Provenance : Foreign Missions Committee

Group Title : Minutes & Agendas

Series Title : Minute Books

Date(s) : 6 Feb 1920 to 18 Mar 1924

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Item Description : This book contains typed and handwritten minutes of mission committee meetings, reports and minutes from Canton Villages Mission, Panjab and New Hebrides Mission and written submissions to the committee.  A handwritten alphabetical index is at the front of the book.

Major Topics Include : correpondence on missionaries; property matters, furloughs, deaths (resignations); missionary movements; donations and bequests; deputation work; support for "Own Native Workers" in mission fields; sale of arrowroot; political situation in India and support for Indian control of Affairs (1920); Overseas currency losses to China and India (1920); taking over mission work in Ts'ung Fa area of Kwantung Province from London Mission (1920); opening of hospital at Kong T'suen (1920); Panjab Mission facing financial crisis (1920); support for British control of New Hebrides incl. trade (1920); liason with PWMU; purchase of car for Dr Porteous, India (1920); translation of religious works into native language; fighting in Kwantung Province (1920); annual mission committee resolution and recommendations; reservation of site at Honam, North China for NZPM Health and Holiday Cottage (1920); report on Mr and Mrs Joseph Chan, Auckland catechist and marital situation hindering work (1920); political situation in New Hebrides (1920); authority to approach "persons of means" for large donations (1921); ending of work at Subathu (1921); return of catechist Chan to China; Canton Evangelistic Campaign (1921); Report on Tsung Fa field, China, and recommendations (1921); Rev A. Don's attendance at Shanghai Christian Conference (1921); retirement of Rev. A. Don as Foreign Mission's Secretary (1921); appointment of Rev. HH Barton as Foreign Mission's Secretary (1922); anti-Christian movement in China (1922); retirement of Prof. W. Hewitson as convener of Foreign Mission's Committee (1922); application to undertake mission work in Manchuri (1922); report on Panjab Mission (1922); destruction of Mission Station on Tongoa (1922); reasons against partition of New Hebrides (1923); visit of Rev. HH Barton to India (1923); fighting in Canton Villages Mission area (1923); "Canton Sites and Building Fund" Campaign (1923); International Missionary Council Meeting, England (1923); union with the Presbyterian Church in India (1923); evangelical work in Canton (1923); end of work at Subathu Leper Asylum (1923).

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