News archive

Join the Church Property Trustees at their AGM

Thursday 17 August 2017

The 2017 Annual General Meeting of the Presbyterian Church Property Trustees will be held at 4pm Thursday, 28th September 2017 in the boardroom of the Presbyterian Church Aotearoa New Zealand offices on Level 1, 275 Cuba Street, Wellington. Friends and associates are invited to attend. Presbyteries are welcome to send representatives. Afternoon tea available from 3.40pm. For catering purposes, please RSVP to Pat Griffin or phone (04) 381 8290.


Download Peace Sunday resources

Friday 11 August 2017

Peace Sunday is coming up on 6 August, 2017.

This year's theme is "Hear a Just Cause, O Lord", and resources prepared by Christian World Service provide an opportunity to reflect on the 72nd anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, and the possibility of a nuclear-free world. Download worship resources, including liturgy, Biblical reflections and ideas for children, on the Christian World Service website.

Download resources


Prayers for Peaceful Reunification of Korean Peninsula

Tuesday 25 July 2017

On 13 August the PCANZ is invited to join with churches worldwide in a show of solidarity with Korean churches by joining a “Sunday of Prayer for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.”

The World Council of Churches (WCC) says the theme for the prayer is based on Romans 14:19: “Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up-building.”

Rev Jordan Redding wins WCRC Lombard Prize

Tuesday 04 July 2017

Congratulations to Rev Jordan Redding, winner of the World Communion of Reformed Churches’ (WCRC) Lombard Prize for his essay “Living God, Renew and Transform Us: Awakening to God’s Reality”. The WCRC brought Jordan to the WCRC General Council (held Leipzig until 7 July) to recognise him. Jordan’s winning essay will be published in a future edition of Reformed World, the official theological journal of the WCRC.

Become a youth steward at Asia Mission Conference

Monday 12 June 2017

The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) invites applications from young Christians belonging to the Presbyterian and other members churches in Asia to serve as stewards for the Asia Mission Conference (AMC) to be held in Yangon, Myanmar from 11 to 17 October 2017.

The stewards program will last for 10 days, including three days of ecumenical formation training and pre-AMC orientation; with arrival on 8 October and departure on 17 October 2017.