Reference Code Title Content Date Slides Film Strip Reel to Reel Tape Cassette Tape Script
AS1 New Christians at Etsha An excellent introduction to the work among the Etsha people in Botswana. Where Len and Hilda Schroeder were recently overseas workers 1982 Y

AS2 This is My Home (Etsha) The land is the west bank of the Okawango Delta in Northern Botswana and is called Etsha, which means a pool with a little water that never dries up. it became the home of four thousand refugees from Angola in 1968, members of the Hambukushu tribe whose forefathers had lived undisturbed in the Cuando region of Anglloa for around 200 years, growing millet, fishing in the river and rearing cattle. 1981 Y

AS3 The FJKM - The Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar A look at the work of the FJKM (The Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar) Apr 1986 Y

CAS1 Witness to the Slaughter - The Church in Guatamala This set unfolds the history of Guatamala and how it has developed into one of the most militarised countries in Central America - slanted admittedly towards a US audience and showing concern about their country's involvement in supporting a regime which brutally suppresses the Indians and the peasant population. Despite this slant it is an ideal starting point to introduce groups and congregations to the general situation in Central America. It describes the oppression that peasants are suffering; but not only that, it highlights the faith that these people have, and the options that some of the churches have taken for these people. With a high Protestant or Evangelical population of about 20% the role that the Pastors and lay people play, and the hope that lives in these people giving them the strength to continue their witness, is a challenge to us to examine our commitment to the Gospel. 1984 Y

CS4 A Boat Within a Boat This the story of Hong Kong as people face the uncertainties of the present decade and of the church as it works out its plan for the Eighties. the slides develop the theme that Hong Kong is a boat within a boat sharing the turbulence and testing that the next ten years are sure to bring; shows how the churches work together through the Hong Kong Christian Council, and something of the work of the Commission on Public Policy as it reflects the concern of churches for public policies that are just, humane, and responsible. A fast moving and excellently produced slide set. 1983 Y

CF11 Ever Faithful, Ever Sure : Christian Communities in China This two-part filmstrip tells the story of the Christian community in China. For long time people assumed that Christianity had been wiped out in China, yet we see that all the time in little groups all over the land the church not only kept alive but grew. People from a wide variety of traditions are now linked in worship and service; the filmstrip brings this out very clearly. Congregations, and groups of all kinds from junior youth to senior citizens, could profit from seeing these pictures and discussing their implications. It does not mince words about the trials of earlier times : it does strongly affirm the fresh forms of faith Chinese Christians are discovering as they work together. 1983
CS12 Truly Christian - Truly Chinese This well-presented slide set tells of the journey made by a group of New Zealand Christians into China. It shows their visits to churches, communes, cities and villages, and records their impressions. 1986

DS6 Indonesia - Urban & Rural Mission Based on slides selected by Dr Ian Cairns this program gives a background to life in Indonesia today and then focusses on the response of the local church to urban and rural mission . a clear demonstration of the relationship of service and evangelism. 1983
DS7 Rehabilim In this slide set Colin McLennan gives the facts, his impressions and observations of some of those being helped by surgery, limb fitting and the following rehabilitation which would have been impossible for the poor. As with other slide sets there is a robust realism and lack of sentimentality about this work that is at the same time viewed with Christian compassion. 1982
DS8 Poorest of the Poor Demonstrating the work of Rehabilim in Indonesia this slide set also goes into the background of Indonesian life. Rehabilim is particularly concerned with the children from very poor families. There is a policy of employing people who are themselves disabled because very few people understand the needs and aspirations of the disabled. Colin McLennan is Project Leader. 1983
DS9 Rehabilim Report Colin McLennan, project leader for the Proyek Rehabilitasi Bethesda, reports on the first two full years operation of the project; reviewing progress and activities to date. 1985
FS/ Murdering Wind Fiji Cyclone 1985

GS36 Suffering & Hope in Asia Expressed by Flower Arrangement This set can be used in number of ways. It can be shown straight through a s study in the Christian use of the flower culture of japan and the way it has been used to identify with the suffering of political prisoners in Korea. It can be broken up into short sequences for Lent, Easter, Pentecost where the beauty and power of the floral arrangements would add to worship. Some groups could use the slides for ideas and techniques to be used in our own churches. 1982
GS39 / JBMO Mission Is.... Gives an overview of what Mission is. The changing concept - Mission is changing, missionaries are changing. Mission is not only to others, the foreign and unfortunate. But to ourselves - wherever we are, often insulated and isolated.
GS40 Wherever I Am Promoting Christian tourism in Fiji, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands; produced by the Commission on Overseas Mission of the Australian Council of Churches.

