1. Email access to Assembly office
2. Church Management Project update
3. Parish statistics
4. Office closure over Christmas and New Year
1. Parish Insurance Cover 2012-13
2. Motor Vehicle Reimbursement Rates
1. Transfer of Minister’s Loans held with General Assembly
2. Online Survey of Accounting Practices
3. Offer of Parish Accounting Services
4. Church Support Project Update
1. Parish accounting and reporting changes.
1. Tax on Clergy Housing - Important Notice
2. Ministers Loans
3. Church Management Support (CMS) Project
1. Ministers Funds Deposited with FSD
2. Church Management Support (CMS) Project
3. 2012-13 Assembly Assessment
4. 2012 Insurance Renewal
5. 2012 Presbyterian Foundation Grants
1. Stipend increase from 1 July 2012
2. 2012 parish statistics
3. Publication of 2011 parish statistics
4. Parish earthquake insurance cover
5. Update: Parish business needs survey
1. Parish statistics to June 2010 and June 2011
2. ESCT Tax on Emplyer Kiwisaver contributions
3. Parish membership and giving software
4. Donation Tax Credits 2012
1. 1 April changes to ACC calculation
2. Back issues of treasurers newsletters
1. Parish Human Resources Support
2. Update: Tax on ministers housing allowance
1. Parish Insurance.
2. Ministers housing costs.