Theology and Science course University of Otago - online 11 Nov - 14 Dec 2024

Dr Nicola Hoggard-Creegan, New Zealand Christians in Science (NZCIS) director, will teach a Theology and Science online course at  University of Otago.

Explore the historical and contemporary relationship between Christian theology and science, focusing on key interactions, historical landmarks, and current issues in biology, physics, ecology, bioethics, and AI.

The relationship between Christian theology and science has for the most part been a rich and constructive one, occasional tensions notwithstanding. This paper will explore the history of the relationship between these two spheres of human enquiry and investigate the current prospects for fruitful interaction between theology and science.

  • Dates: 11 November 2024 – 14 December 2024
  • Lecturer: Dr Nicola Hoggard-Creegan

Teaching content:

  • Models of Interaction: past and present.
  • Reading and Writing theology.
  • Historical Landmarks.
  • Darwinism in 19th Century New Zealand.
  • Creation, God and Science: the historical interactions with biology and physics.
  • Issues in Biology and Theology.
  • Contemporary Interactions with biology and physics.
  • Contemporary interactions with biology and physics.
  • Ecology.
  • Bioethics and AI

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