GS41 To Set people Free Pacific / tourism aspects

GS42 Don't Fence Me Out Tourism impact on Balinese village

GS44 Council for World Mission Executive, South Africa, 1982

GF46 Ecclesia : From Cathedral to Community - The Churches in Action in Europe We are taken from the catacomb Christianity of early Rome to the cathedral and castle expressions of faith and on to the challenge and opportunities of today. We see glimpses of the work of the Lay Academees, and Kichentags, Foyer Cimade, Agape, Taize. This filmstrip enables you to enlarge your knowledge of the family of faith.

GF47 Many Yet One The Church & Churches in the Middle East

GS52 Golden World Tells the story of the Madras Christian Council of Social Service (MCCCSS) as it seeks to face issues of social justice with the slim and pavement dwellers of South India. 1985 Y

GS53 To Sit Where They Sit This programme owes its origins to a need expressed by the middle class urban congregations of many CWM member churches. Just how can 'haves' and 'have-nots' relate or begin to work together? 1985 Y

GS55 Journeying Together This is the story of the Council for World Mission's council meeting in 1985. "...sharing people from different parts of the world with different skills and insights...." "...individuals and churches sharing themselves, their gifts, their needs, their riches, and doing so in an atmopsphere of trust and commitment." 1985 Y

GS56 Spheres of Service This Council for World Mission portrays SPHERE an international, interfaith community development group working in South India, encouraging self help in health, education and rural development. The Harijans are still suffering from the ostracism of caste, and SPHERE helps (with a doctor, community worker, teachers and nurses) these women and men who are making joint decisions about the way to set and reach goals to enable them to find fresh dignity and spirit 1985 Y

GS58 Ikebana : Cherishing the Philosophy of Life Originally devised as a support slide set for the APW 1988-89 project (the Project for Theology and Culture in Asia) these slides of Ikebana arrangements by Japanese Christian artists also act as helpful thought starters for a celebration of today's Christian message. Flowers carry not only the message of Christ, but also have a power to become the radical expression of a search of peace, humanity, in today's imperfect world. 1988 Y

GS59 Kum Ba Yah This slide set from the Council for World Mission has images of the Council's family throughout the world and encourages our prayers for them.
In services, prayers and home groups it can also be used as a discussion starter. Viewers are invited to join in the singing of Kum ba yah when a slide is repeated as a guide to do so.
1989 Y

GT203 How to Lead and Manage the Local Church Resulting from a Charles E Fuller Institute conference, and co-sponsored by many New Zealand churches, Robert Logan and Eddie Gibbs conducted these seminars on church growth in May 1988 in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Why does the church grow in some situations, and not in others. What lessons can be learned from scripture and contemporary experience to help churches grow? Relaxed presentation, at times highly entertaining, this set was taped during the seminar. 1988

IF16 Hari Ram, The Rickshaw Puller's Son Tells the story of a lame child whom lives in Ludhiana and is taken by his father to the Christian Medical College Hospital for treatment. He is admitted for surgery and the story of his treatment and recovery illustrates with excellent photography a good idea of the life of a child in an Indian setting. 1979 Y

IS17 / JBMO Focus of Concern - Ludhiana Showing how patients and families are helped through expert help and care available at Ludhiana Hospital

IS18 So Many - So Few - Bangladesh A Council for World Mission slide set looking at life in Bangladesh and the work of the Christian Church of Bangladesh. Sep 1981 Y

KF1 Even Though We Are Not Blossoming Now This filmstrip gives a particularly fine insight into the life of the Presbyterian Church of the Republic of Korea (PROK) and fittingly celebrates the one hundred years of Christian mission in Korea. 1984
KF2 Korea : Time For a Change Dealing fairly with both North and South Korea this filmstrip examines developments in the North and South that will have an effect on the whole area's future and considers how the military stance on both sides threatens peace. This is the kind of reporting Christians should produce, combining effective reporting with involvement in the concerns of people who are hurting. 1981
KF3 In Hope Witnessing The Church in Korea

MF4 Turakina Maori Girls' College A look at the work of a school through the eyes of a pupil, including School activities and buildings. c.1981 Y

MLS1 Malaysia : The Church in a Multi-Cultural Society A presentation from the Missionary on the spot! The Reverend John and his wife Jenny Roxborogh share this narration which accompanies a bright and varied set of slides. John teachers Church history and New Testament at the Seminari Theoloji Malaysia, a seminary still at a crucial stage of its development in this secular state where Islam is the official religion. the Seminari library has been of special concern for both John and Jenny; John with the overall administration and book ordering and Jenny with the cataloguing. 1986 Y

