Rural Ministry

Rural church people in Aotearoa New Zealand connect ecumenically through the Oceania Regional Network of the International Rural Churches Association.

Since the 1980s rural people in New Zealand and Australia have been linking ecumenically to support, encourage, and resource one another. IRCA Oceania’s networking reaches across the Pacific, with many Pacific people now part of rural communities in New Zealand (and Australia) and sharing common interests in terms of life and livelihood from the gifts of the planet. 

Within this country, rural church people:

  • have deep roots going back generations,
  • are new generations rediscovering rural New Zealand,
  • know that work, land, the seasons, weather, world markets, animals and crops, are all part of God's world,
  • have a long view of the ups and downs of life and are familiar with disappointment,
  • know that city models of church life often do not work for them,
  • are part of a highly rewarding ministry with many opportunities for leadership.

We are people who understand a church to be viable if it has a mission in its community and a group of people ready and active for that mission.

IRCA Oceania links to the International Rural Churches Association (IRCA). 

Participation in Rural Conferences in Australia and New Zealand, and around the world, has strengthened churches' understanding and commitment to the special role of the rural church in the rural community.  

Visit for information on conferences, other ways of connecting, and a variety of resources for rural churches. IRCA Oceania holds a number of Network ZOOM hui during the year, as a way of sharing our stories of struggle, and of joy, and easing the isolation often felt in rural ministry.


Subscribe to IRCA Oceania Stories, and to  IRCA eNews.

News to share

If you have news to share, stories to tell about your local rural church and community, or opinion pieces on issues, get in touch with: 
Robyn McPhail
Mob: 021 0247 6280
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