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24 Hour Booksale
"No other agency can penetrate so deeply,
abide so persistently,
witness so daringly, and influence so irresistibly
as the printed page"
- Charles Watson
As all stock is limited please email us first to check availability (please go to link at the bottom of this page). A full condition report will be given on all books / booklets you are interested in. An additional postage charge will apply on each total order. All prices quoted include NZ Government Goods and Services Tax of 15%. Ordering details appear at the bottom of this page. All profits from the sale of surplus books are used to further the preservation and cataloguing of our historic archive collections.
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Used General Books & Booklets :
"Fifty Years Syne" : by Rev James Chisholm, First Edition, 1898. The 50th anniversary history of the New Zealand Southern Presbyterian Church (being the Presbyterian Synod of Otago & Southland which joined with the NZ Presbyterian Church in 1901) from 1848 to 1898. Front hinge separate, and spine pulling away. $20.00
"History of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand" : By Rev John Dickson 1899. An in depth history of the New Zealand Presbyterian Church from 1840 to 1899 (excludes provinces of Otago / Southland). 322 pages, numerous illustration, with index. One copy, seperated from spine. Otherwise a good used copy. $35.00
"The History of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand 1840 - 1940" : by the JR Elder. An in depth history of the work of the Presbyerian Church in New Zealand from 1840 to 1940, including its Missionary work. 464 pages, hard bound, 34 illustrations, 4 maps, no dust jackets. De Luxe Edition limited to 100 Copies of which this is No. 41. Autographed by John R. Elder. $50.00
"Presbyterians in Aotearoa 1840-1990" - The 150th anniversary history of the Presbyterian Church in Aotearoa New Zealand. Hard bound with dust cover, 203 pages, 127 illustrations. Three copies. $15.00
"The Presbytery of Auckland: Early Days and Progress : by W. J. Comrie. Published 1939 by A.H. and A.W. Reed. Hard-cover in good condition. 161 pages with illustrations. $15.00
"The Story of the Otago Free Church Settlement 1848-1948" : by the Very Rev Prof J Collie, 1948, 368 pages with illustrations, hard cover. Clean pages, no dust jackets. $25.00
"The Church in a Special Colony" - The History of the Presbyterian Church Synod of Otago and Southland from its founding in 1866 to its 125th Anniversary in 1991 by John McKean. 212 pages, 28 illustrations. Good used condition $15.00 Sold
"The Cyclopedia of Otago and Southland", edited by Paul Sorrell and others, published by the Dunedin City Council, two volume boxed set in blue cover and gilt lettering to spine. Near new in quality. The culmination of 150 years of organised European Settlement of Otago and Southland, with articles and essays on people, places, events and local histories, a great achievement. Over 5 kg in weight. $100.00.
"Grace & Truth", a History of the Theological Hall, Knox College, Dunedin, 1876 - 1975, By Prof Ian Breward, Hard Bound, 188 pages, This old publishers stock is in unused condition, $10.00
"The Flame Unquenched" : by Georgina McDonald, published 1956. The history of the Presbyterian Church in Southland from 1856 to 1956. A register of Parishes and their Ministers at rear, hard bound, 186 pages. Clean pages, $10.00
"By Love Serve" : By Rev JD Salmond - The Story of the Order of deaconesses of the Presbyterian Church of NZ, hard bound with dust jacket, 96 pages, 36 illustrations. Published 1962. Good condition but foxing / staining to end papers and name of previous owners written inside cover, three copies, $8.00
"Except A Grain Of Wheat... The ensuing history of the Order of Deaconesses in the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand 1961-1975 by Nancy J Burgess, 1979. 48 pages and eight pages of illustrations.
"A Brief Statement of the Reformed Faith - A Living Creed for Today" by Rev. P. B. Fraser. Paper cover, 86 pages. 1932. One copy
"The Building of Churches" by D. M. Hercus. 1945. 40 Pages, 16 illustrations. Soft Cover.
"One Lord - One World - Third Ecumenical Youth Conference Official Report" Being the Official Report, Sponsored by the Youth Committee of the National Council of Churches in New Zealand, held at Lower Hutt, December 27, 1960 to January 4, 1961, editor: Harold F. Gross. Articles by fifteen authors. Soft cover, 64 pages, 15 illustrations.
"Let Us Pray" by Rev James Matheson. Published by the Youth Committee of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Soft cover, 23 pages.
"The Plan for Union - New Zealand 1971" 96 pages, soft cover.
"12 Reasons Against the Plan for Union", published by the Association of Continuing Presbyterians. Booklet, 15 pages, circa 1972.
"John G. Paton - The true story of thirty years among the South Seas Cannibals" : edited by Dr. James Paton, abridged and revised by A. K. Langridge; London: Hodder & Stoughton Limited, c. 1946. Paper cover, 128 pages.
New Hebrides Calling by Rev. B.C. Nottage, B.A.; issued by the Missions Committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand on the authority of the Publications Committee, 1940. An account of mission history in Vanuatu. Paper copy, 40 pages, 21 illustrations. $10.00
"New Hebrides - The Road to Independence" : by Chris Plant (ed.) 1977. The rise of political parties and progress towards independence by Kalkot Matas Kele-Kele, Jimmy Stevens, Aime Malere, Vincent Boulekone, Walter Lini, Barak Sope and others. Published by the Institute for Pacific Studies and the South Pacific Social Sciences Association; printed in Suva. 128 pages, map, 15 illustrations, glue spine, one copy is split. $5.00-10.00
"Beyond Pandemonium" : The story of the independence movement in the New Hebrides and the eventual creation of the Republic of Vanuatu, by Father Walter Lini. Chapters cover such topics as the Church and Politics, the Vanuaaku Movement, Political challenges, the John Frum Movement, the Nagriamel Movement, and lingering pre-independence Colonial rivalry. Asia Pacific Books LTD, Wellington, 1980, 63 pages including illustrations. Three copies : clean pages, card cover, good used condition $10.00 each
"Vanuatu": Written for the independence of Vanuatu. 21 Chapters, various authors, illustrated. 291 pages. Published by the Institute of Pacific Studies, The University of the South Pacific and The South Pacific Social Sciences Association, 1980.
"Break of Day Islands": by Basil Nottage. New Hebrides Diary 1932-1939. Published by the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand 1988. 286 pages.
"Law and Grace" by George A. F. Knight. Religious Book Club published by SCM Press. Must a Christian Keep the Law of Moses? 128 pages, soft cover
"The Church of the Holy Spirit" by H J. Ryburn, published by the Presbyterian Bookroom. A study in the history of the early church. 98 pages, soft cover.
"Fifty Years of British Theologyj" by John Dickie D.D. A personal retrospect being the Gunning Lectures delivered in the Martin Hall, New College, Edinburgh University, in December 1936. Published by T. & T. Clark, 1937. Hard cover, 125 pages.
"To Live is Christ" Four Studies in Paul's Epistle to the Philippians, by Rev. J. Lewis Wilson; published by the Presbyterian Women's Missionary Union Conference, 1960. Soft cover.
"Understanding the Old Testament" by Rev. Ian W. Fraser. 141 pages. 1958.
"Ephesians" by Rev. Arthur Gunn, published by the Westminster Fellowship within the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. A bible-study booklet with questions on St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians for bible class camps and bible study groups. 1963. 36 pages, soft cover.
"The Kingdom of God" Bible Studies by W. M. Ryburn. 19 pages, 1963.
"A Manual of Doctrine": by J. M. Bates, Presbyterian Bookroom, 1950. 247 pages, no illustrations, no jacket.$10.00
"Saturday Mornings" by the Very Rev C. J. Tocker "Ichthus", published by the Southland Times Company. 1951 reprinted 1952, 132 pages.
"The Roman Catholic Church by Rev. Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. A Westminster Fellowship Booklet published by the Westminster Fellowship within the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, 1964. 20 Pages. Paper Cover.
"Understanding the Presbyterian Church" by Keith D. Pearson. Christian Life Curriculum Youth 1 Student's Book. Soft cover, 32 pages.
"Presbyterian Background" by W. M. Hendrie, published by the Presbyterian Youth Committee. 34 pages, 1955.
"The Cult of the Golden Kiwi "A plea for concern for our young New Zealanders, Pakehas and Maoris" by J.D. Salmond. 16 pages, 1962.
"Presbyterianism - A Background" by George Dallard. 12 pages, 1996.
"What does the Resurrection Mean? Articles and Correspondence from the Outlook April-October 1966" Articles by L. G. Geering, A. R. C. Leaney, and T. E. Pollard, with Preface by R. M. Rogers and Foreword by J. M. Bates. Published by the Publications Committee of the Presbyterian Church circa 1966. 40 Pages, soft cover. $6.00
"The Third Day He Rose Again: A Contribution to the Resurrection Debate" - edited by J. L. Wilson, with chapters contributed by K. Runia, R. J. Blaikie, G. N. Stanton, D. W. B. Robinson, and B. F. Harris, as 'conservative' scholars. Published by the Publications Committee of the Presbyterian Church circa 1966. 39 pages, soft cover. $5.00
"Professor Geering's Articles by Rev. R. J. Blaikie. Not dated, circa 1966. 10 pages.
"Jesus" by Ewing C. Stevens, 1973. One copy, cover is separate with sellotape.
"The Return of Jesus" - Earthing the Christian Hope" by Rev Rob Yule, 1998. A 'Presbyterian Affirm' booklet looking at this subjecy from one viewpoint, including the hope of a Messiah, the restoration of the Jews, the resurrection of the dead, and the renewal of the Earth. Soft cover, 28 pages, higlighter pen on one phrase otherwise unmarked. $6.00
"New Zealand Jesus" by the Rev Dr GAF Knight. A contemporary look at how we can relate to Jesus in a New Zealand context. Published in 1974, card covers, 48 pages. $5.00 to $8.00 each depending on condition. Sold
"Journey into the Shadows" Report on a Journey to Europe, by Ian W. Fraser, 1959. 44 pages, illustrations.
