Register of New Zealand Presbyterian Church

Ministers, Deaconesses & Missionaries from 1840

Vagana to Vowell

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VAGANA,  Rev Uiva                           L.Th., Dip.Tchg.
wife: Akenese Vagaga married 19 December 1969 died 2008
Theological Hall, Dunedin, 1986-1988
Licensed Pacific Islanders Church (PIC) Newton, Auckland, Auckland Presbytery, 20 December 1988
Ordained Honorary Assistant Minister, Avondale Union PIC Auckland  16 February 1989
Pacific Islanders Church Glenfield, North Shore Presbytery, 1 August 1991 - Inducted  17 November 1991
Minister Emeritus, North Shore Presbytery, 22 December 2010

VALENTINE, Rev Andrew Weston
b 14.1.1903 Aberdeen;  w Nancy Flora nee Lambert b 11.1.1915 m 26.3.1955
Theo.ogical Hall 1956
Ind Assist First Church Dunedin DnP  20.11.1956
Eastbourne  WnP  17.7.1958 - retired  31.1.1967 due to ill-health
Andrew was born in Aberdeen and grew up in Arbroath, Scot. Events took him
to Aust & he decided to enter the priesthood of the Catholic Ch.   He studied in
Rome & was ordained there on  8.1.1937.   He then began work in Perth W.A.,
and after a spell was moved to Adelaide.   During these five years he was
troubled by difficulties he had with his Church's teaching and practice.
Desiring to get away from the pressure of city life to think through his his
difficulties, he requested a time in the miss field. He was sent to PNG and spent
18 mths there.   When he returned to Aust  he res from the priesthood and came
to NZ where he wasn't known , obtaining work in the Correspondence School,
wrapping up parcels and despatching them.   After attending evening service at
several Chs he found in St Andrews worship that brought him peace and strength.
Ed Lambert, an elder & widower, noticed that he seemed to be alone &
befriended him,taking him home for meals at times.   There he      met Nan the
daughter & later married her.   After a while the desire arose to serve in the min
to which he had given himself in the Cath Ch.   In this he received much
encouragement from friends at St Andrews.   He & Nan went to Invercargill for
interview by the Student Selection Com.   He was accepted & given a one year
course in the Hall (1956).   They moved to Dn where Nan was employed in the
PSSA Office while Andrew was in the Hall.   It was his pastoral work which
most endeared him to his people, and helped them in need.  (fr Obit)
Died  17.7.1990

VAN  DALEN,  Mavis
See Mavis Wood

VAN  DER  KLEY,   Rev Cornelis
(spelling may have been altered later to Cornelius)
b 6.11.1927 Rotterdam, Holland
w Johanna Maria  b 27.6.1929  m 7.6.1952 (see entry below)
Lived in Indonesia 1940-42 and spent some time in a prisoner of war camp.
After the war, he worked as an Observation Officer in a child welfare institution
in Rotterdam 1949-51 then came to New Zealand where he was emplyed at the Empire
Rubber Mills in Christchurch 1952-57.
Home Missionary  Dunback-Macraes  NOP  29.8.1958
Theological Hall 1961-63
Ordained Westport  WsP  1964
St Peters Christchurch  ChP  13.2.1969
South East Christchurch Union  5.3.1972
PSSA Field Officer Chch  1.7.1977
Mayfield AsP  5.2.1981 - retired  31.7.1985 due to ill-health
Died  5.11.1985

VAN  DER  KLEY, Rev Mrs Johanna Maria
born 27 June 1929, Rotterdam, Netherlands
husband  Cornelius (or Cornelis?) born 6 November 1927 married 7 June 1952  died 5 November 1985 (See entry above)
Immigrated to New Zealand at the age of 22, 1951, settled at Sumner Beach, Christchurch
Buller High School, Westport; Cashmere High School, Christchurch; Rangi Ruru High School, Christchurch
Theological Hall 1985-1987
Licensed St Pauls Union Sumner Christchurch, Christchurch Presbytery,  25 October 1987
Ordained Mackenzie Co-operating Parish (Stated Supply) for six months 7 March 1988 — resigned 31 January 1991
Rakaia, Ashburton Presbytery, 28 April 1991
Minister Emeritus April 1995
Moved to Mt Pleasant, Christchurch, involved in interim ministries and stated supply positions, and the Order of St Luke
died 10 August 2020 at 91 years of age

VAN DER LAS, Rev. Dr. R.A.
From Bethany Presbyterian Church, Seattle, Washington State, USA
St Andrew's on the Terrace Wellington WnP c. Feb 1925 to Oct 1925 (pulpit exchange with Rev SR Orr)
"Rev Van Der Las is remembered as an interesting character and a very good preacher. He enjoyed his stay
at St Andrew's and appreciated the fact that the congregation listened to his sermons without interruption".
"[His] ministry made a lasting impression on the congregation".