MLS2 The Roxborogh's in Malaysia This set was originally intended for the Busy Bees only, but its content makes it equally acceptable for other interested groups. The daily life of the Seminari Theologi Malaysia students as well as the new daily lives of the Roxborogh's own family are well illustrated. the contrasts in highrise and private homes and squatters' buildings; shopping in the markets, the different religions' buildings; the plantations, give a good rounding out of this area of mission work. 1987 Y

PF4 Highland Christians A Papua- New Guinea Christian tells of his village, its people, their daily life and the changes that Christianity, education and health services are bringing to them. A Council for World Mission filmstrip. 1977
PS10 Training for Ministry at Rarongo Situated in the island of New Britain, Rarongo College is the centre of theological education and training for ministers of the United Church in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon islands. It was established in 1963 and is some twenty miles from Rabaul, the main town on New Britain.

PS11 Missionary Outreach in Kolosolu The United Church in the Solomon Islands is involved in its own missionary outreach to the mountain people of Guadalcanal. c.1982 Y

PS12 Goldie College Goldie College is a United Church secondary school in the western Solomons. It is in a rural setting, co-educational and totally boarding. Typical of a church school in Melanesia. (acquired 1982) c.1982 Y

PS13 Helena Goldie Hospital, Munda New Zealanders continue to support the medical outreach at Helena Goldie Hospital and this slide set was formed after the return to New Zealand of Bob and Josephine Eason from their five year term as Medical Superintendent and physiotherapist respectively. The hospital, outlying clinics, insight into village life, plus seeing some of the personnel at the work (eg Catherine Logan, Nursing Tutor) and the way the Eason's children fully entered into the communal life of the village. 1987 Y

SS2 Samoan Neighbours This is an introduction to the daily life, culture and church of our Samoan neighbours, both in Samoa and in New Zealand. 1985 Y

TAS1 A New Church Partner - The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan This short program gives a glimpse of the country and its people, and used as a short missionary news slop (The Reverend Stuart and Dr Alison Vogel are our first missionaries to the Hakka people) could give good backup to the significance our our new missionary venture. 1982 Y

TOS1 Tupou College This set provides a very useful background to Tongan life and the roles of schools such as Tupou College which is run by the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga. 1982 Y

VS1,2,3 Vanuatu - Training Ministers; Changes in Society; Onesua High School Three slide sets

VS4 K.I.T.O.W - A Step Towards Self-Reliance Kristen Institute of Technology

HF6 Beyond our Shores - New Hebrides This filmstrip is a survey of the work in which our church is engaged in the New Hebrides. It begins with Tangoa Training Institute, the Theological college of the New Hebridean Church, then moves down through the islands - Lamenu, Epi where we find the Vaemali Hospital, Tongoa, Nguna, Onesua and Havannah Harbour.
It depicts the varied activities carried out by the church and the contribution that our missionaries make to the Presbyterian Church of the New Hebrides.
July 1963
GF1 John Calvin Giving the life of John Calvin and his place in the Reformation. The filmstrip is based on a series of drawings and shows people and places associated with Calvin. The filmstrip was produced by the Protestant Film Centre, Geneva. Script and musical backgrounds, using choirs and organists from Wellington and Lower Hutt, have been adapted and narrated by the Rev GE Dallard. 1960
PF2 Volunteer Service in Papua Produced by the Department of Information for the Bible Class Movement in New Zealand, showing work done in Papua by Volunteers.

CF1 Hong Kong Holiday In this trip to Hong Kong we see something of the contrasts of this fascinating colony. The busy harbour with its variety of ships from all over the world, the crowded narrow streets, the lights of a city that never stops working, modern schools and flats and the shacks where countless thousands of refugees eke out an existence. the second half of the story deals with the work of the church. In education - in small village schools and large, well-established ones. the medical work at Lamma [Island] where Miss Robertson served, the Mission to Leper hospital aa Hay Ling Chau and the teaching and pastoral work done by Miss Alice Cook at Hoh Fuk Tong centre, castle Peak. Script and narration by Mrs Feist. July 1961
HF4 At School in the New Hebrides Showing the location of the New Hebrides in relation to New Zealand, how one travels to the New Hebrides, scenes of the islands and their people and the work of the Christian schools where missionaries from New Zealand serve. Story and narration by Mrs Feist. Mar 1961
PF1 Beyond Our Shores - Papua This filmstrip serves as an introduction to Papua. Its geographical position, terrain, marine and inland villages. It deals briefly with the introduction of Christianity and the contribution of the London Missionary Society. In this filmstrip we are introduced to the areas in which our first missionaries from New Zealand are working. May 1963
JBMO Changing Hong Kong A look at Hong Kong, the work of the Church in education, work with the elderly, with the young, customs. health work, etc. 1973

DF4 The Boy Who Hated Work (The Story of Achmad) The difference the Christian Gospel made in the life of a small Indonesian boy, Achmad, and of his family and village.

