkP 1918
Birkenhead NSP 1919
Greytown WpP 1922
Died 6.9.1922 in office
MACKIE, Mr Jack W.
Director Support Services (East Coast), Havelock North 1987
MACKIE, Sr Linda (Jessie ?)
PWTI - Ord Deac 1907
First Ch Dn 1907-8
St Stephens Dn 1908
St Davids Ak 1910-2
Milton ClP 1920-5
Died -
MACKIE, Rev Lindsay
b. 1844
w. (?) b.(?) m.(?) d.(?) - No record of his wife's name or where interred.
Educated at University of St Andrews Scotland and at New College Edinburgh.
Licensed by the Free Church of Scotland Presbytery of Brechin.
Cambeltown, Argyll (Assistant)
To Victoria, Australia as Probationer – arrived 1870
Received by the Presb. Church of Victoria
Ordained by the Presbytery of Melbourne 1870
Ordained Elsternwick (Gardenvale) 31.1.1871- demitted 3.11.1874
To New Zealand -
First Church, Dunedin DnP Dec 1874 to Nov 1883 (died in office)
Joint Editor with Dr Elmslie of ‘NZ Record’, involved in NZ Church Union Movement.
His son, Charles Lindsay Mackie, died 9.7.1882 aged 8 years and 11 months.
Died6 Sept 1883 in office, aged 39 years.
Interred in Northern Cemetery, Dunedin with his son and two daughters.
MACKIE, Rev Robert
b 17.4.1865 near Milton
w Margaret J. b 3.9.1865 m 5.1.1898 d 28.11.1955
He became a ploughman; decided enter Otago University & Hall
Theological Hall Dunedin 1894 - 96
Liecensed by Presbytery of Dunedin 1897
Ord St Andrews Canterbury SCP 13.7.1897
South Dunedin DnP 16Ooct 1901
Winton SP 29.4.1908
Hamilton WkP 5.7.1917
Mataura MtP 5.8.1924 - retired 28.2.1931
Died 19.3.1952 Gore
MACKLEY, Rev Peter
b 14.3.1928; w Barbara May m 7.2.1953
Hall 1962-4
Ord Marchweil Union SCP 3.2.1965 res 31.10.1966 & wthd
HM Helensville AP 1939
MACKY, Rev John M.A.
b 1820 at Coshquin, Londonderry, Ireland.
w. Rebecca Cochrane m. 1842 at Chrislaughmore, Ireland d. 6 May 1880
The second son of John & Eliza Macky. Studied for ministry at Glasgow University
where he gained his MA degree.
Ordained at Fahan, Londonderry, Ireland 1842 by Derry Presbytery of the Presbyterian
Church of Ireland. He worked there till he was called by Mission Directors in 1853 to
go to NZ. He sailed for New Zealand in the ‘Cashmere’ in 1854 with his parents and
his own family. Landed on Sunday the 20th August 1854 and preached in St Andrew’s
Auckland the same morning and at Baird’s Store in Tamaki in the afternoon.
He established a congregation holding services at Otahuhu in a store near the wharf
until a Church building was erected.
He was the 2nd Minister in Auckland, and he began a long and earnest ministry at
Otahuhu (now Papatoetoe, the area he worked in). He lived on a 63 acre farm at
Papatoetoe which he called “Salem” for 20 years until a Manse was built. He moved
into the Manse at Otara in 1872. A building for the Church and school was built in 1855,
enlarged in 1858, and a new one built and opened on 3.5.1863 - St Johns Church,
He was Moderator of the first General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New
Zealand in 1862. After the retirement of Rev David Bruce he was the acknowledged
leader of Auckland Presbytery. Affectionately called the "Father of the Auckland Presbytery"
He retired on 5.12.1889 owing to failing eyesight. His family have inherited ‘night
blindness’ - vision failing as the light decreases - which tends to develop into fuller
Minister Emeritus 1889. Retired 1890
“Full of life and vigour”.
Died 23.1.1891 at the manse, Otara.
MACKY, Rev John Thomson (Tom)
b 5.1.1890
w Olive J. b 8.9.1890 m 10.8.1920 d 13.4.1979
He studied engineering at Auckland University; then to the Hall.
Theological Hall Dunedin 1914-16; left during final year to serve with the
YMCA at the front in World War One
Licensed by Auckland Presbytery 1.6.1916
War service from 1.6.1916 to 26.10.1919
Ord Lansdsowne Masterton WpP 25.3.1920
Dannevirke HBP 14.12.1922
Knox Lower Hutt WnP 20.6.1933 - 13 yrs min.
He was grandson of Rev J. Macky above; Convenor of Public Questions Committee
for 10 years - he made an incisive impression on this Committee, and through it
brought the Church to face crucial issues of the day; Convenor of Chaplains
Committee for 6 years.
Died 21.2.1946, in office
MACLENNAN, Rev Duncan M.A.
A Gaelic speaking Minister from Scotland.
Studied at Edinburgh University (M.A.1879) and New College Edinburgh.
Licensed by Free Church Presbytery of Nairn 1886 (one record states 1884)
Ordained by Lochcarron Presbytery 7 July 1887
To New Zealand :
Inducted Waipu, Northland Presbytery, 12 May 1903 (one record gives Induction Date as March 1903)
Chalmers Church Dunedin Dunedin Presbytery April 1905 (one record states 21 June 1905)
Edendale, Mataura Presbytery 5 January 1908
Resigned 30 June 1914 and returned to Scotland
buried at Clachan Duich, Kintail
MADDOCK, Rev Rhys Arthur George M.A.
b 16.1.1914 at Gisborne
w Olive Blanche Black b 10.8.1918 m 31.7.1940
Educated at Gisborne. Felt the call to minsitry when still in his teen years.
To Dunedin in 1932 and completed an MA in History at the University of Otago,
A resident ogf Knox College for 7 years.
Theological Hall 1936-38
Licensed by Gisborne Presbytery as a Probationer August 1938.
Believing himslef to be too young and immature then to take up a full parish ministry,
he sailed for Britain with Owen Baragwanath and Reid Harper to study at New College,
Edinburgh. During this time he unexpectedly found (along with Owen) an Assistantship
at St Giles’ Church in Edinburgh. The experience of visiting among the 2691 members
of St Giles’ was excellent - if demanding – pastoral experience for both him and Owen.
New College Edinburgh 1939
Assistant Minister, St Giles, Edinburgh 1939
Returned to NZ desiring to offer for Chaplaincy work, but was advised that experienced
men were required for that ministry that he should take up parish work.
Ordained Papakura SAP 29.2.1940
Te Kuiti WkP 9.5.1946
Kelburn, Wellington WnP 24.7.1952
Howick, Auckland AP 28.1.1960
St Andrews, Levin MnP 23.7.1968
Balmoral, Auckland AP 10.10.1974 - retired 31.1.1979
Retired to Pakuranga where he offered his sevices to the Session as an Honorary
Parish Visitor.
Served on a number of General Assembly Committees : Convener of the Standing
Committees for 3 years, Convener of the Business Committee for 7 years. In all these
demanding tasks, Arthur’s diligence, careful attention to detail, firmness and humility
were used to the full – as was his understanding of human nature.
“He offered to his people in all these parishes strong leadership, exemplary pastoral
diligence and carefully prepared worship, and thoughtful and stimulating preaching.
He had the highest ideals of the nature of ministry, and was assiduous and untiring
as he strove to achieve the goals that he set himself. He drove himself close to
breaking point at times. The true welfare of his people was close to his heart and he
put vast amounts of time and energy into his work as pastor. Arthur’s ministry was
appreciated in all his parishes; and the man – and his wife – were loved by the people.”
Died at Howick Nov 2001
MADILL, Rev (Corporal) Adam Roderick
Born at Pukekohe.
Theological Hall 1911-13
Licensed by Auckland Presbytery 9.12.1913
Ordained Whakatane 2.4.1914 - resigned 9.11.1915 to go to World War One
He refused a Chaplaincy, joining the Auckland Batallion of the NZEF (Service No 11370).
He held the rank of Sergeant during military training then Corporal by the time he
departed on the troopship for Europe. He fell in a daylight raid on the German trenches
in France.
Brother of Rev J.D. Madill.
Died 21.2.1917, killed in action in France, aged 37 years.
Buried at Pont-Du-Hem Military cemetery, La Gorgue, Nord, France.
MADILL, Rev Crawford William Robinson M.A.(Hons)
b 2 May 1914
w Lorna Jessie Adam b 10 December 1917 m 8 January 1942 d. May 2003
Second child of Rev Dawson and Mildred Madill, raised in Geraldine and Blenheim.
