August 2024

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From the Moderator
From the Assembly Executive Secretary
Global Mission
Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership
Presbyterian Children and Families
Presbyterian Church Schools
Presbyterian Research Centre
CWS Notices
Church Register
Social Media
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From the Moderator

Tena Koutou Katoa

Visit to Hamilton

I enjoyed spending time with St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Hamilton for the celebration of Matariki - there was an informative and interesting talk about Matariki and the history of the area. I preached at the Sunday morning service and then attended the Korean service where I spoke briefly and had a translator. It was a rich cultural mix.

While in Hamilton I attended a Korean Festival where I made kimchi and also watched a K-pop competition (both new experiences for me!). I also had the opportunity of catching up with a number of Presbyterian ministers in the area which was great.

Coming up

After a lot of travel it has been good to have some time home in Oamaru, and with my church family, as I prepare for a number of upcoming events: Connect conference; preaching in Timaru; the Presbyterian Schools Conference in Auckland; 150th celebration at Westmere, Whanganui; visits to Presbyterian schools in the Wairarapa and Hawke’s Bay; Presbytery Central gathering; and preaching at a combined Sunday service in Palmerston North. In amongst this, I am getting ready to shift  to a new manse… so there is quite a lot going on! As I sort through drawers and cupboards and decide what to take with me and what to throw out, I reflect that there is a sermon in there…

Royal Commission on Abuse in Care report 

You will have received this communication from me this week regarding the Royal Commission on Abuse in Care report. In this pastoral letter I offered a responsive litany that can be used in a church service, as we continue to absorb the reality of the report and process it as a denomination, and as individuals. I asked that we continue to hold in our prayers those who have been so badly impacted by actions from within our denomination, and also the members of the Commission, government agencies, and those who take this forward.

Psalm 16 has been a significant psalm to me over the years and I finish with its final verse: ‘You will show me the path that leads to life; your presence fills me with joy and brings me pleasure for ever’.  [Psalm 16: 11]

Ka kite ano

Right Rev Rose Luxford

From the Assembly Executive Secretary

Dear friends and colleagues

By the time you read this, the final report from the Royal Commission (Whanaketia – Through pain and trauma, from darkness to light) will have been presented in Parliament and be available, together with its recommendations.

It will not be an easy read. The report is comprehensive. It includes 16 volumes of material that covers context, what happened, why it happened, specific case studies, survivor experiences, and recommendations for the future.

From what the Commission has already made available it is clear it will say that abuse and neglect were pervasive across many settings and that abusers acted with impunity. Further, I suspect the report will make far-reaching recommendations for righting the wrongs of the past, making the care system safe.  

Maybe like me you have been reading, thinking, reflecting and praying about these matters.

A few years ago, I heard Rev Dr Geoff New, Principal of our Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership, speak about pastoral ministry and family systems. I had a few take aways from this. People react to one another in predictable and repeated ways or patterns. Invariably, those personal reactions and behaviours emerge from an underlying chronic and toxic anxiety which creates the overall culture of any group of people.

My thinking and further reading reminded me that, although individuals are always responsible for the abusive choices that they make, power abuse by an individual in the Church needs a social and structural context.

Abusers needs a system to give them the power; at the very least, they need people who remain silent, who turn a blind eye. More probably, they need people who enable abusers.

Maybe like me you want to be hopeful that this marks a moment where we as a society, as the State, as faith-based communities, engage not just with the behaviour of individuals but also with the way in which systems enable, or at the very least, tolerate abuse.

This is the time for grief, to investigate our culture critically, and to ask how we can change so that we don’t create space for such behaviour.

This is not a time to react and say due to bad leadership in the past we will abdicate leadership now – no – I think this is the time, more than ever, for faith communities to demonstrate Godly leadership at every level.

There is a verse from an old hymn, ‘Lord, pour thy Spirit from on high’ that seems to sum this up…

Wisdom, and zeal, and faith impart,
firmness with meekness, from above,
to bear thy people in their heart,
and love the souls whom thou dost love.

