Register of New Zealand Presbyterian Church

Ministers, Deaconesses & Missionaries from 1840

Raath to Reith

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RAATH, Rev. Dr. Ranier
wife Erna
Minister, Evangelical Reformed Church of South Africa
involved in business running a steakhouse, and working for an international soft drink company
Alberton Evangelical Reformed Church, South Africa, for eight years
Inducted Stated Supply non-PCANZ minister, Edendale Presbyterian Church, 17 December 2018
Received as a minister of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, 13 April 2021, Southern Presbytery
Stated Supply PCANZ minister, Edendale Parish, Southern Presbytery, 13 April 2021
Minister, Edendale Presbyterian Church, Southern Presbytery, 15 July 2021

RAE, Very Rev. Alister Flett                 B.A., B.Sc., B.D.
b. New Plymouth, father worked for the Post Office and transferred to Christchurch
Attended Bible Class at St Georges Linwood. Father was an elder, and mother a Bible Class leader
w. Christina Margaret nee Carter   b. Rotorua  m. 26 April 1958 (Daughter of the Rev JAL Carter, then minister at St Georges Linwood)
Educated at Christchurch West High School, science at Canterbury University 1955-1957, Otago University and Massey University.
Taught two years at Kings High School, Dunedin, to rescource for years at Knox, attending lectures at Otago University after school, concentrating on philosophy
Bachelor of Science 1958 University of New Zealand; Bachelor of Divinity 1963 Otago University; Bachelor of Arts 1966 Otago University
Knox Theological Hall, Dunedin, 1961 to 1963
Ordained Pio Pio, Waikato Presbytery, 17 December 1963 — resigned 31 January 1969
First approached by Stan Murray, secretary, Overseas Missions Committee, to consider position in Malaysia, 1967
Accepted for Missions Service, 1 February1969
Commissioned for Overseas Missions Service to the Presbyterian Church of Singapore - Malaysia by Waikato Presbytery, 4 February 1969
Left New Zealand by air, 18 February 1969 
He had a period in Singapore before Malaysia.
Kota Bahru, 1969, for three years, resigned from overseas service 1972, because visa for Singapore declined.
Off staff, 31 January 1972
Stated Supply, St Pauls, Ashburton, inducted 28 June 1972, when it became clear return to Singapore was not possible
Convener, General Assembly Special Committee on Training for Ministry, reporting 1979
Somervell, Auckland Presbytery, 9 February 1978
Joint Board for Mission Overseas, 1979, Convener 1980
Principal, Knox Theological Hall, Dunedin, 26 February 1991 - appointed for 2 years.
Professor of Pastoral Studies amd Communication of Gospel, Knox Theological Hall, Dunedin, 27 February 1992 — resigned 1 February 1997
St Clair, Dunedin, Dunedin Presbytery 9 April 1997 — retired 31 March 2002
Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, 1984
Moderator of the Synod of Otago and Southland, 2001
Minister Emeritus Dunedin Presbytery 31 March 2002
Acting Principal, School of Ministry 2006

RAE, Rev Dr Murray Alistair            Dip Min, B.Arch., BD., BA., PhD.
born Dunedin
wife Jane Margaret Davis married 17 May 1986
Trained as architect
Bachelor of Architecture 1984 Auckland University; Bachelor of Divinity 1990 Otago University; Bachelor of Arts 1992 Otago University; Doctor of Philosophy 1995 London University
Theological Hall  1989-1991
Licensed Dunedin Presbytery 16 February 1992
Ordained Acting Lecturer in Systematic Theology, Theological Hall, Dunedin, 27 February 1992
To Post-graduate study, King's College, London, 20 January 1994-1995
Stated supply, St George's Takapuna 1995
Chaplain: Auckland University (Maclaurin), 22 February 1996-September 1998
Lodged Certificate, Dunedin Presbytery, December 1998
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Systematic Theology, King's College, London, September 1998-December 2004
Senior Lecturer in Theology and Ethics, Department of Theology, University of Otago, Dunedin, January 2005
Lodged Certificate, Dunedin Presbytery 2005
Professor of Theology, University of Otago, Dunedin, 2011

RAE, Rev. Dr. Simon Hugh           M.A., B.D., Dip.Theol., Th.D.
born Greymouth New Zealand
wife: Marion Beatrice nee Wallace (Daughter of the Rev WJ Wallace) B.A. Dip. Teaching  married 18 December 1965
Educated at Blackball Primary School, Owaka District High School, South Otago High School and Otago University (Bachelor of Arts 1964, Master of Arts second class Honours 1965, Bachelor of Divinity 1991)
Theological Hall 1965-67
Ordained to Ministry of Word and Sacrament, Morven, 7 December 1967(with Waihao Downs from mid-1970 to form Waihao parish, South Canterbury Presbytery ) — resigned 8 December 1971
Accpted for overseas mission service - on staff from 1 February 1972
To New Zealand Bible College from 21 February 1972 to 5 May 1972
Commisssioned at Balclutha for Overseas Mission Service, 16 July 1972
Left by air for Indonesia, 29 August 1972
University Chaplain, Bandung, and Warden of Christian Student Centre ‘Wisma Sejahtera’, Bandung under the Indonesian Council of Churches 1972-1975
Part time Minister, Karo Batak Protestant Church Bandung, North Sumatra (Ministry Resource Team-type appointment) 1972-75
Part time Lecturer in English Social and Cultural History, Padjadjaran State, University 1973-1975
Part time Lecturer in English Prose and Drama, Christian University, Bandung, 1973-1975
Honorary Minister G.P.I.B. (English language congregation) attached to main Bandung City Church, 1972-1975
Report 1975: request from Karo Batak Church that after furlough he be relocated in North Sumatra, in the heart-lands of the Karo Batak people.
Church worker, Karo Batak Protestant Church, North Sumatra 1976-1978 in Langkat (1976) and the Karo Highlands undertaking congregational development, educational, evangelistic, rural and community development, ministries, with some in-service training programmes and  regular ministry.
Returned to New Zealand by air 29 August 1978
Off Mission staff, 30 November 1978
St Stephens Church, Dunedin, Dunedin Presbytery, 16 November 1978-1984
Part time Tutor, Faculty of Theology, University of Otago (Patristics and early Church history)
Acting Ecumenical Chaplain (part time) University of Otago (2nd and 3rd terms) 1980
Chinese Church, Dunedin (honorary minister) 1980 to 1984
Joint Secretary, Council for Mission and Ecumenical Co-operation, Christchurch 27 September 1984 — resigned February 1989
Chinese Church, Dunedin, 12 March 1989-1993
Doctor of Theology Australian College of Theology, Sydney, 1994 awarded for published research on religious change among the Karo people of North Sumatra
Principal, Theological Hall, Dunedin, Jan 1994, then:
School of Ministry, Knox College, Dunedin 1998 — resigned w.e.f April 2001.
Officer in the Order of St John, 1998
Chaplain in the Order of St John, 2001
First Church, Invercargill, Southland Presbytery, 26 April 2001-2005
Life-Fellow, Knox College, University of Otago 2002
Moderator of the Synod of Otago and Southland 1984-1985, and April 2003
Order of St John Service Medal, 2003
Moderator of Southland Presbytery from 1 May 2004
Minister Emeritus, Dunedin Presbytery, 31 July 2005
Knight of the Order of St John, 2006
Associate lecturer, Department of Theology and Reigious Studies, University of Otago, 2005-present
Visiting Professor, Centre for Religious and Crosscultural Studies, Graduate School, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2007, 2008.
Priory Dean (senior ecclesiastical officer of the New Zealand Priory), Order of St John, 2006 - present.
member of the New Zealand Order of Merit, June 2007
Convener, Synod Mission Committee, 1979-1984; Dunedin Presbytery Moderator, 1992-1993; Convener Mission and Ministry Committee, Southland Presbytery, 2001; Synod Ministry Resource Committee 2001; Council of Assembly 1981-1984, Founding Convener, Assembly Historical Records Committee, 1978-1984, Roman Catholic-Presbyterian Dialogue, 1982-1989; Council of Knox College and Salmond Hall 1989-2001; International Relations, Church Worship, and Education for Ministry Committees, Ministry Training Board, etc.

