Winton Parish Marriages 1873 to 1920
Parish Code 22/49
Amos to MacPherson / Maider to Young
MAIDER James McCheyne | 33 | KIDD | 21-Dec |
1888 | 22/49 |
MALCOLM Barbara McLaren | 25 | LEGAT | 29-Jun |
1887 | 22/49 |
MALCOLM Duncan McLaren | 39 | MATHIESON | 27-Dec |
1899 | 22/49 |
MALCOLM Jessie Wallace | 21 | HAMILTON | 18-Apr |
1878 | 22/49 |
MALCOLM Mary | 28 | TAYLOR | 8-Oct |
1895 | 22/49 |
MARSH Herbert Oliver | 25 | PAYNE | 17-Jan |
1906 | 22/49 |
MARSHALL Charles Henry | 29 | KNIGHT | 30-Dec |
1903 | 22/49 |
MARSHALL Elizabeth | 22 | BLAKIE | 16-May |
1906 | 22/49 |
MARSHALL John | 29 | KNIGHT | 2-Aug |
1905 | 22/49 |
MARSHALL Mary Grace | 25 | GERRARD | 3-Jun |
1912 | 22/49 |
MARTIN Emily Maria | 21 | SANGSTER | 2-Apr |
1878 | 22/49 |
MARTIN Robert Stewart | 25 | COLE | 21-Apr |
1916 | 22/49 |
MARYMAN Francis John | 25 | McLEAN | 20-Aug |
1875 | 22/49 |
MASON Edith | 18 | PROCTOR | 23-Sep |
1903 | 22/49 |
MASON Margaret Ellen | 18 | BLACK | 1-Jul |
1891 | 22/49 |
MATHIESON Isabella Dawson | 27 | MALCOLM | 27-Dec |
1899 | 22/49 |
MAY John Thomas | 42 | IRWIN | 23-Apr |
1919 | 22/49 |
MAY Mary Victoria | 33 | IRWIN | 8-Jan |
1913 | 22/49 |
McARTHUR Andrew Douglas | 23 | GRIMWOOD | 7-Jul |
1915 | 22/49 |
McARTHUR Catherine Nelson | 25 | JAMIESON | 7-Jun |
1911 | 22/49 |
McARTHUR Isabella | 19 | COWIE | 26-Oct |
1898 | 22/49 |
MCCALLUM John | 47 | ROWAN | 21-Aug |
1918 | 22/49 |
McCLYMONT Hugh | 40 | GREENWOOD | 30-Oct |
1884 | 22/49 |
McCONACHIE Donald | 29 | MACPHERSON | 30-Oct |
1883 | 22/49 |
McCORMACK Margaret | 22 | GILES | 30-Oct |
1883 | 22/49 |
McCORMACK Mary | 17 | LINDSAY | 30-Oct |
1874 | 22/49 |
McCORMICK George | 31 | MILGATE | 24-Jun |
1903 | 22/49 |
McCORMICK Robert | 21 | ASTON | 21-Jul |
1880 | 22/49 |
McCROSTIE Annie Robertson | 23 | LITTLE | 24-Jul |
1907 | 22/49 |
McCROSTIE John Morton | 25 | ROBINSON | 22-Apr |
1912 | 22/49 |
McCURDY Mary Louisa | 23 | KIDD | 16-Apr |
1906 | 22/49 |
McDONALD James Charles | 35 | PARKER | 29-Jan |
1913 | 22/49 |
McDONALD Alexander | 22 | LEDINGTON | 29-Sep |
1881 | 22/49 |
McDONALD Catherine Caskie | 26 | WISEMAN | 21-Apr |
1897 | 22/49 |
McDONALD Thomas | 34 | HARRISON | 23-Nov |
1904 | 22/49 |
McDONALD William Shephard | Full | RODGERS | 19-Dec |
1894 | 22/49 |
McFARLANE Francis Ledingham | 34 | KING | 27-Oct |
1920 | 22/49 |
McFETRIDGE Thomas | 30 | DEACON | 4-Mar |
1903 | 22/49 |
McGRANE Lizzie | 23 | COOPER | 4-Dec |
1883 | 22/49 |
McGREGOR Isabella | 22 | LATHAM | 23-Oct |
1878 | 22/49 |