GF2 John Knox Giving the life of John Knox and his place in the Reformation. The filmstrip is based on a series of drawings of places and people associated with Knox. The filmstrip has been produced by the Church of Scotland. Script and musical background, using choirs and organists from Wellington and Lower Hutt, have been adapted and narrated by the Rev GE Dallard. 1960
GF27 Church Union - The Only Way to Go (Johnsonville Union Parish)

GF4 Birth of a Parish This is a filmstrip showing the growth and development of the Hoon Hay parish in Christchurch. It deals with problems of a new housing area and it demonstrates how this new parish seeks to serve the community in the name of Christ. here we see imaginative leadership and dedicated men and women giving, working and witnessing in perhaps the most strategic part of our New Zealand scene - and expanding housing area. Mar 1965

Onwards from Livingston Council for World Mission Production 1975
DF1 15 Hours to Indonesia A pictorial survey of the Indonesian Christian Church, its life and witness against the background of Javanese scenery and customs and religion. Photography, story and narration by the Rev Keith Cree, member of the NCC [National Council of Churches] team who visited Indonesia in Easter 1960 Mar 1961
DF2 Beyond our Shores- Indonesia Today we hear a great deal about New Nations, nations that command the respect and attention of all the world - one of these is Indonesia. This filmstrip shows the variety of landscape and its people - its chequered history and its present day situation. It then goes on to show how the church, a tiny minority in this predominately Moslem country - faces this new challenging situation and the contribution that is made by our New Zealand Church representatives. May 1963

Health in Their Hands Council for World Mission Production 1974
HF3 The Changing Scene Shows the work of the Presbyterian Church of the New Hebrides emphasising the progress in education, medicine, and evangelism. Missionaries and places seen are those of special interest to the New Zealand Church. May 1960
Y + Neg Y
ZC3 It Could Be You (Alcholism) There are many grave problems facing our modern society. Gambling, immorality and excessive drinking are accepted as the normal standard of behaviour. In these slides they are showing how you may help with one of these problems - one of the first magnitude.

(missing) Y
IF1 Beyond our Shores - India The filmstrip begins with a brief survey of them life of the people in the Punjab and then shows the contribution that the church has made in educational, medical and cultural progress.
Here in the Punjab is a church that is trying to keep pace with the progress that is evident all over India. The aim of the filmstrip is to help understand this church in which we share, with special emphasis on the contribution that our missionaries are making.
May 1963

For Christ and His Church Tape includes sermon by Rev AA Brash & extracts of a talk by Rev Dr J Peters, Director of the Dept. of Stewardship and Promotion in the United Presbyterian Church in the USA 1960
HC4 A Venture in Volunteer Service This set of slides has been compiled from photos taken by members of the first camp to be organised by the Bible Class Voluntary Service Scheme. It gives in graphic form the purpose and activities of the building of the fence on Santo Island to enclose the property owned by the Tangoa Training Institute. Apr 1963 Y
HF9 Succeeds The successful adventures of a combined Maori and Pakeha volunteer work team in the New Hebrides 1970 or 1972 Y Y Y Y Y

This is Your Church General Assembly Budget presentation


CWM - Empowering for Mission Council for World Mission Production 1989 Y

GF5 Operation Season This filmstrip is a record of the way one of our small country parishes [Tasman / Mapua] has attempted, with some success, to make the church a meaningful and potent force in the problems facing the community in which it stands. the problem is one of ministering to, and making Christ real, to hundreds of seasonal workers [orchard workers] who flood the area from January to may for the apple harvest. In a programme based on the recognition of the unity of the human personality with needs of body and mind as well as of spirit, and after four years of increasing success, they feel that this method of evangelism is not only a valid one but biblical and relevant to the present day. July 1965 Y Y (tape missing)
GF13 Volunteer Service Story Produced by the Volunteer Service Committee of the Bible Class Movement, of the Presbyterian Church, shows work being done by young volunteers in Papua and the peasant agricultural regions of Indonesia and other countries in South-East Asia 1964

Support '74 Church outreach work 1974 Y


Samoan Neighbours This is an introduction to the daily life, culture and church of our Samoan neighbours, both in Samoa and in New Zealand. 1985

