Information for Treasurers

Subscribe to Treasurers' News

The Church's Finance Team regularly publish the Treasurers' News bulletin, which includes useful information about relevant legislation, reporting standards and other important matters. To get the treasurers' newsletter sent directly to your inbox, fill in your details below.

Financial Consolidation Frequently Asked Questions

We have prepared answers to questions we have received from parishes on the Financial Consolidation.  

General Assembly Financial Statements

Read or download General Assembly Financial Statements here

Presbyterian Investment Fund

Details about how to access your parish's Presbyterian Investment Fund account can be found here

Direct Debit Form

Click here to download the PCANZ direct debit form.

Treasurers' Newsletter

See the menu on the left to read current and previous Treasurers' Newsletters. Or click here.

Where your Assembly Assessment goes

Download here a document produced in 2024 illustrating where and how in the PCANZ Assembly Assessment is utilised.