RAEBURN, Rev William Burnett Scott
Educated at University of Edinburgh; from Church of Scotland
Came to New Zealand in 1882 as probationer
Hamilton student evangelist (Home Missionary), 1883
Wairoa, Gisborne Presbytery, 1886
Ordained Wairoa, 29 August 1888 - retired 17 November 1924
His sole means of travel was horseback or buggy
In retirement he held a weekly prayer meeting in his house till a fortnight before he died
He never attended Presbytery or Assembly - access to and from Wairoa being too difficult.
Died  27 October 1945, Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, aged 101

RAERINO, Rev Tumihitai George
Licensed Te Aka Puaho 24 February 2007
Ordained and Inducted Amorangi Minister Putauaki Maori Pastorate, Te Aka Puaho 10 March 2007

HM Glenomaru ClP 1906

RAGGETT, Rev John P.
Ang Ch 
Tirau Co-op WkP  5.1982  appt completed 31.12.1988,
but continued till ret 8.5.1989

RAKAI, Miss Hine
Maori Miss - helper for short period
Waikaremoana  1938

RAKURAKU, Ms Marina (Rina)
Tuhoe, Ngati Porou, and Kahungungu, as well as Scottish, English and Spanish ancestry
Brought up by her great-grandparanets, closely involved in church and Ohope Marae; grew up at Waimana
Worked at Wattie's
Maori Resource Teacher, Te Kura o te Paroa, Whakatane
Mission to America with Tame Takao looking at churches in indigenous communities, 1999; studied at Cook's Theological Hall, Phoenix, Arizona
Moderator, Te Aka Puaho, 3 February 2017
28th Moderator of Te Aka Puaho, third Maori women, and fourth non-minister
Care-giver to her uncle, the Very Rev Tame Takao

Maori Miss  -  Waimana, helped 1933

RAKURAKU, Rev Rangiora (Rangi) Hohepa
b 25.6.1929
w Cecilia Paerakau Kameta b 12.11.1929  m 25.12.1952
Waimana (self supporting) 26.7.1981
Ordained St Columba Joint Maori Pastorate, Rotorua BPP 1.2.1985
Waimana Maori Pastorate (Interim Moderator) Te Aka Puaho
Minister Emeritus Dec 1994
Died 14th March 2011

RALPH, Rev Franco Bruce                B.A.
wife: Kay Annette nee Goodwin, married 8 December 1962
Bachelor of Arts 1966 Otago University
Theological Hall 1967-1969
Ordained Inglewood Taranaki Presbytery, 4 December 1969;  Union 1 December 1970 — ended 20 December 1974
Waihi, Waikato Presbytery, 4 February 1975
Chaplain, Army, Burnham 20 September 1979, later Singapore, two and half years, returned to Linton
Ecumenical Hospital Chaplain, Palmerston North Hospital, 22 September 1983 — retired 31 October 2001
Associate, Minister, Manawatu Presbytery 31 October 2001
Minister Emeritus, Wairarapa Uniting District Council 19 December 2006
Resident at Lansdowne Park Village, Masterton

from Leicester UK
HM Eketahuna WpP 1907
Rep 1908: he has left to take up work among seamen as Min in full standing on  
passing exam on Confession of Faith & Ch History.
Eketahuna (returned to HM serv) 1910
Apiti MnP 1913;   Rep 1914: his application to be recd into min declined; also
declined          1915.
Pokeno SAP  3.1918
Normanby TkP  1923
Died  20.2.1925  in office.

of Cong Ch
Nelson NMP  Ch Ex work assisting McCosh 1.7.1928
He did the above work pending reception by Ass; Ass didn't deal with the            
application, so perhaps it was withdrawn as his name is not mentioned again.

RALPH, Rev Kenneth Fraser
b. Auckland
Attended the Bible Training Institute in Auckland for 2 years then to Otago University
where he undertook an Arts Degree.
Princeton Theological Seminary USA – while here he was elected the first non-American
President of the Theological Students Association in 1965.
Ordained 1965
Served in Parishes in Texas, USA.
To NZ :
North East Valley, Dunedin  DnP  9.1.1969 -  resigned 12.7.1971
To Australia :
Served with the Uniting Church in Australia in Parishes in Melbourne, Victoria.
Specialized in Psycotherapy at The Cairnmillar Institute and practised as a Counsellor for
many years.
Currently in a private practice in Belmont, Geelong, Australia (1996)

RALULU, Mr Penisoni
From Fiji (A Methodist seconded from the Dept of Education, Fiji)
Educated at Cambridge School and Nasinu Training College Fiji. Passed Cambridge School
Certificate III. Trained at Nasinu Training College 2 years.
Teaching since 1958 at Queen Victoria School, Ratu Kadavulevu School, then Head
Teacher at Soloira District School, Fiji
Missionary  -  New Hebrides (Vanuatu), Teacher, appointed from 1.1.1966 for 3 years.
Rep 1966: at All Saints College Sydney for short mission training course.
Onesua High School New Hebrides  11.1966
Appointement renewed for further three years from 1.1.1969
Returned to Fiji on furlough Dec 1968.
Unable to return to New Hebrides on account of health after eye operation.
Off Staff 31.3.1969

RAMAGE, Rev John Keith           B.A.(Hons Sheffield)
born 8 February 1928; England
wife (1) Ursula M B nee Colledge born 1938 married 1960 United Kingdom
wife (2) Marjory nee MacDonald born 17 December 1934 married 10 February 1975 died 2018
He did his theological training at Westminster College, Cambridge, and then served in four parishes of Presbyterian Church of England; Ordained 28 July 1954; married to a New Zealander.  
Received by Assembly 1976
Inducted St Giles Mt Roskill Auckland Presbytery 21 October 1976
Died 8 January 1982 aged 53 years

RAMSAY, Rev B. Anne
Meth Ch  -  Deacon
Whangarei Uniting,  St Johns-Leigh-Whau Valley 2.1987

RAMSAY, Sr Margaret Anna
b 2.11.1874 Hyde, C Otago.
PWTI  1911-2  -  Ord Deac   11.1912
1st Dominion Trav Sec of PWMU 1912-4
Matron PSSA Home Papanui Chch 1914-8
Matron Childrens Home Timaru 11.1918 to 11.1919
Principal PWTI Dn  1.2.1920  res   31.12.1928
Ord Sec Bible Socy of Otago & Southland  1934-42
Died 27.11.1960, aged 86 