McGREGOR William | 47 | McRAE | 26-Jul |
1888 | 22/49 |
McINTYRE Christina | 36 | McRAE | 12-Feb |
1884 | 22/49 |
McINTYRE James | 22 | LOCKERBIE | 4-Mar |
1903 | 22/49 |
McKAY Anne | 25 | WALKER | 25-Jun |
1874 | 22/49 |
McKAY David | Full | ESPIE | 17-Jan |
1873 | 22/49 |
MCKENZIE Margaret Henry | 22 | DIXON | 24-Dec |
1902 | 22/49 |
McKENZIE Agnes | 23 | DIXON | 2-Oct |
1907 | 22/49 |
McKENZIE Alexander | 25 | COWAN | 4-Oct |
1892 | 22/49 |
McKENZIE Daniel | 31 | LARV | 18-Jul |
1877 | 22/49 |
McKENZIE George Johnson | 26 | FRASER | 23-Oct |
1895 | 22/49 |
McKENZIE Jessie Watson | 22 | GILL | 24-Apr |
1900 | 22/49 |
McKENZIE Mary Sim Hunter McK. | 41 | McWILLIAM | 8-Dec |
1915 | 22/49 |
McKENZIE Mina Brass | 23 | GRIMWOOD | 24-Sep |
1919 | 22/49 |
McKERCHAR Catherine | -- | YORK | 16-Feb |
1894 | 22/49 |
McKERCHAR Isabella | 20 | KING | 3-Jul |
1891 | 22/49 |
McKERCHAR Jessie | 35 | STEWART | 4-Feb |
1880 | 22/49 |
McKILLOP Alexander | 32 | CAMERON | 17-Oct |
1894 | 22/49 |
McKILLOP David Sutherland | 29 | THOMSON | 22-Nov |
1899 | 22/49 |
McKINNA Agnes Stewart | 25 | SOUTAR | 14-Jun |
1919 | 22/49 |
McKINNA Isabella Barr | 24 | MACKAY | 20-Jan |
1915 | 22/49 |
McLAREN Norman Alexander | 27 | CHRISTIE | 14-Feb |
1887 | 22/49 |
McLEAN Hugh Henry | 29 | CAMPBELL | 3-Jun |
1908 | 22/49 |
McLEAN Isabella | 20 | JOHNSTON | 1-Jun |
1874 | 22/49 |
McLEAN James John Hamilton | 32 | RIDDELL | 4-Jul |
1888 | 22/49 |
McLEAN Janet | 17 | MARYMAN | 20-Aug |
1875 | 22/49 |
McLEAN John | 29 | MILLER | 17-Jul |
1885 | 22/49 |
McLEAN John | 35 | SINCLAIR | 23-Dec |
1903 | 22/49 |
McLEOD Annabella | 25 | BUXTON | 24-Apr |
1905 | 22/49 |
McLEOD Catherine | 23 | MACKINTOSH | 23-Sep |
1897 | 22/49 |
MCLEOD Donald | 23 | McCONACHIE | 23-Sep |
1877 | 22/49 |
McLEOD Isabella Jessie | 36 | BARSDELL | 23-Sep |
1914 | 22/49 |
McLEOD Isabella Mary | 20 | HAMILTON | 26-Sep |
1900 | 22/49 |
McLEOD Kenneth | 25 | KEITH | 17-Jun |
1892 | 22/49 |
MCLEOD Roderick | 28 | McMASTER | 24-Dec |
1891 | 22/49 |
McMASTER Jane | 21 | McLEOD | 24-Dec |
1891 | 22/49 |
McMATH Annie Agnes | 26 | CAMPBELL | 9-Feb |
1910 | 22/49 |
MCNAUGHT William | 31 | CORSON | 26-Apr |
1893 | 22/49 |
MCNEIL Donald | 32 | CAMERON | 1-Dec |
1891 | 22/49 |
McNEILL Mavouria Constance | 17 | BRYCE | 2-Nov |
1915 | 22/49 |
McNEUR David | 31 | ORANGE | 17-Oct |
1918 | 22/49 |
McPHERSON Catherine Christina | 21 | McRAE | 31-Aug |
1888 | 22/49 |
McRAE Finlay | 58 | CLARK | 16-Jan |
1889 | 22/49 |
McRAE Alexander Stephen | 24 | HOLLAND | 6-Dec |
