July 2024

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From the Moderator
From the Assembly Executive Secretary
Global Mission
Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership
Presbyterian Church Schools
Presbyterian Church Property Trustees
Presbyterian Research Centre
CWS Notices
Church Register
Social Media
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From the Moderator

Tena Koutou Katoa

Reflecting on the Council for World Mission Assembly, South Africa 

I have just returned from the Council for World Mission Assembly in Durban, South Africa, which had the theme, “Rise to life: together in transformation”. What an amazing experience this was. Stimulating Bible studies, workshops and keynote speakers. Uplifting worship. Cultural evenings that were vibrant and fun. Some business. Challenging presentations and thought-provoking discussions. Mission exposures that were confronting and at the same time evoking gratitude and huge admiration for the people whose faith enables them to accompany some of the most vulnerable people in society. The Holy Spirit was at work during our time together as the ‘Body of Christ’ in that place. I so enjoyed meeting people from all over the world, and discussing the issues of local contexts, and also our shared lives as Christians and fellow humans. An African proverb that was quoted at the Assembly seems apt: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others”.

  I was also proud to be part of our PCANZ team. Seeing Karo Wilson lead off the big combined Sunday service at the Olive Convention Centre was a thrill, and also hearing our youth delegate, Simon Parkes, praying the intercessions at that service was moving. Phil King, our Global Mission director, is well-respected and liked within the CWM family, and Masele Bakulich Tufeao contributed so well connecting with many people and was a bright light within the gathering.

While there I was also recorded for a short video greeting to the Presbyterian Church of Korea where there is an upcoming celebration of 30 years of women in ordained ministry.

Coming up…

Next up is a trip to Hamilton to attend a Matariki event at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, I will also preach there on the Sunday.

I finish with a Bible verse that came up often in Durban, and has always been one of my favourites:
I have come that you may have life – life in all its fullness” (John 10: 10)

Ma te wa

Right Rev Rose Luxford

From the Assembly Executive Secretary

Dear friends and colleagues

The shortest day has been and gone. I recall I have heard people say that winter really happens in July and August… I am not sure that cheered me up!
This time of year is when churches start thinking about annual meetings and reports, and presenting the financial accounts for the year ended 30 June. Annual reports and annual meetings... these are not words that tend to spark excitement, anticipation, or even a sense of thankfulness, hope, or expectation.
Often, we read in these documents what we do not have, what we cannot do. Have you read these and found a sense of ‘seeking the Lord when the Lord can be found’ or inviting discernment about the future? Is the glass half full or half empty – or is there a recognition that there is even a glass?
We can be a forgetful people. Jesus called us to remember, knowing how easily we forget!
I wonder what we do in between our annual reports and meetings to help people remember. Do we remind ourselves of what we are about - our values, our vision - and that we are invited to join in God’s mission? Do we to remind folk on a regular basis about what we committed to in our budget, share how we are doing, acknowledge what our giving is doing and invite people to pray for these areas in our congregational life? 
On the shortest day a charity we support communicated with an update. I read stories of what they are committed to - a reminder of the areas they are working in, a sharing of values; updates on matters they are engaged with long term, and something of the local communities they partner with. They share what we and others are achieving together. They have adapted over the years, learnt as things have changed, stopped some things, worked collectively, seen the ripple of changes and are committed to the long haul.
As you start thinking about annual reports in your setting, what will you communicate? Will there be a sense of thankfulness for what has been achieved? A sense of a time for change? A recognition of reminding ourselves of who we are and whose we are.

Update your office bearer contacts

We use electronic communication to share information, update on important matters and pass on other news. Our office’s ability to do this is dependent on church councils advising updates to key contact people, changes in email etc. Please pass on any changes to Nani  from our office, so that we can ensure we are communicating with the appropriate office bearers.

Matters for consideration by presbyteries and church councils

General Assembly 2023 follow-up information for, and actions required by, presbyteries and church councils has been sent out. If your church council has not received this, please advise our office.

Calling a newly trained minister

This year six people will complete their training as interns. They represent a range of backgrounds and experiences. All are eager to commit themselves to ministry within the life of a congregation. Profiles for each of them will shortly be available from Rev Dr Carlton Johnstone and Very Rev Richard Dawson who are coordinating introductions and discussions between final-year interns and ministry settlement boards.

Noho ora mai
Wayne Matheson
Assembly Executive Secretary

Presbyterian Church Schools


One of the main roles of the Presbyterian Church Schools’ Resource Office is to encourage connections. Connections between the 12 Presbyterian schools themselves, the schools and Presbyterian Support, the national Church, presbyteries, and local churches.