RAMSAY, Rev Peter
b 5.2.1858 Lanarkshire Scot;
w Mary J. b 17.2.1854 m 4.4.1887 d 3.9.1942
He studied Arts at Glas Univ, & part of his theol in FC Coll
Glas; he completed his theol studies in NZ.
Kumara WsP supply, stud prch  1885
Ord Kumara (Brunnerton WsP) 1887
Knapdale MtP  7.1889; the parish was divided, & divided again during his min.
Stirling ClP  Called Oct 1901. Entered Parish 1902
Hastings 1906  ret 31.1.1926 thr failing health; 
Ass 1909 passed motion of sympathy in his long suffering;  he was a man of strong
opinions;  he was regarded as an authority on theological & social questions.
Died  28.10.1928

RAMSAY, Rev Rodney Michael
born Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa
wife: Mara Phyllis Ramsay
Chemical Buyer, Castrol Oil Company; Clerk, Production Planning Department, Rowan Manufacture
Youth Pastor 1990; Probationer Minister 1991 to 1993 Amanzimtoti Methodist Church
Probationer Minister, Queensburgh Methodist Church 1994 to 1995
Ordained Minister, Johannesburg, Methodist Church of Southern Africa 1 September 1996
Minister, Melmoth Methodist Church 1996
Chaplain, Kearsney College 1999 Bachelor of Theology 1997 University of South Africa
appointed Stated Supply for four months, Tawa Union Church, Wellington Presbytery, 1 July 2008
received from the Methodist Church of South Africa, 25 May 2009
commissioned relieving chaplain, St Andrew's College, Christchurch Presbytery, 5 February 2009
Chaplain, Kristin School, Albany, North Shore Presbytery, 23 September 2009
minister Silverstream – St Margaret’s Presbyterian Church, Presbytery Central – Nukuhau Tapu, 9 March 2023

RAMSDEN, Rev Ian Walter               M.A.,B.D.
born 12 October 1923 Wellington
wife Ellen nee Bertaud born 16 October 1927 married 26 February 1952 died 27 March 2019 at Brightwater Rest Home in her 92nd year
Educated at Wellington. After working at the American Information Library, entered the Auckland Teachers’ College in 1947. Taught at Horowhenua College in 1948 to 1950.
Theological Hall 1951-53
Ordained Kawerau Bay of Plenty Presbytery, 17 March 1954
Paterangi, Waikato Presbytery, 16 July 1959
St James, Wellington Presbytery, 3 June 1965 — resigned 31 August 1983
Featherston Union and Greytown Union, Wararapa Presbytery, 8 December 1983 — retired 30 November 1988
“A major achievement … was to facilitate the ‘marriage’, in 1977, between the Niuean people living in the greater Wellington area and the palagi membership of St James’.
Ian was a strong supporter, also, of the Church’s involvement in the bicultural journey with the Maori people….
Ian’s commitment to the development of the Maori Synod of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, leading him to actively support its initiatives in Wellington and to make a significant contribution to the establishment of the Church Marae, ‘Te Kakano O Te Aroha’, at Lower Hutt.
Professional to the core, and meticulous about detail, Ian was the obvious choice to be Auditor of Church records, in the Presbytery and at Laughton House.
Throughout his ministry Ian demonstrated a special affinity with young people.  
Ian’s appreciation of learning was always apparent. He kept up with his Greek and enjoyed teaching it and his love of history and literature permeated all aspects of his life…
A man of great modesty, he was perceived by others as a wise, and witty mentor who could combine support and reproof so lovingly that every encounter with him was to be treasured.” (from Obit.)
Died 25 January 1997 

RANBY, Rev Anthony Paul            B.A., B.D.
wife (1) Margaret Joy nee Petch married 17 January 1970 separated 7 December 1993
wife (2) Kathryne (Kate) McKenzie married 13 April 1996 medical social worker and clinical supervisor
Bachelor of Arts 1986 Auckland University; Bachelor of Divinity 1973 Otago University
Theological Hall 1971-1973
Ordained Opoho, Dunedin Presbytery, Stated Supply, 21 March 1974 — resigned 11 July 1974; left New Zealand 10 September 1974
Westminster College, Cambridge, UK 1974
Putaruru, Waikato Presbytery, 11 December 1975
Collegiate, Alexandra-Clyde Union, Central Otago Presbytery, 29 January 1981
St Davids, Palmerston North, 1 February 1987
Convener of Mission Resource Team of the Council of Assembly
Chaplain Arohanui Hospice, Manawatu Wanganui Presbytery, 31 January 2001-22 March 2013
Minister Emeritus, Manawatu Wanganui Presbytery, 22 March 2013
Stated Supply, Feilding Oroua Parish (Knox), Presbytery Central 1 November 2015

RANDERSON, Rev Arthur Cyril              M.A.,B.D.
born 23 April 1877
wife Frances A. born 24 May 1879 married 10 March 1909 died 2 November 1971
Trained under the Wesleyan (Methodist) Church, Ordained 1909
Received by the Presbyterian Church General Assembly, 15 November 1910
Inducted Levin, Manawatu Presbytery, 15 March 1911 — resigned 31 August 1915
Assistant Minister, St Andrews, Dunedin, Dunedin Presbytery, to Dr Waddell, 31 October 1915
Rotorua, Bay of Plenty Presbytery, 18 February 1920 — retired 30 April 1932 due to ill-health
Died  28 January 1954
Grandfather of Rev Richard Randerson, Assistant Bishop of Auckland, Anglican Church of New Zealand

Maori Mission
Turakina Maori Girls College, Marton, House Assistant  1909

RANGIAHUA, Rev Hamuera Manihera (Sam)
born 26 March 1933
wife Irihapeti Kameta born 1934 married ???? died 2001
Licensed Te Aka Puaho 5 December 2010
Amorangi minister, Ruatahuna, 5 December 2010
Amorangi Emeritus 5 December 2013
died 17 March 2015

RANGIHIKA, Mrs Whaitiri
licensed at Te Aka Puaho Presybterian Synod on 9 April 2017

Ordained 1999
Wellington Maori Pastorate -Amorangi (Te Aka Puaho)  November 1999
Lodged Certificate Te Aka Puaho Maori Synod 31 May 2004
Amorangi, Auckland Maori Pastorate, Te Aka Puaho
Minister within Bounds, Wellington Presbytery, 30 September 2007

RANKIN, Rev William Pillans
b 18.9.1881 Glasgow, Scotland
w Annie b 5.10.1884 m 1.3.1910 d 30.7.1966
Worked as a builder before entering the ministry.
Licensed by Presbytery of Glasgow 1907
Ordained by Presbytery of Manchester 9.10.1907
He was a Minister of the Church of Scotland, ordained in 1907, but at the time
he was ministering to a Congregational Church in England when in 1904 he desired to
come to NZ for his health.  
Received by the General Assembly 25.11.1914
Cromwell supply at first; Inducted 15.12.1914
New Lynn Auckland AP  25.11.1926 – (supply from 1.1.1937) - resigned 31.1.1939
Huntly WkP 26.7.1939
Died  Sunday 4.4.1943 at Huntly, in office.

