
Earthquake Appeal for the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu

On December 17, 2024, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake destroyed multiple buildings in Port Vila, Vanuatu. The earthquake claimed 12 lives, with more than 200 people injured.  The Port Vila CBD was seriously affected and is currently in lockdown, with the demolition of buildings now under way. Businesses and schools are facing serious logistical challenges. Thousands of residents in and around Port Vila have had to relocate, with some communities possibly facing permanent relocation to new, safer sites. 

The Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu (PCV) owns several buildings in Port Vila. While none of these collapsed, due to the severity of the earthquake there are concerns about the safety of a number of these buildings. As a sign of our commitment to our partnership with the PCV, Global Mission has offered to send two structural engineers to Port Vila to undertake assessments on these buildings to help the PCV determine the next steps.  Following this, we anticipate significant costs will be involved in building repairs that are likely to take some time. 

So as a sign of solidarity with the PCV, Global Mission is launching an earthquake appeal to help meet costs associated with supporting individuals and communities affected by the earthquake, and for maintenance and repairs on damaged buildings. Funds can be banked into the Global Mission account, 02 0500 0086963 10 with the reference PCV Earthquake Appeal. Please send an email to Katrina Graham, confirming the donation so a receipt can be emailed.

Nambawan! Newsletter - Vanuatu

Download the Nambawan newsletter which is dedicated to our partnership with the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu. This includes up-to-date information about our partnership, and opportunities to get involved. For previous newsletters please click here.

Global Mission in Vanuatu

The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand affirms the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu (PCV) as our primary mission relationship. We are partners in a number of projects that we encourage our congregations and church schools to support. 

Personnel Serving in Vanuatu

Interested personnel are invited to enquire to Global Mission Director Phil King,

Talua Theological Training Institute

Talua Theological Training Institute

Talua Theological Training Institute is the training college for the Presbyterian Church in Vanuatu and offers a Diploma of Theology, Diploma of Mission and Bachelor of Ministries programmes. Graduates from the college become church leaders in various denominations and evangelists to isolated villages. The PCANZ has supported theological training at Talua for many years. 

Church to Church Projects

Several PCANZ congregations have partnerships with churches and communities throughout the islands in Vanuatu. These range from building projects, youth programmes, and educational support. Your congregation is invited to enquire how to set up a mission partnership in Vanuatu. 

Onesua Presbyterian College and Other Colleges

There is a long history of relationship with Onesua College. We continue to have a keen interest in the school and provide partial scholarships to students through the Shirley Gray Memorial Fund, and assistance with school resources. 
Presbyterian Church schools have established regular contact with Onesua over the years. Other school partnerships have also developed in recent years and are going from strength to strength.

Seasonal (RSE) Workers in New Zealand

Thousands of Ni-Vans come to New Zealand each year as seasonal workers on orchards and vineyards. Members of our congregations in regions which receive seasonal workers often provide hospitality and support to Ni-Van workers.
Vanuatu is our longest standing mission relationship. If you would like to join the long list of New Zealand Presbyterians who have supported mission in Vanuatu, please contact the Global Mission Coordinator, Phil King,