Provenance : Foreign Missions Committee

Group Title : Mission Convenor's Papers

Series Title : Inwards Correspondence (Rev W Hewitson)

Date(s) : 1 Jan 1911 to 31 Dec 1912

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Item Description : This file contains copies of inwards correspondence received by the Foreign Missions convenor (Rev. W. Hewitson).

Main Topics Include : correspondence from Mission Committee Secretaries from Victoria, Presbyterian Church of England (London), United Free Church of Scotland Women's Foreign Mission (Edinburgh), Tasmania; report on New Hebrides affairs; sponsorships; formation of Dunedin Branch of Laymens Missionary Association; correspondence from missionaries and applicants for mission service; report of visit to Canton Villages Mission by a member of the Australian Commission to the East (1911); liason with PWMU; possible withdrawal from New Hebrides Mission Field (1911); deputation work; gifts; appointment of missionary representative by New Zealand Young Womens' Presbyterian Bible Class Union (1911); land claims in New Hebrides (1911); request from Rev. N. Nanowitch of Greek Church Dunedin for Church to be under control of Dunedin Presbytery (July 1911); correspondence from Presbytery Clerks; missionary movements; general staffing matters; support for native teachers (1912); support by Presbyterian Young Men's Bible Class Union of their own worker in South China (1912); general financial matters.

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