September 2024

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From the Moderator
From the Assembly Executive Secretary
Global Mission
Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership
Presbyterian Children and Families
Presbyterian Church Schools
Presbyterian Research Centre
Presbyterian Youth Ministry
CWS Notices
Church Register
Social Media
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From the Moderator

Tena Koutou Katoa

In August, I had the privilege of attending the Presbyterian Church Schools Conference in Auckland (at Saint Kentigern Schools and St Cuthbert’s College) where I met up with principals, chaplains and board members of those schools. We had a stimulating programme. It was interesting to learn more about these schools that are part of our Presbyterian family, and the valuable work that the chaplains do in that space.  

This was built upon the following week when I did a road trip to three of the schools with the Rev Stephanie Wells, Director of Presbyterian Church Schools Resource Office. At Solway College we were welcomed with a mihi whakatau by the school and spent time with principal Janine Tupaea and chaplain Jane Rees for a tour of the school and then enjoyed lunch together. Arriving at Lindisfarne College later in the day, the Rev Steve Dunnett who is the chaplain there, showed us around the school and we saw the preparations for a disco that night. We enjoyed a meal in the dining room with the boarders and staff. The next morning we went to Iona College where I spoke at the chapel, spent time with chaplain, the Rev Simon McLeay, and with the principal Nicole Billante. It was a rich and interesting couple of days.

Our chaplains do wonderful work in the school environment where they are interacting daily with thousands of young people in their formative years. As a Church we are grateful for their dedication and faithfulness as they serve God in those places.

I also attended the 150th celebrations for Westmere Presbyterian Church in Whanganui, and had visits to the other churches there – St Paul’s, St Andrew’s and St James. A morning tea with retired ministers from Presbytery Central area, and then I attended the ministers’ gathering and Presbytery gathering where I spoke. On the Sunday there was a combined worship service for Presbyterian churches in the Manawatu which I preached at. Lots of good conversations and it was encouraging to hear of signs of hope around our Church.

May we as a Church continue to be ‘Authentic and hopeful in Christ’.

Ka kite ano

Right Rev Rose Luxford

From the Assembly Executive Secretary

Dear friends and colleagues

Something from my childhood, and this dates me: “Sticks and stones will break my bones – but names will never hurt me”.

As children we quoted this to people who taunted us, or insulted us, or what we would today say as abused us verbally. But, we learnt the truth - words do hurt. Words can break hearts, ruin relationships, deflate confidence and self-esteem, and crush hopes and dreams.

The child who wore glasses was called four-eyes, the child with prominent front teeth was called rabbit, and the list goes on…and on…and on…

With the advent of social media, words are typed out with great speed and quantity, about all sorts of people, as if the person posting believes everyone else needs to read what they say or think or feel about… well, everything!

And then some of us join in and post our comments. And the insults build, and the hurt goes deep, and people are crushed.

We have read how one group – sportspeople - find that persistent exposure to personally offensive content can damage the sportsperson's mental and physical health and ultimately their performance.

I was reflecting on this recently as 30 people joined an online ethics workshop, where one of the things we attended to was to remind ourselves of our Code of Ethics. Within the Code of Ethics it states: “… All dealings with others will be characterised by compassion and natural justice.”

On a recent Saturday I found myself reading these words:
“…clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (from Col 3:12), and from Ephesians 4:32, “Put on then …compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive”.

A culture of respect. Words to live by.

Abuse in Care

After the release of the Abuse in Care Report from the Royal Commission: Whanaketia – Through pain and trauma, from darkness to light. Whakairihia ki te tihi o Maungārongo on 29 July, our Moderator Right Rev Rose Luxford sent a pastoral letter to the Church, download it. On 2 August, the Council of Assembly emailed a letter to the Church with information on a task group formed on behalf of the Presbyterian Church to fully consider the report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry. The Group will identify the matters that need attention by the Church, recommend to the Council of Assembly steps to be taken by the Church to attend to those matters, monitor initial progress in implementing necessary steps, and report regularly and in a timely way to the Council of Assembly. Download the letter.

Read the latest Council News

Tomorrow there will be an edition of Council News sent to subscribers and on the Church website here.  You can read past editions and subscribe to receive Council News in your inbox.