RANSOM, Rev Donald (Don) George                   L.Th.
born 24 March 1937
wife Kathleen Marie Knox born 28 June 1937 married 12 November 1960 died 28 May 2018
Owned a milk run in Levin
Theological Hall, Dunedin 1979-1982
Ordained Taihape, Wanganui Presbytery 7 December 1982
Ahuriri-Putorino, Hawkes Bay Presbytery 1 July 1992
Minister Emeritus, Hawkes Bay Presbytery, December 2002
died 17 December 2020 in Napier

RANSOM, Rev Oswald Edgar
b 11.8.1888 Rongotea
w.(1) Ruby May Lee  b.1888  m.(?)  d.1966
w.(2) Maude Rose Kelsall (née Smith) b.1894 m.(?) d.1972
The son of Vincent Ranson and Mary Ann Ranson (née Knight), both active workers in the Methodist Church at Rongotea.
Trained as a Cabinetmaker.
Oswald made his own choice as a young man to join the Salvation Army. His first wife a member of the Salvation Army.
Attended the Salvation Army Training College for one year.
Then served as a full-time Salvation Army Officer for 25 years
On retirement from the Salvation Army he entered the Presbyterian Church Home Missionary service as from 1.7.1942
HM Whakapara-Northern Manaia NP 1942, Ord HM 20.10.1943
Maungaturoto NP 1946
Maraekakaho HBP 1948
Dannevirke Outfields HBP 1949 - retired 1951
Died  14.8.1975 Takapuna

RANSTEAD, Rev John Eric                      BA., BTh.
From Waikato, born Morrinsville
wife Eleanor Lesley Ranstead married 11 November 1995, Mataura community development co-ordinator
Bachelor of Arts 1988 Auckland University; Bachelor of Arts (Theology) 1993 International Correspondence Institute Brussels; Bachelor of Theology 1998 Otago University
Ordained Edendale, Mataura Presbytery, 27 January 1998 — resigned 1 May 2007
Other Recognised Minister, Southern Presbytery, October 2010
Family Worker, Mataura Presbyterian Church July 2010

RAPLEY, Miss Raewyn
Overseas Worker, New Hebrides (Vanuatu)
Tutor for Calvert & Whimp children
Rep 1977: returned to NZ 1977

RASTON, Rev Taiporutu (Tai)
b. at Te Whaiti
w Emily May Wiremu m 24.7.1959 (Emily a Daughter of the Rev W T Wiremu)
Maori Theological College Whakatane - had a preliminary year and then absent, returned 1964-66
Ruatahuna 1.1.1967
Theological Hall 1981
Ord Taumarunui Maori WkP  23.10.1981
Putauaki Maori 2.2.1989 - resigned  31.1.1995

RATTRAY, Rev James junior
born 3 June 1867
wife(1) Sarah Emma Noble (Captain Salvation Army) married 22 February 1891 at Geraldine died 6 December 1917 at Mamaku
wife(2) Mary Jane Reid born 20 August 1870 married 6 February 1920 (predeceased husband) - seems to be known as Jane but not verified
Left from Balclutha
Resigned from Salvation Army and returned to New Zealand (from where?), engaged by the New Zealand Alliance, Auckland with No-licence campaign, 1906
Received as Home Missionary, 1 February 1907
Home Missionary, Mōrere, 1 June 1907 to October 1908 Home Missionary, Morere-Nuhaka, Hawkes Bay Presbytery, 1908
Pongaroa, Wairarapa Presbytery, 1909
Mamaku, Bay of Plenty Presbytery, 1916, Ordained Home Missionary, 1917
Arrowtown, Central Otago Presbytery, 1918
Athol, Southland Presbytery, 1922
Dunback-Macraes, North Otago Presbytery, 1926
Totara Flat, Westland Presbytery, 1929 — retired from Home Mission service, 16 July 1934
Reported to have rolled his car, without injury to himself or his passengers, at the Ahaura bridge returning from a young people's service at Blackball, 1929
Died 10 September 1958

RAVN, Rev Nicolai Jacobsen
b 11.4.1863 Denmark
w  -  no information
He first came to Dunedin NZ & entered in business. He then moved to Christchurch and
became a member of St Peters, later an elder, and Sunday School Superintendant.
Entered the Home Missions service in 1909.
HM Otorohanga & Te Kuiti WkP  1909
Whakatane BPP 1910 – His wife died during this time
Inglewood TkP 1914,  Ord HM 1914
Patea TkP  1916
Whakatane Outfields BPP 1920
(Is this the same station as the following - Rangitaiki?)
Rangitaiki BPP  1921
Ngaruawahia WkP  1924   
Mangere AP 1925;  granted ministerial status by the General Ass 1928
Licensed by Auckland Presbytery Dec 1928
Ord Min Scargill ChP 28.5.1929 - retired  31.12.1931
In retirement he assisted at Shirley-Richmond Christchurch;  his HM stations were in
scattered districts, with difficult travel and great hardship -  yet he was always cheerful;
Father of Miss N. Ravn, Indian Missionary.
Died 2.9.1933 at Christchurch.

RAVN, Sr Nellie                                   (Mrs Thomson)
h. Edward Charles Haley Thomson  b (?)  m (?)  d. Christchurch 7.4.1969
Presbyterian Women’s Training Institute 1919-20
Ordained as  Deaconess for Mission service Punjab India  24.8.1920
Jagadhri India - arrived 27.9.1920
Returned to New Zealand on account of health (epileptic fits)
Rep 1927: (on furlough in NZ) her health has not yet permitted her return to India.
Rep 1928: Medical advice - she must not return to India; so she resigned 31.3.1928.
Daughter of Rev N.J. Ravn above.
Suffered chronic ill-health until her death (post 1969).
In later years she was granted a small allowance from the Missions Committee on account of
financial hardship and infirmity based on her previous Mission service and her very firm view
that her condition had been brought on by service in India for which she felt the Church should
take full responsibility. This was never proven however the Church consented to pay her an
allowance until she entered a PSSA home in Christchurch after the death of her husband in 1969.
Died (?)