VAN NOPPEN, Rev Roland
wife Karen
Lay Appointee, Owaka Presbyterian Church, Clutha Presbytery, 8 February 2010, for a two year term

VAN  OS,  Rev  Stephanus  Wouter (Stephan)                B.A.,B.D.
born Whanganui, parents from Dutch East Indies, father Roman Catholic and mother Reformed Church, moved to Tokoroa at 8 years, attended St Annes Catholic Church, became an atheist at High School, studied 16th century European history and the Bible and came to similar conclusions as the Protestant Reformers, studied Otago University — history and political science, involved with Christian Union and sensed a calling, Bachelor of Arts and post graduate qualification in Divinity
wife Margaret Jean married 4 February 1978
Hall  1977-1979
Ordained Assistant, Pakuranga, Auckland Presbytery, 1 February 1981
resigned 22 August 1983 and  withdrew to Presbyterian Church, Newtonhamilton, Armagh Northern Ireland 1983
Royal Army Chaplains Department 1987 Gordon Highlands
Parachute Regiment 1992 — retired aged 60
Reinstated to Roll Southland Presbytery 7 April 2014
Stated Supply Minister, St Andrew's Church, Wanganui 27 July 2014
Minister St Andrew's Church Wanganui, Presbytery Central 7 December 2014 — retired August 2021
Minister emeritus, Presbytery Central – Nukuhau Tapu, 29 August 2021

VAN  ROYEN, Rev Jan Julius Alexander                   B.A.,B.D.
b  27.4.1928 at Budapest, Hungary.
w(1)  Margaret  Isobel  b  26.10.1930  m  30.11.1956
w(2) Sue  m (?)
Grew up in turbulent times during the German occupation and the Russian invasion.
Therefore he travelled to Holland to complete his education. Learnt Dutch as a young
man, completing his education at Utrecht in 1947. Entered the Technical University of
Delft to study Engineering, but decided instead, like many of his age, to emigrate, and
came to New Zealand. Worked on the Roxburgh Hydro project then resumed
University studies in 1953, completing a BA degree. His call to Ministry stemmed from
the influence of a minister in the Hungarian Reformed Church and from his own working
through of problems of belief in the modern world. His faith was not easily won, and a
strength of Jan’s ministry was always his ability to get alongside people who claimed
to be agnostics or unbelievers; people who often did not want to know about the church
or its message.
Theological Hall  1957-59
Ordained Malvern  (Sheffield  ChP)  8.12.1960
Pleasant  Point  SCP  18.11.1965
St  Marks  Pine  Hill  Dn  24.7.1975
Chaplain Twizel, Upper  Waitaki  SCP  8.10.1981 -  retired due to ill-health  31.12.1983 
Retired  to  Christchurch where he then enrolled in Maori at Canterbury University. 
Moved to Thames where Jan continued to offer ministry as required to the Union
Churc, Waikato Presbytery, and latterly to the Anglican parish where his inclusive
theology and preaching gifts were greatly appreciated.
Suffered greatly in later years from Parkinson’s Disease.
“Ministry in the church was not always easy for Jan Van Royen, nor was it always
appreciated. He had no conception of ‘cheap grace’ or an easy gospel. Christian
faith had clear ethical and social consequences, ministry demanded discipline and
regular study and a life of prayer. The goals Jan set for himself and for others were
always demanding. His theology and sprituality belonged to the liberal wing of the
Reformed tradition and he was impatient with superficial and pietistic expressions
of faith that either lacked depth or had no social or community consequences.
Like other ministers who came out from the Netherlands after the war, Jan Van
Royen brought different perspectives and many gifts, not least of those biblical
and theological seriousness and social engagemant. It has been to our church’s
loss that a kind of cultural deafness prevented us from learning from those who
could have offered New Zealand viable alternatives to the cheap secularism that
has become our lot.
His family remember him as a loving Father, a man of fun and kindness, engagement
and concern. He treasured life-long friendships with some of his Canterbury
farmer-parishioners, his student contemporaries and his neighbours in ministry,
both Presbyterian and ecumenical.” (from Obit.)
Died 7 October 1998

VAN  TRICHT,  Rev  Gerand  William
b  30.10.1920
w  Johanna  Wilhelmina  b  5.2.1924  m  20.1.1951
From Holland.
Minister to Dutch settlers in Otago and Southland  DnP  3.7.1958;
Associate Minister Green Island, Dunedin  DnP  4.2.1960
Minister to South Island Settlers,  Christchurch area ChP 18.3.1962 
Resigned  21.11.1963 and returned to Holland.