Head boy at Marlborough Coll
Auckland University College, in holidays worked on the railways at Kaikoura
Otago University, MA in Philosophy
Theological Hall 1938-1940
Ordained Martinborough Wairarapa Presbytery 23 January 1941 - 1946 7.2 magnitude Wairarapa Earthquake 1942
Chaplain for Waiouru and Featherston Internment Camp
Westport Westland Presbytery 9 May 1946 - 1952
Knox Lower Hutt Wellington Presbytery 15 May 1952 - 1967
First Church, Invercargill SP 6 April 1967 - 1979
Minister Emeritus SP 30 June 1979
Transferred to Dunedin North Otago Presbytery November 2007
Past Moderator of Wellington Presbytery, Moderator of the Synod of
Otago & Southland (1975), and co-author of "Part of a Miracle", the history
of Southland Presbytery 1956-1990. Ordained the first woman minister, Rev
H. M. A. Reid Martin 1967. Participated in First Church Invercargill 150th Celebrations 2010
Member of Rotary 33 years and Probus
"At the age of 91, he is still very much aware of his commitment to the
service of our Lord and the Presbyterian Church, and spends quite a bit
of his time in 'pastoral' duties, in homes, at the hospital, and in a house
group which until recently he led." (2008)
Died 43 April 2012 aged 97 of injuries received in car accident 13 March 2012
At the time of his death the longest serving minister of the Church at 71 years of service
Son of J. D. C. Madill, brother to D. R. Madill, brother-in-law to W. R. McD. Hay,
father-in-law to P. R. Wishart
HM Helensville AP 1902, listed as student.
No further mention – could this be JDC Madill ?
MADILL, Rev Dawson Roderick (Rod)
born 27 April 1915 in the Papakura manse, the third child of Rev Dawson and Mildred Madill
wife Helen Joan Cleghorn born 20 May 1920 married 19 February 1943 in the Chapel at Knox College died 21 June 2012
University of Otago, studied anthropology, furthering a belief in the importance of noticing and observing carefully what otherwise one might see or walk over without response
In his first year of arts course he offered for Maori Mission service.
Volunteer, Maori Mission — did relieving work summer 1937-1938
Theological Hall 1940-1942; Knox College Student Club Executive 1942
Ordained Waipiata-Patearoa, Central Otago Presbytery, 16 March 1943
Te Whaiti, 1 July 1946
Waiohau temp, 1947
Ruatahuna, 14 September 1948 became a fluent speaker in Te Reo and influential in making Maori Missions the Maori Synod
Taupo, 1 March 1956
Opoho, Dunedin, Dunedin Presbytery, 5 July 1962 — resigned 17 June 1973 to do twelve months supply at Ashburton, Melbourne.
Leeston, Christchurch Presbytery, supply, 11 February 1974
Associate Minister, Knox, Christchurch, Christchurch Presbytery, 23 January 1975
Minister Emeritus, 30 September 1980
died Sunday 23 June 2019 at Ross Home aged 104
Son of Rev J.D.C. Madill.
MADILL, Rev James Dawson Crawford M.A.
b 23.1.1877 Pukekohe district;
w Dora Mildred Robinson b 17.7.1877 m 10.4.1912 d 28.7.1969
From Irish stock; went farm labouring, then to Theological Hall.
Theological Hall 1909-11
President of Knox College Students Club 1910 to 1911.
Student Preacher Wahakatane (Summer Supply)
Licensed by Auckland Presbytery 9.1.1912
Ordained Papakura SAP 28.3.1912 - resigned 16.5.1916 (another record
gives date of resignation as 30.6.1916)
Stratford TP 11.8.1916 – Resigned 31.7.1919
Geraldine SCP 25.3.1920
Blenheim NMP 26.4.1928
St Georges Linwood Christchurch ChP 27.5.1937 - retired 15.4.1941
St Lukes, Orakei (In retirement – supply) 1.4.1944 – resigned 31.10.1947
Chaplain Auckland Hospital.
“He had the gift of friendship and the skills to encourage and support those he came
in contact with. Those qualities and his complete personal integrity won him universal
affection and respect. From his pastoral work he encouraged seven students into
ministry or the home mission field.”
Brother of A. Madill; Father of Rev C.W.R. Madill & Rev D.R. Madill;
Father-in-law of Rev W.R.M. Hay.
Died 23.12.1967 at Auckland, in his 91st year.
MAEA, Rev Elama BTh.
born Apia, Samoa
wife Emily Laalaai Hartson-Maea married 17 May 1986 solicitor
Bachelor of Theology 1988 Otago University
Theological Hall 1986-1988
Ordained Knox, Hamilton, 2 February 1989
St. David’s Multicultural, Petone, Wellington Presbytery, 11 December 1998
Minister, Tamaki Pacific Island Church, Pacific Presbytery, 1 December 2018
MAGAEGA, Rev Samoa
Ord Forest Hill SP 31.1.1988
fr USA, Fairfield Hamilton SS 1963
MAHIHERA, Rev Mrs Erena
b 28.11.1938
Ord Assist Nuhaka-Wairoa Maori Pastorate 13.2.1993 (Amorangi)
MAIDEN, Rev Samuel Bertie
born 1888, Staffordshire, England
wife Janet Ivy Wardrop Russell born 1882 Scotland married 1913 New Zealand died 1974, Wanganui
He had passed examination for ministry in Primitive Methodist Church
Received as Home Missionary of second year, 1912
Home Mission Ormond Outfields Gisborne 1912
Motu Hawkes Bay Presbytery 1913, Ordained Home Mission 1914 — resigned1915
died 3 May 1920 Dunedin. He is listed in the funeral notice, as being the Baptist Minister, Mornington Baptist Church
MAIDMENT, Mr George N.
HM Ormond Gisborne 1902
Opunake TkP 4.1903
Whangamomona TkP 1903 - ‘a good horseman’.
Brunner WsP 1904
Springburn 1905
HM Whakapara NP 1949
MAINS, Mr William James
born Scotland
married Rachel Boot 19 April 1906 Dunedin died 1946
arrived New Zealand 1881; settled in Auckland
Travelling salesman, Sargood Son & Ewan, 26 years — presented with illuminated address when he left to volunteer with Wellington YMCA 1917
Centred at the Trentham Military Camp, was considered "a real man's man". Became known as the "soldiers' friend"
Presbyterian Lay Evangelist 1907-1946; extensively throughout the upper North Island for the first 25 years
Described as a ‘gifted layman' with evangelistic campaigns and visits for ‘spiritual uplift’, 1923.
North East Valley Presbyterian Congregation Dunedin, 1925; Ashburton United Mission 1932; Pounawea Keswick Convention with Rev Thomas Miller, Dunedin, 1932
Ran month-long and week-long campaigns across all denominations focussing generally with youth and children and was the main speaker at numerous Bible Class Camps. Often worked alongside the Presbyterian appointed Evangelist Rev John Bissett. He became involved with the Bible Training Institute, Auckland, and had the label Honorary Principal through the 1930s. He was extremely popular and was known as "an outstanding worker, a most able exponent of the Word of God and a man of prayer"
died 1954 Auckland
MAIER, Rev Peter
From the USA, the son of the Rev Sam Maier.
St Stephen's Invercargill (Stated Supply) SP 1989 (1 year term)
MAITAI, Rev Charles Piharo
b15.12.1913 at Tolaga Bay
w Hinauri Zena Kingi (one other record gives surname as Hemopo) b 1.9.1914 m 20.6.1935 d 9.1977
Educated at Wairoa. He worked as a skilled bulldozer driver around Nuhaka with the
Ministry of Works. A near fatal accident with a grader led him to God, and to the ministry.
Maori Theological College, Whakatane - student 1957-1960
Taumarunui Maori Pastorate 6.1960 as Probationer.
Te Teko 19.6.1962, Ordained 11.7.1962
Maori Studies at Auckland University 1963-66
Moderator of Maori Synod 1967-70
Auckland Maori Pastorate 10.6.1970 - retired 15.12.1976
Retired to Nuhaka where Zena died September 1977.
Died 17.8.1981 Raupunga (South of Wairoa)
MAK, Rev Manuel (Mac) M.Div.