RAWIRI, Rev Taiapo
b 20.4.1932 Ruatahuna;
w Rongotipare Peggy  m 14.11.1964  rem l0.1975, now Mrs Maaka.
At 19 he entered Maori Boys Farm at Te Whaiti & became a carpenter.
Maori Theol Coll Whakatane 1962-4, applied for extra yr; granted
Te Teko 1.1.1967,  Ord 22.4.1968
Putauaki (Kawerau)  1969
Taupo Maori 24.12.1972     
He suffered constant ill-health
Died 3.12.1974  in office

Ang Ch   -   Ord 1965
Brooklands Co-op New Plymouth  2.1978

REA, Rev Margie
Columba College Dunedin; Bachelor of Education - Education and Psychology, University of Otago; dance teacher
Pastor, Church of the Way Tapanui, Southern Presbytery
Affirmed Locally ordained ministry probationary appointment, Crookston, Southern Presbytery, 25 November 2020
ordained and inducted local ordained minister, Kiwi Church Crookston West Otago, Southern Presbytery, 27 November 2022

READ, Jennifer
Local Ministry Team, Dannevirke, Presbytery Central, 29 September 2024

READ, Rev Very Stanley (Stan) Charles                Ll.B., B.D.(Melb)
born 24 August 1905  Invercargill
w Joyce Wilhelmina Thompson B.A. (a Daughter of the manse) born 21 June 1914 married 17 May 1947 died 2004
(Joyce gained a BA from Auckland University in French and English, later teaching at Primary School level. Served on the National Executive of the Presbyterian Women’s Missionary Union and helped in the creation of the Association of Presbyterian Women. National President of the YMCA and steered it through a difficult period of transition and controversy. An Elder and member of the Wadestown Presbyterian Church Parish Council, convener of its Pastoral
group, and also served in the Wadestown APW and Wellington Presbyterial. – from Memorial Minute - edited).
Stan educated at Hornby Primary School, Christchurch Boy’s High School, and Canterbury University College where he graduated LL.B.
He practised as a Solicitor for 7 years before deciding to train for the Ministry. 
Theological Hall, Dunedin 1935-1937
Licensed by Waikato Presbytery December 1937
Ordained and inducted into East Taieri DnP 10 February 1938 — resigned 31 December 1944 
Completed his B.D. in 1939
Chaplain during World War Two  7 January 1941 - at first on leave from parish.
He entered Burnham Military Camp as a Chaplain with the 5th Reinforcements and then served in the Middle East and Italy.
In 1944 he was appointed Commissioner of the NZ Patiotic Fund Board in London with the rank of Major.
Assistant Minister St David’s Auckland, AucklandPresbytery 2 July 1946
Onehunga, Auckland Presbytery, 20 July 1949;
Hospital Chaplain Avondale Auckland.
St Andrews New Plymouth 28 September 1955
St Andrews, Wellington Wellington Presbytery 21 May 1964 — retired 10 February 1971
Moderator of the General Assembly 1966
Clerk of Assembly 1 March 1956 – resigned 31 January 1974
Parliamentary Council Office, 21 February 1974 - two year task of compiling a reprint of the legislation of Western Samoa 1920-1973, a Pacific Aid Project funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs
“His service in the forces made an impact on many people and his genuine friendliness and deep interest in people is still remembered appreciatively by former servicemen.”
He was much respected for his clear insight into a difficult situation, and his ability to clarify the issues and propose a solution which was then seen to be the obvious decision. 
His knowledge of Church law and procedure was profound, and his pronouncements were given clearly and succinctly, and accepted without question as authoritative.  His preaching was also clear, convincingly argued, and forceful.
Died  13 August 1977

READE, Mr Charles Tennyson
b. 10.4.1904
w.(?)  b.(?)  m.(?)  d.(?)
Two years study at the Auckland Grammar School; formerly a Methodist Local
Preacher since 1926, a Clerk and Farmer.
Joined the Home Missionary service 7.8.1937
HM Hauraki Plains WkP  1937
Coromandel-Whitianga WkP  1938
Awhitu SAP  1941 - resigned from HM service 30.6.1942

REDDING, Very Rev. Dr. Graham Ernest               B.Com., A.C.A., B.Th., Dip.Th.(Hons)., PhD.
born Auckland
wife Jennifer Shirley Redding married 8 February 1985
Auckland Grammar School 1978; Bachelor of Commerce 1981 Auckland University; Bachelor of Theology 1987 Otago University; Diploma of Theology (Honours) 1988 Otago University; Doctor of Philosophy 1999 London University
Theological Hall, Dunedin 1986-1988
Worked as an Auditor, Price Waterhouse, Auckland 1982 to 1984
Licensed Opoho, Dunedin  Dunedin Presbytery  20 November 1988
Warden, Selwyn College, Dunedin 1989 to 1991
Ordained Somervell Memorial Church, Remuera, Auckland  Auckland Presbytery  19 December 1991
St John’s in the City, Wellington Wellington Presbytery 1 February 2001
Joint Convener of “Equipping the Leadership Policy Group” of the Council of Assembly.
Principal, The Knox Centre for Ministry & Leadership, Knox College, Dunedin February 2007-2014
Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand 2008 to 2010
Master of Knox College, Southern Presbytery, 12 January 2015 to 30 April 2021
Member of Church School Boards: St Kentigern, Scots, and Columba; Founder Trustee, St Kentigern
Author of Prayer and the Priesthood of Christ in the Reformed Tradition
Lectureship in Chaplaincy Studies, Theology, University of Otago, May 2021
Other Recognised Minister, Southern Presbytery, 7 May 2021
minister Dunedin - Knox Presbyterian Church, Southern Presbytery, 20 June 2024 (0.5FTE, remains 0.5FTE Lecturer in Chaplaincy Studies, University of Otago)

REDDING, Rev Jordan Howard Knight
born Dunedin
Kavanagh College Dunedin: finalist in Otago Smokefree Rockquest c 2008
Theology Degree (first-class honours), 2013
Intern 2014 - completed studies 1 December 2015
Licensed, St Giles The Village Church, Christchurch, Alpine Presbytery, 13 December 2015
Assistant minister, Hope Presbyterian Church, Hornby, Christchurch, Alpine Presbytery, 13 January 2016
Other recognised minister, Alpine Presbytery, 12 December 2016.
Ross Fellow, Knox College, 18 February 2017
Other recognised minister, Southern Presbytery, 1 March 2017
Lombard Prize, essay on the theme "Living God, renew and transform us", World Communion of Reformed Churches Council, Leipzig, Germany, June 2017
Inducted minister, Knox Church Dunedin (part-time), Southern Presbytery, and Tertiary Chaplain (part-time), 9 July 2020
Inducted minister to St Heliers Church and Community, St Heliers, Northern Presbytery, 5 March 2023

REDHEAD, Rev Martin (Marty) Fraser
Southland roots
w Steph, youth pastor and national and regional youth advisor, founder of BraveGirl website.
"For as long as I can remember there has been a call of God on my life into full-time ministry as a preacher and pastor" Spanz, Spring 2016, page 16
Intern, Trinity Presbyterian Church,Temuka
Licentiate, Southern Presbytery, 1 December 2016
Minister, Hope Presbyterian Church, Alpine Presbytery, 12 February 2017.