Read the latest Council News

Read the latest edition of Council News on the Church website here.  You can also find here past editions of Council News. Sign up to receive the latest edition of Council News in your inbox here.

Update your office bearer contacts

We use electronic communication to share information, update on important matters and pass on other news. Our office’s ability to do this is dependent on church councils advising updates to key contact people, changes in email etc. Please pass on any changes to Nani  from our office, so that we can ensure we are communicating with the appropriate office bearers.

Matters for consideration by presbyteries and church councils

General Assembly 2023 follow-up information for, and actions required by, presbyteries and church councils has been sent out. If your church council has not received this, please advise our office. A reminder that feedback on the Doctrine Core Group’s paper, “A Theology of Ordination” is due by 31 October.

Calling a newly trained minister

This year six people will complete their training as interns. They represent a range of backgrounds and experiences. All are eager to commit themselves to ministry within the life of a congregation. Profiles are available from Rev Dr Carlton Johnstone and Very Rev Richard Dawson who are coordinating introductions and discussions between final-year interns and ministry settlement boards.

Noho ora mai
Wayne Matheson
Assembly Executive Secretary

Presbyterian Church Schools

Connections, Part 2

The Presbyterian Schools’ Conference I referred to in last month’s article is next week. Connections will be made between the 12 schools during workshops, panel discussions and speaker events, as well as meal breaks, school tours and targeted breakout sessions.

Connections too will be made with other Presbyterian entities. For example, this year’s Conference will include our current Moderator, Right Rev Rose Luxford, plus former Moderators, Very Rev Hamish Galloway and Very Rev Dr Graham Redding. Graham is starting the Conference’s theme of ‘Our Story’ in his speech. Hamish is chairing a panel discussion, as well as leading the day’s closing devotion. And Rose will chair the AGM and leading the closing devotion at the end of the Conference. She will also be interviewing Rev Tamiana Thrupp, Moderator of Te Aka Puahou. 

Tamiana and his wife Honey’s presence is another demonstration of building connections. Both Auckland Presbyterian schools, St Cuthbert’s and Saint Kentigern, have been working on Te Aka Puahou projects. Some of their students were also at the noho marae event hosted at Ohope this year. Solway, Scots and Queen Margaret staff and students also attended the noho marae. All of them got to know Te Aka Puahou people as well as some of the stories of Maori/Presbyterian collaboration. Having them at the conference deepens those existing relationships and presents opportunities to forge more.

This highlights another Presbyterian connection – Presbyterian Youth Ministry. This year we will have the national director Matt Chamberlin and regional youth enablers Kyle Hastelow and Masele Bakulich-Tufaeao attending. The presence of Kyle and Nga Ralston at last year’s conference directly led to so many Presbyterian schools being involved in the national noho marae. Other local connections between churches and schools have also occurred. Hopefully even more will be possible this year.

Next month: further connections… from the Conference and more.

Stephanie Wells (Rev) 
Director of Presbyterian Church Schools Resource Office

Presbyterian Children and Families

Kia ora everyone

With Term 3 well underway, I want to acknowledge all the children’s workers and volunteers who hosted holiday programmes and events during the school holidays. It is a monumental task of coordinating helpers, creating meaningful activities, and sharing the message of the Gospel in a way that speaks to the heart of our children. I trust that the seeds sown in the lives of the children who attended will continue to be nurtured, and flourish as those young people grow. 
We’d love to hear the stories of what you are celebrating in the ministry with children and families in your parish! Please feel free to get in touch with me. Sharing the small wonders and joys of ministry is important, and an encouragement to others.  

Anchored Baptism/Confirmation Retreat

Southern Presbytery are hosting an Anchored retreat in September, at Camp Columba near Gore. The Anchored programme has been developed to help young people explore their faith at a deeper level, giving them an understanding of what we as Presbyterians of Aotearoa believe, why we celebrate the sacraments of communion and baptism, with the hope that this will guide participants in their decision to be baptised or be confirmed. If you reside in the Southern Presbytery, and have young people that would benefit from this journey, I’d encourage you to check out this link for more information. 
If you are not in Southern Presbytery, but want to check out the resource, you can find more information here.