New Zealander
wife Arlence Mei Me married 16 October 1984
Bachelor of Arts 1979 California State University, Long Beach; Master of Divinity 1982 Talbot Theological Seminary, Biola University, La Miranda, California
Ordained First Chinese Baptist Church, Los Angeles, California 15 July 1984
Director, cross cultural Southern Baptist seaman minister, Long Beach/Los Angeles 1983 to 1986; Military Chaplain 1986 to 1994
Received 16 November 1995
Chinese Church Auckland Auckland Presbytery 3 December 1995 — resigned November 2000
Lodged Certificate December 2000
Chaplain, Danville, Illinois
MAKANI, Rev Kon-Tiki Kalofakapaete (Makani)
born Tamakautoga, Niue Island
wife Jessie Meryl Makani died November 2001
NZ Diploma of Purchasing and Supply 1983 Niue Government Apprenticeship Training Scheme; Christian Service Certificate 1985 Bible College of New Zealand; Diploma in Ministry 1990 Knox Theological Hall; Bachelor of Theology 1990 Otago University; Master of Theology 1993 Pacific Theological College
Ledger/Accounts Clerk, Niue Government Works Deparment 1979; Accounts Reconciation, General Bulk Store, Public Works Department, Niue 1980 to 1983; Treasury Department Niue 1986; Board Member, Niue Development Bank 1995 to 1996
Knox Theological Hall, Dunedin 1988 to 1990
Ordained Vaiea, Ekalesia Niue 30 April 1994
General Secretary, Ekalesia Niue; Manager, John Williams Bookshop; Lecturer, Ekalesia Niue Theological College, 1994 to 1996
Executive Secretary, Youth Desk, Pacific Confrence of Churches, 1997
Received 1 May 2002
Minister within the Bounds, Auckland Presbytery, 1 May 2002
Pacific Islanders Church (Niuean Congregation) Newton, Auckland, Auckland Presbytery, 24 October 2002
MALCOLM, Rev John Henry BTh.
born Belfast, Northern Ireland
wife Melanie Jane married 6 March 1982 personal assistant / office manager
Electrical apprentice 1974 to 1978; Electrician, New Zealand Post Office 1978 to 1980; Overseas 1980 to 1982; Electrician, Southland Cool Stores 1982 to 1987
Bachelor of Theology 1992 University of Otago
Lay assistant, St Paul's Invercargill 1987 to 1990
Theological Hall 1990-1992
Licensed by St Pauls Invercargill 22 November 1992
Ordained Pukerau-Waikaka Valley Mataura Presbytery 15 December 1992
Tahunanui: First Tahunanui Presbyterian Church Nelson-Marlborough Presbytery 27 January 1998
Mt Eden-Greyfriars Presbyterian Church, Northern Presbytery 15 March 2012
MALCOLM, Rev William Robertson
b. 1867
w. Anna Trudinger (a member of a religious family with a strong Missionary background)
b. 1873 m. 8.1.1902 at Shanghai d. 1951
Six of twelve siblings in the Trudinger family were missionaries with the China Inland Mission
B. A. University of NZ Wellington
Theological Hall Dunedin 1889-92
Ordained Gisborne Outfields (Ormond) 2.7.1893 - resigned 1895
Missionary with the China Inland Mission in China until 1924;
Teachers at Chefoo school and worked at Anhwei; took furlough 1905 and 1916
received again into the PCNZ 17.11.1924
Assistant at Kensington Dunedin DnP 1925 - retired 1931 and continued to live in Dunedin.
d. 1952
Meth Ch
Chapl Carrington Hosp Ak 1.2.1992
Miss Volunteer - Vanuatu; rebuilding after destruction caused by Cyclone Una 1992
MALLOCH, Rev Donald B.A., B.Theol., L.Th.
born 24 March 1931 in Christchurch
wife Martha Ann O'Regan, former sister of the Sisters of Mercy, Aranui, and lawyer
Grew up in Invercargill and boarded at Otago Boys High School; farmed at Waikouaiti; representative rugby and cricket player
Theological Hall 1971-1973
Ordained Iona, Aranui, Christchurch 27 February 1975 — resigned 30 November 1981 after 25 years
Worked and shared in the devotional life of the Community of the Sisters of Mercy, Aranui; and with George Ehau, a Maori Pentecostal pastor, to open a Drop-in House for homeless young men, and together involved with the market garden, Harewood, of the Wai Ora Trust
Iona Island Community Scotland 1982
Ecumenenical Hospital Chaplains Association Christchurch at Princess Margaret, Burwood and Hillmorton Hospitals, Christchurch Presbytery, 20 November 1986
Minister Emeritus, 31 March 1991
died 26 March 2021 at Charles Upham Retirement Village aged 90 years and two days
HM Okato TkP 1915 res 1915 & wthd
A settler in Waikato West district who began services there in 9.1872
MANDENO, Miss Barbara
Maori Miss - relieving Nurse Lilian Alexander at Nuhaka 1921
Superintendent of Te Kuiti Hospital.
Appointed short term Medical Missionary to Indonesia to relieve Dr DT Gray at
Bandung Hospital in Indonesia for three months in 1967.
MANEY, Rev Mark Patrick
Born Edmonton, Canada. His parents' conversion to Christianity caused a breach in the family, made the connection with the Christian faith while improving his French at university in Quebec with a missionary learning the language to serve in an African country
Religion and Theology, Taylor University College, Edmonton; master's degree, Cross Cultural Studies and Apologetics, Trinity Western University, Vancouver. Moved to Auckland, worked at Auckland Chinese Presbyterian Church
Intern, St Enoch's, Tauranga
Completed studies, Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership, December 2017
Licentiate, 8 December 2017
Ordained and inducted Minister, St Andrews Church, Mt Maunganui, Kaimai Presbytery, 7 December 2017 — resigned 28 November 2019
Other Recognised Minister, Northern Presbytery 1 February 2020
additional minister, Massey Riverhead Presbyterian Church, Northern Presbytery, 4 December 2022
MANGIN, Mrs E.G. see Reid, Shirley
husband Rev Tiakina Jack Manihera married 12 April 1957 died 24 November 2006
Licensed Ohope Marae, Whakatane 10 February 1993
Ordained Nuhaka Wairoa Maori Pastorate (Assistant) - Amorangi (Te Aka Puaho) 13 February 1993
Associate Minister, Auckland Maori Pastorate, Te Aka Puaho, 3 December 1998
Minister within the Bounds (Te Aka Puaho) 31 December 2001
Ruatahuna Maori Pastorate – Amorangi (Te Aka Puaho) Nov 2002
Amorangi Emeritus 13 February 2014
MANIHERA, Rev Jack .I.
Methodist Church
Ordained 1970
Chaplain Army Camp Waiouru 1978
Minister Emeritus (Te Aka Puaho) Dec 2000
MANIHERA, Rev Tiakina
w Ellen m 12 April 1958
Maori Theol Coll preliminary year 1965; course 1966-1970
Ord Whakatane Maori 26 December 1970
David Hogg Mem Hostel Whakatane 1972
Putauaki Maori (Kawerau) 24 December 1972 resigned 14 August 1973
Leave of absence 1August 1973 to 31 July 1974
Taupo Maori 16 September 1975; from 1 July 1976 part-time
Whakatane Maori 4 March 1981
Nuhaka-Wairoa 30 July 1986
Auckland Mangere Pastorate (Maori Synod) September 1995
died 24 November 2006
MANIHERA, Rev Willie Rewi (Rewi)
born Ruatahuna son of Tiakina and Erena Manihera
Student Ordinand, Te Aka Puaho
Licensed Amorangi Minister, Te Aka Puaho, 15 October 2011
Minister in charge, Auckland Maori Pastorate, October 2011
Minister in charge, Ruatahuna Maori Pastorate, Te Aka Puaho, 19 February 2017
MANN, Rev John
b 1898;
w (1) Isabel nee Cook b 7.4.1905 m 10.1.1929 d 19.10.1972, was pianist & organist
w (2) Eva Ruth nee
Puttick b 9.2.1912 m 20.4.1974
He came to NZ at age 4 in 1902 and lived with his parents on a dairy farm at Ngunguru on
the coast near Whangarei. He was an artist and had a fine singing voice. First employed as
a miner; later as a tradesman painter. Feeling the urge to enter the ministry he went to
Auckland University and later to the Hall.
HM Whakapara NP 1922
Theological Hall, Dunedin 1926-28
Licensed by Auckland Presbytery 6.11.1928
Ord at Assembly for Maori Mission work 23.11.1928
Taneatua 2.1929; he had particular interest in Maori youth.
He resigned Maori Mission work on 31.10.1929
Matawhero Gisborne 31.10.1929
Albury SCP 27.1.1932
Martinborough WpP 10.7.1936
Akaroa ChP 12.12.1940
Kaikoura NMP 7.9.1944
Brighton DnP 27.5.1948
Wakari, Dunedin DnP 16.7.1953
Oreti SP 20.9.1956 - retired 30.6.1962 due to ill-health
Died 24.4.1987, aged 88
MANSELL, Rev Graham P. BSc., BD., Dip.AgSc., Dip.Min.
b. 1955
w. Janet McKenzie m. 1987
Brought up in Karaka near Pukekohe and attended the local Methodist Church.
Attended Papakura High School and graduated Dux in 1976. After completing his BSc he studied
for a
Diploma in Agricultural Science at Massey University in 1977 then went on to work as a Soil Scientist for
the Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries for six years.
He grew in faith under the Rev John Niven while attending St Alban's Church Palmerston North, playing
the piano for the worship team.
Studied at the Bible College Auckland before returning to Palmerston North to take up the position of Lay
Pastor at Milsom Combined Church. It was very much a sense of falling on to his feet there with a group of
people from across three denominations who had decided to work together instead of competeing against
one another. Their strong team ethos suited Graham who had a strong belief in body ministry and the
importance of harnessing the gifts that people had. While at Milsom Graham received a strong sense of
call to work as an ordained Minister within the Presbyterian Church.
