Provenance : Missions Committee

Group Title : Director of Missions Papers

Series Title : Inwards Correspondence - General (Rev DN MacDiarmid)

Date(s) : Jan 1947 to Dec 1948

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Item Description : This file contains general Foreign Missions correspondence received by the Director of Missions (Rev. DN MacDiarmid).

Main Topics Include : newspaper cutting of economic crisis and exchange rate fluctuations in China (1947); correspondence from Australian Presbyterian Board of Missions re standardising engines for launches in New Hebrides (1947); leper survey of Melanesia (1947); specifications for "Ailsa Craig" and "Lister" marine engines (1947); brochure for the "lightning concrete block mould" (1947); intention of "The Girls' Life Brigade" NZ Dominion Council to extend the movement to the Pacific Islands (1947); salary scales for Australian missionaries in the New Hebrides (1948); request by the "China Christian Universities Association" seeking assistance for British supported Christian universities in China and approval of 50 pound annual grant (1948); need for world-wide colonial universities (1948).

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