"Tourism - The Asian Dilemma" edited by Ron O'Grady. The report of a study of Asian Tourism conducted by the Christian Conference of Asia, January-June 1975. Soft Cover, 52 pages. One copy.
"Crumbs For the Puppies" - A collection of 16 sermons and notes by the Rev Frank Nichol, Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology, Theological Hall, Dunedin, 1990. Soft cover, 53 pages. $8.00 each.
"In Search of Truth! Frank Nichol: Church Theologian Edited By James Veitch 1994. Soft Cover, 55 pages
"Pacific Islanders in New Zealand, by R. L. Challis. A bulletin for schools, 1970, School Publications Branch, Department of Education, Wellington. Card cover, 75 pages, illustrations.
"Pious Energy - Presbyterian Personalities and Perspectives" by Rev AK Davidson, Lecturer in Church History at St John's Theological College, Auckland. A 40 page booklet featuring five addresses published 1989. : John Dunmore Lang, Rev John MacFarlane, Rev David Bruce, Presbyterian Church extension, Social Happiness & Good Order - the Presbyterian World. Soft cover. $6.00 to $8.00 each depending on condition.
"Forty Years On - A History of the National Council of Churches in New Zealand 1941 - 1981", by Colin Brown. Published 1981, 358 pages, soft card cover. Two good used copies, one has cover marked with white ink and title written on spine. $8.00
"Finding the Way - New Zealand Christians look forward" edited by Margaret Reid Martin, 1983. 123 pages, soft cover.
"Mission and the Restructuring of the Churches by Ron Kilgour. 1988. 8 pages. Paper copy.
"In the Potter's Hands (Re-shaping for Mission) - A proposal for discussion in the Church - May 1988 paper cover, 16 pages
"Being Who You Are: A resouce kit on communicating the Christian faith by John Bluck. 1988. Paper copy.
"The God Slot" - The Church and its Broadcasting, by Rev George Dallard, 1989. A brief account of Religious Broadcasting in New Zealand with particular reference to the radio and television ministry of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. 51 clean pages, small mark on cover. $8.00
"The Religious Factor in New Zealand Society" by Alan C. Webster and Paul E. Perry, 1989. A report on the New Zealand study of values. 160 pages, soft cover.
"The Word Made Flesh" - by Feiloaiga Janette Taule'ale'ausumai, 1990. A Dissertation in Pastoral Theology submitted to the Faculty of Theology, University of Otago, Dunedin. New Zealand-born Pacific Islander Culture, Church History and Theology. Paper cover, 45 pages. $8.00.
"Neither Male Nor Female: A Study of the Place of Women in the Church" A booklet for the information and study of members of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Published for the Special Committee of the Assembly on the Position of Women in the Church 1950. A Consideration fo the New Testament Teaching by Ian W. Fraser. 14 pages
Pacific Treasures - Our journey thus far Pacific Island Women in Ordained Ministry in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. Edited by Feiloaiga Taule'ale'ausumai. From the Pacific Islands Women's Retreat at Stella Maris, Wellington, 2000.
"Unwrapping His Message" - Jesus' Good News as understood by people of the new milennium, by Alun Richards, 1997. "The new 'worldview' is explained in the first chapter, then it links into it Jesus' real contribution to us all, and finally it sets out where to go from where we are". 106 pages, good used condition. $8.00 each
"Amsterdam 1948" : A 'popular' report of the First Assembly of the World Council of Churches at Amsterdam in 1948, by the Rev Alan A Brash. Soft card cover, 51 pages, 8 illustrations. Good used condition but slight tear to soft covered spine $6.00
"Evanston 1954" : A polular report on the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches, by JF Bennett., Soft cover (marked), 48 pages, 20 illustrations, some pages slightly stained. $5.00
"Souvenir Booklet - New Zealand Young Women's Presbyterian Bible Class Union 1904 - 1925" - A history, with illustrations, of the New Zealand YWBCU including the history of regional branches. Published in 1925, 64 pages. Soft cover. Three good used copies, some wear to edges of soft covers. $15.00 each
"They Came in Ships - the story of the voyage to Otago Harbour and the settlement in the new land" by 'Ann Allan' (Mrs IP Brabyn), dedicated the children of Otago and Southland and to the scattered descendants of the pioneers of the Province with the prayer that they might be worthy pioneers fo the second century. Published by the Centennial Memorial Committee of the Synod of Otago and Southland. Centenary of Otago and Southland 1848-1948. Paper cover, 11 pages, 5 illustrations.
"Life upon Life" by 'Ann Allan' (Mrs IP Brabyn) - A history of the NZ Presbyterian Young Women's Bible Class Union. Published c.1951, hard cover, 99 pages, some illustrations. Foxing to page edges, faded & torn edging to dust jacket, clean pages. $6.00
"A Tribute to Morton Ryburn" - published by the Bible Class Union of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, Wellington 1960. 18 pages, 7 illustrations, card cover. Biographical publication on the retirement of Morton Ryburn who had been support as a missionary to India by the Bible Class Union. $5.00
"Challenge and Response" - by PJ Stewart, The history of the Otago Presbyterian Social Service Association from 1910 to 1958, ranging from care of the aged and infirm to children's homes. Hard cover with dust jacket, 102 pages, 13 illustrations, good clean copies $8.00
"Home Mission Enterprise in the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand" by D. D. Scott, before 1945. Published by Reynolds, Lewis, Henderson, Ltd., Printers, Wellington. 6 Studies. 20 pages, soft cover. One copy. $5.00.
"A Pioneering Ministry" by Harold Scott, 1983. A history of the Presbyterian home missionaries from 1860s to 1960s. 18 illustrations, 94 pages, soft cover. One copy. $8.00.
"Order for the Induction of a Home Missionary" no author, no date. Published by Te Waka Karaitiana Press, Taupo. 14 pages, soft cover. One copy. $5.00
"From Relief to Social Service - A History of the Presbyterian Social Service Association Otago 1906-1981" - by Rev Simon Rae, 1981. A history of the Otago PSSA from 1906 to 1981 charting its initial development from care of the elderly and infirm including child and adolescent care to the development of specialised care and counselling programmes relating to social work in later years. Hard cover, 192 pages, 18 illustrations. Two copies, one with slightly marked dust cover, both have very clean pages. $8.00 to $10.00
Orphans to Elderly - 75 Years of Presbyterian Service to the Community 1909-1984 Text prepared in consultation with Rev. Dr James Veitch. 50 illustrations, 32 pages, soft cover. Good condition $5.00
"For Young & Old - The Story of the first 75 years of Presbyterian Support Services Southland 1919-1994" - by Peter Muller. 58 illustrations, 130 pages, soft cover. Very clean used copy $10.00 Sold
Making a Difference - a Centennial History of Presbyterian Support Otago 1906-2006 by Ian Dougherty and Jane Thomson. Hard cover and dust cover, 256 pages.
"Presbyterian Church in Action 1945-46" : This small 22 page booklet details the work of the NZ Presbyterian Church 1945-46 as an aid to support by way of giving and by prayer, hole punch through top left hand corner; 28 illustrations $6.00
"Archeology and the Bible - A Romance and a Vindication" by Rev Thomas Miller, M.A., published by The Evangelical Bible League, September 1934. 66 pages. Folio is separate from the cover. Cover has two previous addresses in pencil. Title page is autographed "with compliments" $6.00
"The Gospel Then and Now", Prof. AM Hunter, 1978 : Prof Hunter of Aberdeen University considers the old and New Testaments and the life of discipleship which follows from them. Soft cover, 87 pages, very good used condition. $6.00
"Jam on my Bread" - by Sr Jean Alexander, 1985. A recollection of stories of work among families in Auckland after World War Two where Sr Jean served as a City & Parish Deaconess from 1941 to 1956. Most of the women described are struggling with the social conditions and attitudes that existed in Auckland during the late 1940's with her book documenting the support given by the Presbyterian Church. Soft cover, 148 pages, clean pages, covers faded $6.00 each ***Sold Out***
"A Trial for Heresy - Charges against Principal Geering 1967" 112 pages, soft cover.
"In Praise of The Secular" : by the Rev Lloyd Geering, 2007. This booklet traces the process of secularisation which is not a threat but is in fact essential for religious freedom. Rev Geering speaks also to those who hold there is no longer a place for religion reminding them of a 'wordly spirituality' and the responsibilities we have toward one another and the earth itself. $8.00 ***Sold Out***
"Healing - A Limitational Approach to a Theology of Health", by Rev Ian Provan, 1979. This publication looks firstly at traditional concepts of health then at limitational theology as being a more relevant and therapeutically dynamic attitude to illness, its philosophy, dynamics and ethics, especially in relation to psychiatric disorders and the institutionalised. Soft cover, 68 pages. $6.00
"The Helper and the Heritage" by JDS Moore, 1982. 97 pages, soft cover
Evangelical Presbyterian - The Journal of the Westminster Fellowship within the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand edited by Rev. A. A. W Palmer, Number 2 1998 Volume 48/2. 34 pages.
"The Birth of Jesus : History or Myth?" - by James Veitch, Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, 1997. "Whether one agrees with the conclusions of Dr Veitch or not, he raises questions which we dare not ignore if we want to understand Jesus afresh for our own time". Soft cover, 28 pages. $6.00
"The Romance of the Catholic Presbyterian Church" - by Rev W Gray Dixon, 1918. A reference history neatly divided up into chapters and sections, charting the history of and eventual formation of the universal Presbyterian Church, together with the effect of political and religious factors and the strong and enduring influence of Luther, Calvin & Knox. Hard bound, 163 pages. Good used condition $6.00 each. ***Sold Out***
"Women's Work in the Church" published by the Presbyterian Bookroom after the Women's Work in the Church conference at Feilding House in 1958. Four studies, Appendix I Women's Organisations within the frame-work of the Church, Appendix II Ordination of Women. Paper cover, 40 pages.
"Group Prayers" compiled by Pam Chapman. Christchurch 1971. Soft cover, 60 pages.