Milsom Combined Palmerston North (lay supply) MnP 1990
Theological Hall, Dunedin (prior to 1994)
Ordained St Andrews Stratford TkP 17.2.1994
Graham taught Bible in Schools at two schools during his time in Stratford, facilitated the Alpha program,
chaired the Stratford Ministers Association for several years, and was Moderator of Taranaki Presbytery for
one year. His skills in drama were useful for children's talks, all age worship services and some more dramatised
sermons. His friendly laid back style was appreciated by many, expecially the younger members of the
Ellesmere Co-Operating Parish ChP May 2001
Graham worked with Boy's Brigade at Dunsandel, running Alpha and other such courses, working with
Ellesmere churches in youth work, taking three classes of Bible in Schools each week, as well as two services
most Sundays. His involment with grieving families was always greatly appreciated. Graham was also an
active member of Presbytery, being a member of the Presbytery Ministry Committee and assisting
congregations at Halkett and Akaroa. Resigned from Ellesmere in 2005 suffering from exhaustion.
Minister within the Bounds ChP 11 Dec 2005
He spent the next year working on a strawberry farm, landscaping and labouring before becoming employed
as a Funeral Director and developing a vocation as a Funeral Celebrant. To keep himself fit he biked 30km
three times a week. It was on one of these rides that he suffered a fatal heart attack.
Died 11th Feb 2009 at Christchurch
Miss; accepted by Council for World Miss, training in Miss Programme; left for UK
9.1984 & then to Jamaica, to United Theol Coll.
MANSFIELD, Mr James Wilson
b. 1856
w. (1) Mary Jane King m. 26.1.1884 d. 27.12.1884 after birth of stillborn daughter 22.12.1884
w. (2) Agnes Pashby of Kaiapoi d. 1889 aged 26 years. Interred at Kaiapoi 1.9.1889
w. (3) Mary Byrne in Sydney, who predeceased him.
There is no record of children by these marriages.
Missionary - New Hebrides (Vanuatu) unordained - mechanical engineer. He was an elder of
Trinity Church Timaru, and was appointed in 1892 as assistant to Dr Lamb to maintain machinery
at Dip Point Hospital on Ambrim, at the time a widower. He resigned ill in 1893; but was
reappointed in 1895 with Mary Mansfield. During
Dr Lamb’s absence in 1897 he and his wife
bore the burden of
the work. Early in 1899 he returned
to NZ with an injured eye, and later resigned;
accepted with
In 7.1921, after the death of Mary Mansfield, he was appointed by the John G. Paton Fund to hold
Paama station of the Victorian Church for 2 years, relieving Rev M. Frater. He was appointed
locum tenens on North Ambrim on 1.7.1924 until a Missionary could be found for this station.
(It was said that though elderly, he was strong & vigorous.) He established a station at Wuro,
Craig Cove. He suffered two bouts of blackwater fever between 1925-1926, he was nursed back to
health by Mr and Mrs William Bowie and the disease was to kill William Bowie.
On 17.11.1927
the Assembly granted him the right to baptise and to celebrate the
sacraments, although he
declined ordination. The Mission station at Wuro was destroyed by a
volcanic eruption in June 1929.
Last visit to Ambrym October-November 1929. Retired March 1930 after Assembly.
Although known as a person with very fixed views and opinions on how things should be done
and never reticent about voicing those opinions regardless of the injury to others or himself, he
nevertheless served with devotion and earnest purpose for these two terms.
Died 3.6.1930 Akaroa NZ. Interred 5.6.1930 at Kaiapoi in the same plot as Agnes Mansfield.
Agnes Mansfield and her unnamed daughter are also listed on her father's gravestone at Addington Cemetery.
MANSILL, Rev Douglas Bruce B.A., Dip.Ps.(Edin)., CAC
wife Elizabeth Margaret married 1 May 1971
Post-Graduate Diploma in Pastoral Studies 1977 Edinburgh University; Bachelor of Arts 1978 Auckland University; Certificed Addiction Counsellor International Institute of Addiction Studies
Theological Hall, Dunedin 1968-1970 at the age of twenty-one
Licensed by Presbytery of Auckland, 12 November 1970
Ordained Assistant (two years), Takapuna, North Shore Presbytery, 3 December 1970 — resigned 31 January 1973 to Edinburgh
Assistant minister, Lochend Parish Church, Edinburgh, and community youth worker, King George V Jubilee Trust; joined Iona Community, and completed Diploma in Pastoral Studies, Edinburgh University
Chaplain, Waikeria Prison, Waikato Presbytery, 1 September 1977, with Nehe Dewes, bringing involvement with Te Ao Maori and ministry practice, and a re-evaluation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi issues, spirituality and social justice in a bi-cultural context
Associate Minister, St James, Auckland, 13 February 1986 — resigned 19 May 1993
St Giles, Mt Roskill, Auckland (Stated Supply) for 1 year from May 1993; Inducted 2 June 1994; involvement with the Prison Chaplaincy Service Trust Board and the formation of Te Oritenga, New Zealand's first generic, adult, restorative justice practice group
Minister Emeritus, Auckland Presbytery, 20 May 2007
Retired to Henderson Bay, south of Cape Reinga, completing MPhil and PhD degrees under Drs Love Chile, Alan Davidson and Shirley Julich, Institute of Public policy, Auckland University of Technology; writing histories of the Prison Chaplaincy Service and restorative justice movement in New Zealand; and chaplaincy to local St John ambulance station
Father of Morag (Mo) Morgan
MANSILL, Rev (Mrs) Elizabeth Margaret Livingston LTh., ALCM., RSAMD.
born Milport, Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland
husband Douglas Bruce Mansill (above) married 1 May 1971
Associate of the London College of Music 1959 London College of Music; Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama 1962 Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama; Licentiate of Theology 1982 Joint Board of Theological Studies
teacher Educational Speech and Drama, Gorbals, Glasgow; lecturer, Pensylvania USA, and Hamilton College of Education, Scotland
Member, Iona Community for 13 years
Ordained Kihikihi Stated Supply, 16 December 1982, Inducted 26 June 1983
Associate Minister, St James, Auckland, Auckland Presbytery, 13 February 1986 — resigned 19 May 1993
Minister within the Bounds, Auckland Presbytery, 1993
St Austells Co-Operating Parish, New Lynn, Auckland Presbytery, Stated Supply, 22 August 1993 — inducted 4 May 1995
Minister Emerita, 2007
MANSON, Rev Henry (Harold?) Sanders
born 14 February 1904
wife Doris Ethel born 18 April 1905 married 26 January 1938 died 26 July 1998
He spent his early life in Dunedin; he worked in the Post Office; was President of the District Committee of the Young Men’s Bible Class Union; and from February 1934 was Travelling Secretary of the Young Men’s Bible Class for 3 years. While Travelling Secretary he offered himself for ministry; served as a Home Missionary over 6 years while training for the ministry.
Joined the Home Missionary service 14 January 1938
Home Missionary South Taieri Dunedin Presbytery 1938 to 1942 (?)
Theological Hall 1941-1943
Ordained locum tenens for 2 years at Roslyn Dunedin Dunedin Presbytery 14 December 1943, (during absence of Rev H.A. Mitchell)
Pahiatua, Manawatu Presbytery 13 June 1945
Riverton Southland Presbytery, 2 June 1949
Hornby Christchurch Presbytery, 10 July 1958
Hanmer Christchurch Presbytery, 14 February 1963 — retired 31 March 1969
On Board of Presbyterian Social Services Association Christchurch; Chaplain Christchurch Womens Hospital, Calvary Hospital, and St George’s Hospital.
Died 29 June 1977 Christchurch, aged 73
MAN YOU, Rev Young
Palmerston North Koearn Parish Development Unit 2009
MARK, Rev John
From Presbyterian Church of Ireland. Came out as Probationer.
Ord & Ind Katikati BPP 4 Oct 1876
Died 1.12.1887
MARKLEY, Rev Raymond (Ray) John
born 5 October 1930
wife: Joan Robereta married 16 July 1960
Theological Hall 1967-1969
Ordained Matawhero, Gisborne Presbytery 11 December 1969
St Davids-in-the-Field, Hillsborough, Auckland Presbytery October 1975
St Pauls, Katikati, Bay of Plenty Presbytery 15 February 1990
Minister Emeritus, April 1996
died 6 February 2017 at Mercy Hospice
MARQUAND, Very Rev Ian Garry (Garry) B.Ed., B.D.(Melb), M.Th.
born Stratford, New Zealand
wife: Valerie Isobell married 10 January 1970
Bachelor of Education 1970 Waikato University; Bachelor of Divinity 1976 Melbourne College of Divinity; Master of Theology 1978 Otago University
Theological Hall, Dunedin 1976-1977
Ordained to Ministry of Word and Sacrament, Fairfield, Hamilton, Waikato Presbytery, 18 August 1977
Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zeland from 19 September 2004 to 2006
Minister Emeritus, Kaimai Presbytery 31 August 2013
Senior Minister (Stated Supply) St Columba at Botany 6 June 2014
Transition minister, St Andrews Mt Maunganui, Kaimai Presbytery, 12 February 2017
Secondary College Board of Trustees for 9 years, 6 as Chairperson; Coach/Chairperson, gymnastic club to national level; Moderator orf Presbytery and member of Moderator's Committee, Convener of Mission and Education Committee for 9 year; Chairman Ngaruawahia Easter Convention; Member of Evangelism Work Group, Growth Evangelism, Special Committee on Sexuality, reform of Presbyteries; General Assembly Sessional - Liberty of Conscience and Infant Baptism; pastoral work and training church leaders in Southern Ethiopia; Strategic Workgroup Convener and Presbytery Council, Kaimai Presbytery
MARSH, Rev Janet
husband Rev Alex Webster born 26 March 1949 married - died 22 December 2018
Inducted Motueka Uniting Parish 8 February 2017 — retired 19 November 2023
MARSH, Rev Wilfred Lawson M.A.(Glas)., Hon. C.F.
b 27.2.1881 at Ipswich, Suffolk England
w Jessie Alice b 24.9.1886 m 28.4.1914 d 18.12.1967
He studied at Glasgow University & Cambridge University.
