The Challenge of Giving is clearly conveyed to us through the Bible.
A. A number of parables challenge us to be engaged in God's Mission.
i. The Good Samaritan - Luke 10:30-37
ii. The Talents - Luke 19:12-27
iii. The Judgement - Matthew 25:31-46
B. Jesus spoke often on the use of money
i. You cannot serve both God and Mammon! - Matthew 6:24
ii. It is harder for the rich to enter the Kingdom... - Matthew 19:24
iii. Zacchaeus - Luke 19:1-9
iv. The Foolish Farmer - Luke 12:16-21
C. The Bible speaks clearly on the meaning of the Offering
i. Response of both heart and mind - 1 Chronicles 29:1-19
ii. God's Share - Proverbs 3:9-10
iii. Paul's nutshell summary - 1 Corinthians 16:1-4
iv. Widow's mite - Luke 21:1-4
D. The Bible speaks too on the outcome of Christian Giving
i. Paul - 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
ii. Jesus - Luke 19:1-9
iii. Old Testament - Malachi 3:8-12
E. Other parts of the Bible deal with giftedness
i. Part of the body - 1 Corinthians 12:14-31
ii. Parable of the Talents - Luke 19:11-26
iii. Different Gifts - Romans 12:1-8 or 1 Corinthians 12:4-11