"Book of Devotions - Volume II" compiled by Almond Royds, Convenor, Programme, Prayer and Study Department, Association of Presbyterian Women. Soft cover, ring-bound spine, 65 pages.
"Presbyterian Women on the March" by Elizabeth Dickie with the assistance of the 75th Jubilee Committee of Southland Presbyterial.. A brief history of 75 years work and witness by Presbyterian Women in Southland 1906-1981. Soft cover, 16 pages, $5.00
"Women of the Burning Bush" : The report of a survey of Women Ministers in the Presb. Church of New Zealand after 25 years of ordination, written by Vivienne Adair and published by the PCNZ 1991. 67 pages. Soft card cover, very good used condition. $10.00
"A Handful of Grain" : The centenary history of the Baptist Union of NZ Volume 4 - 1945 to 1982 by SL Edgar. Soft card cover, 115 pages, 22 illustrations. Good clean copy $8.00
The New Zealand Student Christian Movement 1896-1996 - A Centennial History by Christine Berry.
"Many Threads-One Garment?" Unity Programme - Conference of Churches in Aotearoa New Zealand, 1999
"Consensus and Community text and design by Richard Davis. An occasionall paper published by the Joint Methodist Presbyterian Public Questions Committee, 1999. 30 pages.
"From Scotland With Aroha - Exploring our Presbyterian Heritage" by Peter Mathieson, Professor of Church History, Theological Hall, Dunedin, 1988. Soft bound, 17 pages. Two copies, excellent used condition $5.00 each.
"Will the ENZ Justify the Genes? - Proceedings from Symposium omn the ethics of Genetic Engineering" August 2000, Capital City Forum. Published by the Joint Methodist Presbyterian Public Questions Committee. Edited by Richard Davis. 76 pages, soft cover.
"Perjanjian Lama dan Indonesia yang Sedang Membangun" by Dr. I.J. Cairns (The Old Testament and Developing Indonesia) 1985, Indonesian language, 180 pages, paperback.
"Mark of a Non-Realist - A Contemporary Reading of the Second Gospel" : By the Rev Ian J. Cairns, published 2004. Influenced by the Sea of faith, Rev Cairns embarked on a major rethinking of his whole theological outlook. This book is the fruit of his labours and indicates what the churches will have to go through if they are to survive in the new millenium. Soft cover, 307 pages. Excellent used copy. $20.00
"Fences of Freedom - The Ten Commandments for Today - A summary of what is moral for a morally confused society by Rob Yule, 2015. 170 pages
"Living Without Anzus" by Ray Galvin. In 1984 at a time when we were still (just) a full member of Anzus (Australia New Zealand United States Security Alliance). This booklet explores Anzus, threats to our security, justifications for Anzus, the cost of Anzus, living without Anzus, and a policy for getting out. An interesting snapshot of this contentious issue at the time. Soft cover, as new. $6.00
"The Peace of Christ in a Nuclear Age" by Ray Galvin 1983. This book looks at the very real threat posed by nuclear weapons and outlines for Christians, based on peace being so central to the Gospel, practical ways of putting the peace of Christ into effect in today's world. Soft cover, 166 pages, good used condition. Stampmed with name of previous owner inside cover. $8.00
"Te Reo o te Tiriti mai rano: The Treaty is always speaking edited by Bernard Kernot and Alistair McBride. 101 pages, soft cover: 1989.
"Te Wero! — Foundation documents challenge government policies A Joint Methodist Presbyterian Public Questions Committee Occasional Paper 1994. 32 pages, soft cover.
"Politics not Justice - The Government's Treaty Settlement Policy" - A Joint Methodist Presbyterian Public Questions committee publication, 1999. 24 pages, soft cover. $3.00 each.
"Windows on Unity - Cooperative Ventures and the Search for Church Union" - Published by the Negotiating Churches Unity Council in 1992 in order to raise awareness and record the present life and experience of the cooperative ventures as well as ercording the history of church union negotaitions. Soft cover, 87 pages, as new. $8.00
"Confident Tomorrows" - 16 Devotional talks by Rev DW Storkey, Minister of Knox Church, Dunedin, published pre 1972. "Old Bones, "There's Glory For You", "Hope Springs Eternal", "Dealing with Worry", "The Ever Rolling Stream", "Undeserved Suffering", "The Cop and the Anthem", "The Responsibility of Being Looked After", "Growing Old Gracefully", "Fault Finding", "No Funeral Gloom", "Roaring Camp", "Religion - First Hand or Second Hand", "The Iodione of the Soul", "Pavement to Heaven", "Second Bests". 56 pages, soft cover. Two copies. $6.00
"Evangelicals and the Ecumenical Movement" - by Rev J.G. Miller & Rev A. Gunn. Published by the Westminster Fellowship 1964. This booklet contains transcripts of two addresses, "The Ecumenical Movement - Threat or Blessing" & "A Positive Approach to the Ecumenical Movement". Soft cover, 28 pages. $8.00
"Why We Remained as a Presbyterian Church" - by Rev. John McNab of the Presbyterian Church of Canada 1925. Re-published by the New Zealand Presbyterian Church League in response to Church Union discussions in New Zealand. Soft cover, 16 pages, 1 illustration. $6.00
"Why Presbyterian? - by Rev. J.C. Jamieson. Printed in Australia by S. R. Laing and Co., Blackburn, Victoria, undated. Soft cover, 92 pages
"Unity and Reunion" by Ian Breward. Dunedin, 1972. Soft cover, 28 pages
"Which Way to Reunion by Ian Breward. 1981. Soft cover, 1981.
"To Keep the Faith - The Westminster Fellowship's forty years" - by Les Gosling. Oublished 1990, soft cover, 44 pages, 13 illustrations. Slight scuffing to cover. $5.00
"Report on Maladjusted and Anti-Social Youth" - Prepared by the Special Committee of the Assembly's Social Service Committee for presentation to the 1959 General Assembly. An interesting look at this perennial problem 50 years ago. Soft cover, 28 pages. Good used condition. $10.00
"The Finger of God in the Disruption Scottish Principles and Rewalities 1843-1993" - by Professor Peter Mathieson, 1993. This publication explores how the New Zealand Presbyterian Church has been influenced over 150 years by the rich heritage of the Free Church of Scotland which was born out of the 'Disruption' of 1843 when many left the Established Church of Scotland in search of Religious freedom and autonomy. Soft cover, 53 pages. Three copies, as new. $5.00 to $6.00 each
"Opinions", Compiled by Rev SC Read, published 1973 : A full and varied collection of "opinions" of the NZ Presbytyerian Church selected to assist members of the Judicial Committee, Book of Order Committee, Clerks of Presbyteries and others interested in matters of practise and procedure, includes full index. Now an interesting snapshot of the practise and procedures of the NZ Presbyterian Church almost 40 years ago. 40 pages, foxing to soft card cover. $10.00
"Columba College - The First Fifty Years 1915-65" : A 50th anniversary history of this respected Girls College in Dunedin, hard cover, 110 pages, 20 illustrations. $10.00 ***Sold Out***
"Authority Conscience and Dissent" being the full text of a series of papers presented at three meetings of the Joint Working Committee, set up by the National Council of Churches in New Zealand and the Roman Catholic Church. Published by the National Council of Churches, 180 pages, 1971.
"The Trinity College Story by Principal J.J. Lewis. Published as Volume 31: No.s 3 & 4 of the Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society of New Zealand; October 1978. 64 pages.
"The Waidale Story" : The story of the Waidale Missionary Trust based in Waikaka who in 1967 took upon the idea of fattening livestock in order to support a Missionary Trust which in turn supported the work of Missionaries overseas. Published 1994, 56 pages, 17 illustrations. $5.00 each.
"Pakehatanga" by John Bluck. Not dated, circa 1985? Soft cover, 24 pages
"Making Choices - Social Justice For Our Times - An initiative of the Church leaders in 1993 Published July 1993. 158 pages.
"Alternative Vision - He Moemoea Ano" - From fiscal responsibility to constitutional change - the Significance of the Hirangi Hui - A joint Methodist/Presbytreian Public Questions Committee Occasional Paper, 1996. This 'occasional paper' was put together to assist churches to further understand the implications of the Hirangi Hui. The Hirangi Hui rejected the Government's proposals to settle Treaty of Waitangi claims in favour of constitutional change on the basis of the Declaration of Independence 1835 and the Treaty of Waitangi 1840. 37 pages $8.00 (new)
"Freedom, Religion & Spirit" - A published collection of 8 lectures given by Rev Albert C.Moore to the Dunedin University of the Third Age on Primal cultures & religions, ancient empires & religions, Hebrew Prophets, Abrahamic religions, Hindu tradition, Buddhism, Western modernity & Secular enlightenment, and Spiritual Revolution. c. 2000, soft cover, 84 pages $10.00 (new)
"Religious Studies in Dialogue — Essays in Honour of Albert C. Moore" Faculty of Theology, University of Otago, Dunedin, 1991. Edited by Maurice Andrew, Peter Matheson and Simon Rae. 204 pages. Frontispiece. Four page list of publications of Associate Professor A.C. Moore. 22 contributors, including Lloyd Geering, Robin Irvine, James Veitch. Essays, Anthropology, Art and Religion, Philosophy, Sociology, Theology, New Zealand. $50.00
"Pioneers, Protestors and Pluralism", exploring Presbyterian Identity by Rev Allan K Davidson, 1989, 34 pages, $3.00 (new)
"Voices of Hope in a Suffering World - Reflections on Ecologically Sustainable Lifestyles" - by Rev RJ Eyles, 1991. This book demonstrates in very practical ways what can be done locally to effect global renewal. 120 pages, soft cover, excellent condition $8.00 Sold
"Sustainable Living", Publication by Presbyterian Synod of Otago & Southland, 1997. 71 pages, 11 illustrations, soft cover. Chapters by Rev. Dr. Bob Eyles, Ian Brown, Arthur Budd, Marian Weaver, Rev. Peter Marshall, Rev. Doug Grierson.
