General Assembly votes to confirm rule on sexuality and leadership

General Assembly, the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand ’s top decision-making body, today confirmed its 2004 rule that those involved in a sexual relationship outside marriage cannot become ministers or elders.

The rule is not retrospective and only applies to people being assessed for future training or leadership positions. It is not a disciplinary standard.

Moderator the Right Rev Pamela Tankersley says this issue has been addressed by the Church over many years and “we can be satisfied that this decision was reached after thorough and prayerful discussion”.

“Our church has a tradition of robust and open debate, with everyone having input at local and national levels.”

Mrs Tankersley says there are strong feelings on either side of the issue. “We recognise the pain that this decision will cause some in our Church.”

After vigorous and respectful debate, the motion that the church may not accept for training, license, ordain or induct anyone involved in a sexual relationship outside of faithful marriage between a man and a woman was carried by 230 votes to 124 (65 percent in favour). The decision means the status quo of the past two years continues.


Note: background information about GA06, including a media pack, can be downloaded from

To request an interview with the Right Rev Pamela Tankersley , contact:

Amanda Wells
Communications Manager
Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
027 5353-020