1919 | 22/49 |
McRAE Catherine | 22 | YORK | 15-Nov |
1892 | 22/49 |
McRAE Duncan | 55 | McINTYRE | 12-Feb |
1884 | 22/49 |
McRAE John | 27 | McPHERSON | 31-Aug |
1888 | 22/49 |
McRAE Julia | 26 | MCGREGOR | 26-Jul |
1888 | 22/49 |
MCRAE Mary Ann | 23 | MACDONALD | 27-Dec |
1890 | 22/49 |
McVEIGH Helen | 29 | JUDGE | 27-Dec |
1877 | 22/49 |
McWILLIAM James Peter | 50 | McKENZIE | 8-Dec |
1915 | 22/49 |
McWILLIAM Jane | 26 | ROY | 19-Feb |
1875 | 22/49 |
McWILLIAM Mary Anne | 37 | YOUNG | 28-Dec |
1898 | 22/49 |
MEREDITH Maria | 42 | NICHOLSON | 12-Mar |
1889 | 22/49 |
MILGATE Annie | 23 | McCORMICK | 24-Jun |
1903 | 22/49 |
MILLARD Adele Caroline | 27 | BAIRD | 21-Sep |
1910 | 22/49 |
MILLARD Sarah Eliza | 22 | GAFFNEY | 16-Jul |
1900 | 22/49 |
MILLER Ellen Jane | 26 | WITHINGTON | 18-May |
1920 | 22/49 |
MILLER Jessie Matilda Morrison | 23 | McLEAN | 17-Jul |
1885 | 22/49 |
MILLER Margaret | 22 | SHEED | 21-May |
1918 | 22/49 |
MILLER Mary Marshall | 26 | WHIPP | 16-Jul |
1887 | 22/49 |
MILNE Jessie | 22 | DONALD | 31-Dec |
1883 | 22/49 |
MITCHELL Clara | 32 | FOWLER | 25-Apr |
1899 | 22/49 |
MITCHELL James | 34 | WHYTE | 5-Apr |
1915 | 22/49 |
MITCHELL Thomas | 25 | HAMILTON | 21-Apr |
1920 | 22/49 |
MONK Benjamin | 26 | CLEARWATER | 7-Apr |
1913 | 22/49 |
MOORE Charles D. | 24 | JACK | 7-Apr |
1875 | 22/49 |
MORRISON Elizabeth Wallace | 31 | PETTIGREW | 12-Nov |
1913 | 22/49 |
MORRISON William | 36 | HAMILTON | 20-Jan |
1888 | 22/49 |
MORTIMER Thomas | 22 | SWAIN | 13-Sep |
1875 | 22/49 |
MOSS Hannah Louisa | 22 | CROW | 1-Jun |
1898 | 22/49 |
MUIR Elizabeth Kennedy | 21 | WILSON | 9-Aug |
1910 | 22/49 |
MULLIN James Maxwell | 24 | STRANG | 8-Nov |
1911 | 22/49 |
MUNRO Charles Thomas | 26 | WILSON | 27-Jun |
1906 | 22/49 |
MUNROE Mary Jane | 26 | PROCTER | 18-Dec |
1919 | 22/49 |
MURDOCH Margaret McLeish | 22 | COWIE | 25-Oct |
1911 | 22/49 |
MURDOCK Hannah | 27 | KING | 1-Jan |
1907 | 22/49 |
MURPHY Adelaide | 29 | HAMILTON | 9-Jun |
1909 | 22/49 |
NASH Catherine | 19 | HARTLEY | 10-Jun |
1886 | 22/49 |
NICHOLSON Angus | 23 | THOMSON | 14-Feb |
1882 | 22/49 |
NICHOLSON Isabella | 20 | STEWART | 20-Jun |
1905 | 22/49 |
NICHOLSON John | 42 | MEREDITH | 12-Mar |
1889 | 22/49 |
NOBLE Sarah | 22 | WILSON | 17-Mar |
1876 | 22/49 |
OATES Jessie Isabella Elizabeth | 21 | RAE | 7-Jan |
1905 | 22/49 |
ORANGE Eva Maude | 31 | McNEUR | 17-Oct |
1918 | 22/49 |
ORD Anne Selby Burrel | 25 | FIDLER | 4-May |
1909 | 22/49 |
ORD Mary Jane | 29 | GILL | 26-Dec |