Update your office bearer contacts

We use electronic communication to share information, update on important matters and pass on other news. Our office’s ability to do this is dependent on church councils advising updates to key contact people, changes in email etc. Please pass on any changes to Nani  from our office, so that we can ensure we are communicating with the appropriate office bearers.

Matters for consideration by presbyteries and church councils

General Assembly 2023 follow-up information for, and actions required by, presbyteries and church councils has been sent out. If your church council has not received this, please advise our office. A reminder that feedback on the Doctrine Core Group’s paper “A Theology of Ordination” is due by 31 October 2024 and voting papers relating to proposals accepted by the 2023 General Assembly and referred to church councils and presbyteries under the special legislative procedure are to be returned by 28 February 2025.

Calling a newly trained minister

This year six people will complete their training as interns. They represent a range of backgrounds and experiences. All are eager to commit themselves to ministry within the life of a congregation. Profiles are available from Rev Dr Carlton Johnstone and Very Rev Richard Dawson who are coordinating introductions and discussions between final-year interns and ministry settlement boards.

Noho ora mai
Wayne Matheson
Assembly Executive Secretary

Presbyterian Church Schools

Connections, Part 3

As I detailed in last month’s article, the recent annual Presbyterian Schools’ Conference promotes connections. New board and staff members met each other and long-time members of the network. Through conversations, panel discussions, and speakers they learnt more about what it means to be Presbyterian and hopefully made contacts that will support and encourage them beyond the few days of the conference.

This year many new principals and senior staff have joined our schools, many of whom are new to Aotearoa New Zealand, let alone to our brand of Presbyterian education. Meeting people in similar positions, some of whom have years of experience, some of whom are struggling with the same issues as you, is always of great value. 

In addition to the main conference, a Student Gathering for Year 8 students was held. This was led by Presbyterian Support Northern and continues the connections many schools have with this other wing of the Presbyterian network. Over two-days, these young people from Iona, St Cuthbert’s and Saint Kentigern explored “Connecting with Communities”. As with past events the hope is that they will return to their schools inspired to lead service projects both now and in the future.

Having Presbyterian Support people organise this aspect of the Conference reminds our school leaders that they have a community-focused partner in their area keen to share their ideas and workload. Most schools have traditionally collected money and food for Presbyterian Support. However, many are doing more, for example, St Cuthbert’s and Saint Kentigern’s have become involved in working bees for the Presbyterian Support community house that we see in the video, as well as sending groups to the Taneatua community garden project. Rangi Ruru provided the artwork for a Presbyterian Support Upper South Island gift card set, as well as promoting its sale. 

Our schools see serving their community as a core value. Presbyterian Support is in the business of service. Working together makes sense.

Stephanie Wells (Rev) 
Director of Presbyterian Church Schools Resource Office

Presbyterian Children and Families

Kia ora everyone

I recently reflected in the PCFM E-News about the changing season and transition into spring. Often Children’s ministry is equal parts challenging and rewarding, and there are seasons where we may struggle to see growth. But just like we can trust that the dormancy of winter will give way to the fresh growth of spring, we can trust that God will bring growth and renewal to our children’s ministries. 

Ministry Vacancies

We have a few new ministry vacancies advertised on our website. These include a great opportunity in the Hawke’s Bay, as well as an exciting role at Mosgiel-North Taieri Parish. For more information, please check out the local vacancies page on our website.

New Resources

Fathers’ Day: We developed two new Family Faith Moments to mark the occasion. This year, we acknowledge there are families who grieve the death of their father, and we have developed a special Family Faith Moment for those in that tough situation - this can be used at any time, not only Father's Day. Find the resources here.

Light Party: We also have developed a resource for churches hosting Light Parties this year. This is a printable booklet perfect for handing out to guests, that highlights the Gospel message in an easy, accessible way for children and families. Find it here.

Training Opportunities

Intergenerate Conferences are being held in Auckland and Christchurch in October. Whether you are a Children and Families coordinator, minister, or church leader who has a passion to create a meaningful intergenerational environment in your church, Intergenerate Conference is for you! For more information or to register, check out the Intergenerate website.