Ludhiana Appeal 1977 Ludhiana Hospital, India 1977 Y

ZF4 The Tamaki Story This filmstrip traces the story of Tamaki (Auckland) from Maori to Pakeha settlers, from pioneering times to its present status as one of New Zealand's largest new housing areas. We see a decaying Church restored by [the] New Life Fund and a congregation comes to life.
An alcoholic tells his part of "The Tamaki Story".
Mar 1961

The Second Mile Presbyterian Church budget and self-allocation 1961

Bible Class Summer Conference, Dunedin
Dec 1957-Jan 1958


The General Assembly of the PCNZ and the Annual Conference of the PWMU, Hamilton
5-12 Nov 1958


Bible Class Summer Conference, Lower Hutt
27 Dec 1958 - 2 Jan 1959


The Annual Meetings of the PWMU, Auxiliary of the PWMU, Deaconess Association and the Women's Fellowship, Palmerston North
8 Nov 1960 to 15 Nov 1960


The Forward Look The annual meetings of the PWMU, Auxiliary of the PWMU, Deaconess Association and the Presbyterian Women's Fellowship, Dunedin 7 Nov 1961 to 14 Nov 1961


PWMU Conference, Invercargill
10 Nov 1959


The General Assembly of the PCNZ, Palmerston North


The General Assembly of the PCNZ, Inveracrgill

PWMU Conference, Hamilton


Bible Class Dominion Summer Conference, Greymouth
Dec 1959 to Jan 1960

TMS1 / JBMO Payap College Trains for Service The gates of Payap College swung open in June 1974 to welcome students to the first private institution of higher education north of Bangkok and the only Christian liberal arts school affiliated with the Church of Christ in Thailand. New Zealander's Gavin and JosepheeneMaclean have been on the staff since 1981. 1982 Y


Three Year Plan
c.1975 Y

The Witless Wonders National Christian Youth Convention in Adelaide, Australia 1985 Y

ZC2 Training For Leadership A brief account of the 1958 Leadership School held at Feilding House. Jun 1958 (missing)

General Assembly and PWMU Conference Christchurch


Bible Class Summer Conference, Hamilton
Dec 1961 to Jan 1962


3rd Ecumenical Youth Conference, Lower Hutt
Jan 1960 to Jan 1961

JBMO Ludhiana Obstetric & Gynaecological Hospital Showing various aspects of the work at Ludhiana Hospital

MF1 Mahi Tahi [Workers Together] This filmstrip is an introduction to the Maori Synod - it does not show the workers but the work and is a brief survey of the major activities as well as an introduction to some of the institutions. The commentary is so couched that there is an introduction to basic ideas in Maori - Pakeha. Aug 1962
MF2 Who Will Answer? Maori Synod Production


MC1 Turakina at the Crossroads This set of slides presents the need for an enlarged Turakina College. It contains statements by prominent educational and church leaders in support of Turakina. 1981 Y

HF2 Jungle Schools A survey of the educational work undertaken in the New Hebrides by the Presbyterian Church of the New Hebrides particularly areas in which missionaries from New Zealand serve. Village and middle schools, Onesua High School, and Tangoa Training Institute are all show. Mar 1959
Neg only (missing)
HF1 Witch Doctor No More A survey of the medical work undertaken in the New Hebrides by the Presbyterian Church of the New Hebrides with emphasis on the areas in which missionaries from New Zealand serve. Village and mission station clinics, Vila Hospital and Silimauri Health Centre are all shown. Feb 1959
Neg only (missing)
HF5 Tangoa Training Institute New Hebrides - produced by the PCNZ using photographs taken by the Presbyterian Church of [Victoria] Australia. Inter-negatives scanned Sept 2009 (images of good quality). 1952
Y + Neg


A Kindled Flame Stewardship filmstrip produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee for the New Life and Finance Committee, being one man's moving and inspiring response to the call of Stewardship including seven picture diagrams at the end of the filmstrip to help explain the 1959-60 comprehensive Church budget . Colour images used in this filmstrip relate to negatives R1 to R83 in Negatives Register no 9. (Black & white Neg plus Colour Pos h)eld 1959
Y (+ Neg) (missing)

The Earth is The Lord's and The Fullness thereof A Stewardship (?) related film strip featuring the varied parish and outreach activities, including overseas mission, of the Presbyterian Church. Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee. 1958
Y + Neg


Be Witnesses New Life promotional film strip containing a number of graphs and charts mainly relating to church giving, church outreach & church membership. Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee. c.1952
Y + Neg

IF10 Gateway to Life Portrays the work of the Christian Hospital & Brown Memorial Hospital, Ludhiana. Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Studios.