1910 | 22/49 |
PAGEY charles Richard | 29 | CAMERON | 14-Aug |
1895 | 22/49 |
PARKER Harry | 21 | CAMERON | 15-Sep |
1903 | 22/49 |
PARKER May | 24 | McDONALD | 29-Jan |
1913 | 22/49 |
PASCOE Hugh Trounee | 24 | CORSON | 26-Sep |
1900 | 22/49 |
PATERSON Thomas Edward | 27 | HENDERSON | 8-Jun |
1910 | 22/49 |
PATTERSON Walter | 22 | STANFORD | 27-Jun |
1879 | 22/49 |
PAYNE Ann | 19 | HAZLETT | 25-Jul |
1906 | 22/49 |
PAYNE Ellen | 22 | MARSH | 17-Jan |
1906 | 22/49 |
PAYNE Frances Annie Munro | 23 | CAMPBELL | 18-Feb |
1885 | 22/49 |
PAYNE Mary Catherine | 29 | HAZLETT | 20-May |
1908 | 22/49 |
PEARCE Frederick | 34 | KEAST | 28-Aug |
1893 | 22/49 |
PESCINI Justin August | 30 | COWAN | 23-Feb |
1910 | 22/49 |
PETTIGREW Walter James | 42 | MORRISON | 12-Nov |
1913 | 22/49 |
PHILLIPS George Antonio | 22 | HODGKINSON | 29-Sep |
1908 | 22/49 |
PLUNKETT Mary Ann | 26 | WILSON | 29-Sep |
1909 | 22/49 |
POPENHAGEN Darah Wilson | 19 | SUTHERLAND | 28-Dec |
1918 | 22/49 |
POPENHAGEN George William | 26 | KENNEDY | 28-Dec |
1893 | 22/49 |
POPENHAGEN Margaret | 19 | STEEL | 16-Sep |
1903 | 22/49 |
POPENHAGEN Mary | 17 | SANDS | 24-Oct |
1879 | 22/49 |
POPENHAGEN Dora | 18 | SHAW | 28-Feb |
1912 | 22/49 |
POPENHAGEN Sofia | 23 | HAZLETT | 9-Jun |
1920 | 22/49 |
PORTEOUS Alexander Rennie | 20 | TIPPETT | 20-Apr |
1896 | 22/49 |
PORTEOUS Eveline Margaret | 20 | STEVENS | 30-Mar |
1910 | 22/49 |
PORTEOUS James Bowie | 42 | RIDDLE | 8-Sep |
1884 | 22/49 |
PORTEOUS Jessie Melita | 23 | HALL | 3-Jul |
1918 | 22/49 |
PORTEOUS Margaret Auld | 20 | COSTER | 25-Mar |
1891 | 22/49 |
PORTER Joseph | 32 | DIACK | 8-Sep |
1904 | 22/49 |
PROCTER John Alworth | 42 | MUNRO | 18-Dec |
1919 | 22/49 |
PROCTOR John Alworth | 28 | MASON | 23-Sep |
1903 | 22/49 |
QUESTED Ada Mary | 21 | DAVIDSON | 15-Aug |
1906 | 22/49 |
RAE James McInnes | 27 | OATES | 7-Jan |
1905 | 22/49 |
RAINES Herbert James | 25 | CAMERON | 26-Apr |
1905 | 22/49 |
REID Letitia | 37 | ASHTON | 24-Feb |
1885 | 22/49 |
RIDDELL Elspeth Mary | 18 | McLEAN | 4-Jul |
1888 | 22/49 |
RIDDLE Janet | 20 | PORTEOUS | 8-Sep |
1884 | 22/49 |
RITCHIE Elizabeth Simpson | 25 | WALKER | 5-Nov |
1910 | 22/49 |
RIZZI Mary May | 22 | TIPPETT | 26-Mar |
1913 | 22/49 |
ROBERTSON Robert Nicol | 20 | UNPHERSTON | 29-May |
1884 | 22/49 |
ROBERTSON Thomas | 28 | STACK | 29-May |
1882 | 22/49 |
ROBINSON Emily Jane Maud | 23 | McCROSTIE | 22-Apr |
1912 | 22/49 |
ROBINSON Thomas Philip | 22 | LOVERIDGE | 10-Nov |
1909 | 22/49 |
