PCANZ White Ribbon

Contact the PCANZ White Ribbon Ambassador

Contact Rev Hana Popea for advice, resources, and to come to your church to speak to your congregation or at an event (note that PCANZ White Ribbon Ambassador may be able to attend at no cost to your PCANZ church). Email Rev Hana Popea, PCANZ White Ribbon Ambassador at: hanapd.pcanzwrnza@gmail.com 

2023 PCANZ White Ribbon campaign resources for churches

See 2023 resources for churches including a printable resource, video, new song. and message of support from Moderator Right Rev Rose Luxford on the White Ribbon GA23 page.

Download the 2023 PCANZ White Ribbon noticeboard poster for parishes

Please download here a poster that can be printed for your parish noticeboard or used in your parish newsletter. The poster has contact details for White Ribbon Ambassador Rev Hana Popea and resources and links for your church.

Otago University interview with Rev Hana Popea, PCANZ White Ribbon Ambassador

Read here an interview by Otago University with Rev Hana Popea for White Ribbon Day by University of Otago. Titled, Standing against violence, asking questions and creating opportunities it was published in Alumni & Friends on 24 November 2022... "...I am very humbled to be appointed to this role. I believe we all have responsibilities in making a stand to support the principles of the White Ribbon Campaign – and to be positive role models in conveying these principles and important messages around preventing violence towards women and children in the wider community in NZ".

PCANZ White Ribbon 2022 campaign

For White Ribbon 2022, the Rev Hana Popea, the PCANZ’s new White Ribbon Ambassador, has prepared video resources for parishes, and also Worship resources - reflection, prayers, call to worship and benedictions, and music suggestions for use on White Ribbon Sunday, 27 November.  See links to White Ribbon 2022 resources below and see all 2022 resources on the White Ribbon 2022 page here.

White Ribbon 2022 videos

PCANZ White Ribbon Ambassador Rev Hana Popea has recorded zoom video calls with Presbyterians asking three questions she prepared on what Presbyterians think could or does stop or prevent domestic and family violence towards women and children. 

Hana recorded herself answering the questions, and then put them to PCANZ Moderator Right Rev Hamish Galloway, Ruth Risati Kaio, Honey Thrupp, and Hannah North. See video below.

Over time, as Hana records further zoom talks with more Presbyterians, she intends for the videos to form part of a library of White Ribbon video resources for the Church. She wants to hear from the wider PCANZ and share the ideas and views of a range of ages, cultures, and in many languages. If you would like to participate in a video please get in touch.

See all six PCANZ White Ribbon videos, including the 2022 introduction by Hana, below or on the PCANZ White Ribbon vimeo channel and our vimeo White Ribbon 2022 showcase.

About our PCANZ White Ribbon Ambassador: Rev Hana Popea

On 4 Oct 2022, it was announced that Rev Hana Popea is the new Presbyterian Church White Ribbon Ambassador.

Hana is a minister at Hutt Uniting in Lower Hutt, Wellington. From 2016 to late October 2024, Hana was minister at St Ninian’s Uniting Church in Karori, Wellington. Born in Samoa, she studied at Samoa College. She has a Bachelor of Theology and Post Graduate Diploma of Ministry from University of Otago. She was ordained in 2005 and has been in parish ministry for 17 years. Hana is married to Rev David Dell and they have one son.

Hana will undertake her work as PCANZ White Ribbon Ambassador with generous financial support from the Albert Anderson Estate. In her first introductory message to the Church as Ambassador, Hana writes:

Some of you know me but for many I will be a fresh face. Hopefully that will change as I take up opportunities to visit presbyteries, parishes and Presbyterian events to discuss and share what our parishes and Church can do to help prevent family violence in our communities. I look forward to building on the work of our former Church White Ribbon Ambassador Very Rev Ray Coster, who is now enjoying a well-earned retirement, and to exploring new ideas".
"If you would like me to come and share at your church event either in-person (or via Zoom) please email me
"As I think of what I can bring to the Church’s White Ribbon campaign, I think of my experiences in ministry and life which have made me realise that there’s a big gap between listening and actively hearing the silent suffering of women and children who experience violence and abuse within our society.
"I know that our parishes play an important role in closing this gap. We already have many people in our parishes working and volunteering with community organisations that seek to prevent violence towards women and children. The challenge is how to connect our people with each other, with other churches and cultures, with White Ribbon, so we can all access and share training and resources. Together, we might create a church support network. This idea is still a work in progress, and I will be seeking your input as I ease into the role.
"My mission for the kaupapa of White Ribbon is to help others to find their voice, to break the cycle of abusive behaviour, to create an open talanoa process and to facilitate educational programmes towards healing, caring, and the restoration of healthy relationships. 
"I know that our churches working together can help make New Zealand a place where healthy relationships thrive, positive attitudes are empowered, and loving and safe environments are the daily experience for all women and children." Read Hana's full message to the Church.