Licensed by Presbytery of London North July 1912
Ordained at Newcastle 22.1.1913 (presumably by the Presbyterian Church of England)
Shortly after the outbreak of World War One he became a Chaplain, serving from
1914 to 1919 (5 years) in Iraq, France, and with army of occupation in Germany.
To Grahamstown South Africa, serving under the Presbytery of Port Elizabeth.
"Mr Marsh has shown himself to be a zealous and succesful Minister, and his work
amongst the scholars and students at Grahamstown, which is mainly as educational
centre and the seat of Rhodes University College, has been of the highest value....
He has a polished style of speaking and writing."
Chaplain to the the Rev E MacMIllan, past Moderator of the Presbyterian Church
of South Africa, 1923.
To New Zealand 1927
Received by the General Assembly of the Presbytyerian Church of New Zealand 1927.
Knox Church Dunedin (2 months supply) DnP Dec 1926 - Jan 1927
Ind Devonport Auckland NSP 11.4.1927
Columba Church Oamaru NOP 14.2.1935
‘A wide and discriminating reader. .... By voice and pen he proved himself a clear,
vigorous and trenchant exponent of the well-reasoned convictions, moral and religious,
which lay at the foundation of his thinking. .... A vital personality, fearless and
outspoken. .... As a preacher he excelled. ....His warmly sympathetic nature endeared
him to his people, and in pastoral work he was diligent and faithful.’
Killed 8.4.1944 in office rail crossing accident at Herbert, Otago).
MARSHALL, Rev Alexander (Sandy)
b 25.9.1898;
w (1) Agnes b 28.10.1889 m 31.10.1923 d -
w (2) Maxine Ruth b - m -
HM Purakanui DnP 1929
Hall 1931-3
Ord Waihi WkP 7.12.1933
Rotorua BPP 27.7.1938
St Pauls Oamaru 12.10.1944
Somervell Mem AP 14.9.1950 ret 30.9.1963
Died 11.9.1986
MARSHALL, Rev. Brenda
part-time lay stated supply for initial period of 2 years, Raglan Union Parish, Waikato Presbytery, 19 April 2009
Lay Appointee (Presbyterian appointment), St James Union, Woodville and St Paul’s Union Pahiatua, Wanganui Presbytery, 1 May 2011 (part-time)
Local Ordained Minister (75% equal share), St James Woodville and St Pauls, Pahiatua, Manawatu Wanganui Presbytery 1 August 2014 —retired January 2018
MARSHALL, Rev Colin Stanley B.A., B.D., TTC.
born Auckland
wife Lorraine married 9 December 1983
Bachelor of Arts 1985 Auckland; Trained Teachers Certificate 1986 Auckland; Bachelor of Divinity 1998 Otago
Teacher; Computer Consultant; National Systems Manager Coca-Cola Amatil; Soccer Referee
Youth Leader St Heliers and Kohimarama; Elder St John's Papatoetoe
Licensed Dunedin Presbytery on behalf of South Auckland Presbytery 23 November 1997
Ordained St. John’s, Mt. Roskill, Auckland Presbytery, 5 February 1998
MARSHALL, Rev Francis (Frank) Walter
b. 12.3.1896, NZ
w(1) Effie Marshall b.(?) m.(?) d.1941 (electrocution)
w(2) Isabel Marshall m.(?)
Formerly a Tailor, studied at a Commercial College and at Wanganui Technical College.
Joined the Home Missionary service March 1923 (took the HM course)
HM Manurewa (3 months)
Belmont NSP 3.1923
Feilding Outfields (Halcombe WgP) 1926; Ord HM May 1926
Nelson Outfields (?)
Waimea NMP 1929
Renwicktown NMP 1930
Spreydon ChP 1936
St Johns, Hastings 1938 - his wife died as a result of a tragic accident 1941.
Kaikohe NP 1946
Ngaruawahia 1.2.1947
Died 19.4.1947 in office (pneumonia)
Rep 1887: accepted by AP as evangelist (=HM)
Ngaruawahia WkP 1887, listed stud prch
Northcote NSP, HM under supervision of Rev R. Sommerville 1888.
Halcombe WgP 1893
Mercury Bay GP 1899 - Rep 1902: has died.
Died 1902
Lawyer, President of the New Zealand Law Society
w Mary 1977
Son of Sir John (Jack) Marshall, Prime Minister of New Zealand, 1972
Head prefect, Wellington College, 1964, later on Wellington College Board of Trustees and
Chairman of the Wellington College Foundation
Served on the Public Questions Committee and the Book of Order and Judicial Committees
Convener of the Assembly’s Book of Order and Judicial Committees
Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to law, 2015
died in Wellington, Sunday, 14 June 2015, aged 68
"He was conciliatory and gentle in his style, and his professionalism and wisdom together with
his warmth and convivial humanity echoed the church's values and helped people to respond
in difficult circumstances" (Kerry Enright, Obituary, Dominion Post Weekend, Wellington, 27
June 2015)
MARSHALL, Rev Murray James
born 26 October 1938
wife Lilyan Ruth married 1964
Deacon and Elder, St Andrew's Invercargill age 19; Session, St Stephen's Invercargill 1964
Shop Assistant/Department Manager, WH Boyes 1952 to 1960; Shop Assistant Hallenstein Brothers, and H&J Smiths 1964 to 1968; Southland Electric Power 1968 — redundant February 1994; Lay Assistant Limestone Plains Presbyterian Church 1997-2002
Limestone Plains Presbyterian Church (Limited Local Ministry 1/3 Time) Southland Presbytery 26 May 2002 – Retired October 2004
Minister Emeritus Southland Presbytery, 24 October 2004
died at Peacehaven Rest Home, 2 September 2021
MARSHALL, Rev Peter M.A., M.Th.(St Andrews)
born: 8 June 1929
wife: Dr Coralie Daniel, PhD (Otago): born 31 May 1941 married: 11 June 1965 separated, died 12 December 2017, aged 76 years
Theological Hall 1961-1963; Begg scholar to the United Kingdom
Ordained Clutha Valley, Clutha Presbytery, 8 December 1966
St Ninians, Christchurch, Christchurch Presbytery, 9 September 1971 - resigned 1 February 1978
Master of Knox College, Dunedin 2 March 1978 - retired 1994
Minister Emeritus, December 1994
Acting Manager, School of Ministry, Knox College, Dunedin Apr 2001 until appointment of the Rev N. Emslie.
died: Saturday 4 March 2017 at home in Wanaka
Leader of a team that brought Knox College through days when university numbers fell; women were admitted to Knox College (1983); and curbed "undesirable excesses"; lectured ministry students on ethics at the Theological Hall.
MARSHALL, Rev Mrs Wairata
husband Athol Gary Marshall married 11 December 1980
Ordained 1994
Heretaunga Maori Pastorate - Amorangi (Te Aka Puaho) Maori Synod 13 November 1994
Lodged Certificate (Te Aka Puaho) 22 May 2002
Removed from the Ministerial Roll 21 November 2011
MARSHALL, Rev William
b 16.1.1870 Cust
w Ellen b 19.12.1871 m 17.4.1902 d 10.4.1945
Mangaweka WgP student preacher 1896
Mercury Bay GP student preacher 1897 - left 3.1897 to study at Canterbury University,
then to the Hall.
Theological Hall Dunedin 1899-1901
Licensed by Christchurch Presbytery 1901
Ord Knox Lower Hutt WnP 25.2.1902 (parish divided 1904; he took Upper Hutt section).
Balfour SP 31.3.1909 - resigned 8.7.1912
Avondale Auckland AP 23.12.1912
Tinwald (Flemington AsP) 19.10.1916 - resigned 28.2.1935 - trip to UK; on return supplied
several places first.
Hanmer (supply) ChP 1.2.1937
Died 25.9.1940 Hanmer, in office
MARSHALL, Rev Winston McKenzie Dip.Agr., B.Th.
born at Ashburton
wife Janice Anna nee Cairns born 25 October 1942 married 18 December 1965 died 20 September 2009
Grew up on the family farm in mid Canterbury. Attended Lauriston Primary School and Ashburton High School.