One way the connection between schools is promoted is the annual Presbyterian Schools Conference. This is held annually in August. The current system has this two-day gathering follow a three-day Chaplains and RE Teachers Conference from all Church schools. Together, the two conferences move around the country. This year the Presbyterian conference will be hosted by Saint Kentigern and St Cuthberts.

Every Presbyterian Schools Conference focuses on the special character of the school. This year’s theme is “Our Story”. Speakers from within the Church and schools, from here and overseas, will be inspiring us on how our particular stories make a difference - both for our school communities now but also in preparing our students to change the world in the future. 

While this Conference is mostly aimed at school board members, senior leaders, and chaplains, a growing number of attendees attend from the wider Church. They come for networking opportunities but tell me they often find the content helpful too. Past conference topics have included some of the cutting-edge issues schools are dealing with: neurodiversity, sexuality, biculturalism, mental health and ecology. All issues churches are starting to face too.

This year the Conference has a day rate option to make it easier for people to attend only part of the conference. I encourage anyone in the Auckland area on 8 or 9 August to consider coming and meeting some of the awesome people who hold high the Presbyterian special character in our schools. The topics presented will also inspire you. Alternatively, you can plan to attend the 2025 Conference which will be in Dunedin (God willing).

Regardless, please pray for the Conference and the people involved in our schools who strive to share the Presbyterian values of life-long learning, service and community with their students and whanau

Stephanie Wells (Rev) 
Director of Presbyterian Church Schools Resource Office

Global Mission


Despite significant challenges, a team of three ministers and chaplains from the PCANZ led a successful chaplain’s training event for the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu last month. Over 100 participants attended from around Vanuatu, attesting to the importance they placed on the event. We look forward to learning from this programme and continuing to develop our support for the PCV in their mission and ministry. On that theme, plans are in place to host four youth leaders from Vanuatu at our Connect national youth leaders training weekend in July


I have just received an update from Tahan Theological College in Myanmar on their solar power installation project. We have supported this because electricity supply in the country is very expensive and unreliable, and the installation of solar power allows the college to function independently. The country continues to be riven by civil war and life is still very unpredictable with churches and villages being attacked, and damage to infrastructure ongoing. As a result, life is fragile and internal displacement is still a major concern for many people. The church continues to respond as well as it can in the circumstances and is deeply grateful for the support we are able to offer

Council for World Mission Assembly 

A team of five from the PCANZ recently attended the Council for World Mission Assembly in Durban, South Africa. Two hundred and fifty participants gathered from around the world to share in this four-yearly event exploring the theme, “Rise to Life: Together in Transformation”. 

The assembly in Durban renewed my awareness of Father Michael Lapsley, a New Zealander who was active in the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa in the 1980s. In 1990 he was seriously injured in a letter-bomb attack in which he lost both hands and an eye. He subsequently returned to South Africa and founded an organisation called the Institute for the Healing of Memories helping people recover from trauma and loss. His story is an inspiring one. You can read about him and listen to an excellent podcast here.

Phil King
Global Mission Director

Presbyterian Church Property Trustees

Glen Innis Holiday Houses – what guests can expect, what is expected of guests

There are two holiday houses at Glen Innis Station (a working sheep and beef farm located in Central Hawke’s Bay) available at no cost for National Ordained Ministers for one week each year (no cost other than a refundable bond).

One of the houses, Maud Hooper, is now also available for use by Local Ordained Ministers, Amorangi, and Local Shared Ministry team members outside school holiday periods and at a cost of $200 per week (plus a refundable $100 bond). The fee is to cover the cost of making the house available and offers a great value holiday.

The houses are available for ministers and their families to enjoy some time-out in a beautiful rural setting to relax, recharge and re-create. The team that looks after the houses (and the farm) wants guests to feel welcomed, and that the houses can be a home-away-from-home for their week stay. However, Glen Innis is not a holiday hotel or resort. We ask that you treat the Glen Innis team with respect and courtesy, respect the privacy of the Carter family who live just next to the houses, and remember that Glen Innis is a working farm. Please see all relevant information, including cost and booking details here.

Presbyterian Investment Fund

The interest rate paid on the PIF On Call Fund is currently 5.50% p.a. (where it has been since 1 January 2024). A reminder to please provide advance notice (of at least three days) for major (>$100,000) withdrawals.
 The interest rate on the PIF Long-Term Fund remains at 3.0% pa plus inflation. Rates are subject to change. 
The PIF is open to parishes, but not to individuals. For details on the Long Term Fund or further information, contact the Trustees’ Executive Officer, Russell Garrett.