VAN  DER  VELDE,  Rev  Popko  Cornelis                       B.D.
b  17.8.1925
w  Martha  (Mattie)  b  13.1.1923  m  8.3.1952
Came from Holland as a young man, and settled at Upper Hutt with his
brother, Okko;  they became builders.  He decided to enter the ministry;  did NZ
BD;  his degree from Holland in economics is not recognized without additional
supplementary units.
Theological Hall 1957-59
Ord  Porirua  East  WnP  2.2.1960 - resigned  20.12.1965.
In 1965 the Dutch Government awarded Popko and Mattie a trip  to Holland; 
on return called  to  -
Dannevirke  HBP  17.8.1966 – resigned 31.1.1979 after a long illness - heart defect
diagnosed 1969;  major surgery  1976.
Died  19.11.1979

VANT,  Mr  I.B.
Maori Miss
Assist  Farm  Manager,  Te Whaiti  16.2.1956 
Maori Boys Training Farm,  Te Whaiti.

VANT,  Miss  Margaret
b. at Pokeno
Educated at Waihopo Primary School, and secondary education at Te Puke, Paeroa & Paengawa.
Studied for two years at Massey Agricultural College, taking the Diploma of Horticulture Course.
Worked in commercial positions for some time.
Maori  Mission -
Appointed House Assistant at Turakina Maori Girls’ College, Marton 1.9.1955

VAN'T WOUT, Martin Peter
Licensed by Southern Presbytery to National Ordained Ministry
Ord Knapdale Waikaka SthP 22.12.2011
Member Southern Presbytery

VAN WIJNGEN,  Rev Willem (Wim).   (in English name usually spelt Wyngen)    
b  27.3.1913;
w (1)  Johanna  Antonia  Wijngaard  b  18.1.1921 m  9.4.1951  div  1970 
w (2) Marga  Atina  b  17.7.1924  m  2.10.1974
From  Netherlands  Reformed  Church; brought to NZ to minister to Dutch settlers 1951
Wanganui   6.3.1952
Christchurch (Dutch  settlers)  8.10.1952
Spreydon  Christchurch  (combined with work among Dutch)  1.12.1953
Kent  Terrace  (now  Mt  Victoria  Wellington)  WnP 6.3.1962
Retired  30.9.1964  and worked in USA 2 years study; then Hospital Chaplain Toronto Canada;  
returned to Holland 1972.
Died  16.8.1993 in the Netherlands, survived by wife.

VAUGHAN, Rev  F. Anne                          B.A.
Methodist Church
Taita Union  WnP  2.1985

VAUGHAN,  Rev  David  L.                   BA., BD., Dip.Tchg., Dip.Min.
Theological Hall  1988-1992
Ordained Chaplain Lindisfarne College, Hastings  14 December 1993
Wakatipu Parish  COP  April 1997 (Known as Wakatipu Community Parish (Presbyterian) from 2003
St Johns Methven, December 2006
Minister Emeritus - Retired to Dunedin 23 November 2014