PCANZ White Ribbon receives funding from Albert Anderson Estate for 2022-2026

In June 2022, the Presbyterian Church White Ribbon campaign was very pleased to receive generous financial support from the Albert Anderson Estate, a Trust administered by the The Presbyterian Church Property Trustees. The funding will be used over the next five years to, 'fund the work of the PCANZ White Ribbon Ambassador in presbyteries and Presbyterian and Uniting parishes'.

Funding will allow the Presbyterian Church's White Ribbon Ambassador the resources to visit presbyteries and parishes to share the White Ribbon message, work with parishes on White Ribbon Day (25 Nov) campaigns, and offer practical resources and networking as appropriate.

Looking for help to stop family violence?

On the PCANZ website 'Family Violence" information page you will find resources and contacts for organisations, including White Ribbon, that can help in family violence situations. See resources and links here. For immediate help - you are afraid for your safety and or for those around you and/or someone has been assaulted - phone 111 which is the emergency number for the Police.

PCANZ White Ribbon Archive

Nov 2021: Shine a Light on Violence Prevention was the White Ribbon 2021 theme. Very Rev Ray Coster White Ribbon Ambassador offered a message and resources to shine a light. Resources included a free beeswax candle for parishes to join with Moderator Rt Rev Hamish Galloway, who prepared a video prayer resource, and shine a light through prayer, Watch the video and see all the resources on the White Ribbon page.

Nov 2020: Challenge the Outdated was the White Ribbon 2020 theme. Very Rev Ray Coster White Ribbon Ambassador encouraged men to speak about messages around masculinity they received growing up that they later found unhelpful for building healthy relationships. Ray says that change begins by focusing on the attitudes which enable men to think that violence is ok, or that it is ‘masculine’ to exercise power or control over another person. Watch video of Ray interviewing four male Presbyterian Church ministers on the theme to share with the Church and read his White Ribbon message to the Church.

Nov 2019: Challenge the Unspoken Rules was the White Ribbon 2019 theme. Very Rev Ray Coster White Ribbon Ambassador encouraged people to stand-up and speak out against unhelpful stereotypes like “Be the Man”, “Toughen Up” and “Boys don’t Cry”. He asked us to challenge the unspoken rules that exist silently in the background and reinforce outdated ideas of what a man is, how he acts, and how he should express himself. Read Ray’s White Ribbon message. Ray suggested people could take the White Ribbon Pledgebecome a White Ribbon accredited workplacetalk about respectful relationships with young men and women in your family and church, host an event, or consider making contact with your local Presbyterian Support or Family Works office and doing a joint activity.

Nov 2018: Very Rev Ray Coster White Ribbon Ambassador encouraged Church men to take the White Ribbon pledge - Yes to respect - No to violence: “I will stand up, speak out and act to prevent men’s violence towards women”. Read his message to the Church.

Autumn 2017: In the Autumn 2017 Spanz magazine we celebrated the appointment of the Very Rev Ray Coster as a White Ribbon Ambassador and encouraged churches to get involved in White Ribbon. Read the article (pg.10).

Nov GA2016: At General Assembly 2016 in Dunedin, churches took part in events aimed at educating about how to prevent and stop violence against women. Moderator Rt Rev Richard Dawson and Presbyterian Support Otago encouraged Commissioners and delegates to participate in White Ribbon events. The Assembly the Church endorsed the Justice in Action: We Say Yes statement produced with Presbyterian Support NZ: "We say yes to safe and loving families. We say no to family violence. Therefore we support White Ribbon and Neighbours Day and conversations in our communities that break the silence on family violence." Read more about the We Say Yes statement.

Nov 2016: Church leader appointed White Ribbon Ambassador, calls on churches to support campaign. Very Rev Ray Coster is appointed as the PCANZ and White Ribbon NZ Ambassador. Ray speaks at Church and public gatherings to raise awareness about family violence, and to equip and resource change in our communities.

Oct 2015: Moderator Rt Rev Andrew Norton encouraged the Church to read the Church’s submission on strengthening New Zealand’s legislative response to family violence. "White Ribbon Day, which aims to end men’s violence toward women, is also coming up on 22 November. Keep an eye on the Church’s website for how to get involved, and resources can be ordered from the White Ribbon shop. For more info about family violence see Justice and Action, a joint resource between our Church and Presbyterian Support."

Sept 2015: Read here the PCANZ's Ministry of Justice submission on family violence - Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand Submission (2015): Strengthening New Zealand Legislative Response to Family Violence