RODGERS Lizzie | Full | McDONALD | 19-Dec |
1894 | 22/49 |
ROLTON Elizabeth | 26 | STENHOUSE | 14-Nov |
1894 | 22/49 |
ROLTON Margaret | 18 | STEWART | 9-Jan |
1885 | 22/49 ? |
ROSS Sarah Marr | 20 | KIDD | 11-Jan |
1897 | 22/49 |
ROUGHAN Margaret Robertson | 20 | DRAKE | 26-Nov |
1919 | 22/49 |
ROUSE George Woodford | 32 | COWIE | 26-Sep |
1906 | 22/49 |
ROWAN Mary Hope | 25 | McCALLUM | 21-Aug |
1918 | 22/49 |
ROY Alexander | 25 | McWILLIAM | 19-Feb |
1875 | 22/49 |
RUSSELL Arthur Stuart | 26 | KIDD | 11-Jan |
1897 | 22/49 |
RUSSELL William | 47 | BAIRD | 29-Jun |
1887 | 22/49 |
SAMSON Mary | 21 | HAMILTON | 18-Jan |
1878 | 22/49 |
SANDS Robert | 24 | POPENHAGEN | 16-Apr |
1879 | 22/49 |
SANDS Walter William | 32 | KEAST | 16-Apr |
1919 | 22/49 |
SANGSTER Alexander | 28 | MARTIN | 2-Apr |
1878 | 22/49 |
SAUNDERS Ada | 25 | JENKINS | 28-Mar |
1911 | 22/49 |
SAUNDERS Alice | 21 | TIPPETT | 4-Aug |
1909 | 22/49 |
SAUNDERS George | 29 | BROWN | 19-Apr |
1905 | 22/49 |
SCOTT John | 25 | SIMS | 11-Nov |
1903 | 22/49 |
SEIFERT Alfred | 22 | BLONDELL | 5-Feb |
1900 | 22/49 |
SELWOOD William James | 21 | COOK | 27-Jul |
1909 | 22/49 |
SHAND Alexander | 43 | BELL | 1-Feb |
1899 | 22/49 |
SHAND William Milne | 29 | WALKER | 4-Nov |
1908 | 22/49 |
SHAW Ellen | 21 | MORTIMER | 13-Sep |
1875 | 22/49 |
SHAW Thomas Arthur | 22 | HAMILTON | 26-Jun |
1912 | 22/49 |
SHAW William George | 24 | POPENHAGEN | 28-Feb |
1912 | 22/49 |
SHEED William John | 29 | MILLER | 21-May |
1918 | 22/49 |
SHIELDS Norman William | 21 | KING | 20-Oct |
1920 | 22/49 |
SHIRLEY Francis Matthew | 30 | BALCH | 30-Jul |
1919 | 22/49 |
SIMS Jessie Helena | 23 | SCOTT | 11-Nov |
1903 | 22/49 |
SINCLAIR Esther Ann Margaret | 29 | McLEAN | 23-Dec |
1903 | 22/49 |
SINCLAIR Louisa Williamina | 25 | GILLER | 24-Feb |
1904 | 22/49 |
SMITH Martha | 40 | SPRINGFORD | 3-Apr |
1889 | 22/49 |
SMITH Martha Ann | 22 | TRESSLER | 14-Jul |
1897 | 22/49 |
SMITH Mary Ellen | 18 | GIBBS | 25-Dec |
1890 | 22/49 |
SMITH Mary Jane | 20 | JENKINS | 29-Apr |
1891 | 22/49 |
SMITH Sidney | 32 | CASTLE | 18-Dec |
1912 | 22/49 |
SMITH Walter | 24 | HAMILTON | 16-Oct |
1907 | 22/49 |
SMITH William | 24 | AUSTIN | 6-May |
1885 | 22/49 |
SOUTAR Elspeth | 18 | CLIVE | 14-Apr |
1882 | 22/49 |
SOUTAR George Ewan | 28 | McKINNA | 11-Jun |
1919 | 22/49 |
SOUTHERN Walter | 42 | FRASER | 2-Oct |
1878 | 22/49 |
SPARROW James Orissa | 24 | BOYER | 4-Dec |
1889 | 22/49 |
SPRINGFORD Alfred | 47 | SMITH | 3-Apr |
1889 | 22/49 |
STACK Johanna | 26 | ROBERTSON | 29-May |
