Provenance : Foreign Missions Committee

Group Title : Mission Secretary's Papers

Series Title : Outwards Correspondence (Rev W Mawson)

Date(s) : 1 Jan 1931 to 31 Dec 1931

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Item Description : This file contains copies of outwards correspondence written by the Foreign Mission's Secretary (Rev. W. Mawson). Letters in this file are sequentially numbered with an alphabetical index located at the front of the file.

Major Topics Include : general correspondence with overseas missionaries and mission council secretaries; candidates offering for mission work; correspondence to the General Treasurer; acknowledgement of gifts; condolances; mission newsletters and religious literature; acknowledgement of inwards letters; copies of telegrams; information notes for presbytery groups; personnel matters; liason with PWMU; deputation work; travel arrangements; sponsorships; furlough arrangements; devolution of mission work in the Punjab; visit to NZ of Dr TZ Koo; general economic depression and use of reserve funds (Sept 1931); annual "Missionary Lectureship" instituted at Theological Hall.

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