Diploma in Agriculture 1962 Lincoln College; Bachelor of Theology 1975 Otago University
Awarded a NZ Meat and Wool Board Scholarship in 1965, spending 6 months in the USA visiting some 20 states.
After marriage moved to Christchurch, working for two years for the National Bank.
Accepted by the Presbytery of Christchurch as a student for the Ministry in 1971.
Theological Hall Dunedin 1972 - 1974
Summer Supply at Dunedin Hospital during training.
Ordained and inducted, Albury-Pleasant Point, South Canterbury Presbytery, 5 February 1976
Ecumenical Chaplain at Hastings Hospital, Hawkes Bay Presbytery, 16 December 1982
St Columba, Havelock North, Hawkes Bay Presbytery, 29 January 1987
(Concurrent with Chaplaincy work at Cranford Hospice, Hastings)
Ecumenical Hospital Chaplain, Timaru, South Canterbury Presbytery, 14 December 1989
During his time in Timaru involved in the establishment of the South Canterbury Hospice.
Chaplain/Manager, Christchurch Hospitals Chaplaincy Trust, Christchurch Presbytery, 16 July 1995
Played a major part in the re-structuring and subsequent reforming of the chaplaincy service in the Christchurch
hospitals and the development of voluntary chaplaincy assistants working alongside full-time Chaplains.
Travelled to Scotland in 1998, working with the Chaplaincy team at the Royal Infirmary Hospital, also attending seminars in pastoral care and bioethics at New College, Edinburgh.
After a period of ill health took a half time position as Chaplain at Burwood Hospital, Christchurch
Minister Emeritus, 8 April 2008 — continues as Chaplain at Burwood Hospital — retired Easter May 2011
From Apiti - Entered Maori Mission Service :
Waiohau, took Mabel Wilson’s place 1927
Was necessary to go home May 1928
MARTIN, Rev Dr Anthony (Tony) Miles B.A., B.D., DMin (Fuller)
born Waipawa, Hawkes Bay
wife Katherine Mary Craig born Roxburgh married 17 January 1981
Christian home, converted as a teen-ager
Bachelor of Arts 1978 Massey University; Bachelor of Divinity 1982 Otago University; Doctor of Ministry 1999 Fuller Theological Seminiary
Navigator, truck driver and pea harvester
Theological Hall, Dunedin 1979-1981, graduated BD, 1982
Ordained Assistant Minister (later Associate Minister) North Invercargill, Southland Presbytery, 12 December 1982
Commissioned Chaplain to Otago Southland Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment (Territorial), 1986-1989
Te Anau-Mossburn, Southland Presbytery, 22 May 1986 — resigned 3 July 1989
Commissioned Officer in the Royal Army Chaplains' Department, British Army, Aldershot, England, Presbytery of England, Church of Scotland, 3 July 1989
Postings including :
Chaplain to Parachute Regiment, England, Kenya, Belfast (Northern Ireland), 1989-1992
Chaplain to Army Training Unit, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1992-1994
Senior Chaplain to HQ 8th Infantry Brigade and Highlander Regiment, Londonderry, Northern
Ireland, 1994-1996
Senior Chaplain to HQ 20th Armoured Brigade, Germany, Poland, Italy & Bosnia, 1996-1999
Senior Chaplain NATO Army HQ (Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps), Germany, 1999-2001
Garrison Chaplain & Chaplain to 16 Signal Regiment, Brüggen, Germany, 2002
Senior Chaplain Army Technical Foundation Regiment, Arbotfield, England, 2002-2004
NATO & European Force Senior Chaplain in Bosnia & Kosovo, September 2004 - March 2005
Retired from the British Army mid 2005 and returned to New Zealand.
Otago Peninsula Parish Dunedin (Stated Supply), Dunedin Presbytery, 9 May 2005 to January 2006
Appointed Co-ordinating Chaplain, Dunedin Public Hospital, Wakari Hospital and Otago Hospice, 8 February 2007
Retired from Presbyterian Ministry, 24 June 2008
Appointed Unit Manager of Community Alcohol & Drug Service of the Otago District Health Board, 23 June 2008
Chaplain, HMNZS Toroa and 2/4 Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment August 2012
Reinstated Other Recognised Minister, Southerb Presbytery, 15 May 2013
Maori Mission
Auckland Maori Boys Hostel 12.6.1956
Pentland Avenue Maori Girls Hostel Auckland 23.7.1956 - resigned 31.8.1957
MARTIN, Rev David (Jack)
b 3.6.1906 Apiti
w Brenda Helena b 29.8.1912 m 17.4.1934
He bagan farming; joined Home Misssionary staff 22.3.1929 and took HM course.
HM Maungaturoto NP 1929
Kawhia WkP 1932, Ordained HM 8.2.1933
Taneatua BPP 1934
Scargill ChP 1936
Orepuki SP 1939
Takaka-Collingwood NMP 1942
Kaiapoi ChP 1947 - resigned 1948 - to join -
Presbyterian Social Services Association staff Christchurch 1948
Superintendent PSSA Auckland 1952 - resigned 15.6.1955 - to staff of :
Waikeria Training Centre (with Dept. of Justice) 7.1955
Son of Rev David Martin below.
Died 6.6.1968 Kihikihi suddenly.
MARTIN, Rev David B.A.
b 1863 County Down Ireland; Educated at Queen’s College, Belfast.
From the Presbyterian Church of Ireland, came to NZ as probationer.
Patea TkP supply on arrival 3.1892
Ord Hunterville WgP 19.10.1893
Martinborough (Waehenga WpP) 1899 retired 1903, compelled by physical disability;
retired from active service as Minister; went farming at Apiti; then after many years
finally retired to Feilding.
Father of Rev D. Martin above.
‘He was a man of God, with strong convictions, but gentle, thoughtful and unselfish.’
Died 23.6.1938 Feilding.
MARTIN, Rev David Brown
b 5.4.1915 at Dunedin.
w (1) Dorothy Agnes Doak b 1.6.1916 m 26.3.1941 d 9.1975
w (2) Rev Helen Margaret Aitken Reid-Martin b 25.6.1923 m 4.1978 – refer separate entry.
Early some years living on back country farms where his Father worked as a high
country shepherd. Later boarded with his Grandparents to attend School until his
family moved to Palmerston where he attended High School. Due to the depression,
he was then out of work for three years, doing odd jobs on farms. Under the influence
of a Theological student, Bill Johnston, he felt called to the ministry so commenced
study at the University of Otago. Despite the tremendous financial strain at first, he
later found holiday work more readily available.
Theological Hall 1938-40
Ordained Knapdale MtP 6.12.1940 – resigned 1.6.1943
Chaplain to NZ Army Forces (no 254620) attached to 6th Regiment 1943 – served at
camps in New Zealand, and then Egypt and Italy.
St Clair Dunedin DnP 23.5.1946
Mt Albert Auckland AP 28.2.1957 - retired 30.6.1980
Convener of the Overseas Missions Committee for many years.
“In the parish and Presbytery, Dave was well known for his forthright preaching, his
clear stand on a number of moral issues and his constant availability as a pastoral
visitor. He had an educated theological understanding and general knowledge.
Those who knew Dave came to appreciate his wide interests, his sharp mind and
sense of humour.” (from Obit.)
Died 5 March 2002, after some years of poor health.
MARTIN, Rev H.M.A. see Reid-Martin, Margaret
MARTIN, Rev Douglas Murdoch B.A.
b 24.10.1903
w Nada Lily b 6.11.1900 m 6.11.1928
Theological Hall 1926-28
He had volunteered for Miss, but the funds available were not sufficient to engage another
Ord Kaitaia NP 19.12.1928
“For his times he was unconventional…. However his tremendous generosity often at his
own expense is well remembered. He was great supporter of the ‘under-dog’ and very
socialistically minded. [He was very] popular with the young folk [ and did] a lot of good
for them. Rev Martin was also keen on boxing”
Miramar WnP 1.6.1933 resigned from ministry 13.7.1938
MARTIN, Rev Helen Ruth B.A.; Post Grad Theol. Dip. R.E.
Born and raised in Dunedin
Single and never married
Brethren Assembly background, gained ecumenical outlook and committed herself to Presbyterian church government and theology of ministry; adherent member St Stephen's Leith Valley 1994 and communicant 1998
Background in Christian Education in Wellington, Auckland and Sydney; Primary and Secondary School Teacher, Scripture Union Regional and Youth worker, Unit Standard Writer in Religious Education for NZQA, Theological editor for Anzea Publishers in Australia, trainer for CEC Seminars, pastoral Assistant at Leith Valley Parish, trained in transition ministries to renew and redevelop the vision and mission focus of a congregation, 2001
Wanted to combine her love of teaching with her love of helping people...parish ministry brings both of these together
Licensed Dunedin Presbytery 26 November 2002
Ordained Assistant Minister, St John's in the City, Wellington, Wellington Presbytery, 3 July 2003, aged 50 years old, to April 2007
Minister, Trinity Church, Temuka South Canterbury Presbytery, 26 April 2007
Co-Convener of the National Assessment Work Group
Minister, Mosgiel/North Taieri Presbyterian Church, Southern Presbytery, 27 May 2010
Minister stated supply, St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Gore, Southern Presbytery, 10 May 2017, first woman minister for the parish
Minister emerita, Southern Presbytery, 31 December 2019
Senior active minister, Southern Presbytery, 10 March 2022
MARTIN, Rev. James
b. County Down, Ireland 1821
w. Elizabeth Maitland, had 6 sons and 4 daughters.
