News archive

CWS launches appeal for Nepal

Friday 08 May 2015

Christian World Service has launched an appeal to provide relief supplies in Nepal.   

The magnitude 7.8 earthquake has caused widespread damage throughout most of the country. The death toll is around 2,000 people and continues to rise. 

Many people are remaining outside as large aftershocks continue.  Rural areas were particularly badly hit and it will take some time for a full picture of the damage to emerge.

News from our Church's April Visit to Vanuatu

Thursday 23 April 2015

Moderator, the Rt Rev Andrew Norton and Global Mission Co-ordinator, the Rev Phil King are currently in Vanuatu meeting with representatives from the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu (PCV), offering pastoral support, and having discussions about how the Church can best help in the recovery efforts. Read these "Postcards from Vanuatu" to learn more about the situation in Vanuatu.

Postcard from Vanuatu: Proud to be Presbyterian

I am just letting you know that I'm bursting with pride about being part of the Presbyterian community.

Moderator's ANZAC Message 2015

Thursday 23 April 2015


ANZAC Day 1915 is a very special day in our history. It is this day that has shaped us as a nation. It is this day that the stories are told and passed from one generation to the next. It is this day that all agree “must not happen again”, and yet the cycle of history turns and each new generation must grapple with the issues of the present day. Lest we forget!

Last year I visited the Jerusalem memorial for over one million children who died in the Holocaust. Our guide asked, “Why did this happen?”

Study leave reports wanted by KCML

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Have you undertaken study leave at any time during the past 10 years?  Do you have a study leave report languishing on your desk or filed in your study or almost completed on your computer?  If so, NOW is the time to share it with the rest of the Church.  Please find it, dust it off, give it the last finishing touches if required and send it to KCML – we will be happy to accept paper copies or electronic versions.