Intergenerate Conference

The ever-popular Intergenerate Conference is returning to New Zealand in October. This conference is aimed at encouraging church leaders to be intentional in the way that they minister with all generations. A development day for leaders and pastors to be more effective in creating holistic environments where all ages can engage. For more information, see here.

With blessings
Karo Wilson
Presbyterian Children and Families Ministry

Global Mission

English Teacher Required in Vanuatu 2025

Applications are invited for the position of English teacher at Talua Theological Training Institute in Vanuatu for 2025. Preference will be given to applicants willing to commit to two years, but consideration will be given to those only able to commit to 2025. This position will suit either an individual or a couple with the appropriate qualifications and an interest in cross-cultural mission. The position does not come with a salary, but a living allowance is paid, expenses are covered and accommodation is provided on the college campus. Find the minimum requirements and full role description here and contact me for further information. 

I Love Taiwan Programme 

Andrew Scott from St Columba at Botany attended the I Love Taiwan young adults programme hosted by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan in July. Our relationship with the PCT continues to grow in importance as they appreciate the support of global partners as Taiwan endures international isolation and increasing geopolitical tensions in South East Asia. 

Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu Youth Leaders at Connect

Global Mission sponsored four youth leaders from Vanuatu to the PCANZ national youth leaders training weekend Connect, July 26-28. Such events strengthen our partnership with the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu and between our church youth ministries. Some good ‘connections’ were made, and hopefully this will encourage greater networking and sharing in the future. 

Studying at Bossey Ecumenical Institute, Geneva

Students interested in theology and international ecumenical studies are eligible to apply to study at the World Council of Churches Bossey Ecumenical Institute, which is attached to the University of Geneva. Scholarships are available for eligible candidates (up to the age of 35). Check out The Ecumenical Institute Bossey.  Applications for the 2025 – 2026 academic year close in November.

See the Global Mission Facebook page & Nambawan newsletter

For photos of the chaplains’ training programme that took place in Vanuatu in June, and of Jae Ahn, our current English teacher in Vanuatu. Also, read the latest version of the Nambawan newsletter here about our partnership with the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu here.

Phil King
Global Mission Director

Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership

Block Course

We enjoyed a wonderful time at Winter Block Course. Six NOM Interns and three LOM Probationers were in attendance. In a few days, KCML faculty will be convening in Dunedin for an in-person meeting to continue in a curriculum refreshment exercise for the block courses, and to strategise our lay and elder training for 2025 and beyond.


Later this month we are running two workshops on Spiritual Discernment in Kaimai Presbytery. We are also running two workshops in Alpine Presbytery, one on Pastoral Care and one on Preaching from Old Testament stories. Check out your presbytery website or contact your presbytery office for registration details.

University of Otago/KCML 2025 Summer School: Trauma-Informed Ministry by Dr Karen McClintock

Dr Karen McClintock will teach an intensive course in Dunedin entitled Trauma-Informed Ministry. The course is jointly offered by the Theology Programme, University of Otago, and the Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership.

This course familiarises students with origins, definitions, and treatment of trauma from multiple disciplines. Trauma’s impact on the body, soul, relationships, and spirituality will be highlighted, along with congregational and community care. The course explores individual mental health concerns in the contexts of family of origin, intergenerational trauma born by repeated oppression and injustice, and community-wide traumas. Students will learn key principles of trauma-informed pastoral care in multi-ethnic contexts and discuss and develop their own ethical standards for trauma care.

The block course will start at 1pm on Monday 27 January and conclude at 1pm on Friday 31 January 2025. Classes will be held on the University of Otago Campus, Dunedin. A generous subsidy for PCANZ ministers who either audit or study for credit is available upon application. Details can be found on the KCML website homepage (scroll down to “Events and Notices”).

