Statements of Fundamental Doctrines, 1965-71

Statements of Fundamental Doctrines, 1965-71
[Old Book of Order Appendix C-2]
Statements of Fundamental Doctrines, 1965-71, Related to the Last Paragraph of the Declaratory Act.

(The 1968 Assembly adopted these statements, with the exception of the last one under Resurrection added by the 1969 Assembly, when it was resolved that the statements, apart from the opening paragraphs ‘be printed as an Appendix to the Book of Order and related to
the last paragraph of the Declaratory Act by specific reference’. The 1971 Assembly agreed that the opening paragraphs be included in the Appendix.)

The Apostle's Creed
The fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith find one of their earliest expressions in the words of the Apostles’ Creed which the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand with joy affirms.

The Trinity
The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, as part of the Holy, Catholic, or Universal Church worships one God Almighty, all-wise and loving, in the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the same in substance, equal in power and glory; adoring the Father, infinite in majesty, of whom are all things; confessing our Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son, made very man for our salvation; glorying in His Cross and Resurrection, and owing obedience to Him as the Head over all things to His Church; trusting in the promised renewal and guidance of the Holy Spirit; proclaiming the forgiveness of sins and acceptance with God through faith in Christ, and the gift of Eternal Life; and labouring for the advancement of the Kingdom of God throughout the world.

Regarding the Bible
“That the Word of God contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments is the supreme rule of faith and duty and is the Supreme Standard of this Church.” (B.B., 1966, p.38)
“The Bible is uniquely authoritative because it is the inspired record and interpretation of God’s redeeming acts among men and above all of His supreme act of self-giving and self disclosure in Jesus Christ.” (B.B., 1966, p. 39)

Regarding God and Nature
“God the Father is the Creator of all that is. He is the Sovereign Lord of the Universe and controls it in its immensity by His Almighty power and wisdom, according to His unfathomable purposes. The origin and destiny of nature and of man are with Him.” (B.B., 1966, p. 39)

Regarding the Person of Jesus Christ
“Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, was sent into the world by His Father.” (B.B., 1966, p.39)

Regarding the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
“God raised Him from the dead in triumph over sin and death to reign with the Father as Sovereign over all.” (B.B., 1966, p. 39)

“Our Lord and Saviour is raised and is alive for evermore as the active personal Head of His Church.” (B.B.,1966, p. 42)
“The words ‘God raised Him from the dead in triumph over sin and death to reign with the Father as Sovereign over all’ (B.B., 1966, p. 39 para. 4) and ‘God raised Him to life on the third day’ (B.B., 1966, p. 41 para 3 (d)) mean that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is a saving act of God in history, and is therefore more than a continuation of the memory and example of Jesus Christ and the awakening of faith in the disciples.” (Y.B., 1970, p.111)

Regarding Judgement and the Christian Hope
“All men will be judged by God in Christ and in the light of His perfect knowledge, holiness and love.” (B.B.,1965, p. 271a)
“He will come again in glory as our Judge and Saviour to accomplish the final victory.” (B.B., 1965, p. 268a)
“In Christ all that God has been doing in the creation and redemption of men and the world will be fulfilled to His glory. This conviction is the basis of the Christian hope that beyond death God will raise the Christian to eternal life in direct and unshadowed fellowship with Himself and His people.” (B.B., 1967, p. 160a)
“The eternal life into which the Christian is to be raised begins here and now in the day to day experience of the presence of our risen Lord through whom we enter a new joy and depth of living.’ (B.B., 1967, p. 16 la)

[Note: the above ‘Statements of Fundamental Doctrines, 1965-71’, is from the Book of Order Appendices, pages 8 to 10. This document was created 22 May 2023. See the full Book of Order Appendices on the PCANZ website: ]

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