Group Title : Subject Files
Series Title : New Hebrides Presbyterian Mission Synod
Date(s) : 1936, 1941, 1943 to 1948
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Item Description : This file contains bound and unbound copies of minutes for the New Hebrides Presbyterian Mission Annual Synod Meetings.
Main Topics Include : allocation
of districts and responsibilities, district reports, revision of constitution
and proposed adoption of field council (1941); minutes of appreciation;
Anti-Christian movement on Tanna (1941); Synod directive to record full
and detailed vocabulary of island languages (1943); memorial minutes; war
difficulties (1943); retrogression of Christian values (1943); medical
needs (1943); need for women workers (1944); rules for guidance of women
workers (1944); educational work and teacher training; five basic principles
for the re-organisation of the Presbyterian Mission and the emerging indigenous
church in the New Hebrides (1945); war conditions (1945); minutes of appreciation;
constitution for the New Hebrides Presbyterian Mission Council (1948).
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