New Eco Church Action Planner - formerly known as the Eco Church Self-Assessment Worksheet

24 Oct 2024

Introducing the newly revised and renewed Eco Church Action Planner - formerly known as the Eco Church Self-Assessment Worksheet.

The new guide will help churches turn their eco goals into manageable tasks.

Use the Eco Church Action Planner to evaluate where you’re at and decide where you’re going. Use it as a tool to help hone in on your next steps and the actions you’d like to take as a church community.

Choose the approach that fits you best - explore an overview of key ideas in each category, work through all categories systematically, or just focus on one category at a time!

The ideas are organised under five key areas of church life:  

  • Leadership, worship and teaching | Te Hautūtanga, te Korōria ki te Atua, me te Whakaako
  • Church buildings and facilities | Ngā Whare Karakia me ngā Rawa
  • Church land and grounds | Te Whenua o ngā Hāhi
  • Community and global engagement | Te Kōtuitui Hapori, te Kōtuitui o te Ao
  • Sustainable living | Te Noho Toitū

Download the Eco Church Action Planner from the Eco Church website and read more
Going through the Eco Church Action Planner does not have to be a daunting task.  It is meant to engage your team to think outside the box, to inspire your team with new ideas, and to allow your team to celebrate the things you already do as a church!