News archive
CWM Training in Mission - applications close February 28
Applications are open for Council for World Mission’s Training in Mission (TIM) Programme for 2025. This is a fully funded mission studies programme shared with young adults from around the world.
Download a practical guide to help people through the process of the death of a loved one
A group of three Palmerston North women led by Judy Seccombe, retired nurse and parish clerk of Pathways Presbyterian, who have experienced death of their husbands have created a practical guide to help people through the process of the death of a loved one.
Notice of Change of Trust Terms: Thornton-Blair International Travelling Scholarship
Take notice that on the 11th day of December 2024 a Scheme prepared under section 6 of the Presbyterian Church Property Amendment Act 1996 was submitted to a Commission of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand in relation to a charitable trust created by bequest