1882 | 22/49 |
STANFORD Alice | 16 | PATTERSON | 27-Jun |
1879 | 22/49 |
STANFORD Samuel | 49 | ATKINSON | 25-Nov |
1880 | 22/49 |
STEEL William McHardy | 24 | POPENHAGEN | 14-Nov |
1903 | 22/49 |
STENHOUSE John | 26 | ROLTON | 14-Nov |
1894 | 22/49 |
STEVEN Mary Clark | 25 | GERRARD | 7-Mar |
1916 | 22/49 |
STEVENS Andrew | 33 | BROOKES | 24-Sep |
1913 | 22/49 |
STEVENS George Frederick | 22 | PORTEOUS | 30-Mar |
1910 | 22/49 |
STEWART Allan | 50 | McKERCHAR | 4-Feb |
1880 | 22/49 |
STEWART John | 30 | NICHOLSON | 20-Jun |
1905 | 22/49 |
STEWART John Alexander | 34 | STIRLING | 2-Nov |
1910 | 22/49 |
STEWART Robert James | 25 | GRIMWOOD | 18-Apr |
1916 | 22/49 |
STEWART Robert John | 25 | ROLTON | 9-Jan |
1885 | 22/49 |
STEWART Thompson Macauley | 25 | WILSON | 28-Oct |
1908 | 22/49 |
STIRLING Annie | 28 | STEWART | 2-Nov |
1910 | 22/49 |
STIRLING David | 26 | KEITH | 17-May |
1911 | 22/49 |
STRANG Ellen | 23 | MULLEN | 8-Nov |
1911 | 22/49 |
SUTHERLAND John George | 29 | COWIE | 13-Jan |
1897 | 22/49 |
SUTHERLAND Ronald Roderick | 27 | POPENHAGEN | 30-Jul |
1918 | 22/49 |
SWAIN Ellen | 21 | MORTIMER | 13-Sep | 1875 | 22/49 |
SUTTON John Reid | 28 | GILLAR | 30-Jul |
1903 | 22/49 |
TAPPER Alfred Edwin | 35 | THOMSON | 5-Aug |
1903 | 22/49 |
TARLTON William Maurice | 36 | LEA | 18-Apr |
1889 | 22/49 |
TAYLOR Bessie Morrison | 21 | WATSON | 24-Mar |
1904 | 22/49 |
TAYLOR Duncan | 33 | MALCOLM | 8-Oct |
1895 | 22/49 |
TAYLOR Hugh McGregor | 26 | CASTLE | 9-Nov |
1892 | 22/49 |
TAYLOR Martha McCubban | 17 | BRASS | 1-Jan |
1889 | 22/49 |
TAYLOR Mary | 21 | KEAST | 30-Oct |
1895 | 22/49 |
TELFORD George James Christian | 30 | GUNN | 9-Nov |
1908 | 22/49 |
THOMPSON William Walker | 22 | WALKER | 4-Nov |
1896 | 22/49 |
THOMSON Ann | 26 | CUNNINGHAM | 19-Mar |
1882 | 22/49 |
THOMSON Catherine Jane | 24 | CLELAND | 19-Mar |
1913 | 22/49 |
THOMSON Eleanor Jane | 27 | NICHOLSON | 14-Feb |
1882 | 22/49 |
THOMSON Helen | 24 | TAPPER | 5-Aug |
1903 | 22/49 |
THOMSON Helen Hay | 20 | McKILLOP | 22-Nov |
1899 | 22/49 |
THOMSON Janet Arthur | 19 | WRIGHT | 3-May |
1906 | 22/49 |
THOMSON Janet Elizabeth | 26 | HAYWARD | 8-May |
1912 | 22/49 |
THOMSON Janet Honeyman | 28 | GARDINER | 14-Jul |
1909 | 22/49 |
THOMSON Mary Lewis | 24 | THOMSON | 12-Jun |
1894 | 22/49 |
THOMSON Peter | 35 | HENDERSON | 7-Apr |
1876 | 22/49 |
THOMSON William | 34 | THOMSON | 12-Jun |
1894 | 22/49 |
THOMSON William Dunn Valentine | 24 | LEGAT | 8-Feb |
1911 | 22/49 |