Russell Garrett
Executive Officer
The Presbyterian Church Property Trustees

Presbyterian Research Centre

Resources for your church anniversary

Does your congregation have an important historical anniversary coming up?

Did you know that you can access your parish’s historic records through the Archives, either in person or by requesting specific information or research? There is no charge for parishes.

You can also search for historic photographs either on our Recollect website or by enquiring directly, as much of our photographic collection is undigitized. This can be an especially good way to locate images of former ministers and original buildings which have been replaced. We are very happy to scan photographs as higher resolution digital images which can be used for displays.

Please email us for any heritage or anniversary related enquiries

Rachel Hurd
Presbyterian Research Centre 

Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership

University of Otago/KCML 2025 Summer School: Trauma-Informed Ministry by Dr Karen McClintock

Dr Karen McClintock will teach an intensive course in Dunedin entitled, Trauma-Informed Ministry. The course is jointly offered by the Theology Programme, University of Otago, and the Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership.

This course familiarises students with origins, definitions, and treatment of trauma from multiple disciplines. Trauma’s impact on the body, soul, relationships, and spirituality will be highlighted, along with congregational and community care. The course explores individual mental health concerns in the contexts of family of origin, intergenerational trauma born by repeated oppression and injustice, and community-wide traumas. Students will learn key principles of trauma-informed pastoral care in multi-ethnic contexts and discuss and develop their own ethical standards for trauma care.

The block course will start at 1pm on Monday 27 January and conclude at 1pm on Friday 31 January 2025. Classes will be held on the University of Otago Campus, Dunedin.

A generous subsidy for PCANZ ministers who either audit or study for credit is available upon application. Details can be found on the KCML website homepage (scroll down to “Events and Notices”). 

Senatus Funding

At their recent meeting, Senatus awarded study funds to seven ministers for a range of study initiatives. They also approved funds for six foundation studies students (three LOM probationers and three NOM foundation studies students).
Senatus will next consider applications for Minister’s Study Grants in October. Information and application forms can be found here.

Yours in Christ
Rev Dr Geoff New
Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership

Christian World Service

Operation Refugee

The United Nations Refugee Organisation (UNHCR) reported 117.3 million people were forcibly displaced by the end of 2023 - 43.4 million were refugees. By May 2024 this number had risen to 120 million individuals. We uphold refugees and displaced people in our work and prayers. If you would like to do something practical, consider joining this year’s Operation Refugee
Dori Lloyd is running this year’s campaign. She has been speaking in schools and is reaching out to anyone interested in organising a special fundraising event for refugees overseas. If you are interested, please contact her.

Gaza Appeal

Thank you for your prayers, donations and solidarity for the people of Gaza. Last month CWS sent a second grant of $141,000 to the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR) Gaza.  Staff have rented a minivan to use as a mobile health clinic and a car for staff to reach evacuated communities. In central Gaza, staff are operating a medical point from the vocational training centre in Shijaia. DSPR will open a second medical point in the central region once people who are sheltering in it can find alternative accommodation.  It is running psychosocial programmes especially for children and has been able to distribute some food and emergency cash. Read their recent Update.  Please remember DSPR and the people of Gaza and the West Bank in your prayers. If you can, please make another donation to the Emergency Appeal.

Haiti Appeal

CWS has launched the Haiti Emergency Appeal for $10,000 to repair the rainwater system at the Belle Fontaine School that was damaged by gang violence and to assist with ICKL’s psychosocial programme for victims. ACT Alliance reports 75% of incidents involve sexual violence.  We ask for prayer and support for the people of Haiti.


Expressions of interest: Presbyterian Church seat on Board of Prison Chaplaincy Service Aotearoa New Zealand 

The Presbyterian Church has a seat on the PSCANZ board and invites expressions of interest to serve in this role. Ideally you will live in the Wellington area where meetings are held but expressions are invited from across the country. Ideally seeking expressions from people who have a good understanding of the PCANZ and are a member of a local congregation; understand budgets and financial reporting processes, the Justice system – especially the prison setting, are ecumenical, value multi-faith volunteers, and in particular be able to represent Pacifica views in the work of the Board. If interested see more here and send a covering letter and CV to the Assembly Executive Secretary by 2 August 2024

Book of Order Advisory Committee: advice on bringing a proposal to General Assembly

If you are thinking of bringing a proposal to the next General Assembly, the Committee offers advice to be taken into account about proposals and principles. To access advice, please contact the Committee by emailing the Assembly Office as soon as possible. Reporting recent work, the Committee has developed detailed guidelines for disciplinary bodies, provided legal opinions, given advice about processes and drafted some Supplementary Provisions. It is presently reviewing rules relating to dissolving congregations, local shared ministry, how presbyteries process Assembly proposals, mandatory aspects of ordination and induction services, and is developing guidelines for Assembly judicial commissions. It plans to review how the Book of Order refers to the oversight of congregations. If you wish to raise questions about, or make suggestions concerning, the Book of Order and related topics, please contact the Committee convenor, Rev Dr Kerry Enright. 

