NZCIS Winter Lectures, Christianity and Quantitative Data on Religion. 10 July, Auck

Christianity and Quantitative Data on Religion: History, Methods, Findings

  • Dr. Gina Zurlo, Harvard Divinity School 
  • 10 July, Maclaurin Chapel, UoA
  • 6.30 pm for pizza and lecture 

Gina A. Zurlo, is a Yang Visiting Scholar of World Christianity at Harvard Divinity School as well as Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Her research focuses on the demography of religion, World Christianity, sociology of religion, and women’s studies. She is also a visiting research fellow at Boston University’s Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs, where she edits the World Religion Database (Brill).

Her most recent books include Women in World Christianity: Building and Sustaining a Global Movement (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023), and From Nairobi to the World: David B. Barrett and the Re-Imagining of World Christianity (Brill, 2023).

She was named one of the BBC’s 100 most inspiring and influential women of 2019 for her work in quantifying the religious future.