Consultation paper and survey

Consultation Documents

The Theology of Property and Money Sharing Resources Task Group, has developed the following documents:


In 2018, General Assembly agreed:

  • [18.058] That, in considering the Church’s collective wealth, the General Assembly establish a task group to develop a theology of money, a theology of property and develop practices of sharing both.
  • [18.059] That the task group to consider the Church’s collective wealth consult widely within the Church and make recommendations to the 2020 Assembly for a national framework for sharing resources.
  • [18.087] That the General Assembly instruct the task group to explore ways to both simplify and streamline the process of churches to access funds.

The Council of Assembly set up the Theology of Property and Money Sharing Resources Task Group, and the information on these pages represents the first stage of their consultation with the wider Church.

Respond to the Task Group

The Task Group values what you have to say about the draft Theology of Property and Money, and invites you to use the question resource sheet to grapple with the topic, personally, in groups and as a parish. Feedback is welcome from anyone (individual, group or parish) who has something to add to the conversation.

There are three ways that you can give the Task Group your feedback:

  1. Email responses are welcome. Please email:
  2. Give your feedback via this online submission form
  3. Responses may also be mailed to:

    Knox Presbyterian Church
    PO Box 216,
    Waitara 4346

Whatever method you choose, your feedback must be with the Task Group no later than 31 December 2019.

More about the Task Group

Task group members are available here