"Office-Bearers", by M.W. Wilson. Presbyterian Bookroom, July 1947 reprinted October 1957. Paper cover. 10 pages. $3.00
"The Elder and his Work", by G.F. Barbour, D.Phil., Bonskied, Saint Andrew Press, c 1977. Paper cover. 16 pages. $10.00
"A Resource For Elders, Sessions and Parish Councils" - by Rev. Lester J Reid, 1985 : A well laid out and instructive resource book prepared for the use of Parish Elders defining the role of an Elder, their tasks, and other inter-related issues involved in this position of great responsibility. 1985 98 pages, Good used copies. Revised and Amended 1997 and Reprinted 2002 93 pages. $3.00
"The Shorter Catechism" - published by the Presbyterian Bookroom. Pocket sized booklet, 32 pages, no date, $3.00
Plain Guide to Holy Communion by Christopher Smith, Church Extension Association, 1888. Dedication: Florence Munton June 1 1889 from Mrs Henry Finch. Hard cover, spine in poor condition, 72 pages
"The Vision Splendid — Some Verse for the Times and the Times to Come by John Oxenham (pseudonym), 1917 Third Edition. 96 pages. Suede cloth cover. Good condition. $10.00
The Presbyterian Church: A Manual for use of the Members of our Bible Class and the Senior Scholars of our Sunday Schools, edited by Rev. George H. Jupp, issued by the General Assembly's Youth of the Church Committee. Published Dunedin: Otago Daily Times and Witness Newspapers Company, Limited, 1928. Soft cover, 40 pages.
"Your Questions Answered ? - Affirmations of our Faith" The Youth Booklets Number One, compiled by J. D. Salmond. Published for the Youth of the Church Committee by the Presbyterian Bookroom. 16 pages
"First Communion : a book of preparation" by James G. Gould. Published by the Church of Scotland Committee on Publications, and the Presbyterian Bookroom, after 1940. booklet sized booklet, 32 pages
"The Alternative Ordinal and the Alternative Induction Service" authorised for use by the 1983 General Assembly. Prepared by the Committee on Church Worshipo, 1975-1982, Convener - P. G. Gardner. Soft cover, 24 pages
"The Holy Eucharist: An order of service for the Celebration of Holy Communion" Prepared by the Committee on Church Worship, Pentecost 1978. 32 pages, paper cover.
"Celebrating Communion - A handbook for elders authorised to lead communion services within the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand Compiled by Stuart Lang for the Special Committee on Lay Administration of the Sacraments, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. Second edition (revised), 1994. Soft cover, 91 pages.
The Confirmation Class : a Manual of preparation for intending First Communicants by William Manson, John McConnachie, and J. Hutchison Cockburn, published by Paul and Matthew of Murraygate, Dundee, June 1962, 40 pages
I do believe... by JG Matheson, published by the Presbyterian Bookroom, 1962, 40 pages
"Being Part of the Story" A Kit to assist preparation of the Confirmation Service. A resource for confirmation - published by the Presbyterian Publishing Company. Not Dated, circa 1989. Unbound.
The Elder — Serving the Church by Keith D. Pearson, Neville A. Andersen, Colin M. Dyster, Ian Gillman, Herman J. Sweet, and Stanley C. Read. Published by the Presbyterian Bookroom, 1970, 47 pages
Ask Seek Knock : A Communicants' Manual by the Rev. Samuel J. D. McCay, published with the authority of the Publications Committee of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand by the Presbyterian Bookroom, 40 pages, not dated.
"What is Our Gospel? Studies preparatory to the Faith and Order Conference, Massey College, February 1964" edited by L. G. Geering, Published by the Presbyterian Bookroom for the National Council of Churches, 1964. Available as a coloured photocopy, 24 sheets of two pages per sheet. $5.00.
"Massey 1964: A Report on the Third New Zealand Faith and Order Conference" by Nigel M. Watson. Published by the National Council of Churches and distributed by the Presbyterian Bookroom, 1964. 68 pages, illustrated with 11 photos
"Aspects of Lay Ministry" A Series of Four Studies by C. J. Nichol. Produced and Distributed by the Committee for Lay Ministry. 34 pages
"Faith for Working Days: a Resource linking work and faith by John Bluck. Produced and distributed by the Committee for Lay Ministry. January 1989. 34 pages.
"God in the 20th century by Lloyd Geering, in the Liberal Studies Briefs, published by New Zealand University Press, General Editor Jack Shallcrass, 1969. 14 pages, paper cover, two copies.
"Faith's New Age" by Lloyd Geering, published by Collins, 1980. Hard cover with dust cover, 349 pages. Cancelled from Wanganui District Library.
"Jesus Reconsidered" by Lloyd Geering, published by St Andrew's on the Terrace, 1983. 32 pages, soft cover.
"The World of Relation - An introduction to Martin Buber's 'I and Thou' by Lloyd Geering, published by Victoria University Press, 1983. 59 Pages, soft cover.
"Images of the City" by Lloyd Geering, Lectures published by the St. Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society. 1984, 25 pages, soft cover
"Science, Religion and Technology by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1985) 28 pages
"Encounter with Evil" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1986) 31 pages
"Machines, Computers and People" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1986)
"On Becoming Human" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1988) 37 pages
"About Time" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1989) 32 pages
"Human Destiny" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1990), 42 pages
"Creating the New Ethic" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1991) 40 Pages
"Religious Trailblazers" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1992) 48 pages
"Crisis in the Christian Way by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1993) 51 pages
"2100 : A Faith Odyssey - The Changing Face of New Zealand Religion" - by Lloyd Geering. This publication sketches the changing character of religion in NZ over the last 200 years and forecasts possible trends in the 21st century, (1995) 36 pages, soft bound. $8.00 (new) Sold
"God and the New Phyics" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1995)
"New Idols for Old" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1996) 53 pages
"Relativity : the key to human understanding" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1997) 47 pages
"Does Society Need Religion" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1998) 47 pages
"Paradise on Earth" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (2000) 57 Pages
"Who owns the Holy Land?" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (2001) 65 pages
"Fundamentalism: the challenge to the secular world" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (2003) 58 pages
"Is Christianity Going Anywhere?" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (2004) 56 pages
"The Greening of Christianity" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (2005) 54 pages
"In Praise of the Secular" by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (2007) 56 pages
"Jesus Rediscovered by Lloyd Geering, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (2010) 46 pages
"Frontiers of Faith Don Cupitt, John Spong and Lloyd Geering explore with Neville Glasgow some possibilities for faith in the modern world. Transcipts of two Radio New Zealand 'Connexions' programmes: The Nature and Role of Dissent in the Christian Church - Don Cupitt, John Spong, Lloyd Geering - and The Faith of a Radical Christian - Don Cupitt. Chairman / Interviewer - Neville Glasgow. 40 pages.
"A Single New Humanity: the detribalising of society" by Canon Paul Oestreicher, published by St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society, (1987) 42 pages
"Rethinking Religion" by Don Cupitt, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1992) 36 pages
"Creating God : Re-imaging the Christian way in a secular world", by Ian Harris, 1994, 44 pages, $3.00 (new)
"Creating God, Re-creating Christ: Re-imagining the Christian way in a secular world", by Ian Harris, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (1999) 109 pages
"The Birth of Jesus: History or Myth?" by James Veitch, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society, 1997, 28 pages
"The Many Faces of Christ by James Stuart, published by the St Andrew's Trust for the Study of Religion and Society, 1998, 64 pages
Empty Tomb or Empty Faith? - the Geering Debate by R. J. Nicholson, Vicar of Ngaruwahia. Published by G. W. Moore, 1968. 60 pages.
"Authority and Freedom by Ian Breward. Continuity with historic Christianity and freedom to re-interpret the Gospel in light of the experience of the Geering Debate. Presbyterian Bookroom Christchurch 1969.
"The Call of Christ - Good God, They're Gay" - a resource booklet prepared by St Ninian's Parish in Christchurch to assist others in understanding this issue,1992, 86 pages, $2.00 (new)
"The Spiritual Unity of the Home - A Discussion of the Vexed Question of Mixed [Presbyterian / Catholic] Marriages", by the Rev JD Salmond, soft cover 8 pages, published post 1944, $3.00
"Iron Rations" - a booklet written as a teaching aid to increase knowledge of the beliefs and doctrine of the Church in support of the Bible Class Forward Movement, published 1950, soft cover, 35 pages. $3.00
"Together: A Magazine for Church and Home" Published by the Joint Board of Graded Lessons of Australia and New Zealand. Vol. 1, No. 2 May - August 1959, soft cover, 48 pages. $3.00
"Our Church's Faith: A Study Book on Doctrine" Edited by Rev. F. W. R. Nichol. Presbyterian Bookroom, 1962. Soft cover, 95 pages. $5.00
"Advent to Ascension - Some Interpretations of the Christian Faith" by Malcolm W. Wilson. Soft cover, 32 pages, 1962.
"Jehovah's Witnesses: Letters to John and Barbara" by Luke H. Jenkins, specially written for the Doctrine Committee of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. November 1962. 40 pages.
"Break Camp and Move On by John S. Murray. An evaluation of the Consultation on the Mission of the Church held in Christchurch, New Zealand 1962 under the auspices of the East Asia Christian Conference. Soft cover, 55 pages, 1963.
"Co-operation of Ministers and Doctors the statement approved by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, 1965. Published for the Publications Committee. Paper cover, 8 pages.
"The Church's Ministry of Healing the statement approved by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, 1967. Published for the Publications Committee. Paper Copy, 15 pages.
"Synod of Otago and Southland Centenary Thanksgiving Service, March 1948 Order of Public Worship" four page leaflet listing prayers and hymns, 1948.
"St. Andrew's Presbyterian Sunday School, Ashburton — Christmas Carol Service" 47 hymns and carols, 4 readings, offering and benediction. Soft cover, 23 pages, not dated
"Directory for Worship (1995)" Adopted by the 1995 General Assembly, paper cover, 58 pages and Index.