VEITCH,  Rev Dr James (Jim) Alexander  B.A.,B.D.,M.Th.,Ph.D.(Birm.), Dip.Th(Hons), Th.D.(ACT), FRSA (England)
born Christchurch
wife Janice Margaret Gregory married 27 November 1965 (Deaconess College student 1964-1966) radiographer
Theological Hall, 1963-1965
Begg Scholar, 1965
Studied for B.A. and M.Th. at Otago University.
Inducted into Overseas Missions Staff, 1 November 1966
Ordained and Inducted by Oamaru Presbytery, 11 October 1966
Left for Great Britain, 29 November 1966
Selly Oak, Birmingham for Doctoral studies of relation of Christian faith to Hindu thought, in preparation for missionary work in India, January 1967 to December 1969.
Arrived Indonesia, February 1970
Appointed to Perguruan Theologia Makassar, Indonesia, 1969
Trinity College Singapore, 1975 - during Rev A.C. Heron's 2 year study leave.
Returned to New Zealand, 1978, after 8 years in Indonesia and Singapore;
Resigned from overseas mission staff, 29 April 1978
Honorary Associate Minister St Johns Wellington from February 1978
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor Victoria University Wellington from February 1978
Secretary Council for Mission and Ecumenical Co-operation, 1985-1986
St Anselms Karori West, Wellington Presbytery (appointed by Congregational Church), 8 March 1987 (worked concurrent with University position)
First Church Martinborough (stated supply) Wairarapa Presbytery, March 1997 to November 1998
Holder of the DF Strauss Medal from the Westar Institute in California, awarded 1998.
Minister within the Bounds, Wairarapa Presbytery
St Luke’s Union Church, Masterton(Supply), 2004
First Presbyterian Church, Martinborough (Stated Supply) Wairarapa Presbytery 2007
Minister Emeritus, Presbytery Central – Nukuhau Tapu, 14 June 2023

VENABLES,  Dr  Joseph Kendrick L.      M.C., M.B., Ch.B., L.R.C.P.& S.E., L.F.P.S.G.  
(Captain 3/1272, 2nd Batallion, Otago Regiment,  New Zealand Expeditionary Force)
w. Margaret Burns Venables, of 3 Craiglockhart Terrace, Edinburgh, Scotland  m 7.11.1917  d.(?) 
Son of Joseph and Clara Venables of Christchurch, New Zealand.
He was a volunteer for Medical Missionary work in India; both Dr & Mrs Venables looked
forward to mission service in India at the end of World War One.
Served with 1st NZ Expeditionary Army Forces in France. 
“He gave to his comrades always a splendid example of devotion to duty.”
Died  Thursday, 9th May 1918  -  Killed in action in France.
Buried at Esquelbecq Military Cemetery, Nord, France

VICKERS,  Sr.  Florence  Rhoda                N.Z.R.N.
b  2.11.1924  Milton
Educated at Karitane Primary School, Otago Girl’s High School, Dunedin Public Hospital
Trained as a General Nurse in Dunedin Hospital, gaining her Nurses Diploma as well as
undertaking Maternity and Plunket training.
A member of the Presb. Church of NZ since 1941.
Deaconess College, Dunedin 1948-50
Ordained  Deaconess for Missionary service New  Hebrides (Vanuatu)  1.1951, 
Left for New Hebrides  1.1951
Paton Memorial Hospital, Vila - Nursing Sister  1952 - appointment under the Australian
Presbyterian Board of Mission who administer the Hospital.
Village School on Lenakel, Tanna  1954
Transferred to NZ Presb. Mission 1957
Appt. Matron of Girls Hostel at Onesua High School  1.1.1958
To All Saints College, Sydney July to Nov 1962
In  1963-64 undertook  further study at Rowland House, Deaconess College, Melbourne.
Appointed as Deaconess attached to Chalmers College from 12.1.1965
Appt. to Papua New Guinea -  in charge of women's work Chalmers College, based in 
Delta area, Papua 1965
Left NZ for Papua 26.1.1965
Kimadan PNG leading  literacy programme in Pidgin English  1973
Returned to NZ 16.12.1973
Off Staff 16.3.1974
Although somewhat direct and never hesitating to speak her mind, she just set extremely high
standards for herself and others and this did lead to some personality clashes at times which
was a factor in her not returning to the New Hebrides, although some Missionaries did work
well with her.
Took a position as a Seamstress for a clothing factory in Christchurch 1974.
She suffering extensive burns in an accident in mid July1974  when her clothing caught alight
in her flat after brushing against an upturned heater. She died some days later.
Died  28.7.1974  in Burwood Burns Unit, Christchurch.
Interred in Waimairi Cemetery, Christchurch.

VICKERS,  Rev  William
b. 13.1.1887 England
w.(?)  b.(?)  m.(?)  d.(?)
Prior to World War One he worked for Methodist Church as a Home Missionary;
his health was impaired from the War and for some years thereafter was engaged in
farm work.  Accepted for Home Missionary service with the PCNZ in June 1927.
HM  Kumara  WsP  6.1927
Coromandel  WkP  1930, 
Passed HM exams for Ordination, Ord HM 9.2.1931
Whitianga  WkP  1933
Hauraki  Plains  WkP  1935
Died  7.8.1937 suddenly at the Turua manse, in office, aged  50.