Indian Survey (Part Two) - The Deepening Stream A review of mission work in the Punjab. Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee. (black & white positive, black & white negative, and colour positive held). c.1958
Y + Neg


Indian Survey (Part Three) - We Play Our Part A review of mission work in the Punjab. Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee. (black & white positive, black & white negative, and colour positive held). c.1958
Y + Neg

IF1 The Fulfilling of a Commission - A Record of Mission Work in India (refer advertisement for this filmstrip in "The Outlook" 19 Aug 1952, page 3) c.1952

One Family - Jagadhri to Bluff Missions related - features mission images taken of South China Mission, Hong Kong , Maori Synod, New Hebrides, Punjab, Hong Kong. Produced by the PCNZ New Life Committee (negatives for this filmstrip added to negatives collection Aug 2009) c. 1952-55

GF3 Far Round The World In this filmstrip we have a comprehensive view of the overseas mission work with which our church is associated. The first section deals with the work in the New Hebrides and this is followed by a brief survey of the life of the people in Papua. From Papua to Indonesia, where we see something of the country and the people and the need to help the church there. the next section of the strip deals with Hong Kong and finally we visit India where we see scenes, people and what the church is doing in medical, educational and pastoral work. the theme of the strip emphasises the Busy Bee Motto "The Whole Wide World For Jesus". Script and narration by Mrs Feist. July 1961
Y (missing)

Fourth Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Uppsala 1968


Training For the Ministry Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee for the New Life Committee. 1953
Y + Neg

GF10 Man Wanted This filmstrip deals with the training given at the Presbyterian Theological College, Dunedin. throughout the story we meet a number of students (men and women) who give their reasons for preparing for full time service in the church, their reactions to study and college life and what they plan to do in the future. In the filmstrip we see scenes of college life and listen to extracts from lectures given by some of the professors. This is a down to earth filmstrip written, narrated and recorded by the students themselves. it was produced by the Department of Information for the Committee on recruitment of the PCNZ. May 1966
Y (missing)
GF15 The Heart of the Matter This filmstrip highlights the work of the Home Ministry in five vital areas - the inner city; new housing; suburbs; industrial undertaking; rural areas and institutions. produced by the PCNZ Dept. of Information for the Home Ministry Committee. Colour. c.1968-70
Y (missing)
ZP2 By Love Serve (version II) Showing the varied activities in which Deaconesses serve in New Zealand and overseas and of their training at Deaconess College in Dunedin. Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee. 1959 (slides held in slide box)
HF2 Our Missionaries at Work in the New Hebrides - Tongoa (Part one of a series of three filmstrips)
Deals with Mission work in each of the four New Zealand areas, Nguna, Tongoa, Lamenu & Epi. The Mission families shown are the Revs CK Crump, RW Murray, AG Horwell, and GM Miller.
This filmstrip includes images taken by Mr Normal France in Aug 1951 (original negatives survive in photographic collection).
Neg only

HF7 New Hebrides in a New Age This colour filmstrip is about the people of the New Hebrides and the place of the church in their lives as they share in the rapid and often bewildering changes the modern world has brought to them.
The framework of the story is provided by a visit paid by a member and the Assistant Secretary of the Overseas Missions Committee to the New Hebrides last year. The order of the pictures follows their journey, touching on the work of each of our missionaries as well as that of some of our Australian partners, Important events in the life of the Church are shown, for example the ordination and induction of a young pastor in an isolated village on the West Coast of Santo, and the meeting of the General Assembly at Magam on Ambrym.
The commentary tells of the people. of some of the new opportunities opening before the young folk and some of the difficulties and frustrations they must face. The part played by the missionary outreach and our church is indicated and the responsibilities and opportunities still facing us are made clear.
Photographed and recorded commentary was by the Rev DE Duncan.
Y (missing)

New Hebrides Teacher Produced by the Visual Education Committee of the PCNZ, possibly from images taken by the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. Refer to Visual Education Committee reports of 1951 & 1952. c.1952

HF3 Our Missionaries at Work in the New Hebrides - Lamenu - Epi (Part two of a series of three filmstrips)
Deals with Mission work in each of the four New Zealand areas, Nguna, Tongoa, Lamenu & Epi. The Mission families shown are the Revs CK Crump, RW Murray, AG Horwell, and GM Miller. This filmstrip includes images taken by Mr Normal France in Aug 1951 (original negatives survive in photographic collection).
Y + Neg

HF1 Our Missionaries at Work in the New Hebrides - Nguna (Part three of a series of three filmstrips)
Deals with Mission work in each of the four New Zealand areas, Nguna, Tongoa, Lamenu & Epi. The Mission families shown are the Revs CK Crump, RW Murray, AG Horwell, and GM Miller. This filmstrip includes images taken by Mr Normal France in Aug 1951 (original negatives survive in photographic collection).
Y + Neg