Studied at New College Edinburgh 1847 to 1848. Teacher in North Ireland (Tasmania), Dobroyd (NSW),
Chief Constable.
Received as candidate NSW 10.3.1863
Licensed 19.3.1863
Ordained Upper Manning River 26.8.1863; Queanbeyan, Bungendore-Gundaroo 1864-67.
Arrived from NSW Australia in 1868.
Lower Mataura (MtP) 1868.
Placed in charge of native school Opotiki in 1872 to 1873 by Hon Minister of Defence, and authorized to
look after the religious welfare of the settlers as well. AP agreed to recognize him as Minister of the district.
HM Opotiki 6.1872
Rep 1873: he had left the district.
Grafton High School Auckland 1873 to 1883
Returned to NSW Australia.
MARTIN, Rev John Harold B.A.(Trinity Dublin)
b 9.12.1906
w Minnie Emily b 7.9.1910 m 2.8.1938
Ordained by the Presbyterian Church of Ireland 1935
Received by the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand 1948
Ind Clutha Valley ClP 20.10.1949
Albury SCP 1.7.1955
Westmere WgP 26.5.1960 - retired 31.3.1971
Latterly a member of Ballyholme Presbyterian Church, Bangor, Co. Down, Ireland
Died 12th January 2007 after having celebrated his 100th birthday on the 9th December.
MARTIN, Rev John William
b. 19.3.1889 Engalnd
w. (?) b.(?) m.(?) d.(?)
From England, formerly a Coalminer. Local Preacher for the Primitive Methodists
in England for 9 years, having taken a local Preacher’s course. Joined the Home
Missionary Service 1919. Took Home Missionary course and holds a coal mining
deputy’s certificate.
HM Denniston WsP 1920, Ord HM 20.6.1920
Mangapai NP 1922
Waikato East (Matangi) 1925
Ngaruawahia WkP 1929
Taradale HBP 1930
Mangapapa-Kaiti GP 1936
Palmerston North Outfields MnP 1938 (5 years)
Mangaweka-Rewa (1 year)
Woodville (2 years)
Manawatu South (Shannon MnP) 1946 - retired 1950 due to ill-health.
Died 30.6.1953, aged 64
MARTIN, Rev Nolan Reginald B.A., B.D.
born 1 August 1926
wife Flora Constance Boyle born 23 June 1925 married 2 February 1952 died 17 January 2014
Theological Hall 1948-1950
Ordained Youth Worker, Youth Department, Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, 28 November 1950
Orari South Canterbury Presbytery, 8 September 1953
St Aidan’s, Hastings, 5 September 1957
St Paul’s, Taupo Bay of Plenty Presbytery 22 November 1962
Clerk of Bay of Plenty Presbytery from 1966
St Pauls, Oamaru 12 September 1968
St Columba Tauranga, Bay of Plenty Presbytery 4 February 1975
St Andrews Hastings 9 October 1986 — retired 31 December 1991
Chaplain, Presbyterian Support East Coast 2 February 1992-2 February 2008
Clerk of Hawkes Bay Presbytery
moved to Wellington circa 2020
died 9 September 2023 at Ferguson Retirement Village in Upper Hutt aged 97
MARTIN, Rev Walter Vincent B.A.
b 28.12.1902; unmarried.
From the Presbyterian Church of Ireland 1928
Inducted Patea TkP 25.4.1928 - resigned 5.11.1929 ill-health and returned to Ireland.
MARTIN, Rev William Herbert B.A.(Trinity Dublin)
b 7.12.1905
w Jean Bryson b 17.1.1908 m 22.8.1934
From Presbytery of Derry, Presbyterian Church of Ireland, recommended by Tulloch Yuille
Inducted to Popotunoa (Clinton ClP) 15.6.1948 - resigned 16.8.1951 and withdrew.
MARTIN, Rev William (Bill) Rutland
b 6.10.1899 at Rangiora.
w Alice Louise b 15.2.1894 m 11.6.1946
Holds a Banking Diploma, and worked as a Company Secretary. Has attended University.
HM St David’s, Upper Aramoho WgP Apr 1928; Ord HM 12.12.1931
Sumner ChP 1932 – he supported his widowed Mother who lived with him, acting as the
“lady of the manse”.
St John’s, Greymouth (supply) during the war years, returning to Sumner every few
weeks to hold Session and Management Committeee meetings, with retired ministers
in the Sumner-Redcliffs area supplying his pulpit for him.
New Lynn AP 1944; raised to full status, and station raised to full charge 1955
New Lynn AP 3.2.1955 - granted leave for trip to England.
Glen Eden AP 1.10.1959 - retired 31.3.1963
In retirement he was a member of Somervell Parish in Auckland before returning to
Redcliffs Parish in Christchurch for the last few years of his life.
“Of his ministry, it is said that Bill was larger than life. He preached with passion, had
an irrepressible laugh, a keen sense of humour and was a very positive person.”
(from Obit.)
Died 3 Sept 1999, one month short of his 100th birthday.
Miami, Florida, USA
wife Amanda Jean Martinez, primary school teacher
Educated Melbourne High School, Florida, USA; Bachelor of Art in Christian Ministry, Warner University; Master of Divinity, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA, 2008-2012, Master of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010-2012, and University of Otago, 2012-2015
Youth Director, Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Indiatlantic, Florida, USA, 2005-2008
Chapel Hill High School, 2010-2011; and University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Counselling and Wellness, 2011-2012
Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship 2012 allowing study at Otago University
Received 7 April 2012
Licensed 7 April 2014
Minister St Stephen's Leith Valley (Studentsoul) Southern Presbytery 29 April 2014
Moved to Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan, 2016
Associate Pastor, Tokyo Union Church, Tokyo, Japan, January 2017
Inducted Nationally Ordained Minister, Somerville Memorial Presbyterian Church, 29 January 2020
Presbyterian Youth Ministry strategic focus group; Board of Press Go; Trustee, St Kentigern School
Dean of Studies, Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership, and other recognised minister, Southern Presbytery, 8 January 2024
Baptist minister, Bethlehem Baptist Church
Minister stated supply, Te Puke Presbyterian Church, Kaimai Presbytery, 12 December 2019 — extended to 1 January 2024
Commissioned Mission Facilitator, Kaimai Presbytery, at St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Te Puke, 30 April 2023
MASINA, Rev Setu
b 9.8.1924; w Fa’alua m 14.7.1956
Cong Ch, entered PCNZ with Cong Ch & Mins at Ass 1969; Ord 11.1966.
Porirua East PIC (Ch of Christ the King) Co-op Assoc WnP 11.1966
Minister Emeritus 31.12.1991
Died 26 December 2012
MASLIN, Rev Robert (Bob) George B.A., Dip.Th.
wife Josephine (Josie) Anne Smurfitt married 18 May 1972
Bachelor of Arts 1963 Canterbury Univsity; Diploma of Theology Theological Hall Dunedin
Theological Hall 1964-1966
Ordained Hedgehope, Southerland Presbytery, 2 February 1967
Hoon Hay, Christchurch Presbytery, 11 December 1975
St Columba, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty Presbytery, 20 August 1987
Minister Emeritus, 21 August 2005
MASON, Rev David Sinclair
b 19.3.1861 Dn; w Julia M. b 25.7.1868 m 24.12.1889 d 28.8.1940
He was a teacher with Otago Educ Bd for 25 yrs.
In 1904 he entered the min of NZ Bapt Ch; recd by Ass into PCNZ 25.11.1914; Ord 1904.
Ind Popotunoa (Clinton ClP) 22.12.1914 ret 31.3.1926
Picton supply NMP 4.1926 till 12.1926. In retirement also supplied long periods at Tapanui,
South Dunedin, Cromwell & Wallacetown.
Died 10.8.1937
MASON, Rev Peter B.A.
Served as Missionary in West Indies
Arrived NZ 1859.
Ord Masterton WpP 14.2.1859
Turakina WgP 9.1859 - resigned 31.12.1860
St James Auckland AP 5.8.1862 - resigned 6.4.1864
Convenor Temperance Committee for many years; tutor to Northern Presbyterian Church
students in Greek & New Testament 1879-80.
Died 15.2.1892
MASON, Mr Wayne
Miss Volunteer - New Hebrides (Vanuatu)
Rep 1965: Service given at TTI Tangoa - relieved Jansen as BC volunteer after McIntyres
had to withdraw.
