Issue 118: 15/12/2010

1. Happy New Year
2. Centralised Building Valuations
3. Global Mission Administration

Issue 119: 15/03/2010

1. Half-year finance report
2. Financial Statistics and parish tax free status

Issue 120: 20/04/2010

1. GMO Donations and receipts
2. Publication of Parish Statistics
3. Beneficiary Fund enquiries

Issue 121: 11/05/2010

1. Stipend Increase
2. 2010 Statistics forms
3. Payments to Volunteers

Issue 122: 21/06/2010

1. General Assembly 2010/2011 Budget
2. 2010/11 Assembly Assessment
3. Computer Hardware offer to Parishes
4. Statistics forms to June 2010
5. Ministers supply rates

Issue 123: 21/07/2010

1. Change in GST rate
2. Adjustment to Assembly Assessment
3. 2010-11 Insurance premiums

Issue 124: 25/08/2010

1. Correction to July Newsletter re GST calculation
2. Seniority Allowance Calculation
3. PIF Interest rate change

Issue 125: 9/09/2010

1. Christchurch Earthquake Update
2. PAYE Rate change
3. GST rate change
4. Referencing financial transations

Issue 126: 18/10/2010

1. 2009/10 General Assembly Annual accounts
2. Inter church working party on taxation report on GST
3. Change in Employer Superannuation Contribution tax (ESCT)

Issue 127: 15/11/2010

1. Press Go Applications
2. Assembly Assessment collection

Issue 128: 15/12/2010

1. 2010 Statistics
2. Assembly office closure over Christmas and New Year