HF4 General New Hebridean Scenes This filmstrip includes images taken by Mr Normal France in the New Hebrides in Aug 1951 (original negatives survive in photographic collection). 1952
Neg only

HF5 New Hebrides Helpmates A survey of the work undertaken by the Presbyterian Church of the New Hebrides, and the part played by missionaries from New Zealand. Here are glimpses of the work carried out at Nguna, Tongoa, the Silimauri Health Centre, Lamenu, Vaemali Hospital on Epi, and the Training Institute at Tangoa. Story and narration by Mrs Feist. July 1961
(missing) (missing)

All Are One in Jesus Christ Maori Mission c.1950's
Neg only

We Are Presbyterians A short filmstrip, primarily in graph form, outlining the national and parish structure of the Presbyterian Church and a range of statistics relating to Presbyterian Church membership.
Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee for the New Life Committee
Y + Neg

YF2 & YF3 The Sunday School In two parts. Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee for the Youth of the Church Committee c.1952-53
Y + Neg


Possessing the Land This filmstrip, which is in two parts, appears to feature ministry in rural areas and small towns and the expansion of new housing areas.
Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee.
Y + Neg


The Bible Class Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee for the Youth of the Church Committee Sept1953
Y + Neg


We Live in New Zealand A short filmstrip featuring world maps, including of New Zealand, scenes of foreign people's around the world, a pastoral view, a new housing suburb, a school, an established church, church attendance, and family life plus Church outreach and membership statistics.
Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee for the New Life Committee
Y + Neg


Foundation Truth Focusses on the teaching of the Christian message, to adults, youth and children. Produced by the Publicity Committee of the PCNZ for the New Life Committee c.1952-53
Y + Neg


The Home Church Features established churches as well as Church extension work in new housing areas.
Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee for the New Life Committee.
Y + Neg


Unto the Least Presbyterian Support Services Association [PSSA], featuring children's homes, Chaplaincy work, Deaconess work, and work in the Cities and amongst the aged. Refer to Visual Education Committee report of 1951 c.1951


The Forward Look - A Review of our Women's Work A look at women's work within the Presbyterian Church, particularly focussing on women who are making a contribution to this work . c. 1961-62


The Training of Deaconesses [and their Work] Parts I & Part II Noted in Visual Education Committee report of 1947 as being "in process of production" and in 1949 as being in "preparation". Only date recorded on strip is 1948, being a copy of a Deaconess Training certificate. Photographer : Jack Welsh & Sons of Dunedin and Produced by AH & AW Reed LTD. Images scanned Aug 2009 c.1949
Y + Neg

(missing - although images have captions)

For The Healing of the Nations Mission related - New Zealand Chinese, Hong Kong, New Hebrides, Punjab. Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee. 1950's
Y (+ Neg)


A Rightful Place New Hebrides


CF2 Beyond our Shores - Hong Kong This set of slides gives glimpse of Hong Kong, its geographical setting in the East, the variety of scenery and something of the life of the 3 million people who cram into this muti-racial metropolis. then it deals with the work and witness of the church, with special emphasis on the social work in the fantastic 'Inner City' and the problems of the refugees from Communist China who flock into this haven of political refuge. May 1963
(missing) (missing)
ZF6(?) Training For Leadership A comprehensive account, given by members of the school, of the Christian Education Department's Leadership Training School held at Feilding House [Feilding] in c. 1959-1959 c.1959-60

ZF(?) Training For Leadership A comprehensive account, given by members of the school, of the Christian Education Department's Leadership Training School held at Feilding House [Feilding] in c.1959-1960 c.1959-60