REDMAN, Rev. Monika Ruth nee Walker
born Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom
husband: Kenneth Paul Redman
Ordained Newbattle Parish, Newtongrange, Presbytery of Lothian, Church of Scotland, 9 October 2003
stated supply, St Ninians Uniting Church, Wellington Presbytery, 2 August 2010
St Ninian's Uniting Parish Karori, Wellington Presbytery December 2011
Resigned and removed from roll 8 July 2014 — returned to Scotland to make herself available for a call from the Church of Scotland

REECE, Mr   & Mrs
Maori Mission
Mataara Maori Boys Hostel, Dominion Road Auckland, Master and Matron  1978

REED, Rev George McCullough             B.A.
b. County Monaghan, Ireland
w. Jessie Chalmers Rankin  b.(?)  m. 6.7.1863 at Ipswitch  d.(?)
Son of James Reed and Jane Ann Lewis. Educated at Queen’s College, Belfast (B.A.).
Licensed at Newry  5.5.1857
Ordained as Minister for Victoria, Australia 1.7.1857
To Australia –
North Melbourne (SV:ECS to Presb. Church of Victoria) 1858 to 9.1.1861
To Queensland (SA:ECS) Ipswich 1861 to 1862
Maryborough 1863 to 1864
Worked on the “Maryborough Chronicle”, Journalist 1863 to 1895; M.L.A. Ipswich 1866 to 1867.
To New Zealand 1870 –
Member of the Auckland Provincial Council for Takapuna 1872 to 1875
Listed by the Presb. Church of NZ in 1873 as 'minister without official duty'.
Editor of the Auckland “Evening Star” 1870 to 1876; Editor of the “Evening News”, Dunedin 1876 to 1878;
Immigration agent, Belfast 1878 to 1881; Land Scheme 1881; leader writer for the “Melbourne Argus”
early 1880’s; the Auckland “New Zealand Herald”; London Corerspondent; Editor of the Auckland
“Evening Bell” 1886 to 1888; Editor of the Melbourne “Evening Standard” 1889; leaderw riter SMH 1890;
leader writer “NZ Herald” 1895.
Publication include : “Calamo currente, including the finding of Noah’s Ark” (1887), “The aAgel Isafred :
a story of prohibition in New Zealand” (1896).
Died 13.11.1898

REEKIE, Rev Donald Harold               M.A.
wife Gwendoline Florence nee Ewins married 15 September 1956 United Kingdom
Joint Certificate of Theological Studies and Social Studies 1960 Nottingham University; Bachelor of Arts 1980 Auckland University; Master of Arts 1984 Auckland University
Ordained Minister, Ipswich, Congregational Church of England and Wales 17 September 1960
he served in Niue Island under Council for World Mission
applied to Assembly 1973 and received into Presbyterian Church of New Zealand as Minister
Inducted Hospital Chaplain Kingseat-Raventhorpe Hospital, 7 February 1974
Support Services, Human Development Division, Papatoetoe, South Auckalnd Presbytery 14 March 1980
Minister Emeritus, South Auckland Presbytery 7 September 1990

REEKS, Mr J.    & Mrs
Maori Mission
Auckland Maori Boys Hostel, Master & Matron 15.2.1952
Resigned 15.8.1955

REESE, Rev Alexander
w. (?), m. (?), d. (?)
Rev Reese grew up in Christchurch, being a member of St Paul’s Congregation. He was a member
of the St Paul’s Bible class who under the inspiring leadership of Mr ED Johnstone was experimenting
with new methods in youth work. He belonged to the YMCA Mission Band which held open-air
meetings on Sunday evenings in the streets. He described himself as a street-preacher who got into
the Ministry almost haphazardly. He worked at a trade for 8 hours a day, studied 5 or 6 hours at night,
and spent an intensive Sunday teaching and preaching. At Canterbury College, he got a good
grounding in Formal Logic, Psycology and Ethics, attended lectures on the English language and
Literature, and did Latin privately with a tutor.
Left Christchurch to study at a small Divinity School in the USA which was strong it’s course of the
English Bible and in the ordinary subjects of a Presbyterian Theological College. He graduated in 1908
and was accepted as a Missionary by the Presb. Board of Foreign Missions, of New York. He was sent
to Brazil in 1909 where he worked for 42 years. He found a most hospitable and kindly people who
opened their doors to a Presbyterian itinerant Missionary, travelling around with a mule team, seeking
opportunities to preach God’s way of peace and acceptance with Him – by grace and favour alone.
Retired to New Zealand in 1951, settled at Peacehaven, Invercargill.        

Seconded from the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu to –
St Andrew’s, Suva, Fiji AP (3 year appointment) 24 Oct 2004

REID, Rev Alexander Rennie               B.A.
b 8.5.1928 Waimate;
w (1) Frances Emma  m 7.1.1956  
w (2) Rita - no information.
Hall 1956-8
Ord Turakina WgP 18.12.1958
Taita Union WnP  5.3.1964
Green Island DnP  11.9.1969  res fr min thr ill-health 10.11.1974
Full-time in Ministry of Defence Chch 1974;
Applied for his name to be restored Ass 1983.
Died 7.12.1984 suddenly,  aged 56

REID, Rev Brett               B.A., B.Th.
Youth leader, Merge Youth, Khandallah Presbyterian Church with Ngaio Union and Wadestown Presbyterian Churches
Bachelor of Arts, Victoria University of Wellington 2013; Bachelor of Theology, University of Otago 2019
intern, Levin Uniting, 2021-2022
appointed Carbon Emissions Workgroup, General Assembly 2022
licensed Levin Uniting, 4 December 2022
ordained and inducted Community Minister, Ngaio Union Church, Wellington, Presbytery Central - Nukuhau Tapu, 12 February 2023 inducted parish minister 7 July 2024

REID, Rev Douglas Robert  (Bob)                   L.Th.    
born Auckland, New Zealand
wife Lynne Florrence  married 6 January 1968
Licentiate of Theology 1973 Australian College of Theology
Theological Hall 1974 (4th year)
Licensed by Presbytery of Auckland, 12 November 1974
Ordained Oteramika-Kennington, Southland Presbytery, 12 December 1974
Waimate, South Canterbury Presbytery, 26 May 1983
Rangiora-Loburn, Christchurch Presbytery, 3 February 1994
Moderator of Christchurch Presbytery, August 2002 to July 2003
St Andrew’s, Takaka Nelson Marlborough Presbytery, 22 January 2006
Minister Emeritus, Nelson Marlborough Presbytery, 2011
Minister Emeritus Christchurch Presbytery, 1 January 2012
Minister, St Kentigern’s Burwood Uniting Parish, Alpine Presbytery, 25 February 2018 — two-year appointment finishing 31 December 2019

REID, Sr Eileen Mary
b 27.3.1901 at Otahuhu. Educated at Auckland Primary School, Auckland
Technical College and Auckland Commercial College. After business training,
she went on to train as a nurse at Auckland Public Hospital with the aim of
entering Mission work. She gained the silver medal in her class at graduation.
Missionary Nurse  South China – appointed to staff of Kong Chuen Hospital 1929;
Ordained as Missionary to China by Auckland Presbytery 5.9.1929;
After 18 months delay in India, reached Kong Chuen.
Canton 12.2.1931
Kong Chuen Hosp, Canton, Matron 1931
Was returning to China from furlough when war was declared with Japan, thus
she avoided internment. She spent some time in Australia, then left in 1944 to
take up the position of Assistant Matron at the Methodist Mission Hospital at
Kukong in Free China. The deteriorating military situation meant that she was
diverted to India for 18 months to assist at the PCNZ Mission Hospital at
Jagadhri and at the Landour Community Hospital until the war was over.
Returned to China 1945. Acted as Assistant Superintendent of Nursing at Po Wai
Hospital, Kong Chuen, which involved preparation of school curriculum, giving
lectures, supervision of other lectures, ward work, care of the health of nurses
and conduct of the school generally. Acted in an advisory capacity to the trained
nurses on the staff, and gave many of the anaesthetics in the operating room.
Was a member of the Ko Tong Church Board of Managers, and took a share in the
Evangelistic side of hospital activities.  
“Own Missionary” of First Church, Dunedin
Returned to NZ 17.10.1950 due to ill-health.   After rest and treatment she recovered,
but medical advice recommended that she must not work in the tropics again.
Resignation accepted from 30.9.1951 after 22 years service.
From c.1951, she served as a Ward Charge Nurse at Greenlane Hospital until 1961(?).
Noted as being on staff of Woodchester Evenside Home, Christchurch, 1962.
New Hebrides (Vanuatu), Matron Ebuli Hostel, Onesua High School 1962 - she went
to relieve Miss Rhoda Vickers who came on extended leave for study 1962;  she was
replaced by Winifred Biggs 4.1963
“A grand teacher of nurses with an easy going personality which endeared her
to many of her students and patients. Her commitment to Christ never wavered and
her dedication to serving as a nurse in China survived many frustrations. She was a
faithful servant of our Lord”
Died Sydney, Australia, 19.4.1982 aged 81 years