MASTERS, Rev Edward (Ed) Denby
wife Joanne (Jo) Rhonddha Ryan-Masters married 16 January 2010
from Melbourne
Bacheolor of Commerce 2008 Otago University; Bachelor of Arts 2009 Otago University; Bachelor of Theology 2009 Otago University; Post Graduate Diploma in Theology with Distinction 2011 Otago University; Diploma of Ministry 2013 Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership
Youth worker, StudentSoul and Leith Valley
Intern St Ronan's Eastbourne, Wellington Presbytery 2012, two years
Ordinand Wellington Presbytery
Minister, Rotorua Districts, Kaimai Presbytery 12 December 2013, four and half years
Other recognised ministry, Southern Presbytery, 19 March 2018
Minister First Church of Otago, Southern Presbytery, 30 May 2019
HM Mapua (Tasman NMP) 1923
Scargill ChP 1925 res 1926 fr HM serv & wthd.
MASTERTON, Rev Rachael
Superintendent Methodist Church
lay stated supply for twelve months, Coastal Unity Presbyterian, Southern Presbytery, 2021
Ordained and inducted Local Ordained Minister, Coastal Unity Parish, Southern Presbytery, 17 December 2024
MATAAMUA, Rev Heather
Wellington Maori Pastorate / Turakina Maori Girls College Chaplain, Te Aka Puaho 1 November 2008
MATEAR, Rev Charles Harbour M.A., B.D.
b 9.8.1878 Bendigo Victoria Australia
w Alice nee Smith b 25.3.1888 m 3.9.1924 d 15.8.1973
He grew up in Victoria then entered Ormond College in Melbourne to train for the ministry.
Ordained Dartmoor (Presb. Church of Victoria) 1913
He was rejected for Army service because of a weak chest (pleurisy). War work with the
Young men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in England.
Went to Scotland (after the war ended ?) and studied for a degree in Glasgow; then a further
degree at Princeton University USA. Studied for a Doctorate in San Francisco but not completed ?
He was a Chaplain to lumberjacks out from Winnipeg in Canada for about 6 months.
Came to NZ under the Home Mission scheme of Dr Gibb, arrived in NZ February 1922.
HM Oteramika SP (supply) 1922
Port Ahuriri HBP late 1923 - resigned March 1927
Top Australia :
St Andrews, Hobart, Tasmania March 1927
Colac (Presb. Church of Victoria) 1934 - retired 19.9.1945
He was Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Tasmania; other service in Tasmania and
Victoria not known.
Father of Nan Matear (who married Rev Geoffrey Barnes, a Lecturer in Church History at the
United Theological College in Sydney)
Died 27 April 1972, aged 94
MATHESON, Rev Alan Charles
born 8 October 1936
Southland Boys High School Rugby First Fifteen 1955
wife Annette Alicia Frobarth born 18 February 1936 married 5 November 1960 died 20 June 2020
Theological Hall 1961-1963
Ordained St Aidans Christchurch 5 December 1963 — resigned 31 July 1965 ill-health.
Accounting, payroll and management, at Winstones, Fletcher Merchants and Southland Farmers, after 1965
St. Stephen’s Invercargill (Half Time) Southland Presbytery December 1997
Minister Emeritus, December 2001
Presbyterian Support Southland Trust Board 1975-1985 and 1999-2005, Presbyterian Support Southland Chaplain 2005-2007
Last sermon, First Presbyterian Church Invercargill, St Andrew's Day 2016
Golfer, Swimming Administrator, life member of the New Zealand Amateur Swimming Association, gardener and reader
died 22 July 2020 Vickery Court Invercargill aged 83
MATHESON, Miss Barbara Jessie (Mrs Gray)
b. Auckland
Educated at Pukekohe High School and Papakura High School. Holds a Primary School
Teachers “C” certificate. Undertook study at the Bible Training Institute.
Attended Deaconess College 1963
Missionary Papua New Guinea appointed from 1.1.1964
Commissioning service by Presbytery of South Auckland at Waiau Pa Church 13.12.1963
To All Saints College Sydney for short training course 1964
Arrived Papua early July 1964
Koaru PNG, Teacher at High School
“Own Missionary” of South Auckland Presbytery and supported by South Auckland Presbyterial.
Koke Ch, Port Moresby, evangelistic worker 1965
Resigned 1970 to be married to Mr Brian Gray.
Off staff 30.5.1970
MATHESON, Very Rev Dr James Gunn M.A., B.D.; D.D.(Uni of Edin.)
born 1 March 1912, the son of a Minister of the Free Church of Scotland.
wife Janet (Nettie) Elizabeth born 11 July 1913, a daughter of the manse at Coutler, Whiting Bay and Carrbridge, married 29 December 1937, died 5 May 1997 in Portree Hospital, Isle of Skye, age 83
Took degrees in Arts and Divinity at the University of Edinburgh.
Ordained by Free Church of Scotland at Olrig, Caithness, 21 August 1936
Castletown, 1937-1939
Commissioned as an Army Chaplain during World War II in the Western Desert, 1940. He was taken prisoner in 1942, and shipped to Italy, spending fifteen months in a prisoner-of-war camp, from which he escaped in September 1943. His Second World War experiences an an Army
Chaplain led to some radical changes in his expression of faith. Service as a Chaplain alongside
Ministers of the Church of Scotland persuaded him that someone of his liberal sympathies would
be more at home in the National Church [of Scotland].
After the war called to St Columba's Parish, Blackhall, Edinburgh, 1944-1950.
Left for New Zealand, September 1951.
Knox Church, Dunedin, New Zealand, Dunedin Presbytery, 22 November 1951 - resigned 31 December 1960
The highly succesful Stewardship campaign at Knox Church left its impact on the Rev Matheson
who described the appeal as "one of the most thrilling experiences of my ministry". He later carried
the message of Stewardship to the church in Scotland.
Returned to Scotland to become full-time Secretary to the newly formed Stewardship and Budget
Committee of the Church of Scotland where he was widely respected for his ability to bring spiritual
depth to the most apparently mundane tasks.
Awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from the University of Edinburgh, primarily in recognition
of his work with the Church of Scotland Stewardship and Budget Committee.
Minister at Portree, Isle of Skye, 1973 - retired 1979, but continued to live on Skye.
Moderator of The Church of Scotland, 1975
Father of The Rev Prof. Peter Matheson.
"An outstanding preacher with a flair for the clear analysis of theological matters, combined with
a deep concern for the application of Christian solutions to the more pressing political and social
problems, Mr Matheson made a great impact on students and older worshippers alike."
(From Knox Chuch History, 1976)
"An energetic and prophetic convener of the [Presbyterian Church of New Zealand] General Assembly
International Relations Committee".
"Although he had left his Free Church background, [Rev] Matheson retained something of its deep
spirituality and he had a graciousness that made him respected widely".
Died 28 October 2007, aged 95 years, on the Isle of Skye, Scotland and interred at Portree.
MATHESON, Rev. Prof. Peter Clarkson M.A., B.D., Ph.D.(Edin), D.Litt. (Edin)
wife Heinke Sommer-Matheson married 30 December 1965.
He began studies at Otago University — Master of Arts 1959 Otago University
Hall 1960-1962—to Edinburgh University, Scotland: Bachelor of Divinity 1963, and Doctor of Philosophy, 1969; then completed post-graduate study in Tübingen, Germany; has expert knowledge of German Church under Hitler.
Lecturer 1965 to 1980, and Senior Lecturer in Ecclesiastical History Edinburgh University 1981 to 1982
Ordained Professor of Church History, Theological Hall, Dunedin, 25 February 1982 to 1996.
Honorary Lecturer, University of Otago, 1982; Sub-Dean, 1978-1990, and Dean 1990-1992, Faculty of Theology, University of Otago
Lecturer in Theology, School of Ministry, Dunedin, 27 February 1997 to 1998.
Convenor of Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand Historical Records Committee to 1998
Principal of Theological Hall of Uniting Church of Australia, Ormond College, Melbourne, Australia, 28 February 1998 to 2004.
Lodged Certificate, February 1999
Minister within the Bounds, Dunedin Presbytery, 2005
Son of Rev J.G. Matheson above.
MATHESON, Rev Paul Wayne (Wayne) B.A., B.Th., Dip.Min.
born Christchurch
wife Adrienne Anne Dickson married 31 December 1983 Homemaker
Public Trust Invercargill, resigned and worked for a year as pastoral assistant to Rev Murray Talbot, St David's Invercargill
Bachelor of Arts 1988 Otago University; Bachelor of Theology 1989 Otago University; Diploma of Ministry 1990 Knox Theological Hall
Theological Hall 1988-1990,
Licensed St Davids Invercargill 14 October 1990
Ordained Balmoral Balclutha 27 January 1991
Whangarei Uniting: St. Andrew’s Northland Presbytery 18 December 1994
Minister Knox St Columba Lower Hutt Parish Wellington Presbytery 28 June 2007-22 October 2014
Member, Board of Proprietors, St Oran's College, Lower Hutt
Assembly Executive Secretary, Presbytery Central, 7 November 2014
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