Media Releases
Church launches free advice service nationwide on first day of Lent
The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand has launched a free advice service called e-minister to the public.
Don’t buy into advertising this Christmas, says Presbyterian Church
Christmas is increasingly succumbing to consumerism, says the Right Rev Dr Graham Redding, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.
“Lured by holiday sales and interest-free deals, many people feel pressured to buy gifts that they cannot afford. Behind the glitter, the reality for many is financial stress and over-consumption of everything including alcohol, leading to mental and emotional suffering.”
Church leaders urge bolder action on climate change
20 November 2009
Fijian military detains and interrogates Methodist Church leaders
The Pacific region of the Council for World Mission (CWM) is extremely concerned about the actions of Fijian military forces in detaining and interrogating leaders of the Fiji Methodist Church.
Every week should be Volunteer Awareness Week says Church
Volunteer Awareness Week is an important event, and it highlights how we need to show volunteers each day throughout the year just how important and appreciated they are says the Right Rev Dr Graham Redding, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.
“Our Church, our communities and our nation would not be what they are without the dedicated help of volunteers. We benefit enormously from their passion, their skills and talents. They need to feel appreciated and valued for what they give every day”, says Graham.
Recession caused by unfair trading says Church, so buy Fair Trade
Consumers should not assume that because something is labelled Fair Trade it necessarily costs more, as some Fair Trade products are no more expensive than their unfairly traded competitors, says the Right Rev Dr Graham Redding, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Church to give Easter buns, chocolate milk, to low-decile schools
On Wednesday 8 April two low-decile schools in Wellington will receive Easter buns and milk from St John’s in the City Presbyterian Church, Wellington.
For morning tea on Wednesday, Berhampore School and Newtown School in Wellington will receive from St John’s congregation buttered Easter buns and chocolate milk for every student and teacher.
The Rev Allister Lane, senior minister at St John's in the City says that low-decile schools regularly have pupils arrive without having had breakfast or without lunch.