VIDAL,  Rev  G.V.
Anglican  Church
Chartwell  Co-op,  St  Albans  Hamilton  1982

VIGGARS, Rev  Cyril  Wynne
b  25.5.1921
w  Shirley  Elizabeth  b  14.1.1922  m  31.3.1945
Theological Hall  1954-56
Ord  Carterton  WpP  12.12.1956
Fairfield  Hamilton  6.2.1964
St  Andrews Trentham WnP  25.5.1967 - resigned 31.7.1972 and withdrew.
Died  7.2.1991 Upper Hutt.

VINE,  Rev  Geoffrey  Francis            B.A.(Hons), B.D., Dip.Journ.
born 7 March 1940, Hampshire, England, the youngest of three children
Apprentice journalist for the Portsmouth Evening News, moved to London to work for a magazine group; knew many prominent jazz musicians while reporting for a jazz magazine; moved to New Zealand after the winter of 1962-1963, reporter for the Otago Daily Times
wife: Gillian Norma   married 27 March 1965
Editor, Gore Ensign, 1975
Lay preacher
Theological, Hall, 1984 - 1986
Ordained St Aidans Northcote, North Shore Presbytery, 27 November 1986
The Church’s General Assembly in 1991 included a tense debate about sexual orientation and ministry. Geoffrey wanted to put a human face on the debate and stated that he was homosexual, feeling that people would not understand the word bisexual. The subsequent controversy was such that Geoffrey resigned from St Aidan’s on 1 August 1992
Knox Church, Parnell, Auckland, Auckland Presbytery, 1993-1998 including the development of a Niuean congregation in the parish
Also sub-editor, National Busines Review
Minister within the Bounds, Dunedin Presbytery, March 1998
Chief sub-editor, Otago Daily Times
Interim moderator for several parishes, including Pacific Islanders Presbyterian Church, North East Valley, until shortly before his death
Minister Emeritus, Southern Presbytery, 20 July 2010
Died 11 December 2017, peacefully after a long illness. His body was donated to the University of Otago for medical education  

VINTEN,  Rev  Wilton  Ronald (Bill)
b  8.6.1929 in Whanganui
Attended Napier Boys High School
w  Barbara  Joan  b  4.1.1929  m  7.5.1955 d 12.12.2002
Theological Hall  1962 - 1964
Ordained  Cromwell-Arrowtown  COP  8.12.1964
Wainuiomata Union WnP  13.2.1969
Lansdown  Masterton  WpP  8.2.1976
Joint  Presbyterian - Methodist  Stewardship,  Masterton  1.2.1982 (under  PD&M Dept)
Minister Emeritus  31.1.1991
Retired to Masterton whre he continued an active engagement with teh Church and community.
Died 2 Apr 2011 at Wellington.

VOGEL, Rev  Stuart  Graeme                                  M.A., B.D.
wife Dr Alison Margaret (Mb., Ch.B., Dip Child Health, Dip Community Health, three months with BMMF in India) born 15 September 1957 married 1 January 1983 died 6 September 2024
M.A. 1976, Majored in German, B.D. 1982
Theological Hall  1980-82
Ordained  for Mission service, Tawa Union Parish  WnP  SS  10.2.1983
President of the TSCF at Otago University
Appt. Missionary with Presbyterian Church of Taiwan, working with the Hakka people Nov 1984 
Returned to NZ  1986,  Alison to study Pediatrics in Auckland Hospital;
Stuart part-time overseas staff, part-time Auckland Chinese Church 31.12.1986;
on leave for study: permit declined for Alison to serve under Presbyterian Church
of Taiwan. (Rep. 1990)
Area Coordinator Auckland Council for Mission & Ecumenical Co-operation Auckland  25.10.1990
Maclaurin University Chaplain Auckland,  AP  1.2.1992,   Inducted  26.3.1992; also Voluntary
Advisers on new Asian Congregations Auckland 1992; also  Minister to new Asian settlers, Ak 1992
Auckland Central Taiwanese Presbyterian Church Minister AP 1997 to 2001
Co-Convenor Overseas Mission & Partnership Policy Group of the Council of Assembly from 2000 to 2004
Minister within the Bounds  AP  Apr 1996

Successor to Rev Charles Connor in the native school on Stewart Island; did missionary
work as well.
Died  1898

HM  Waikato  West  2nd  Assist  1910
Putaruru  WkP  1911-2

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