Yours in Christ
Rev Dr Geoff New
Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership

Presbyterian Research Centre

Early Christian art books by Professor Robin Jensen

In mid-July there was a series of talks at the University of Otago by Professor Robin Jensen, from the University of Notre Dame in the US.  The Theology Programme at Otago sponsored her visit, which featured lectures on various aspects of early Christian art.

The Chrysalis Seed Collection on Christianity and the Arts at Hewitson Library holds the full range of her titles.  Please see this list.

This list includes both eBooks and print books, and they are available for checkout to members of Hewitson Library.  If you need yet to become a member, or to update your member information, please email us.

Jay Robinson
Presbyterian Research Centre

CWS Notices

Operation Refugee

“I was a stranger and you welcomed me”  Matthew 25:35. These words come true every time you welcome a stranger.  When so many people are living in danger or have fled places of conflict, being that welcome is lifesaving.  We challenge you to join this year’s Operation Refugee to be part of a chain of welcome to refugees from Palestine, Syria and Ukraine.  Organise a fundraising event in your community.  Sign up for your own walking challenge or make your donation today.  Contact Dori Lloyd if you want to talk or call 0800 74 73 72.

Peace Sunday

Hiroshima or Peace Sunday is marked on August 4, the closest Sunday to the day the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. We invite churches to remember the first victims of the bomb and join with us in praying and working for peace.  Worship resources prepared in 2021 for the lectionary readings can be found here, or you may like to use material from this year’s Refugee Sunday resources.  Ideas for worship and liturgy are available under the Peace and Conflict heading.  We encourage you to support this year’s Operation Refugee with a special fundraiser.  

Leave a Gift in your Will

One way you can make a lasting gift is through your will.  Leaving a gift to CWS is one way you can pay life forward.  It is an investment in the kind of future you want – one where children have food, clean water and the opportunity to go to school every day.  As the climate continues to heat up and conflict spreads, such a decision is one way you can share God’s love for the world. Read more or call CWS at 0800 74 73727.


Christian Savings: Building The Church For Today And Tomorrow Governance Conference, Aug - Sept 2024

Christian Savings is excited to host their annual Building The Church For Today And Tomorrow Governance Conference! Theme is "Bold Governance for an Age of Change," reflecting the evolving landscape of the New Zealand Church. Christchurch 28 Aug (at Oxford Terrace Baptist Church); Auckland 4 Sept (at Curate Church); Wellington 11 Sept (at Arise Church). See more

All Creation Sing: New songs for worship by Rev Sylvia Purdie & friends - 18 August

An evening of songs for worship, prayer and fun composed by Silvia Purdie and performed by Silvia & friends and band. Island Bay Presbyterian Church, Wellington. Sunday 18 August @ 7pm - 8.30pm. Register here.

A Rocha Eco Church 'Auckland Kai & Kōrero' - 14 Sept

On Saturday 14 September at St Helier's Presbyterian Church come connect with other Auckland A Rocha and Eco church folk. Discuss some of the current challenges for churches and conservation projects, hear from a few speakers, and connect over dinner. Dinner provided. Runs 5-8:30pm - stay for as much as you wish. Free or koha donation. Register here.

Lecture: The Puzzle of Romans 13: Christians, Political Authority, and the Apostle Paul - 19 Aug, Wellington

Free lecture by Professor Beverly Gaventa, a leading New Testament scholar, who was the Distinguished Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Baylor University in Texas, and Helen H.P. Manson Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis Emerita at Princeton Theological Seminary. St John's in the City, Wellington. Monday 19 August, 6:30pm. See more.

Centenary Celebrations: Garston Presbyterian Church, Southland - 1 Dec 2024

Join the celebrations at Garston Presbyterian Church on Sunday 1 December, 2024. For information and to register your interest in attending email here. If you would like further information, phone Beth Gordon 03 2488532 or Annette Dalziel 0274292245.

Celebrate 150 years of Caversham Presbyterian Parish, Dunedin - 1 September 2024

A service of Thanksgiving which will be held 10.30am Sunday 1 September in the Caversham Presbyterian Church followed by lunch at St Margaret’s Green Island. The Caversham buildings will be open for viewing prior to the service. Please email or ph (03) 487 6367 by Friday 16 August to register your attendance for catering purposes.