"Busy Bee Hymn Book (1962)" 31 hymns, soft cover, 21 pages, 1962
"Directory for Worship (1995)" Adopted by the 1995 General Assembly, 2nd Edition, paper cover, 57 pages and Index
"Pacific Island - book for public worship" by Marie Ropeti-Iupeli. Cook Island, Niuean, Samoan, Tokelauan, Tuvaluan. 117 pages. One copy
"Birthed from the Womb of God: A Lectionary for Women" compiled by the Rev Dorothy Harvey. Soft cover, plastic ring-bound spine, 81 pages
"Household of Faith - A Manual for the Parents of Baptized Children by Ian Dixon. Presbyterian Bookroom 1960. Hard cover with dust cover, 30 pages
"An Order for the Public Baptism of Infants" Approved by the General Assembly in 1959 for experimental use, to be reviewed in 1962 with a view for final authorization, Published for the Assembly Committee on Church Worship by the Presbyterian Bookroom, 1962. Paper cover, 8 pages.
"Baptism in the Presbyterian Church" by J. Graham Miller. Published by the Presbyterian Bookroom 1960. 15 pages, soft cover.
"Our Children and God's Family" A Family Paper on Infant Baptism prepared by Rev. Samuel McCay for the Doctrine Committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Published 1972. Paper cover, 8 pages.
"Baptism Liturgy" resource kit, unbound: Order of Service, booklet for parents, suggestions for service, 1997.
"Centennial History 1864 - 1964 - The Bible Society of Otago and Southland" - Soft cover, 16 pages. $3.00
"How to keep the young people you have" by Stan Stewart for the Presbyterian Church; illustrated by Chris Fincham. Ideas and strategies which will help traditional churches grow ministry with older youth and young adults. Soft cover, 98 pages. $3.00
"Disarmament - A Christian Comment" by James Veitch. Published by the International Relations Committee of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Occasional Papers No. 1. A response to the New Zealand Government's Green Paper "Disarmament and Arms Control" Published in April 1978. Soft cover, 8 pages.
"Asian-Pacific Christianity - A Reorientation First seminar of the Research Group for Asian and Pacific Christianity, Faculty of Theology, University of Otago. Edited by Stuart Sellar. 30 pages.
" Doing Theology with Asian Resources: Ten Years in the Formation of Living Theology in Asia - The Programme for Theology and Cultures in Asia 1983 to 1993" edited by John England and Archie C.C. Lee. Published for the Programme for Theology and Cultures in Asia by Pace Publishing, Auckland, New Zealand (1993). 265 pages
"Mission Statement - a comment on mission in our community Compiled by the Mission Resource Team. Published by Presbyterian Support Services Christchurch. From a consultation of seven Presbyterian Churches, June 1993. 24 pages.
"Making Parish Publications Work - A step by step practical guide" writer: Loren Robb, publisher: Diane Gilliam-Weeks, 1994. Paper cover, 39 pages.
"Proceedings of the Research Group for Asian and Pacific Christianity and Cultures 1993-1994" Papers (6) presented for 1993 and 1994. Edited by Brett Knowles. Published by the Faculty of Theology, University of Otago. February 1995. 93 pages.
"Sharing Our Gifts" Notes for preaching on the theme of Stewardship written by the Rev. Doug Rogers, July 2000. Paper cover, 16 pages.
Ian Breward: Letters and Tributes Collated and Edited by Clive Pearson. Published by United Theological College, North Parramatta, New South Wales, 2000. 87 pages.
"Preparing for Oversight and Service - The Ecology of Service by Ian Breward. School of Ministry Occasional Publications No. 2. 2001, 25 pages.
"About Being Presbyterian - A Guide to What it Means to be a Member of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand" Equip 5000. Produced by Assembly Office, September 2001. Paper copy.
"Guidelines and a Code of Conduct for Keeping Children and Young People Safe during Church Activities - A Resource for Volunteers prepared by the Mission Resource Team. August 2002.
"Tower Turmoil: Characters and Controversies at the University of Otago" Published by the Department of History University of Otago, 2005. A collection of essays from the History and English paper Engl404 Writing for Publication, on the theme "Controversies at the University of Otago". 211 pages. $4.00
"Trust God, Keep the Faith" - The Story of Guido de Bres by Bartha Hill de Bres. Published by Inheritance Publications, 2011. 89 pages, illustrated.
"Conversations in Prayer edited by Greg Hughson. Published by the Otago Tertiary Chaplaincy Trust Board 2013. Produced by the chaplains serving the University of Otago and the Otago Polytechnic. 60 pages.
"Presbyterian Church Archives" - Care & Conservation. Our own handy guide for the keeping of, care, listing & preservation of Church Records & Archives, 44 pages, Free for Parish Use or free with any other order (postage charge only)
Ephesus Series Booklets : 'Project Ephesus' seeks new ways of understanding God and expressing our faith in terms of New Zealand culture and experience. All booklets new or good used condition :
1) "What New Zealanders Believe" - $2.00 each
2) "Attitudes and Life-Styles" ($3.00)
3) "Earthing our Faith in the 20th Century" by Ian Harris & "The Church and the New Era" by James Veitch ($3.00 each)
4) "Bridging the Generations" by Robin Lane - $3.00 each
5) "Salvation and Hope in the New Zealand of the 1990's" - $3.00 ***Sold Out***
6) "The Greening of Christianity" by Bob Eyles - $3.00 each
7) "A Deep Flowing Stream" by Margaret Martin & a network of women - $3.00 ***Sold Out***
8) "Exploring the Meaning of Life" by Neville Glasgow - $3.00
"Christina's Story" - The Realities of family life on an isolated Pacific Island 1938 - 1956 : The engaging story of Mrs Christina Crump, the wife of the Rev Donald Crump who served as a Missionary on Nguna Island in the New Nebrides (now Vanuatu). As new condition, published 2000, 112 pages, numerous illustrations, card cover $30.00 No Copies Available
"The PWMU (1906-1964) & APW (1964-2006) "Harvest Field" Centennial Issue" - 56 pages commemorating the centenary of the Presbyterian Women's Missionary Union and the Association of Presbyterian Women, 23 illustrations) $12.00
Feeling the Way in the Canton Villages by George Hunter McNeur. Paper cover, ink-stained. 36 pages, 4 illustrations. Published by the Otago Daily Presss, Dunedin, 1902
"Paul H. Chan, Elder, Chinese Church, Dunedin, N.Z." - by Rev. Alexander Don. Extract from "The Outlook", August 29, 1908. 8 Pages, 1 illustration. $10.00.Sold
"The Canton Villages Mission" - by the Rev. Herbert Davies and published by the Foreign Missions Committee, 1916. 64 pages, 20 illustrations. Two copies, one copy has spine damaged by fire(?) and fold-out map of Canton Village Mission Districts is missing. $25.00 and $10.00. Sold
"The Story of The Canton Villages Mission - Semi-Jubilee 1901-1926" - edited by William Mawson and published by the Foreign Missions Committee, 1926. An enlarged edition of an earlier booklet, published to commemorate the Canton Villages Mission 25th Jubilee. 96 pages, 22 illustrations, 2 maps. 3 copies, one copy has 3 illustrations cut out. $8.00 to $10.00 each depending on condition.
"The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand Atlas and Guide to its Missionary Work 1928" Published by the PWMU Executive in conjunction with the Assembly Committees and Bible Class Unions. 40 pages, 12 illustrations. $10.00.
"Our Missionaries at Work - The Record of a Journey to China and India" - by the Rev Don MacDiarmid. This booklet contains his observations of the Mission work of the PCNZ in South China and the Punjab area of India in 1939. A full first-hand account is given of the difficulties and dangers imposed by the Japanese occupation and 'war' in South China including his hastily arranged departure before all exits from Canton were closed by the Japanese. 47 pages, 13 illustrations, soft card cover. Two copies with yellowing to covers, foxing to inside covers and name of previous owners. $8.00 to $10.00 each depending on condition. Sold
"A Century of Growth" : The history of overseas Missionary work by the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand (including the Synod of Otago & Southland to 1901) from 1869 to 1969 by the Very Rev Stan Murray, Missions Secretary from 1949 to1968. A well written and honest account which includes work in the New Hebrides (Vanuatu), India, South China, NZ Chinese, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, and Papua. 112 pages, 25 illustrations, soft cover, good used condition $5.00 to $8.00 each
"Jade Engraved" by E. G. Jansen. New Zealand Missionaries and their Chinese colleagues in "China Incident". Published 1947. 247 pages and two maps: the province of Kwangtung in inside covers, and map of the hinterland of Canton at back of book.
"Front Line Men" by D. N. MacDiarmid. Published by the Missions Committee of the Young Men's Bible Class Union, 1947. H. "Bert" Davies, W. Morton Ryburn, and E. G. "Paddy" Jansen. 27 pages, illustrated.
"The Light of Other Days" by T. E. Riddle, Director of Missions of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Published by the Presbyterian Bookroom. Hard-cover, 223 pages.
"From Jungle To Farm - In The Land Where The Fenceposts Grow by E. G. Jansen. Published 1978 Waikanae, New Zealand. The early story of Navota Farm. Books include autograph or dedication. 135 pages, illustrated.
