Provenance : Foreign Missions Committee

Group Title : Subject File

Series Title : Union Normal School, Canton

Date(s) : 28/1/1927; 27/5/1927; 23/9/1927; 3/2/1928; 30/3/1928/ 23/3/1930; 27/3/1931; 29/5/1931; 16/6/1931;
                21/2/1935; 28/2/1935.

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Item Description : This file contains minutes for the Union Normal School Board, Canton.

Major Topics Include : registration of school (1927); request for return of Miss Hancock (1927); covering letter re Mis Hancock's absence (1928); request for Rev. AL Miller (1928); resignation of Miss Hancock (1930); regret at withdrawal from field of Rev. AL and Mrs Miller (1930); co-opertion with Church of Christ in China Kwantung Synod (1931); copy of new constitution and also "By-laws" for the Internal Administration of the Union Teachers' Training School (Senior High)" (1931); Kwantung Synod representatives appointed to School Board (1931); refusal of central government (Nanking) to register school for training of primary school teachers (includes covering letter) (1935).

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