TILLEY Frank | 27 | COWIE | 1904 | 22/49 | |
TIPPETT Annie | 21 | PORTEOUS | 20-Apr |
1896 | 22/49 |
TIPPETT Charles Edward | 26 | RIZZI | 26-Mar |
1913 | 22/49 |
TIPPETT Emily | 24 | COSTER | 19-Jul |
1905 | 22/49 |
TIPPETT Richard Alfred | 26 | SAUNDERS | 4-Aug |
1909 | 22/49 |
TRESSLER John | 22 | SMITH | 14-Jul |
1897 | 22/49 |
UMPHERSTON Janet Ameill | 26 | ROBERTSON | 21-Feb |
1884 | 22/49 |
URE James | 33 | COPLEY | 17-Aug |
1881 | 22/49 |
WAKEFIELD James George | 32 | LAWRIE | 30-Jun |
1905 | 22/49 |
WALKER Jane | 25 | SHAND | 4-Nov |
1908 | 22/49 |
WALKER Mary | 20 | THOMPSON | 4-Nov |
1896 | 22/49 |
WALKER Thomas | 27 | RITCHIE | 5-Nov |
1910 | 22/49 |
WALKER William | 29 | McKAY | 25-Jun |
1874 | 22/49 |
WARNE Celia Ann | 18 | COPLEY | 25-Dec |
1886 | 22/49 |
WATERS William King | 28 | KEAST | 23-Apr |
1919 | 22/49 |
WATSON Helen | 25 | DYKES | 23-Dec |
1914 | 22/49 |
WATSON James | 23 | TAYLOR | 24-Mar |
1904 | 22/49 |
WATSON Margaret Ann Mann McL. | 21 | EGERTON | 1-Sep |
1900 | 22/49 |
WATSON Mary Ann | 34 | FINDLAY | 1-Sep |
1908 | 22/49 |
WELSH Charlotte Stevens | 24 | COLE | 31-Dec |
1909 | 22/49 |
WHIPP Jesse | 32 | MILLER | 16-Jul |
1887 | 22/49 |
WHITE Edwin William | 25 | GERRARD | 8-Apr |
1887 | 22/49 |
WHYTE Mary Flora McDonald | 28 | MITCHELL | 5-Apr |
1915 | 22/49 |
WILLIAMS Wilhelmina | 21 | COLE | 16-Mar |
1885 | 22/49 |
WILSON Catherine Otto | 27 | LIDDELL | 14-Feb |
1905 | 22/49 |
WILSON Charles | 26 | MUIR | 9-Aug |
1910 | 22/49 |
WILSON Eliza Jane | 18 | STEWART | 28-Oct |
1908 | 22/49 |
WILSON Isabella Louise | 24 | GILMOUR | 25-Feb |
1903 | 22/49 |
WILSON Robert | 24 | NOBLE | 17-Mar |
1876 | 22/49 |
WILSON Robert Noble | 28 | GOW | 1-Oct |
1913 | 22/49 |
WILSON Sarah Noble | 23 | MUNRO | 27-Jun |
1906 | 22/49 |
WILSON Thomas | 26 | PLUNKETT | 29-Sep |
1909 | 22/49 |
WILSON Thomas John | 27 | HARRIS | 8-Dec |
1914 | 22/49 |
WISEMAN Gavin | 34 | McDONALD | 21-Apr |
1897 | 22/49 |
WITHINGTON William Henry | 34 | MILLER | 18-May |
1920 | 22/49 |
WOODS James | 39 | HAZLETT | 23-Jun |
1891 | 22/49 |
WRIGHT Frederick John | 24 | THOMSON | 3-May |
1906 | 22/49 |
WYETH Charles Henry | 26 | JAMIESON | 30-Jan |
1907 | 22/49 |
YORK Adam Clark | 31 | McKERCHAR | 16-Feb |
1894 | 22/49 |
YORK David | 28 | McRAE | 15-Nov |
1892 | 22/49 |
YOUNG William Jnr. | 23 | IRWIN | 14-Jan |
1905 | 22/49 |
YOUNG Henry Paterson | 39 | McWILLIAM | 28-Dec |
1898 | 22/49 |
Amos to MacPherson / Maider to Young
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