Council News August 2024

[Council News is prepared by the Council of Assembly (CoA) after Council meetings. Everyone can sign up to receive Council News here. See past editions in menu on the left.]

Warm Greetings from the Council of Assembly.

Council has met three times via Zoom in the past couple of months.

 Image: Rev Roxy Gahegan, Deputy Convenor, CoA.

We value your prayerful support as we navigate the many faceted aspects of our responsibilities, and as together we lean in to hear the still, small voice of wisdom, compassion and grace.

Abuse in Care

As per our letter of 2 August 2024 (download it here) sent to Council News subscribers as well as all of our Church, the Council of Assembly met on Wednesday 31 July and among other matters it considered the Abuse in Care report from the Royal Commission: Whanaketia – Through pain and trauma, from darkness to light. Whakairihia ki te tihi o Maungārongo.  The letter has information on a task group formed on behalf of the Presbyterian Church to fully consider the report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry. 

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Rev Dr Bonnie Robinson has stood down from the group. Council has appointed Mr Peter McKenzie-Bridle to be the new task group convenor.

New members on Council

There have been some vacancies on the Council, and it is a delight to advise, on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee, Council approved the appointment of Rev Elama Maea as the representative from the Pacific Presbytery, and Mr Rob McIntosh from Presbytery Central - Nukuhau Tapu. In addition, the new moderator of the Pacific Presbytery, Rev Arona Tusega, also joins the Council. This brings Council up to full strength. We will welcome our new members at a Hui in October – see details below.

Mission Enterprise Fund Review

The Mission Enterprise Fund (MEF) was established by the Assembly in 2014. The concept was 10% of net sale proceeds of property – where the proceeds were not going to be used for a replacement church or manse - would be transferred to the MEF. The fund was administered by PressGo.

The purpose of the MEF was to fund mission initiatives. When the fund commenced, applications were received directly from parishes, but currently require consultation with the relevant presbytery. Some changes to the terms, and expanding the exemption criteria, were approved by subsequent General Assemblies. 

An important aspect of the MEF is the Aroha Fund which is comprised of 20% of the MEF reserved for projects which support ministry and mission among vulnerable and socially disadvantaged communities. Applications for a grant from the Aroha portion of the MEF need to be endorsed by Te Aka Puahou, your local Presbyterian Support organisation and, in some cases, your presbytery.

In July 2023, we advised you that The Presbyterian Church Property Trustees were awaiting the outcome of legal advice on the extent to which the General Assembly could authorise deductions from the net proceeds of sale of property for the Mission Enterprise Fund (MEF). At the same time, Council of Assembly advised distributions from the Mission Enterprise Fund would be suspended until further notice.

Based on the advice received, the Trustees have determined that all historic deductions, with one exception (which was remedied in 2018), were lawfully made. 

While the Trustees have determined that the historic deductions were lawful in accordance with the advice received (on the basis of implied approval), they have also determined that, in accordance with that advice, a new regime will now apply in respect of MEF deductions. This means that, in most cases, the Trustees will require express approval from the congregation and/or presbytery before making a deduction for the MEF. On  28 March 2024, the CoA and CPT wrote to the Church of this regime.

Council note that these are major changes for the Mission Enterprise Fund.  

To that end Council has appointed a review group with wide ranging Terms of Reference as Council wants to ensure the group has the ability to ensure all voices are heard and all ideas etc can be listened to. The group will consult with Church Property Trustees, presbytery councils, and with Te Aka Puahou, and is asked to actively engage noting this changed environment, and to report to Council on three basic areas: 

  1. Should the MEF continue unchanged, OR 
  2. Should MEF continue but with some changes – and if so what should those changes be (and consider all the issues that might arise if this step was recommended and take all advice required in recommending this option), OR 
  3. Should the MEF be wound up (and from when) and if so consideration needs to be given as to the process for this.

The members of the group are: Convenor Rev Erin Pendreigh, Rev Mitch Jarman, Rev Howard Carter, Rev Karima Fai'ai, Rev Tony Wood, and Mr Martyn Vincent.

They will report to Council by March 2025.

Head – Mission Resourcing

Noting changes that have occurred in the wider Mission Resourcing Team, Council has determined not to fill the vacancy of the Head of Mission Resourcing. Instead, it has agreed to changes in the reporting structure and make-up of the Core Leadership Team. This will see both the Director of Global Mission, and Director of the Presbyterian Research Centre, join the Principal of the Knox Centre, and the Head of Finance and Operations, with the AES, as the Core Leadership Team.

Hui at Ohope

We advised in our July Council News that invitations had gone out to presbytery councils, and Assembly committees etc regarding an opportunity for us to gather at Ohope to re-tell our story – ‘whose we are’  - and be one together. Over 60 people will gather at Ohope for this Hui. Thank you to Te Kāhui Whanaungatanga workgroup for allowing us to use some of their reflections to frame our purpose for the weekend, helping us be us and finding time to ‘be’ and not just time to debate.

Moving towards the close of the year...

As we move towards the close of the year there is still much for us to be attentive to, and many moving pieces for us to hold with patience while we discern… what is the Spirit saying to the  Church? Listening deeply, may we have ears to hear, and humble hearts to receive. 

Yours in Christ

Rev Roxy Gahegan
Deputy Convener
Council of Assembly