The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand seeks to ensure that the Church is a safe and nurturing environment for all. Rules and procedures have been developed to enable individuals and the Church to respond responsibly to any acts of inappropriate or unethical behaviour by a Church office-bearer or member.
Where to start
Each presbytery has appointed contact people to support and advise anyone thinking of making a complaint regarding an officer of member of the Church. To find a contact person, look for the Complaints notice on your parish noticeboard, or contact your presbytery clerk.
How to make a complaint
In order for a complaint to be investigated it needs to be:
- clear what the nature of the complaint is
- specific (including, where possible, names of individuals, places, dates etc) in writing. The contact person can assist you with this.
Complaints and Disputes Manager
If you need advice around making a complaint, please contact the Complaints and Disputes Manager, email, or phone 0800 244 357.
Report Historic Abuse
See the Historic Abuse page for information or contact the Complaints and Disputes Manager on freephone 0800 244 357 or email
Presbyterian Church & Royal Commission into Abuse in Care
If you wish to discuss a matter concerning the Presbyterian Church and the Royal Commission, you can contact the Complaints and Disputes Manager on freephone 0800 244 357 or email
Assessing a complaint
The contact person forwards the confidential, written complaint to the Complaints and Disputes Manager (the Manager), who calls an Assessors Committee to consider the complaint. The Manager will forward a copy of the complaint to the respondent (the subject of the complaint). The respondent has 15 working days to make a written response to the complaint. You, as complainant, will be given a copy of their response. The Assessors Committee will then consider the complaint and may ask for further information from either the complainant or the respondent, or any other relevant person. While the Assessors Committee has a target date of 20 working days to consider the complaint and the responses, and to determine the appropriate course of action to be taken, there may be delays while further information is being sought. The Assessors Committee determination may include:
- dismissing the complaint
- referring it to presbytery for mediation
- referring it back to the Complaints and Disputes Manager to appoint a Disciplinary Commission to formally investigate the substance of the complaint
- referring it to the New Zealand Police
Disciplinary Commission
If the complaint is referred to a Disciplinary Commission, the Commission will set out the procedure to hear the charge and communicate this to you, and to the respondent. Both parties will be given the right to appear before the Disciplinary Commission, and may choose to appoint legal counsel and/or a support person to attend. The Disciplinary Commission has the power to decide whether the hearing will be conducted in private or public, whether any witnesses are to be called and to rule on the types of evidence to be admitted for the purposes of the hearing. Where the charge is upheld, the Disciplinary Commission has the power to make an order for (among other things) mediation, a restorative justice programme, censure of the respondent, a rehabilitative programme for the respondent, suspension or removal from office and/or compensation. For a full summary of the Presbyterian Church’s processes and the powers of its courts, please refer to chapter 15 of the Book of Order.
Referral to the Police
If a complaint is criminal in nature, especially sexual offending, complainants will be encouraged to talk to the Police. The Church will support a complainant’s decision, the exception being if there is an imminent and serious risk to any person, when the Church may decide to notify the Police independently. Anyone who becomes aware of offending of this nature is urged to contact the Complaints and Disputes Manager immediately, email . Where an officer or member of the Church is investigated by Police or found guilty in a court of law, they may still be subject to the Church’s process. Where this happens, the intent of Church proceedings is to determine an appropriate order (e.g. removal from office) and not to ‘re-hear’ the original charges.