Induction service (When Ordination is not involved)

After appropriate preparation, invocation, adoration, confession, assurance of forgiveness, bible readings and sermon.

The Induction

A brief narrative may be read.

The moderator says:

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King and Head of the Church, who has given gifts for the building up of his body, the Presbytery of X is now to induct N.N. to the pastoral charge of this parish.

The moderator says:

The word proclaimed in the readings and the sermon serve to remind us that the Word of God contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments is our supreme rule of faith and life. We accept as our subordinate standards the Confession and catechisms formulated by the Westminster Assembly of Divines,

as interpreted by the Declaratory Act. Now let us reaffirm the faith of the ancient Church and the Church of all the ages by saying together the Apostles’ Creed:

Either the Apostles’ or Nicene Creed is said by all.

The minister-to-be-inducted now stands facing the moderator who addressing him/her says:

As a minister you are called to be an ambassador of Christ, and to declare before all humankind the Gospel of God’s grace.

Rejoicing always in the power of the Holy Spirit, you are faithfully to preach and teach God’s word to the people and be their shepherd. You are to encourage God’s people to exercise the gifts they have been given, so that together you may build up the body of Christ, and proclaim Christ’s Lordship to the world.

As a minister you are to visit the people in their homes, especially those who are sick or in any kind of trouble. You are to comfort the sad, console the bereaved, encourage the saints, and commend those who lives reflect Christ’s love. You are to rejoice with those who rejoice and be said with those in sorrow. As a

minister you are to lead sinners to repentance and faith by declaring to them God’s loving mercy and forgiveness. You are to strive for peace and goodwill among all. As a minister you are devoutly to lead the worship of the people, regularly celebrating the sacraments of Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, so that you and the people, by coming together in Christ’s name, may glorify and enjoy God for ever.

N, my brother/sister in Christ: as a minister of God’s Church, and as a shepherd of his flock – which Christ has bought with his own most precious blood, you know to what awesome and sacred trust you are called. I invite you now to express gladly your faith in God and to reaffirm the declaration you made at your ordination, and to show that you are resolved with God’s help, to exercise conscientiously your ministry in this parish.

The minister-to-be-inducted replies:

It is my joy on the occasion of this induction publicly to state once again my faith in God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and to reaffirm my commitment to Jesus Christ, who is my Saviour and Lord.

I accept the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as expressing everything that is necessary for salvation, for the Word of God contained in these Scriptures is our supreme rule of faith and life, Further, I readily accept the call to minister in this parish, and I intend, by God’s grace, to equip myself more and more to be a faithful pastor to this people.

The Formula

The Moderator says:

You are now required to sign the Formula which the clerk will read.

(After the Formula (Appendix H-9) has been read and signed the minister-to-be-inducted stands alongside the moderator, facing the congregation.)

Addressing the assembled gathering the moderator says:

You, the people of God, have been called to spread the Gospel among your neighbours and throughout the world You are to be faithful witnesses to Christ in your homes and in your daily life and work. You have been called to glorify God’s name by exercising every gift bestowed upon you, relying gladly on the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, and honouring Christ in all things. This requires that you come together for worship, especially on the Lord’s Day, and that you participate regularly in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.

It requires, too, that you attend expectantly to the preaching and teaching of those who minister to you; and that you be faithful in reading and hearing the Bible, in private prayer and devotion, believing firmly that it is through the faithful use of your gifts that Christ will fulfil his ministry to the world. In all things you are to act justly, to show constant love, and to walk humbly with God.

Addressing the local congregation the moderator says:

Members of the local congregation:

You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people. Since you have agreed to call N.N. to be your minister and pastor, in accepting him/her into your midst, are you resolved to show him/her all dutiful respect, and to give him/her encouragement and support in the Lord?

Members of the local congregation reply:

With God’s help, we are.

The Induction Prayer

While the minister-to-be-inducted kneels, all stand as the moderator leads the Induction Prayer:

Almighty Father,

you have willed that under Christ – the great shepherd

of the sheep – your people are to be fed and guided

by your ministering servants.

We thank you that in N you have provided a pastor for this people.

We ask you to give him/her your Holy Spirit

that being so filled with wisdom, understanding and insight,

he/she may discern your will and boldly proclaim your word.

Enable him/her to be a faithful and loving pastor,

that your people may be

challenged by the preaching of the Gospel,

strengthened by the sacraments,

and firmly grounded in a Christian way of life.

We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

to whom with you and the Holy Spirit,

be all honour and glory,

for ever and ever.


The moderator, addressing the minister (who is now standing) says:

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King and

Head of the Church, and by the authority of this

Presbytery, I declare you inducted to the pastoral

charge of this parish (or: the parish of M), in

acknowledgment of which we offer you the right

hand of fellowship.

The service proceeds.