1. Church Employment Relations advice
2. Parish Statistics
3. Assembly office closure
1. General Assembly Financial statements to 30/6/11
1. Update Mileage reimbursement form
2. Update Church Property and local authority rates
1. 2011/12 Insurance Premiums
2. Charities Commissions and Parish accounts
3. Church property and local authority rates
1. 2011/12 General Assembly operating budget
2. Motor Vehicle reimbursement rates
3. Parish insurance premiums for 2011/12
4. Parish health and safety training
1. Insurance Premium increase
2. 2011/12 Assembly Assessment
3. CSC Buying Group update
4. Mobilcard
1. Stipend Increase from 1 July
2. Valuation of parish land and building
3. Parish accounting for earthquake claims
4. Treasurers manual
1. CSC Buying Group offer
2. 2011 Statistics
1. Christchurch Earthquake response
2. PCANZ half-year financial performance summary
3. FSD Parish Payroll offer
1. ESCT on Beneficiary Fund Parish contributions
2. Recording of Parish Property Assets
3. Property valuations for insurance purposes
4. Treasurers support available