"One Small Finger" : The story of overseas Mission work by the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand 1949-69 as told first hand by the Very Rev Stan Murray who ably served as Missions Secretary over this period when the focus of Missionary work had to evolve to meet changing circumstances and needs. 153 pages, soft bound with illustrations. Good used condition (one with library catalogue number on spine but otherwise excellent condition) $10.00 each. Sold
"Twenty Days' Ice & Snow" - A Lantern Tour in Central Otago, July 1899 by Rev Alexander Don : A photocopy of this early descriptive pamplet describing a winter tour visiting Chinese goldminers in Central Otago, 14 pages, $6.00
Memories of the Golden Road - A History of The Presbyterian Church in Central Otago by Alexander Don, edited with a Memoir of Alexander Don by William J. Bennett (1936). Hard-cover book with frontispiece and illustrations, fold-out map inside front cover. 646 pages. Dedication "To Mr and Mrs Willoughby from Murray Deaker, June 1949", "Omakau School House", cutting of sports broadcaster Murray Deaker dated 1997 attached. $30.00
"The Birth of a Nation" : by Rev RG McDowall, 1954. A description of the work carried out by the Missionaries in the New Hebrides [Vanuatu], including descriptive notes on the environment, social conditions, communication, transport, Government, commerce, food, medical work and education, including the problems encountered. 26 illustrations. Soft cover, slight fading around edges, 24 clean pages. $10.00 each
"New Zealand and China" : by Rev. George Hunter McNeur. Addresses delivered at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, Wellington, November 9-17, 1926 by the Moderator, published by the General Assembly. 20 pages, 3 illustrations. $10.00. 1 Copy.
"The Missionary in Changing China" by Rev. Geo. H. McNeur, 1935. Missionary Lectures at the Theological Hall, 1934, published by the Foreign Missions Committee fo the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. 140 pages, 2 illustrations. $10.00 Sold
Yearning Hearts of China issued by the Missions Committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. 24 pages, coloured paper cover, illustrated, printed after 1936.
"The Jagadhri Hospital by Sister Elliot. The record of a year's work. Map of India on back cover. Published by the Unity Press for the Missions Committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Undated, the missionary staff mentioned suggests for a year between 1942-1946. 8 pages.
"China Changes" : by Rev. J. S. Murray, Secretary of Overseas Missions, published by the Overseas Missions Committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Impressions of a visit to the South China Mission, September - October 1949. Card-cover, 24 pages, 9 illustrations. $10.00 Sold
"I was in Prison": by Annie James, 1952, Being a first-hand account of the experiences of one of the staff of the Presbyterian Mission in China at the hands of the Communists. 44 Pages, 1 illustration. $10.00.
"The Teeth of the Dragon: The incredible story of a woman's survival" by Roy Belmer, 1964, Epworth Press. Biography of Sister Annie James (Tse Koo) in China during the early Communist government. Hard cover with worn dust cover, 189 pages, 10 illustrations. $10.00
The Story of the China Inland Mission in Australia and New Zealand 1890-1964 by Marcus L. Loane (1965). Hard-cover with dust cover. 177 pages. Includes bibliographical references and index. Borrowing copy from the St. Andrew's Church, Blenheim Sold
"The Land of the Five Rivers" - a study of our Mission work in the Jagadhri, Kharar, Sirmur and Saharanpur districts of the Punjab province of Northern India, published c.1937, soft cover, 24 pages, 30 illustrations. $10.00 Sold
"That Other Front Line" : by Rev. James L. Gray, with articles by E. L. Saunders and Rev. Abdul Rahim, c. 1940. Overview of Presbyterian Mission Work in North India, includes chapters on Gandhi, Sirmoor State, Women's Work, Casteism, and Church Union in India. Soft cover in poor condition, 36 pages, 9 illustrations. $10.00 Sold
"Christian High School, Kharar, 1891-1951" Printed and Published by Dr W. M. Ryburn at the Masha'l Printing Press, Kharar, Ambala, Punjab, India. Publication for the 60th, Diamond, Anniversary of the School with messages of congratulations and a history of the last ten years since 50th Anniversary. 22 pages, 11 illustrations. $10.00 Sold
"Missionary Project 1968 - Evangelism - Telling the Good News" : Presbyterian Church of New Zealand - Christian Education Department 1968. Soft cover, 54 pages, 32 illustrations. $10.00
"Missionary Project 1970 - Be Doers of the Word, Not Hearers Only" : Presbyterian Church of New Zealand - Christian Education Department 1970. Soft cover, 24 pages, 33 illustrations $10.00
"The Golden Gate of India" : by Miss Alice Henderson, 1922. A useful historical study resource booklet exploring India and the Punjab, including the history of India, Christianity in India, descriptions of the Punjab and it's peoples, the religions of the Punjab, the lives of Indian men, women & Children, the Mission Medical, Educational & Evangelistic work of the New Zealand Presbyterian Church, the Mass Movement, and a description of Evangelistic work in the Sirmur Hills. 95 pages, soft cover, 37 illustrations. $30.00 Sold
"The Shield of India" : by Miss Alice Henderson, 1933. A useful historical study resource booklet exploring India and the Punjab, including the history of India, the Native States, border problems and India's neighbours, the peoples of the Punjab, Indian women, the different religions of India, Christianity in India, and the evangelical, medical and educational work of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand in India. 72 pages, soft cover, 25 illustrations. Two copies, all clean pages, one with marked cover, one with tearing to binding on spine. $20.00 to $30.00 depending on condition.
"My Yesterdays in Sunshine and Shadow", by Alice Henderson, 1947, being her inspiring and wonderfully descriptive story of educational and evangelistic mission work with the Church of Scotland Madras Mission 1896 to 1909, and with the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand Punjab Mission 1910 to 1933. This book was written for a general readership in a matter of fact style and for us today it gives an honest and often very candid view of India and her difficult life during those times as seen through the eyes of a European women Missionary from New Zealand . 199 pages, 9 illustrations, secure and relatively clean soft cover, clean pages. Three copies, one with library catalogue number on spine, otherwise all clean copies. $15.00to $20.00 each
"India's New Day - A Series of Studies by James L. Gray and Marion W. Gray, published by the Presbyterian Women's Missionary Union Executive and printed by Southland Times Print circa 1942. 25 pages, six studies, no illustrations. $10.00
"Indian Insights - a Visit to the Punjab Mission" : A record of a visit to the Punjab Mission of the PCNZ by the Rev JS Murray, Missions Secretary, 1949. 40 pages, 14 illustrations. Good used condition. $5.00 each
"50 Years in the Punjab 1909-1959" - This booklet briefly details the history of, progress and current work undertaken by the NZ Presbyterian Church Mission in India, published to commemorate the 50th anniversary of work in the Punjab. Soft cover, 48 pages, 101 modern and historical illustrations. Clean to slightly marked covers $5.00 to $8.00 each
"Through Shadow and Sunshine by W. M. Ryburn. History of the Panjab Mission 1909-1959. Presbyterian Bookroom 1961. Hardback with dust cover, 339 pages.
"Light and Love - One Hundred Years in North India" written and compiled by Rev Doreen Riddell, Published by Global Mission for the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand (2008). Soft cover, 56 pages, 2 maps, 141 illustrations. $8.00.
"The Church and the Chinese in New Zealand" by George H. McNeur: Published 1951, 56 pages, 28 illustrations. $8.00.
"We Seek a City" - 6 Mission Studies for Centennial year, 1969 : Explores the Church in the New Hebrides, Lesson from the Past - Hong Kong, Mission Work in India, Retrospect of Mission Enterprise in Indonesia, A Bridge to Papua, and The Why of Mission - designed for study and discussion to interest Church groups in what has been accomplished in the past 100 years in the whole field of mission work. 54 pages, soft cover, slightly marked cover. $5.00
"Who's Who In Our Overseas Field's" - Printed photos with biographical notes of all Mission Workers in our overseas Mission fields from 1950 to 1960. Copies available for 1950, 1956 (2 x copies), and 1960 (7 x copies). Enquire as to price and condition.
Live Book 1 by J. Graham Miller, A history of Church planting in the New Hebrides, to 1880. 201 pages. $20.00
Live Book 4 by J. Graham Miller, A history of church planting in the Republic of Vanuatu, 1881-1920. 440 pages. $20.00 Sold
Live Book 6 Malekula Ambrym Paama and Lopevi by J. Graham Miller, A history of church planting in the Republic of Vanuatu - the Northern Islands 1881-1948. 534 pages. $20.00 Sold
Live Book 7 Santo and Malo by J. Graham Miller, A history of church planting in the Republic of Vanuatu 1886-1948. 544 pages. $20.00 Sold
"Contextualization: A Theology of Gospel and Culture by Bruce J. Nicholls. Outreach and Identity 3: Evangelical Theological Monographs - World Evangelical Fellowship Theological Commission. Card cover, 72 pages, 1979.
"The Sikhs of the Punjab": W. H. McLeod. Cover and drawings by Richard Bruce Hunter. Resource Materials for Asian Studies. 32 pages, 33 illustrations. $5.00 Sold
Used Biographies & Autobiographies :
"Life and Times of D. M. Stuart, D.D. by C. Stuart Ross. A unique colonial pastorate with portrait and 3 illustrations. Hard cover, 306 pages. 1894. Hinges loose.
"Discourse delivered in the Church of Otago, on Friday, the 23rd of March 1849, being a day of public thanksgiving, humiliation and prayer, and the anniversary of the arrival of the first party of settlers by the Rev Thomas Burns, Minister of the Church of Otago, 1849. 12 pages, facsimile.
"A Great Coloniser - Rev Dr Thomas Burns" : by Rev EN Merrington, published 1929. The story of Otago's pioneer Minister, the Rev Dr Thomas Burns who accompanied the first of the Free Church settlers to Dunedin in 1848, thereafter becoming the first Chancellor of Otago University. Hard bound, 9 illustrations. $25.00 ***Sold Out***
"A Daughter Remembers" - Papers from the Archives of First Church about Dr Thomas Burns and his family - 8 pages, photocopied. Good used copy, mark on cover $4.00
"In Memoriam — Rev. James Chisholm" for Forty Years a Minister of the Gospel in the Presbyterian Church of Otago, by his son the Rev John Chisholm. J. Wilkie and Co. Ltd., 1917. Soft cover, 48 pages, 3 illustrations
"William Hewitson - First Master of Knox College, Dunedin, New Zealand": edited by John Dickie and J. D. Salmond 1935. Memorial Tributes by students, colleagues, and friends. Soft cover, 40 pages, 8 illustrations, worn cover, stained. $5.00.