The Religious Sector, Violence and Child Abuse webinar (two-parts), 19 & 26 Sept 2024

Don't wait until the Royal Commission's final report to make sure you're doing everything possible to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children in your care. Be one of the first to complete this e-learning course developed specifically for the Religious Sector by Safeguarding Children consultant, Dr Michelle Egan-Britan, who has worked as a Principal Advisor (Faith) with the Royal Commission on Abuse in State and Faith-based Care. Date: 19 & 26 Sept 2024, 10am- 11.30am, cost $60. More info and register here.

Refresh Leaders Conference, Hope Church, facilitated by Presbyterian Affirm, 17 August

Connection and input are vital for ministry leaders. Join us at Refresh, a one-day conference where you can connect and receive input without leading. Julie-Anne Laird from City to City Australia will help us "wake up our wow" of the church and the call to share Jesus' good news. Speakers include Murray Talbot, Jess Dreadon, and Stuart Lange. Hosted on the beautiful Canterbury plains of Ōtautahi Christchurch, you'll leave with a full heart and inspired vision. Register here.

Inspiring Change for a Sustainable Future, CJWG - 13 July, 1pm-5.30pm, Auck & online

Climate Justice Working Group invite you to, Inspiring Change for a Sustainable Future, Sat 13 July. This half-day hybrid event is designed to inspire individuals and communities to take action towards a plastic-free future. Whether you take part in person or online, you’ll gain practical insights and strategies to help you live a zero-waste lifestyle. Read more and register here.

New Creation New Zealand "Churches Going Green" free resource

New Creation New Zealand have created their "Churches Going Green" resource for any church or agency wishing to pursue a care-of-creation journey. It has more than 200 practical strategies a church can gradually choose from and implement, with additional resources to help realise some of the key ones. Plus more than 300 practical creation care ideas. Email New Creation New Zealand for a free copy.

Bill and Margaret Best Travel Fund

Are you a minister considering domestic or overseas travel as part of your study leave? Are you a lay worker or elder in a PCANZ church considering a study course that requires travel? The Bill and Margaret Best Travel Fund offers travel grants to church workers wanting to further develop their area of service to the Church. The Fund is administered by the Personnel Workgroup, and the closing date for applications is 30 September each year. Criteria and application form can be found on the Church website here, Bill and Margaret Best Travel Fund. Please contact Kate Wilson with any queries.

Subscribe to receive the Church's Treasurers’ News 

Treasurers’ News is sent to all parish treasurers, however, anyone in your parish who is interested can subscribe to receive the latest edition, email Katrina. Current and past editions of Treasurers’ News can be found on the PCANZ website here.

Church Register

For any queries concerning the Church register, contact Kate Wilson. 

Minister Changes

Rev Dr Andrew Callander, other recognised minister to minister, Motueka Uniting Parish, 30 April 2024.
Rev David Smith, chaplain St Kentigern College to other recognised minister and stated supply Remuera – Somervell Presbyterian Church, Northern Presbytery, 3 June 2024.
Rev Robert Robati-Mani, minister Gore – St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Southern Presbytery to minister Kowai-Cheviot Presbyterian Parish and Waikari Presbyterian Church, Alpine Presbytery, 9 June 2024.


Rev Pamela Pruden, Minster Emerita, Alpine Presbytery, 10 March 2024.

Parish Changes

South Kaipara Presbyterian Church, Northern Presbytery, dissolved 1 April 2024.
Massey-Riverhead Presbyterian Church, Northern Presbytery, change of name to Norwest Presbyterian Churches, 2 June 2024.

Social Media

Check out in one handy place the links to the social media of the Presbyterian Church and its ministries including websites, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and video.


Check out details about upcoming events including training workshops, opportunities to serve and more. Learn more


Check out our job vacancies page and the ministerial vacancies table and featured ministerial vacancies for the latest vacancies available in Aotearoa and around the globe.

Subscribe to publications

Self-subscribe to Bush Telegraph, Council News and to PCANZ ministries publications – see details here.