We would love to hear and share your stories of celebration and joy that you’re finding in your children’s ministry. Feel free to email me your stories.

With blessings
Karo Wilson
Presbyterian Children and Families Ministry

Global Mission


Applications are invited for the position of English teacher at Talua Theological Training Institute in Vanuatu for 2025. Preference given to applicants willing to commit to two years, but consideration given to those only able to commit to 2025. All info here and contact me.

A team from Wanaka Presbyterian Church is planning a visit to Talua Theological Training Institute on Espiritu Santo Island, Vanuatu in October. This will be an opportunity for the team to understand more about PCANZ’s Global Mission partnership with the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu and encourage our English teacher Jae Ahn who serves at Talua. The visit will help them discern whether their congregation can develop a deeper relationship supporting mission at Talua or elsewhere in Vanuatu.


The Council for World Mission is inviting expressions of interest from people open to serving overseas with a partner church for 6-12 months. They seek professionals with skills in accounting, education, media and information technology, healthcare, project management, etc. Please note they are not advertising vacant positions but gathering names for potential matches when vacancies arise. Contact me to discuss if interested.


Last week I participated in a Zoom meeting with international partners as part of our support for the Presbyterian Church of Myanmar. The situation in Myanmar remains very unstable with massive disruption to normal rhythms of life, including rampant inflation. Among other things, the threat of forced conscription has meant many young people have fled their homes and are seeking safety elsewhere or overseas if they can leave the country. Continue to pray for the church as they respond with courageous and creative measure to bring hope in such difficult circumstances.

Read the latest version of Mingalaba, the newsletter dedicated to our Ricebowl Mission partnership with the Presbyterian Church of Myanmar. For previous newsletters please click here.  


I have received a request from St. Thomas School in Jagadhri for financial support for a building extension, named the Riddell Block in honour PCANZ missionary and founding principal the Rev Doreen Riddell. Rising costs have put some strain on their budget. Donations can be made to Global Mission, 02 0500 0086963 10 (email Katrina for a receipt). Contact me for any further information.

Phil King
Global Mission Director

Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership

Block Course & training for elders

This month sees the Spring Block Course being held in Dunedin, and this is the last time the current cohort of six NOM interns will be at a block course. We will also be farewelling those LOM Probationers who have been attending block courses in 2023-2024.

Early this month, KCML will be conducting training for elders in the Wakatipu area (Southern Presbytery). Please consult the Presbytery website for details.

Applications for Ministers Study Grants

Applications are invited for the Ministers Study Grant. The deadline for the next application round is Friday 11 October. Guidelines and the application form can be found here. Please send your application to Susan Peters.  

University of Otago/KCML 2025 Summer School

Trauma-Informed Ministry by Dr Karen McClintock. (Minister’s study and travel subsidy available).

Dr Karen McClintock will teach an intensive course in Dunedin entitled Trauma-Informed Ministry. The course is jointly offered by the Theology Programme, University of Otago, and the Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership.

This course familiarises students with origins, definitions, and treatment of trauma from multiple disciplines. Trauma’s impact on the body, soul, relationships, and spirituality will be highlighted, along with congregational and community care. The course explores individual mental health concerns in the contexts of family of origin, intergenerational trauma born by repeated oppression and injustice, and community-wide traumas. Students will learn key principles of trauma-informed pastoral care in multi-ethnic contexts and discuss and develop their own ethical standards for trauma care.

The block course will start at 1pm on Monday 27 January and conclude at 1pm on Friday 31 January 2025. Classes will be held on the University of Otago Campus, Dunedin.
A generous subsidy for PCANZ ministers who either audit or study for credit is available upon application. Details can be found on the KCML website homepage (scroll down to “Events and Notices”).

Yours in Christ
Geoff New (Rev Dr)
Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership

Presbyterian Research Centre

New member of PRC team

PRC is happy to announce the recent start of a new staff member in Archives: Susan Garwood.  Thanks to the generosity of a Lottery Grant, we have Susan employed this year through June as our Digital Content Creator. She will be digitising and curating several collections of photographs, amongst other duties.

