Provenance : Foreign Missions Committee

Group Title : Minutes & Agendas

Series Title : Minute Books

Date(s) : 15 Apr 1924 to 28 Apr 1931

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Item Description : This book contains typed and handwritten minutes of mission committee meetings, reports and minutes from Canton Villages Mission, Panjab Mission and New Hebrides Mission.  A handwritten index appears at the front of the book.

Major Topics Include : correspondence on missionaries; property matters, furloughs, deaths, resignations; missionary movements, donations and requests; discontinuing work in Nahan area, India (1924); competition of hospital at Kong Chuen (1924); health of Chinese Missionaries (1924); transfer of local chapels to Chinese church control if able to financially support (1924); New Hebrides political situation incl. abuses and irregularities of partial French rule of condominium (1924); floods in Jagadhri district (1924); enquiry into work among Chinese in Fiji (1925); closure of Sunday Schools due to infantile paralysis epidemic (1925); anti-Christian movement in Canton (1925); withdrawal of missionaries to Hong Kong due to anti-foreign unrest in Canton district (1925); visit of Dr. JR Mott to NZ (1925); industrial missionary for India (1925); foreign treaty matters, China (1925); Panjab Mission salary scales (1926); socialist funded Canton government (1926); Hire of Cine films of mission work in India (1926); Canton labour union rejecting return of two European Missionaries to Kong Chuen (1926); move towards Chinese constitution and control of Church affairs in Kwantung Province (1926); drink problem and passing of "Native Code of Laws" in New Hebrides (1926); liason with PWMU and providing of Missionary manses in NZ (1926); transfer of control of missionary activities incl. hospital to Chinese Kwantung Synod (1926); customs tarif on arrowroot (1927); evacuation of Kong Chuen compound workers to Canton due to unrest at Hankow (1927); proposal to combine industrial work in the Punjab with the American Presbyterian Mission (1929); famine in China and famine relief fund (1929); Inter-Missions Committee and and closer liason with home and Maori Missions (1929); closing of Canton City Chapel (1929); hiring of costumes by the Oriental Depot (1929); devolution of mission work in the Punjab (1931).

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