"'Titch' of the Div. Cav. - a memor of L/Sergt. P. L. Titchener, 2nd N.Z.E.F." by Ian B. Wilson. Foreword by Professor D. T. Adams. Frontispiece: Percy Lyndon Titchener, B.A. 82 pages. Card cover."Thy Steadfast Hills" by W. Bower Black, LL.B., St. David's Church, Auckland. Sermons. 102 pages. Presbyterian Book Room, 1944. Card cover.
"A Great Scottish Churchman - Dr. Andrew Thomson" by R. Strang Miller. The Westminster Fellowship 1961. 62 pages.
Confession of Faith of the Assembly of Dvines at Westminster from the original manuscript written by Cornelius Burges in 1646. Edited by S. W. Carruthers. Published by the Presbyterian Church of England, 1965. Tercentenary Edition
"His Day or Ours?" Studies on the Biblical and Reformed Bassi of Lord's Day Observance, by the Rev. R. Strang Miller. Published by the Westminster Fellowship. Card cover, 47 pages.
"Westminster Confession of Faith same text as the above title. Published by the Free Presbyterian Publications, Glasgow, 1986. 24 pages.
"Helmut Rex 1913-1967": by Ian Breward. Biographical monograph, bound typescript. 31 pages. $10.00.
"Book of Helmut Rex" A selection of his writings with memoirs of his life and work, edited by Albert C. Moore and Maurice E. Andrew, University of Otago, September 1980. 280 pages. $12.50.
Blue Banner - The Life Story of The Rev. TD Nicholson by R. Strang Miller, Presbyterian Bookroom, 1960. Hard cover with dust cover, 184 pages with illustrations. $15.00
"A Founding Ministry - Rev TD Nicholson's pioneering role within the Presbyterian Church in Nelson and Marlborough 1848 - 1862" : Soft cover, 45 pages, 31 illustration, published 2007, totally as new condition. $12.00 each
"Margaret - A Daughter of the Manse" - A Memoir of Christina Margaret Sullivan, Daughter of the Rev Charles Sullivan of Caversham Parish, Dunedin. Margaret and her two companions died of exposure while tramping in the Southern Alps and getting caught in bad weather. hard bound, 116 pages, 17 illustrations and two photos, published 1949. $7.50
"Ship Ahoy and Hallelujah" by the Rev DN MacDiarmid. An autobiography of the life of the the Rev Don MacDiarmid, from a life at sea on a sailing ship, Missionary work among the Nubians in the Sudan, to becoming Director of Missions for the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Published in 1968. Soft card cover, 188 pages, 32 illustrations. Good used copy, slight mark on cover. $12.00
"Punjab Pioneers" : 'Incidents from the lives' of Dr William Porteous, the first Presbyterian Church of New Zealand Medical Missionary to India, and that of his wife, Edith Porteous. Dr Porteous was responsible for the establishment of Jagadhri Hospital, our first medical missionary work in India, where he served until 1926. A well written account by R Brodie & PMcC Smith, soft cover, 83 pages, 1 illustration, published 1966. Two good used copies, $10.00 each.
"The Otago Somervilles" A brief record of the early days, written by Lenore Somerville for the Family Reunion Committee, January 1972. Card cover, 48 pages, 9 illustrations.
"J. D. Salmond Foreword by J. Bruce Robertson; Address on the induction and ordination of Dr Ruth Page; Address and Memorial Minute contributed by Dr. J.S. Somerville; poem. Whitcoulls, May 1976
"Little Things Count - Journal of a New Zealander Overseas by M. E. Andrew. Soft cover, 87 pages.
Little Feet in a Big Room - Frances Ogilvie of China" - by Gordon Ogilvie, 1994. An easy to read biography of Miss Frances Ogilvie, a long-serving and popular Presbyterian Church of NZ Missionary Teacher to South China and Hong Kong 1920 to 1960. A dedicated pacifist who held strong views on the subject, she experienced first hand the Japanese occupation of South China, 4 years of internment in Stanley Camp, civil war in China, then emergence of the Communist state. Hard bound, 108 pages, many illustrations.Good clean used copy. $10.00 Sold
"A Braided River of Faith - The Lives of One Hundred Women Vol I": Biographies and pictures of 100 women who have made a significant contribution to the work of the NZ Presbyterian Church, edited by Rev Nan Burgess. 190 pages, illustrations. Two copies - both in almost as new condition, one with library catalogue number on spine. $12.00 to $15.00
"Tse Koo - A Heroine of China - The Story of Annie James" - A brief account by the Director of Missions of the life and work of the indomitable Sr James to 1946; the sole NZ Presbyterian Church Missionary who was able, despite many deprivations, to maintain her work in South China during World War Two. Included are many first hand observations of the brutal Japanese occupation of South China and increasing disruptions, including the consequent danger to herself. Slightly faded soft covers, 32 pages, 7 illustrations, clean pages. $5.00 each. 1 Copy.
"George Hunter McNeur - A Pioneer Missionary in South China" : by Henry H. Barton, 1955. Soft cover, good condition, 44 pages, map, 15 illustrations. $15.00. Sold
"In Remembrance", - by A. Robert Scott, Minister at St James, 1994. The fascinating memoirs of a minister who served in Middlemarch, Dunedin, Southland and Canterbury. 179 pages, 32 illustrations, soft cover $10.00
"Christian Work in Hong Kong" by Alice Cook. Published for the New Zealand Presbyterian Bible Class Union by the Presbyterian Bookroom, 1962. Paper cover, 32 pages, 8 illustrations
"Christian Work in India" by J.S. Murray, Manohar Singh Giani, David Manuel and W.M. Ryburn, published for the New Zealand Presbyterian Bible Class Movement by the Presbyterian Bookroom (1965). 20 pages, 3 illustrations.
"The Catholic Presbyterian", Essays in Honour of Frank Nichol, Professor of Systematic Theology (1963-86) and Principal of the Theological Hall (1971-85), 76 pages, $3.00
"Three Good Men", by Rev MW Wilson, 1955: Biographical sketches of three Ministers of the Presbyterian Church of NZ; Rev James Gibb (1857 - 1935), Rev William hewiston (1860- 1932), Rev James Wilson (1865 - 1936). Soft but very marked cover, 79 pages. $6.00
"James Watkin Pioneer Missionary" By [Rev] Roy Belmer (reprinted 1979 by the Wesley Historical Society) : 34 pages, 1 illustration. Ex library stock with two labels on slightly card discoloured card cover, clean pages. $8.00
"Alan Brash - Voice for Unity" by Alison O'Grady. Soft-cover, 207 pages including notes to chapters and index.13 illustrations.
"My Life in Public Health" by Dr Murray Laugeson QSO. A memoir from the frontlines of global disease eradication, children's health and ending smoking. Health New Zealand 2019. Soft cover, 344 pages.
"New Vision New Zealand" Edited by Bruce Patrick, 1993: 377 pages. A study on society and leadership for the growth of the Church in New Zealand. Statistics and research. $6.00
"Disabilities and Christianity" prepared by Philippa Graham. Published by Collins Dove. Paper copy, not dated, circa 1995.
"Set in a Long Place: A Life from North to South" by Maurice Andrew, 1999. 373 pages. $20.00
"Inside Outside - A Story of Depression, Stronke and Freedom" by Robert Simpson. Soft Cover. 64 pages. June 2000.
"New Vision New Zealand Volume II (1997)" Edited by Bruce Patrick, 1997: 336 pages. To serve the Church in mission and discipleship throughout New Zealand.. Statistics and research. $5.00
"Shaping A Future - Incorporating Lifting the Lid on the New Zealand Church", Norman Brookes, Steve Currow (CLS-NZ), Peter Kaldor, Ruth Powell, John Bellamy, Keith Castle, Bronwyn Hughes (NCLS). Based on the format provided by the Australian National Church Life Survey in their publication "Initial Impressions". Openbook Publishers, 279 pages, 1998. Includes "Shaping A Future" workshop video, 1997.
"Vision New Zealand Congress" Edited by Bruce Patrick, 1993: 230 pages. Conference Papers. $4.00
"Towards a Maori Criminal Justice System A Joint Methodist Presbyterian Public Questions Committee Occasional Paper. October 1994. 9 pages.
"Between Athens and Jerusalem: Theology at the University" by Professor Gerald Pillay, Division of Humanities, University of Otago. Inaugural Professorial Lecture 8 September 1999. Card cover, 40 pages.
"Charing for our children" by Andrea Candy with contributions from Rev Dr Graham Redding and Jill Kayser. Produced by Presbyterian Support Northern for the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. Soft cover, 34 pages. Circa 2006.
"Connecting with Young People" by Rev Ryhan Prasad, Rev Mary-Jane Konings, Rev Judy Te Whiu, and Rev Dr Graham Redding. Produced by the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. Not Dated, circa 2007. Soft cover, 20 pages.
"Coming of Age - Bring on the Baby Boomers! by Rev Dennis Povey with contributions from Rev Dr Graham Redding and others. Produced by Presbyterian Support Otago for the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. Soft cover, 16 pages. October 2007.
"House to Home" by Presbyterian Support Otago and Presbyterian Support Northern with additional writing by Andrea Candy and Angela Singer with a contribution from the Rev Dr Graham Redding. Not dated circa 2008. Soft cover, 34 pages.
"Family Raising Kin" written by Dr Judith Davey with Angela Singer and Jill Warrall, and with contributions from the Right Rev Peter Cheyne, the Rev Wayne Te Kaawa, and guidance from the editorial committee: the Rev Steve Jourdain, the Rev Geoff King, the Rev Martin Stewart, Emily Wotton and the Rev Terry (Talosaga) Su'a. Not dated, circa 2009. Published by the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. Soft cover, 33 pages.
"Giving and Getting" by Angela Singer with contributions form the Right Rev Dr Graham Redding, the Rev Selwyn Yeoman and Allan Hubbard, and with guidance from the editorial committee: the Very Rev Pamela Tankersley, the Rev Steve Jourdain, the Rev Geoff King and Emily Wotton. Not dated, circa 2009. Produced by the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Soft Cover, 34 pages.