REID, Sr Ethel                            Mrs N.D. Nicholson
PWTI 1907-8
Ord Deac N E Valley Dn 1908  res 1909 to marry Rev N.D. Nicholson; ill-health
caused him to ret & he died 1911.
Relieving Supt PWTI Dn1912 for few mths
Taught Maori Miss School
Died  1971  

REID, Rev Gordon Henry                 B.A.,B.D.
b 17.4.1917 Gore
w Hazel Jean b 14.12.1917 m 17.11.1945 d 4.4.2009
War service WW2 in Fiji & Middle East 4 yrs 6 mths.
He was a butcher; went to Bible Training Institute Auckland - then to Otago Universitry & -
Theological Hall 1946-48
Ord Wyndham MtP 16.12.1948
Miramar WnP  1.10.1953
Morrinsville WkP  31.1.1963
Died 31.7.1966 Morrinsville,  in office

REID, Mr G.R.     
Missionary New Hebrides (Vanuatu)
Tangoa Training Institute - volunteered to relieve K. Shing, while he was studying at
Auckland University 1965

REID, Rev Hugh
b 31.3.1905 at Irvine Ayrshire Scotland
w Margaret Brown b 25.3.1904 m 26.6.1930
Educated in Glasgow. brought up in a Christian home, he early committed his life to Christ, and first preached
at age 14. He attended the Bible Training Institute Glasgow with a view to entering Missions service. Later he
felt the call to the ministry and took his Arts course at Glasgow university and the Divinity course at Trinity
College, Glasgow.
Student Assistant at Blochairn Glasgaow
Locum Tenens at St Abbs Berwickshire;
Called to Menstrie, Clackmannanshire - there for 7 years
Responded to a call for ministers in Zealand, recommended by Tulloch Yuille.
Received by the PCNZ General Assembly 1948
Ind Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt WnP 10.3.1948        
St Andrews Gore MtP 28.8.1953
Mahurangi (Warkworth NSP) 10.8.1967  - retired 31.10.1971
Continued to supply and preach in several parishes in the Auckland and North Shore Presbyteries.
"Throughout his ministry Hugh Reid shared his faith cheerfully, and is remembered for his wamth and friendliness
as a pastor, and for his conviction and sincerity of his peaching. He conducted several evangelistic missions and
was a frequent speaker at conventions. His crowning joy was to see six young men called into the Presbyterian
ministry from the 3 parishes he ministered in. In all his ministry he was fully and faithfully supported by his wife
Margaret." [from Memorial Minute]
Died  12.10.1984

REID, Rev (Sr) Helen Margaret Aitken         B.Sc.; QSO          (Mrs Margaret Reid-Martin)
born 25 June 1923 to James Reid and Isabel Aitken on a farm near Whanganui with tuberculosis in her knee, not expected to live into old age. After James's death Isabel and Margaret moved into Whanganui to live with Aitken grandparents. Trip to Switzerland to treat tuberculosis 1931 was unsuccessful.
husband David Brown Martin, minister, Mt Albert Presbyterian Church born 5 April 1915 married April 1978 at St Andrew's in Wellington
Deaconess College 1948-1950  (First to take advanced course at Theological Hall 1948-1950)
Ordained Deaconess, St Pauls, Wanganui and Wanganui Girls College, Teacher Scripture 6 April 1951
Resigned December 1955
General Assembly passed the final regulations required for women to be ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church, November 1964. Three weeks later, Margaret applied to the Wellington Presbytery, through her minister at St Andrew’s in Wellington, to be accepted as a candidate for ordained ministry. A vote was taken and Margaret was accepted as a candidate.
New Zealand Council for Christian Education, Field Secretary, Wellington 13 May 1965;
First woman to be ordained as Minister of Word and Sacrament, St Andrew's on the Terrace, 13 May 1965 — resigned to marry and moved to Auckland, April 1978. 
Moderator, Wellington Presbytery, 1975
Parish Development and Mission Department, Auckland part-time June 1979 — resigned 1980
Honorary Associate, Mt Albert, Auckland, 1980 — retired 1 January 1989
Moderator of General Assembly, 1987, first ordained woman, and second woman Moderator, Theme Choose life in all its fullness Travelled on behalf of the church throughout New Zealand, the South Pacific and Asia.
Convener of the Christian Research Association "the guiding light of the Christian Research Association"
Minister Emeritus, Auckland Presbytery
Companion, Queen's Service Order, 2003
died 19 August 2018 aged 96 years old

REID, Mrs I.
Maori Mission
Turakina Maori Girls Coll, acting Matron 1939 while Matron was on a trip to the United Kingdom
for 6 months.

REID, Rev James Nicoll
b 25.6.1895 Banks Peninsula, NZ.
w Gwendoline Pearl b 23.6.1896 m 9.5.1923 d 22.7.1975
Attended High School for 4 years then 2 years as a pupil teacher in
Christchurch; served in the  Medical Corps during World War One;
on return to NZ took up farming.
Joined the Home Mission staff 17.3.1929.
HM Catlins ClP 1929, Ord HM 1.4.1930 (or 22.12.1930)
Orari SCP 1932
Mackenzie  County AsP 1941; raised to full Ministerial status 1946
Rakaia AsP  26.3.1947
Richmond Grove Invercargill  SP 27.9.1953 - retired 31.3.1962
Father of Rev Lester J Reid & Grandson of Rev William West.
Died 19.10.1973 Christchurch, after several months of failing health.

