CWM Assembly Livestream 12-19 June 2024

Watch the livestream of the Council for World Mission (CWM) Assembly 12 – 19 June 2024.

Representing the PCANZ at the Council for World Mission Assembly in Durban, South Africa are: PCANZ Moderator Right Rev Rose Luxford; PCANZ Global Mission Director Rev Phil King; PCANZ women’s delegate Masele Bakulich-Tufeao Northern Presbytery Youth Coordinator and Intercultural Facilitator; PCANZ youth delegate Simon Parkes of Whakatu Church, Nelson.

PCANZ Children and Families Ministry Director Karo Wilson is attending as a member of the CWM Assembly worship team - Karo helped to prepare worship materials with the team.

This is the first in person CWM Assembly in eight years. The Assembly theme is “Rise to Life: Together in Transformation”. 

Links to the Livestream, videos, programme, theme and photos