"Parenting Today by Lyn Campbell with additional writing by Angela Singer and contributions from the Right Rev Dr Graham Redding and Rev Jill Kayser, and guidance from the editiorial committee: the Rev Steve Jourdain, the Rev Geoff King, the Rev Terry (Talosaga) Su'a and Emily Wotton.
"Crime and Justice" written by Kim Workman and Angela Singer with contributions from the Right Rev Dr Graham Redding, the Rev Paul Prestige, Janet Sim Elder, and guidance from the editorial committee: the Rev Steve Jourdain, the Rev Geoff King, the Rev Terry (Talosaga) Su'a and Emily Wotton. Not dated, circa 2010. Published by the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. Soft cover, 34 pages.
"GA10 Making Disciple-Making Disciples: A six-part study for small groups" by Peter Cheyne. Paper cover, 35 pages (2010)
"Interchurch Unity: Churches Working Together" by Peter Lineham, edited by Jeff Bell, Andrea Candy and Christine Gounder with guidence from the editorial Committee: the Rev Steve Jourdain, the Rev Martin Stewart, the Rev Sally Carter and Emily Wotton. Produced by the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. Not dated, circa 2012. Soft cover, 38 pages.
"Understanding Multiculturalism in the Church and in New Zealand by Andrea Candy, edited by Jose Reader and Andrea Candy with guidence from the editorial Committee: the Rev Sally Carter and the Rev Stuart Vogel, and the Very Rev Peter Cheyne. Produced by the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. Not dated, circa 2013. Soft cover, 38 pages.
Used Maori Mission & Synod Publications :
"Te Tuaono o nga Tikanga Karakia o te Hahi Perehipitiriana published by Te Waka Press, Whakatane. 14 pages, not dated. One copy.
"The Story of Maori Missions" : being five studies by the Very Rev. George Budd, published by the P. W. M. U., Auckland, November 1939. 1. The Days Before Waitangi, 2. Much Resolved - Little Done, 3. Breaking New Ground, 4. Boring-in Farther, 5. Love Fulfils Itself In Many Ways. Some Notes On Maori Religion by J. G. Laughton. Soft cover, 32 pages, no illustrations. Two copies $10.00. One copy 1924, soft green cover, earlier edition by H. J. Fletcher.
"Upon Them Hath the Light Shined" : by Rev JN Smith, published 1952, being a brief history of the Presbyterian Maori Mission from 1889 (but mainly from 1916) to 1952 including the emergence of Te Hinita Maori (now known as 'Te Aka Puaho'). Maori Mission areas and institutions mentioned include Taupo,Taumarunui, Tokaanu, Nuhaka, Waikaremoana, Ruatahuna, Maungapohatu, Te Whaiti, Waihau, Waimana, Matahi, Te Teko, Kawerau, Opotiki, Turakina Maori Girls' School at Marton and the Maori Boys' and Girls' Hostels at Auckland and Whakatane. 52 pages, very clean soft card cover and pages, no illustrations. $25.00
"Maori and Pakeha in Church and Community - A Symposium" : Foreword (Very Rev. J. D. Salmond), Stating the Problem (Very Rev. J. G. Laughton), The Maori Point of View (Rev. Hemi Potatau), Implications of Common Citizenship (D. N. Perry), The Church's Constructive Contribution (Rev. D. E. Duncan), Implications beyond the Synod Area (Rev. J. Irwin). Soft Cover, 27 pages, no illustrations. $10.00
"From Forest Trail to City Street" : The Story of the work of the Presbyterian Church of NZ among the Maori people by the Very Rev JG Laughton, 1814 to 1961, 100 pages, some highlighted texts on pages, torn and marked soft cover, names of previous owner written in ink at front. A very collectable booklet $20.00
"Te Maungarongo 1947-1977". Soft cover booklet.
"Christian Work among the Maoris" by J. and A. Irwin, 1963. Published for the Presbyterian Bible Class Movement. Four studies: A Maori Family, Maori Missions, The Maori Moves from the Country, Te Ao Hou. 20 pages, 4 illustrations.
"Te Hinota Maori - The Maori Synod, Maori Spirituality and Ministry" - This resource publication documents the history and work of the Maori Synod, and provides some broad insights into Maori Spirituality, Book 1, published 1992. 31 pages, 2 illustrations, as new or slightly marked condition. $10.00
"Te Maungarongo - The Ancestral House of the Maori Synod" - This resource publication is dedicated to the ancestral house of the Maori Synod, Te Maungaroto, at Ohope Marae, Book 2, published 1992. 39 pages, 21 illustrations.Sold
"Te Kakano O te Aroha - The Church Marae of the Wellington Maori Pastorate" - This resource publication documents the story of Te Kakano o te Aroha, the Wellington Presbytery's urban church marae in Lower Hutt and assists to develop real understanding and action in the journey towards bi-cultural partnership, Book 3, published 1992, 39 pages, 15 illustrations. Sold
"Kawa Marae - A Detailed Guide to Marae Visits" - This informative and practical resource publication documents the usual structure and common protocol of most Maori marae, providing an insight into the nature of marae, the background to behaviour within them, and the procedure for visiting a marae, Book 4, published 1992, 43 pages, 4 illustrations. Sold
"Mahi Tahi - Practical Resources for Bi-Cultural Partnership" - This is a practical resource for beginning the journey towards bi-cultural partnership, including study papers, music, and advice on practical measures which parishes and congregations can take to expand their bi-cultural understanding and experience, Book 5, published 1992, 55 pages, 3 illustrations. $10.00 Sold
"Nga Ritenga Karakia me Nga Tikanga" The Orders and Maori Procedures: A Resource Manual for Ministers, Amorangi, Elders and Worship Leaders. Produced by Te Komiti Takawaenga O te Haahi to mark Te Tau O Te Reo Maori The Year of the Maori Language — 1995. 57 pages.
"Murihiku 1970" - A survey of the social situation of the Maori population of Otago and Southland, excluding Dunedin and environs, by Alison Mirams, 1970. This comprehensive report was commisssioned by the Dunedin Presbytery as a prelude to considering the appointment of a Maori Minister to Otago/Southland. Two copies, soft bound cover in very good condition. $15.00 each.
"Who's Where in our Maori Field" - Printed photos with biographical notes of all Mission Workers in the Maori Mission Field in 1961 together with images of Maori Synod institutions. 1 soft bound copy, stained cover. $10.00
"Presbyterian Theology in New Zealand from 1930-1980: A Personal Retrospect: The Question of a Maori Theology" by J. M. Bates. Unpublished Papers from the Archives at Knox College, Dunedin, edited by Clive Pearson, January 1995. Paper cover, 41 pages, photocopied printing. $5.00
Mana Maori and Christianity, edited by Hugh Morrison, Lachy Paterson, Brett Knowles and Murray Rae. 327 pages. Huia Publishers (2012) $25.00
Talking Past Each Other - Problems of Cross Cultural Communication by Joan Metge and Patricia Kinloch. Victoria University Press 1978
Presbytery & Synod Histories :
Parish Histories (please enquire for prices - most modern histories are relatively inexpensive) :
Presbyterian Historical Society
and bound booklets containing the annual lecture given to the Presbyterian
Historical Society of New Zealand.
25% discount
applies on orders of five or more booklets.
Publications (New)
1973 : | "The Very Rev James Gibb : Patriot into Pacifist", by LH Barber, (Now out of print - photocopy or scanned copy available at $5.00) |
1974 : | "Missionary Propaganda - Its Early development & Influence With Respect to the British Missionary Movement & India", by AK Davidson, (Now out of print - photocopy or scanned copy available at $5.00) |
1975 : | "The Rev James Duncan - First Presbyterian Missionary to the Maori", by WW Gibson, (Now out of print - photocopy or scanned copy available at $5.00) |
1976 : | "The Ministry of Rev John Moir (1809 - 1895), 1st Moderator of the Wellington Presbytery", by DG Bound, (One copy - photocopy or scanned copy available at $5.00) |
1977 : | "The Growth of an Inward Looking Church on the Mission Field", by AC Herron, $2.00 |
1979 : | "Religion & New Zealand Society", by Ian Breward, $2.00 |
1980 : | "James Hamlin", by HJ Ryburn, $2.00 |
1980 : | "Thomas Chalmers & the Mission of the Church", by WJ Roxborogh, $3.00 |
1981 : | "The Church in Vanuatu since 1945", by Neal Whimp, $3.00 |
1982 : | "Changing Patterns of Presbyterian Social Service", by Simon Rae, $3.00 |
1983 : | "A Church in Mid-Life Crisis, The debate of 1966 - 1970", by James Veitch, $3.00 |
1984 : | "From Dependency to Autonomy", by James Irwin, $3.00 |
1985 : | "The Gospel in the Southern New Hebrides 1839 - 1958", by GS Parsonson, $3.00 |
1986 : | "Rutherford Waddell : Man and Parish", by RJ Eyles, $3.00 |
1987 : | "The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand and the Chinese", by Dr. James Ng, $3.00 |
1988 : | "Mission and Oecumene : The NZ Presbyterian Experience 1969 - 1988, by Simon Rae, $3.00 |
1990 : | "Rev. John Gibson Smith - The Story of the 1908 Heresy Trial", By James Veitch, $3.00 |
1991 : | "A Time of Sifting - Evangelicals & Liberals at the Genesis of NZ Theology", By Peter Mathieson, $3.00 |
1992 : | "The Road to Secularisation in Presbyterian Dunedin : The First Fifty Years of the Otago Settlement", by John McKean, $3.00 |
1993 : | "Girdle Round the Earth : New Zealand Presbyterian Women's Ideal of Universal Sisterhood, 1870 - 1918", By Yvonne M Robertson [Wilkie], $3.00 |
1994 : | "The Theological Case of JM Bates", by Clive Pearson, $3.00 |
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