The Religious Sector, Violence and Child Abuse webinar series (two-parts), 19 & 26 Sept 2024

The Religious Sector, Violence and Child Abuse webinar series (two-parts)

Safeguarding Children is a two-part webinar series hosted on different days. 

Don't wait until the Royal Commission's final report to make sure you're doing everything possible to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children in your care. Take advantage of Michelle's knowledge and be one of the first to complete this e-learning course developed specifically for the Religious Sector.

Further information on the webinar series can be found here…

Part 1- Thursday, 19 Sept 10am - 11.30am: Understanding Spiritual Abuse and Religious Grooming

  • This webinar explores the unique role and mandate of the religious sector in preventing and addressing violence and child abuse – the potential to harness as well as the need to address barriers within religious settings which can perpetrate or enable such violence.

Part 2 - Thursday, 26 Sept 10am - 11.30am: Implications for Policy and Practice

  • This webinar builds on webinar one and explores what is required of the New Zealand religious sector to harness their potential to help prevent and address violence and child abuse, including preventing spiritual abuse and religious grooming.

Safeguarding Children consultant, Dr Michelle Egan-Britan has worked as a Principal Advisor (Faith) with the Royal Commission on Abuse in State and Faith-based Care. Utilising her experience, expertise and knowledge in this area, Michelle has been working on a NEW e-learning course to support those in the religious, government and wider violence and intervention sectors to help prevent and address child abuse