CC1 Beyond our Shores - Hong Kong This filmstrip gives glimpse of Hong Kong, its geographical setting in the East, the variety of scenery and something of the life of the 3 million people who cram into this muti-racial metropolis. then it deals with the work and witness of the church, with special emphasis on the social work in the fantastic 'Inner City' and the problems of the refugees from Communist China who flock into this haven of political refuge. Sept 1963 (missing)
GF6 Freedom to Choose This filmstrip has been prepared by the NZ Council for Christian Education to portray the scope of Christian Education in schools in NZ. It shows what is being done at present and something of the aims and reasons for religion in relation to public education. the home, Church and schools are all recognised as agencies co-operating together in Christian Education. In addition, teh areas of secondary and higher education are revealed where little has so far been achieved in religious teaching and the possibility of developments is highlighted. Professionally produced by Graphic Productions, Wellington. July 1965
(missing) (missing)
GF7 How Real the Hope Since 1948 Christians, constrained by the love of Christ to give and to serve, have worked with governments and other agencies to feel the hungry, clothe the naked and heal and give shelter to the homeless.
Important as this programme has been over the years since 1948 it has grown increasingly obvious that it is not enough merely to keep people alive with meagre handouts of food, hand-down clothing, and marginal care. They must also grown in self-respect, in worthwhileness as persons.
many new skills have been taught these Arab refugees, but the dividing walls remain reflecting a refugees situation which seemingly has little chance of settlement. Bust despite deep enmity of nations you can bring hope to individuals caught in the struggle, for today there is the growing hope that all can be helped to a useful life, the hope that skilled individuals can take their place in the modern world. To describe the difficult life of the Arab refugees and to show the churches programme of relief and rehabilitation which will continue to make a significant difference to many of these people.
This filmstrip has been made available by the National Council of Churches.
(missing) (missing)
IC1 Beyond our Shores - India This set of slides begins with a brief survey of the life of the people in the Punjab and then shows the contribution that the Church has made in educational, medical and cultural progress. Sept 1963 (missing)
ZF1 By Love Serve (version II) Showing the varied activities in which Deaconesses serve in New Zealand and overseas and of their training at Deaconess College in Dunedin. Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee. 1959
Y (missing)
ZF2 The Ship Sails On This filmstrip has been produced at the request of the Auxiliary of the PWMU. It deals with the history of the movement. a description of the auxiliary badge and the way in which the Auxiliary assists the Church overseas and in New Zealand. 1960
(missing) (missing)
ZF5 The Parish School in Action An account of what is being done in establishing the "Parish School".
Pictures showing aspects of a Baptist "All-Ages Sunday School", a Methodist "Church School", and a Presbyterian "Parish School", with comments by leaders and church members on the value of this total congregational activity of worship, study and outreach. For showing to office-bearers and congregations interested in extending group Bible Study amongst adults. Encourages the linking of corporate worship with corporate study and congregational outreach into the community.
May 1961
(missing) (missing)
GF16 The Communicants Kit Includes film strips (1) Jesus Christ, Son of God (2) The Bible (3) Our Presbyterian heritage (4) The Word and the Sacraments; as well booklets (1) The Meaning of the Church membership (2) Minister's Manual (3) Scripts for Filmstrips (4) Why do we Baptize our Children (5) Why should I "join the Church?".
produced by the Board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and the United Presbyterian Church of the USA

Resource Material
HC1 Witch Doctor No More A survey of the medical work undertaken in the New Hebrides by the Presbyterian Church of the New Hebrides with emphasis on the areas in which missionaries from New Zealand serve. Village and mission station clinics, Vila Hospital and Silimauri Health Centre are all shown. 1959 (missing)
HC2 Jungle Schools A survey of the educational work undertaken in the New Hebrides by the Presbyterian Church of the New Hebrides particularly areas in which missionaries from New Zealand serve. Village and middle schools, Onesua High School, and Tangoa Training Institute are all show. 1959 (missing)
HC3 The Changing Scene Shows the work of the Presbyterian Church of the New Hebrides emphasising the progress in education, medicine, and evangelism. Missionaries and places seen are those of special interest to the New Zealand Church. 1960 (missing)
JBMO Ludhiana


The Church in Hong Kong (colour film strip) 1957


The Church's Social Service A look at all aspects of the work of the Presbyterian Social Services Association (PSSA) in New Zealand including Auckland, Havelock North, Masterton, Wellington, Timaru, Oamaru, Dunedin & Invercargill. 1961
Y (missing)

All Are One in Christ Jesus [NZ Maori] "The Presbyterian Church takes the Gospel to the Maori and offers him the opportunity to share in Christian Fellowship."
Negative held only, no positive - marked by Lindsay Crozier as "Old Maori - Neg". Reference to filmstrip on Maori Mission being under production in Visual Education Committee report of 1949. Film strip includes plain typed title and occasional caption frames. Filmstrip features various scenes of people and groups around the Maori Mission Field. Produced by AH & AW Reed LTD.
Negative cut into strips and scanned (as three contact sheets and individual images) Aug 2009 with images described and being placed in P-A Maori album.
Neg only - Positive missing)


Indian Survey (Part One) - The Indian Scene A review of mission work in the Punjab. Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee. (black & white positive & black & white negative held). c.1958
Y + Neg


By Love Serve (version I) Showing the varied activities in which Deaconesses serve in New Zealand and overseas and of their training at Deaconess College in Dunedin. Produced by the PCNZ Publicity Committee. (This is the original black & white version, a new colour version was made in 1959, refer ZP1) c.1956
Neg only