2025 Vaughan Park Resident Scholarship Programme - apply by 30 Sept

Applications now open for the 2025 Vaughan Park Scholarship Programme. Feedback from past scholars consistently highlights how their time at Vaughan Park was instrumental in meeting project deadlines. The chance to focus on their projects without external interruptions, coupled with the serene surroundings, made their time highly productive and valuable. More info.

Theology and Science Course - 11 Nov - 14 Dec 2024

The relationship between Christian theology and science has for the most part been rich and constructive, occasional tensions notwithstanding. This paper with Dr Nicola Hoggard-Creegan will explore the history of the relationship between these two spheres of human enquiry and investigate the current prospects for fruitful interaction between theology and science. See more.

Glen Innis Holiday Homes – now available to more ministers

There are two holiday houses at Glen Innis Station, Central Hawke’s Bay, available at no cost for National Ordained Ministers for a re-creational holiday one week each year (other than a refundable bond). One of the houses (Maud Hooper) is now also available for use by Local Ordained Ministers, Amorangi, and Local Shared Ministry team members - outside school holiday periods - at a cost of $200 per week (plus a refundable $100 bond). It's self-contained accommodation for up to seven adults and one baby, with all the modern facilities (including Wifi and dishwasher) as well as access to a range of onsite recreational facilities (games room, swimming pool, tennis court) in beautiful country surroundings. Info here.

Subscribe to receive the Church's Treasurers’ News 

Treasurers’ News is sent to all parish treasurers, however, anyone in your parish who is interested can subscribe to receive the latest edition, email Katrina. Current and past editions of Treasurers’ News can be found on the PCANZ website here.

Church Register

For any queries concerning the Church register, contact Kate Wilson. 

Ordination and Inductions

Rev Jess Dreadon, ordained and inducted local ordained associate minister Hope Presbyterian Church, Alpine Presbytery, 3 May 2024.
Rev Lyn Heine, ordained and inducted local ordained minister Greymouth District Uniting Parish, Alpine Presbytery, 3 May 2024.

Minister Changes

Rev Jin Sook Kim, minister Gisborne – The Gisborne Presbyterian Parish to other recognised minister, Northern Presbytery, 1 February 2023.
Rev Jin Sook Kim, other recognised minister to minister Onewa Christian Community, Northern Presbytery, 4 May 2023.
Very Rev Dr Graham Redding, other recognised minister to minister Dunedin - Knox Presbyterian Church, Southern Presbytery, 20 June 2024 (0.5FTE, remains 0.5FTE Lecturer in Chaplaincy Studies, University of Otago).
Rev Jon Parkes, minister Nelson-Whakatu Presbyterian Church to other recognised minister Alpine Presbytery, 30 June 2024.
Rev Ian Guy, minister Wakatipu Community Presbyterian Church, to other recognised minister, Southern Presbytery, 30 June 2024.
Rev Brett Reid, community minister to parish minister Ngaio Union Church, Presbytery Central – Nukuhau Tapu, 7 July 2024.
Rev Philip Bettany, minister Hamilton – Fairfield Presbyterian Church to other recognised minister and stated supply Hauraki Plains Cooperating Church, Kaimai Presbytery, 17 July 2024.


Rev John Sinclair, Minister Emeritus, Southern Presbytery, 22 May 2024.
Rev Ron Gilder, Minister Emeritus, Southern Presbytery, 26 June 2024.

Parish changes

Plains Presbyterian Parish, Alpine Presbytery, dissolved 30 June 2024.

Social Media

Check out in one handy place the links to the social media of the Presbyterian Church and its ministries including websites, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and video.


Check out details about upcoming events including training workshops, opportunities to serve and more. Learn more


Check out our job vacancies page and the ministerial vacancies table and featured ministerial vacancies for the latest vacancies available in Aotearoa and around the globe.

Subscribe to publications

Self-subscribe to Bush Telegraph, Council News and to PCANZ ministries publications – see details here.