Susan has had a long and productive career in archival work.  Her most recent role was as Executive Director at the Rice County Historical Society in Minnesota.  We are happy to have her onboard with her wealth of experience and enthusiasm. Welcome, Susan!

Jay Robinson
Presbyterian Research Centre

Presbyterian Youth Ministry

Join us for PCANZ Safety WOF Online Training from 22 October

We are hosting an online training over three 1.5-2 hour sessions on Tuesday 22 October and 29 October, and Thursday 7 November. To register for these three, free online sessions see here.

The PYM Internship - fantastic support for anyone wanting to study youth work or youth ministry

If you know of anyone considering any training in youth work or youth ministry the PYM internship programme will add tremendous value to their study. The PYM internship provides:

  • A tried and tested internship structure that creates a sustainable learning environment.
  • The opportunity to participate in a great learning community with fellow interns.
  • The opportunity for additional learning experiences that will enhance theological and ministry skills and an understanding of the DNA the PCANZ.

Please contact me for any support or advice regarding the internship.

May the Lord continue continue to draw young people to Godself this year!
Matt Chamberlin
National Youth Director

CWS Notices

Sudan Appeal 

CWS has launched the Sudan Appeal to assist people who fled to South Sudan, seeking food, shelter and safety.  It asks the church to pray for an end to this vicious conflict and share what they can with some of the many refugees in South Sudan. Our local partner the Mission for Sustainable Advancement, is helping new arrivals how it can.  According to director Wadalla Peter, the situation is dire for single mothers with children. CWS is appealing for funds to plant gardens and train the women in small business. ACT Alliance is also responding in Darfur.

We are a Changed People

Dayaseeli is a small farmer in the Hambantota region in southern Sri Lanka who is determined to improve the lives of her neighbours and protect the local elephants. She trains and supports other small-scale farmers to grow food using eco-agricultural, regenerative and climate resilient methods, and encourages them to join the Movement for Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR), a CWS partner.  As the years have gone by, the 65 year says life has got harder for farmers like her and for the elephants. Through MONLAR, she has improved productivity at less cost and worked for local solutions to the wild elephants that no longer have access to the land and water they need to flourish. Read and share her story in We are a Changed People. If you can help, please support the Small-scale Farming Appeal.

Pray for Palestine

Thank you for supporting the Gaza Palestine Appeal so generously. You are funding relief and medical services through local partner the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees.  Please keep praying for immediate peace and the protection of the people. We commend to you the Digital Solidarity visit undertaken by the World Council of Churches in August.


Apply for a grant: Justice and Compassion Trust Aotearoa New Zealand 

Apply for seeding money for projects enhancing justice and compassion in our communities. See here for information and application form. Application deadline is 30 September. Queries and applications, email Very Rev Pamela Tankersley, Chair, Justice and Compassion Trust.

Shirley Erena Murray biography launch, St Andrew's on the Terrace, 7 Sept

Anne Manchester has published a biography of Shirley Erena Murray, surely New Zealand's most prolific (and probably significant) hymn writer. Book launch at St Andrew's on the Terrace, Wellington, 3pm on 7 September by Very Rev Pamela Tankersley. Speeches, singing and celebration! There will be a book tour 26 Sept – 20 Oct 2024, see tour details here.

International Rural Churches Association (IRCA) Oceania conference, Fiji, 26-30 May 2025

Calling people in the church with a heart for all things rural, a listening ear, and a keenness to be involved as a Christian in Oceania. Topics for discussion at the conference include: climate change; self-determination; human trafficking; issues relation to RSE workers: drug cartels in the Pacific; abuse of women and children, and more. You will be hosted in a village and the cost is $250 plus airfares. We guarantee you the experience of a lifetime. Like to go? Submit an expression of interest now. Don’t miss this very special opportunity. See more here or see the Presbyterian Church website.

Parish spaces sought for MenzShed

The Selwyn Foundation appeals for parishes with vacant premises to accommodate a ‘pop-up’ or permanent MenzShed. MenzSheds play a vital role in supporting older men's (and women’s) health and wellbeing. If your parish has land or buildings for start-up of a MenzShed community workshop, a contra deal arrangement may be an option. Contact Garry Bryant, MenzShed NZ regional rep Auckland and Northland, 021 998 305 or email or email The Selwyn Foundation. 