REID, Rev James Swanson                      B.A.
b 8.1.1868
w Annie J.  b 29.1.1868 m 21.12.1893 d 21.12.1946
Son of the Milton Schoolmaster. Educated at University of Otago.
Theological Hall Dunedin 1889 - 91
Licensed by Clutha Presbytery Nov 1891 (one record states licensed by Presbytery of Dunedin 1891)
Lauder (supply) COP  1892
Strath Taieri (Middlemarch) 27 Sept 1893 - Resigned Jun 1895 after called to Waitahuna.
Ordained by Presbytery of Dunedin Oct 1893
Waitahuna ClP  7.1895
Kaiapoi ChP 12.7.1906
Dunsandel ChP  7.6.1912 - retired 31.12.1922
Hornby ChP supply 1924 - resigned 1927 through nervous breakdown.
Died 22.5.1942

REID, Mr John
fr Scot, sent out by UF Ch 1914
HM Weber & Wainui  HBP  1914
Opotiki Outfields BPP  1915  res 1916

REID, Sr Laura
b. 1874
Appointed Honorary Deaconess Knox Church Dunedin October 1907
Ordained Honorary Deaconess Dec 1908
Served at Knox Church Dunedin  1907 to 1941
Died 26.9.1954

REID, Rev Lester John                 B.A.
born 12 December 1927; wife Marion Elizabeth born 15 December 1930 married 14 January 1954
Son of Rev J.N. Reid
Hall 1951-1953
Ordained Rotorua Outfields (Trinity Ngongotaha, Bay of Plenty Presbytery), 11 March 1954
Te Awamutu, Waikato Presbytery, 6 December 1960
Waverley, Invercargill, 26 February 1969
Director, Parish Development and Mission Department, Wellington, 22 July 1976—appointment completed 31 January 1988
Author of "A Resource for Elders, Sessions and Parish Councils"
St Stephens and St Aidans, Lower Hutt, Wellington Presbytery Associate (half-time), 1 September 1988
Minister Emeritus, 31 December 1992
Died 27 October 2017

REID, Miss Margaret (Maggie) Adams   (Refer separate entry for Mrs MA Russell)
b.1871 at Ballymena, County Antrim, Ireland.
Came to New Zealand in 1881.
A well known Teacher in Dunedin and heavily involved with the work of St Andrew’s
Pres. Church Dunedin.
Sunday School Teacher at the Walker Street Mission Hall 1894 to 1986.
Under the influence of the Rev R Waddell’s Ministry, she volunteered for Mission work in China
under the China Inland Mission (CIM), being stationed at Antong.
Missionary with the China Inland Mission 1896 to 1908
Miss Reid had a harrowing experience during the time of the Boxer Rebellion in 1899 and had a
most miraculous escape from death at the hands of the Boxers.
During her time in China, she experienced one of China’s worst famines. £1,160 alone being forwarded
from the Otago region for famine relief.
While on furlough to New Zealand in 1908 she brought her Chinese Teacher's daughter with her.
The child was named Kathleen after Lord Plunket’s Daughter as the then Governor General, Lord
Plunkett, had shown great interest in her. (refer separate entry for Dr Kathleen Pih)
Refer separate entry for Mrs MA Russell

REID, Rev Maxwell (Max) Fitzgerald                B.B.S., B.Th.
Estates examiner, studied industrial relations, Massey University
wife Noeline Rose nee Schnell married 4 December 1982  (Divorced), computer machinist
partner Lorraine Ritchie
Bachelor of Theology 1986 Otago University; Bachelor of Business Studies 1987 Massey University; Postgraduate Diploma in Ministry (with Credit) 2003 Otago University
Theological Hall 1983-1985
Ordained Patea, Taranaki Presbytery, 3 December 1985
Assistant Minister, St Andrews, Palmerston North, 29 December 1987
Associate Minister, St Andrews, Palmerston North, 11 October 1990
Mairangi and Castor Bays North Shore Presbytery, 3 December 1992 to 1 June 1997
Public Relations Director, Presbyterian Support (Otago), 17 June 1997
Superintendent, Dunedin Methodist Mission, 1 February 2000
Manager, Te Hopai Trust Group, Newtown, Wellington, January 2003 
Minister within the Bounds, Wellington Presbytery, February 2003
Minister within the Bounds, Christchurch Presbytery, 15 February 2005
Removed from the Ministerial Roll, 20 September 2019

REID, Rev Dr Michael                    DipTchg, TTC, MA (Hons), BEd, PGDipArts, DipGrad, DipEd, PhD History
born Mosgiel
wife Celia Anne nee Duffy married 4 September 1993
Early years at East Taieri parish (worship and youth leader), Elder at North Invercargill and Hope Hornby parishes, author of Thus Far: A Centennial History of of Hornby Presbyterian Church (2008)
Dunedin Teachers’ College (DipTchg, TTC); Otago University (MA (Hons), BEd, PGDipArts, DipGrad); Massey University (DipEd); University of Canterbury (PhD History, 2003), Laidlaw College.
Teacher, Tweedsmuir Intermediate, Cargill High School (Invercargill), 1987-1994; Middleton Grange, (Christchurch), Head of Middle School, Head of Christian Studies, 1994-2016; English Teacher, St. Andrew’s College, 2107-18.
Came to ministry after 33 years in education having received the call in 1987.
Local Ordained Ministry Probationer (2019-20).
Ordained Local Ordained Minister, Hoon Hay Presbyerian Church, Alpine Presbytery, 14 February 2021
Great nephew of Rev. Fergus McLaren.

REID, Sr Shirley Gwendoline                    Mrs E. Mangin
b 19.10.1925 m  5.1957
Deaconess College Dunedin 1950-2
HM Mairehau Christchurch, Ordained Deaconess 1.3.1953 - resigned 12.1956
Youth Dept, Home Sunday School Christchurch part-time 1959-63
Assistant St Marks (Upper Riccarton ) Christchurch  ChP 2 6.7.1987
Ordained Minister St Marks (Upper Riccarton) Christchurch  ChP  3.12.1989
From the Manse at Orari, Shirley went to Dunedin Teachers College.  While teaching at
Dunsandel she became involved in the burgeoning  Bible Class Movement of the day. 
She served on the Dominion Executive of the Bible Class Movement and it was there she
met and married Eric Mangin. She also served on the Executive of the National Council of
Churches.  She made a memorable contribution as a preacher, teacher, and made full use
of her artistic gifts in the work of the Church.
Sister of Rev Lester Reid
Died  11.2.1991  (cancer)  

REID-MARTIN, Rev Margaret (see REID, Rev Helen Margaret Aitkin)

REILLY, Rev John Anderson
b 16.5.1886 in Ireland
w Mary Ann b 22.5.1884 m 18.6.1906
He worked for a while in linen mills in Ireland, later in Scotland; he studied at night
classes to equip himself as a Home Missionary. He was for a period an Assist Minister
in Scotland; sent to NZ by United Free Church in 1915 as HM.
HM Totara Flat WsP 1915, Ord HM 1916
Orawia SP 1917
Hindon DnP  (while in Hall) 1919
Opoho DnP (while in Hall)  1920
Theological Hall, Dunedin DnP 1919-22
Licensed by Southland Presbytery Dec 1922
Ord Min Oteramika SP 14.12.1922 (one record gives date as 22.12.1922)
Seddon NMP 12.2.1926; declared by Presbytery no longer a Minister of the Church;
resigned from charge and from the ministry 22.10.1929  (evidently reinstated 1941)
Mahurangi (Warkworth NSP)  3.3.1942
Limestone Plains SP  22.3.1945
Tasman NMP  1.2.1951 - retired 14.12.1952
Died  1965,  aged 79

REITH, Mr John
He is listed as 'officiating elder' taking services at Khandallah & Johnsonville WnP 1899-1903
Rep 1904: when Khandallah became a sanctioned charge with its own Minister Mr Reith
began similar work in -
Brooklyn WnP 1904
Rep 1905: he had a serious accident and has been laid aside for many months.
From at least 1900 he managed the North Island business of the NZ Bible, Tract and Book Society,
being based in Wellington.

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