Presbyterian Church Schools’ Conference 2024, 8-9 August, Auckland

Presbyterian Church Schools’ Conference 2024: Thursday 8 August – Friday 9 August
Hosted by:

  • Saint Kentigern (Remuera Campus) – Thursday
  • St Cuthberts (Epsom) – Friday

Welcome and Registration

  • 8:30am - Thursday 8 August @ 82 Shore Road, Remuera. (School tours available from 7.45am)
  • 9.00am - Friday 9 August St Cuthberts

Cost of the Conference: 

  • Conference Thursday - $95
  • Conference Friday - $95
  • Dinner and Drinks Thursday - $90
  • Total = $280 (incl GST)
  • Tickets can be purchased for the full conference or individually.
  • Note: ticket sales do not include student conference tickets. These have to be purchased as a separate ticket.

Click here for more details and to register.

Conference theme

There is an old story that goes… a Rabbi was speaking to his class once and the question came up about some of the peoples of the Old Testament, like the Amorites, and the Hittites and the Jebusites. And the Rabbi said to his class. Have you bumped into an Amorite recently, or had coffee with a Hittite, perhaps played golf with a Jebusite?” And everyone in the class shook their heads and someone spoke up, “I never even met one”. And the Rabbi replied – “This is true, no one has these days. They no longer exist. And do you know why this is?”. The Rabbi’s question was met with silence and so he continued, “The reason is because they didn’t tell their story, and if you don’t tell your story, it is not so much that you lose your past, it is that you lose your future.”

The theme of the conference is “Our Story”. Come and join us as we explore our origins, our identity, and our future in New Zealand as Presbyterian Church Schools. The intention of the 2024 Presbyterian Schools Conference is to celebrate our story and ensure that the story of our special character is front and centre as we move into the future.

For further information do not hesitate to contact:
Stephanie Wells (Rev.)
Director of Presbyterian Church Schools Resource Office
021 02951129