Omapere Community Church offers free harbour-side accommodation for preachers, pastors, ministers

And also for those with a gift or testimonial to share. They offer 3-nights accommodation for one service taken; or 10-nights accommodation for two consecutive services taken. Omapere are a community church and welcome those from all denominational backgrounds. Email here for more details or to book.

Lecture & pizza: Artificial Intelligence & Christianity, 4 Sept, Auckland 

NZ Christians in Science invite you a lecture on AI and Christianity by Prof. Neil Dodgson at Maclaurin Chapel. All welcome for 6.30 pm pizza and lecture. 

Glen Innis Holiday Homes – now available to more ministers

There are two holiday houses at Glen Innis Station, Central Hawke’s Bay, available at no cost for National Ordained Ministers for a re-creational holiday one week each year (other than a refundable bond). One of the houses (Maud Hooper) is now also available for use by Local Ordained Ministers, Amorangi, and Local Shared Ministry team members - outside school holiday periods - at a cost of $200 per week (plus a refundable $100 bond). It's self-contained accommodation for up to seven adults and one baby, with all the modern facilities (including Wifi and dishwasher) as well as access to a range of onsite recreational facilities (games room, swimming pool, tennis court) in beautiful country surroundings. Info here.

Bill and Margaret Best Travel Fund

Are you a minister considering domestic or overseas travel as part of your study leave? Are you a lay worker or elder in a PCANZ church considering a study course that requires travel? The Bill and Margaret Best Travel Fund offers travel grants to church workers wanting to further develop their area of service to the Church. The Fund is administered by the Personnel Workgroup, and the closing date for applications is 30 September each year. Criteria and application form can be found on the Church website here, Bill and Margaret Best Travel Fund. Please contact Kate Wilson with any queries.

Subscribe to receive the Church's Treasurers’ News 

Treasurers’ News is sent to all parish treasurers, however, anyone in your parish who is interested can subscribe to receive the latest edition, email Katrina. Current and past editions of Treasurers’ News can be found on the PCANZ website here.

Church Register

For any queries concerning the Church register, contact Kate Wilson. 

Minister Changes

Rev Perema Alofivae, chaplain PCSANZ Auckland Prison to Minister Emeritus, Northern Presbytery, 26 July 2024.
Rev Reece Frith, minister Katikati – St Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Kaimai Presbytery to minister Cromwell and Districts Presbyterian Church, Southern Presbytery, 29 July 2024.
Rev Ian Guy, other recognised minister Southern Presbytery to minister Eastern Bay of Plenty Presbyterian Parish, Kaimai Presbytery, 4 August 2024.
Rev Nimarota Lale, other recognised minister to parish minister Papakura Pacific Islanders Church, Northern Presbytery, 8 August 2024.

Non-PCANZ Ministers in PCANZ Parish Stated Supply

Rev Dan Yeazel (PCUSA), from stated supply Mackenzie Cooperating Parish to stated supply St Martin’s Presbyterian Church, Alpine Presbytery, 1 August 2024.

Non-PCANZ Ministers in PCANZ Parish Stated Supply

Rev Dan Yeazel (PCUSA), from stated supply Mackenzie Cooperating Parish to stated supply St Martin’s Presbyterian Church, Alpine Presbytery, 1 August 2024.


Sr Catherine Morley, retired deaconess, Northern Presbytery, 20 November 2023.
Rev Laurie Richards, Minister Emeritus , Alpine Presbytery, 2 May 2024.
Rev Errol Hildreth, Minister Emeritus , Alpine Presbytery, 24 July 2024.
Rev Janet McKinlay, Minister Emerita, Southern Presbytery, 27 July 2024.

Social Media

Check out in one handy place the links to the social media of the Presbyterian Church and its ministries including websites, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and video.


Check out details about upcoming events including training workshops, opportunities to serve and more. Learn more


Check out our job vacancies page and the ministerial vacancies table and featured ministerial vacancies for the latest vacancies available in Aotearoa and around the globe.

Subscribe to publications

Self-subscribe to Bush Telegraph, Council News and to PCANZ ministries publications – see details here.